
The boy at the Grocery store

"Ugggh! Why is everyone and thier momma at the store today?" Thea mummbled to her self, as she searched up and down the parking lot to the grocery store, dilligently looking for a parking space. She puffed her cheeks out and ran her hand through her slightly-longer-than-shoulder length dark brown curly hair in exasperation.

"Finally," She sighed as she pulled into a parking spot near the far end of the store. After rolling up the car windows, and unplugging her phone from the auxillary cord,  she turned off the car, and started the long trek to the front of the store.


After searching high and low all over the refridgerated isle, she found the last 2 containers of pre-cut watermelon. Thea threw it in the cart, and started to walk down different isles looking for anything else she, or her family might need. She walked down the bread isle, remebering the house was getting low on those precious carbs. After scanning the shelfs for a few seconds she spot the bread brand her family perfered, however, there was only one loaf left, and it was in the very back of the very top shelf. Thea reached and reached but couldn't quite reach it. She tried getting on her tippy toes, but was still just out of reach, her finger tips just grazing the outer plastic. Suddenly she saw a hand come out of nowhere, grabbing the last load of bread of the shelf. *Did some one really just steal MY loaf of bread !?* Thea thought to herself.

        "Here you go, " A deep voice said, Thea looked up to see the face of the voice's owner, instantly slightly dropped at the sight before her. He had blonde hair that skimed his eyebrows that contrasted against his slightly tanned skin. His features were impeccable,*Dang your parents did a good job* Thea thought to herself,

   "You wanted this one right? I saw you struggling so I thought I'd help you out," The stranger said, while setting the bread in Thea's cart, and scratching the back of his neck with his free hand.

  "O-oh, Thank you, " Thea managed to get out , and flashed this mystery man a small smile, 

 " Oh, No problem," He gave her a smile that threatened her heart to stop beatting for a second, Shamlessly exposing his perfectly aligned white teeth.

"YO, L.JOE!" A short kid, who looks like he is barely 16 called out,

"You need to go work the register, we're mad understaffed today," The short kid said while he pushed a large cart passed us, and begain to restock the shelves.

And with that,  the stranger, suppousedly named L.Joe, said bye and walked off.



"Aish, all the lines are so long, *Tch* " Thea said quietly to herself and found the shortest line to wait in.

After waiting 15 minutes in line, she finally got to the front,

"Oh, its you! Bread girl !" Recognizing the voice,  Thea immeadiately tore her eyes off of her Instagram feed, to lock eyes with this seemingly flawles guy she barely met.

"You know I have a name right?" Thea said amusingly

"And what would that be?" L.Joe said, while he was ringing up her groceries


"Pretty name for a pretty girl, " Thea inwardly cringed at the cheesy line L.Joe just laid down. After she paid  Ljoe handed her, her recipt and smiled at her, with the customary ' Have a good day,"






I hope you guys like it !!

Please commment and tell me what you think ! !

(P.s. sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes the chapter isnt edited :/ )



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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 7: Updated soon please
nini56 #2
Chapter 7: I like this story hopefully you will try to update because i think its great :)
Chapter 6: Well seeing as how the story is just getting started, I don't have much to say. But I can say so far I like how the story is going and I how for it to continually progress.
Chapter 4: LUCKY THEAAAAAAA !!!!!!! ~
Chapter 1: Can't wait to read the next updates !!!!!!!^^ it's so good and it's only the first chapter woooow ~