| lee haerin

War Summoner
Haerin furrowed her eyebrows, sniffing the air as the unpleasantly strong scent of metallic filled her nose - the smell of blood reeked from the scene as her dark brown eyes darted back and forth to take a closer look at the surrounding. She in a deep hiss as her vision lead to the environment; the deep crimson blood stained the pavement as the same liquid trailed down from the still freshly cut wounds imprinted on the victim’s body. Looking to her left, she saw Daehyun whose face has slightly ran pale in color, trying to keep himself as sane as possible as he inspected the gore like scene in front of him. Years into the job already and the male could sometimes still not accustom to look at the grotesque scenes.
Pulling on a pair of gloves, Haerin carefully stepped onto the scene, intruding the area within the yellow ‘keep out’ tape. "Found anything?" Haerin asked, running her white gloves over the tables and shelves in hope of finding fingerprints or anything of that sort.
"Not yet." Daehyun responded, bending down to check the victims as his lips paled at the sight of the three dead bodies up close. The scene was extremely ghastly - if possible a bit too ghastly for him to handle that is. Leaving things like this to the forensic was always the best idea.
Strutting over to Daehyun, Haerin placed her hand on his shoulder, catching the male's attention. "I'll head back to headquarters to report the case and file for our possible suspects."
Daehyun nodded before getting off his knees, becoming a bit taller than the girl in his perspective of standing on foot. "I'll call the forensic over right away to have a closer look at the scene." Daehyun informed as the female cop nodded before adding, "If you were able to find anything, just send it over and I'll have the forensic team process it by latest tomorrow morning." She earned a nod of understanding from Daehyun before he returned to work.
Leaving the scene, her eyes squinted the moment her vision was attacked by the sudden bright rays of sunshine. Haerin heaved a sigh the moment her face came in contact with a gush of nature's wind. Fresh air was deffinetly refreshing after spending some time in a surrounding that only brought the overwhelming smell of metallic blood to your nose. Heading towards the office, the cop walked down the streets as a million thoughts seem to be relentlessly floating around in her mind.
Haerin was a cop, she's been one for a year already and now at the age of 24, she should be feeling accomplished that her life's dream had come true. But yet, somehow she didn't get that feeling immense feeling of accomplishment that everyone else had claimed reaching their dream to feel like. Indeed she did feel somewhat proud that those years of hard work had paid off and hasn't gone to waste - but there was something missing within her.
Her eyes trailed down as she took a look upon what she was wearing. A police uniform. It screamed of her authority, of her power in this society but yet - she wasn't as happy as she had imagined herself to be. She had wanted to feel proud for being acknowledged as a police officer by everyone as they see her in uniform, her hard earned badge pinned to her blazer,  but to her surprise, it didn't feel like the way it was supposed to.
A taut frown pulled upon her lips as her mind floated back to murder case. There was a total of 3 people killed; a male and female who were parents to a 7 year old child - who was also mercilessly killed along with her parents. Why? Just for the family's money.
A hiss didn't fail to escape as Haerin was once again reminded of how sick society was. Nothing has changed since thirteen years ago, society is still as cruel as if was before, if not, even more sick and messed up.
Her desire to become a police officer, it had all came to her when she was twelve years of age. Young Haerin was just a regular child that time and was on a summer break trip from the US to Korea with her parents. They had missed their homeland and were excited to come in contact with the land’s air and people once again.
It was that night that the desire to be a cop filled her - the night she had witnessed a murderer. A man against another man and in the end, only one of them could win. What happened to the other was the cruelest scene a twelve year old year had to witness in her life. Even until now as a full grown adult, she couldn’t get the image out from her head. The desperate look on the  man’s face as he begged for mercy and cried for help, only to realized he was running out of air to survive by the moment. The painful screech as the knife plunged it’s way into his body, the liquid once running in his veins now stained his clothes, dripping from his stomach all while the villain watched, lips pulling up into a vain smile.

Young Haerin watched from afar, witnessing the whole scene as her body shook uncontrollably. She wanted to help - but what could she do? A twelve year old girl would possibly - no, for sure - get killed if she were to come in and try to play hero. So that’s why she was determined to someday become a real hero, a police officer that would protect and keep this society safe and crime free. Seeing how the police came to the scene quicker than the blink of an eye after receiving the call from the girl who ran in search of the nearest phone booth with two leftover quarters in her pocket, she was struck by true admiration. The murderer didn’t traumatize the girl, though for one part it had truly opened her eyes to the dark side of society and played a major part, if not was the entire reason behind her desire to become a cop.
Haerin’s eyebrows furrowed as she remembered the scene and couldn’t help but feel utter disgust towards the latter who would soon be taken to court and punished by the law. But confusion struck her again as she wondered why she isn’t feeling as proud and accomplished as she should be. Remembering how much excitement fill her body as the young girl finally realized what she wanted to spend her life chasing, the effort she had put into persuading her parents to let her pursue that job when they had clearly disapproved of her decision in the beginning - all of that had definitely paid off. Yet, why isn’t she completely happy?
Eyes scanning her surrounding, she spotted an old man sitting at the trunk of a tree, reaching out in attempt to beg for some money. He was dressed in what you would simply called rags - she doubt his clothing would provide him any warmth of protection. Passing by were a couple of high school students, age which she could have guessed to be 18 or 19. Haerin didn’t fail to see the look they had shot the poor man who was asking for money; it was disgust towards the poor, disgust towards the weak in society.
“Do you need some money?” one of them spoke up, bending down to the man’s level as he nodded in response. His voice was clearly one full of mockery. A dirty smirk pulled on the younger’s lips as he waved a five dollar bill in front of the elder’s face. “Do you want this?” His smirk grew even wider as he leaned in closer to the man’s face, fully aware that every word coming out of his mouth had provided some spit to come along with it.  “Then beg for it.” The rowdy group of students bursted out in laughter, high fiving each other as Haerin felt herself slowly starting to get enraged by the scene.
“You, over there.” The younger latter titled his head in her direction, catching the sight of the female walking her way towards him. Her voice scream authority and the clothing she was wearing scream of power and control. Raising his eyebrow at the cop, he casually asked, “What’s up?”
“If you’re going to give him the money, give it. If not, just mind your own business and leave him alone.” Haerin demanded as the male shot her a look of challenge. “And if I don’t? What are you going to do about it, cop?” His voice almost dripped of venom as spat the sentence in her face, the word cop hitting her like a direct bullet in the heart.
“This cop can bring you up to the law and easily put you in juvenile hall for a couple weeks.” she shot back, earning what seemed to be shrug of ignorance from him. “You got lucky today old man.” Throwing the dollar bill onto the ground - not forgetting to step on it before he went - the young male took off with his group of friends. Haerin frowned in distaste, not being able to remember how many times she had to deal with situations like this.
She didn’t need to ask herself anymore. The answer to her question was right there.
It’s because society is still as sick as before.


Author's note: Sorry for the late start but better late than never otl. I'll try to update this every Saturday, though I can't fully promise but I'll try. I'm glad a lot of you have found interest in this story and I'm excited myself too! Though it's a really slow and boring start, it'll get better. At least I hope so /bricked Happy reading and I would appreciate some feedback. Really motivates me ya know?


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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for updating ^_^ Please update soon!
Claudine_NG #2
Chapter 2: Woah... She's gonna have a sudden change of heart. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 1: I can't wait for your update. Your story screams for social awareness. <3 I'll be (impatiently) waiting.
Chapter 1: hi! this is definitely an amazing story ^^ loved how you explained every things. could really felt how sick those society in this story.. so wondering how will Haerin "heal" them? looking forward 2nd chapter
adelinaribeiro9 #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
omg, can't wait!! It's gonna be daebak!
BabyVIP321 #7
Can't wait i already know it will be fantastic!
I can't wait for this omg OuO I look forward to your updates~!
--daedreamer #9
I was hoping to find a good fic based off of Badman because the video and lyrics were pure perfection and this is just. I am happy. ;~;