Chapter 43

EX17E As One


The EX17E girls sat in class before school started and they just had a moment to relax in silence.
No one was really at school yet so the girls all lounged around and a few if them were just relaxing  while some were taking notes.
"Dude. Class hasn't even started an you took two pages of notes already." Emma chuckled and nudged Jasmine.
"Since you guys don't really have to be nerds, I don't see the point of acting like them." Minzy shrugged while finishing the curls in Amanda's hair.
"Well, I'm just naturally smart so I don't need to take notes." Kalena smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"Says the girl who can't even do multiplication from the top of her head." Cat chuckled and went back to her note taking.
"Yah!" Kalena yelled and lightly kicked her sister.
"Stop! You're gonna get my clothes dirty!" Cat pouted and pushed her sister's foot away.
"You guys!" Jasmine sighed frustratedly. "I can't concentrate!"
"It was KALENA'S fault." Cat complained and started to read her textbook.
"Typical sisters." Eli smirked and nudged Suesha.
"Excuse me? You never introduced us to Lindie so we wouldn't know." Suesha snapped her fingers in a 'z' formation and did a head rotation.
"Psh." Next time." Eli laughed.
"Eliiiiiiii!!!!!!" A voice squealed from down the hallway.
"Hah, more like right now." Suesha pushed Eli to stand up.
In rushed a girl about Eli's height and had straight long black hair. She looked like she ran about a mile just to get to class because she was panting.
"Wassup?" Eli smiled.
"Oppa keeps trying to take my lunch!" Lindie pouted and pointed down the hall.
"Which oppa?" Eli asked and tilted her head.
"Sungyeol oppa." Lindie sighed.
"That little..." Eli clenched her fists together. "I'll be back. Lindie stay with these girls."
Eli left the classroom and left Lindie dumbfounded. She turned around and smiled to the girls who were staring at her, or more like, judging her.
"Hello..." Lindie sheepishly smiled.
"Hi." Emma said quickly and stood up. "You're Lindie?" 
The latter nodded and became a bit nervous. Her smile toned down a bit and became a small grin.
"So Lindie," Amanda stood up next to Emma. "Why did Eli ask which oppa?" 
"Oh, Eli diesnt talk about our family much, does she?" Lindie chuckled.
"Nope!" Minzy popped into the conversation.
"We have two step brothers. Sungyeol and Myungsoo." Lindie smiled at everyone.
"WHAAAAA????" Suesha quickly stood up and scrambled to Lindie.
Suesha widened her eyes and grabbed Lindie's shoulders. 
"You mean Myungsoo, the Myungsoo, is Eli's step brother and she never told me?!?" Suesha freaked out.
Lindie nervously smiled and nodded her head. Suesha let go and pretended to faint.
Right then, Eli walked back into the room with a lunch box in one hand and Sungyeol in the other. Behind them walked in Myungsoo, or as he prefers, L.
Eli pushed Sungyeol to Lindie and threw the lunch box to her.
"Apologize." Eli demanded.
"Sorry!" Sungyeol threw a glare at Eli.
"Jeez. I've never seen you so aggressive." Myungsoo laughed, making Suesha squeal quietly to herself.
"Whatever. Now leave." Eli pointed at the two boys.
Before they left, they looked around to the other girls and smiled to themselves.
"Let's meet your friends first." Sungyeol smiled and ran past Eli to hide behind Emma and Minzy.
"Uh, hi?" Emma turned to look at the boy clinging on to her.
"Nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're Emma! Eli talks about you guys a lot." Sungyeol smirked and kept running from girl to girl.
He stopped at the three sisters and Cherie. He cautiously looked at them and tuned back to Myungsoo, who was talking to Suesha, or more like, killing her with his smirk.
"Have we met before?" Sungyeol asked the girls.
Jasmine looked up from her paper and fixed her glasses. "No, not that I remember."
"You don't seem familiar." Kalena shrugged.
"It's a common mistake. We look like a lot of people." Cat nodded.
Sungyeol gave them a quizzical look and walked away, still leaving wonders in his head.
Cherie sighed and poked Jasmine in the head. "Good save."
"Yeah. As long as we don't have to fight infinite again, we'll be okay." Jasmine sighed.
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WeirdMe0302 #1
Chapter 47: this is ing awesome! i cant wait to see whats ahead!
youknowyouwantme #2
so its exile... ooh can't wait to see what you've come up with!