About Me

Things you should know about me:
Where do you come from: CANADA! :D (where the mooses are!)
What gender are you: 100% Female
If you were an animal, what would you be: A CAT! I was probably one in a past life. >^..^< meow~
Your ever conflicting bias list in KPOP: 
it's complicated don't ask bye.
When you grow up, what do you wish to become: When I was in kindergarten I told my teacher that I wanted to be a catterpillar... is that still acceptable now ouo?
Your personality:
Forever a contradiction.
> I hate people.
^Lemme clear that up a tad. If I know you and we're friends, than you're cool people, but if I don't know you it'll take me a long time to get used to you and actually warm up to you. 
>I hate being alone though....
>I eat everything. All the food is mine.
>I'm loud and outgoing/very outspoken.
>ouo <--- me all the time.
Favourite colour(s): Green Blue and Violet
If I haven't been updating, this is why:  There may be a couple of reasons:
1. I'm busy
2. Tumblr.
3. I'm probably just in a mood and will come back after crying for three weeks.
4. I forgot to upload.
Anything else you would like to say:
Ah yes, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this (if you actually did) and feel free to message me anything at anytime, I would be more than happy to talk to you (:  I would also like to thank you for checking out my story(ies) if you have! If there is a lack of update, then I'm terribly sorry and I try to update as frequently as I possibly can but sometimes life just comes in and I have to kick it's . 

Please, look for me on tumblr if you want:  http://wuyichann.tumblr.com/
^(All my other links are there so if you'd like more of my social media, it's there~!)

Well, I guess that's it! If you have any further questions, or just want someone to talk to, then there's a 99.9% chance that I'm not distracted and will be more than happy to talk with you as well.