I swear my intentions tonight were pure..were.

Imperfectly Perfect
Daehyun's Pov

"Daehyun. What the hell are you doing?" Nia frowned. "Babe. Just trust me." I said peeking to make sure she was still blindfolded. "This is weird. I don't like not being able to see." She groaned. "Just a few more steps Nia. Hold on." I coaxed. She sighed but followed me without another word. I stopped walking then turned to look at her more closely. She had her hair in curls and a form fitting yellow dress. She wore heels that made her legs look like the greatest sin on earth. She wore a jean jacket over her arms with small studs on the collar. Her make up was just eyeliner and chapstick. Simple but still y. "Daehyun." She called my name and snapped me from my thoughts. I grinned then took the blindfold off of her.

She gasped and looked around in awe. It was the same restaurant I had taken her to when she decided to be friends with me. I had convinced the owner to let me use it tonight and to decorate it to my tastes. I strung white lights and paper lamps all over the ceiling and had soft music playing in the background. "This place is beautiful!" She cooed. "Not as beautiful as you but it comes slightly close." I gloated. Nia rolled her eyes and hit my shoulder. "So corny." She laughed. "Doesn't make it any less truthful." I winked. I brought her over to a small table for two and pulled out her chair. "For the most beautiful girl in the world. A seat for thy finest ." I joked. She shook her head and sat down. "Its still weird to know that I'm with you." She said shaking her head. "And why is that?" I asked as I took my seat across from her. "I don't know. It just is. You went from being my best friend to being my boyfriend. Its weird." She shrugged. "In my defense, I always wanted to be with you. Just putting it out there." I winked.

She blushed then coughed slightly. "So what's on the menu?" She asked shyly as she looked at the covered plates on the table. "I have a mixture of Korean and Trinidadian food. No, I didn't make doubles so don't ask." I pointed when her face lit up. "I'm excited to try all of this." She giggled. I took the tops off the plates and made her a plate. She began digging in while I fixed mine and groaned. "This i delicious!" She sighed happily. "I know." I replied cockily. She glared at me playfully and continued eating. I moved the food around on my plate and hummed. "Dae? What's wrong?" Nia asked quietly. "Nothing." I smiled and scooped some rice into my mouth. She gave me a look and crossed her arms while she waited for me to speak.

"I love you." I mumbled and looked down. I heard a soft laugh escape from her. I looked up to see her looking at me lovingly. "I love you too Daehyun." She smiled. "No, I'm in love with you. More than how a best friend loves one another. I love you like...like.." I frowned as I drew a blank. I couldn't find the words and I swore I had went over them enough times last night so I wouldn't look stupid right now. Mission failed. "I'm in love with you too Daehyun. Really." She laughed again then held my hand in hers. "You're not getting it Nia. I'm ...wait what? You do?" I asked surprised. "Duh." She leaned over and beckoned me closer. I complied and felt her full lips on mine. "I love you with all my heart Jung Daehyun." She whispered. "I love you too Nia De Peana." I pulled back and stood up then stretched. "What are you doing?" She looked at me oddly. I gave her a smoldering look then burst out laughing when she jumped back.

"I'm trying to be the y boyfriend." I said as I took her hand in mine then pulled her up. "You don't have to try. Trust me." She wrapped her arms around my neck and played with my hair. "Don't start something you aren't going to finish." I groaned and tossed my head back. "Who said I wasn't planning on finishing?" She whispered huskily and on my neck. I felt my pants tighten and whimpered. "Nia." I begged when I felt her hands on my chest under my shirt. "We should go to my place and watch a movie." She suggested then broke away from me. I inwardly groaned then cleared my throat. "What movie did you have in mind?" I asked as I went to clean up our dinner. "There's this movie I've been dying to see. It stars you, me, my bed and a pair of handcuffs." She trailed her fingers along my back slowly. "What...oh." I broke the glass in my hand when I realized she wanted the same thing I did. Except she wanted a tape to go along with it.

Every man would be envious of me if they knew she'd be into that. Who knew my sweet little Nia is a closeted freak? I felt a pair of warm hands on my face and shook out of my thoughts. "Oh my god. Daehyun! Are you ok? Say something! Please! Was I too forward? Is your hand ok?" Nia asked worriedly. I chuckled then looked at the broken glass on the table. Somehow I didn't get glass in my hand. I brushed my hands on my pants then grabbed her hands. "I'm fine but lets go back to your place before I ruin that pretty dress." I bit my lips and winked. The worry faded from her face and was replaced by lust. "So what we waitin for?" She asked in her native dialect. I squeaked in frustration and began pulling her to the car. "What about the mess?" She asked breathlessly as she tried to keep up. "The owners will understand." I assured her then yanked the car door open. As soon as she was in, I raced over to the driver's side and hauled towards her house.
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The y will be in Nia's Pov...soon! Heh heh


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jellybeanz135 #1
Chapter 8: Dat moment when ur from Trinidad proud to be a Trinidadian at this moment
Chapter 8: Wooh! Relationship goals right here :) and she got me meet Zelo! Lol I don't think I've ever paid much attention to him but you're about to make me lol
Your Zelo is so wonky, I love him haha.
Chapter 4: Zelo nooooo! ... Zelo NOOOO! lol I'm dying like why is little zelo so dirty!! And what was he gonna do with that lamp! Oh my God haha
Besides that though I like Nia and I hope Daehyun can convince her that there's nothing wrong with a little cushion ;)
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 8: Zelo is crazy
mellyfly #5
Chapter 8: Aww, the friends meeting went so well! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet your SOs friends... I wonder if Junhong will meet her friend?
Nehra21 #6
Chapter 6: Like this story so far. Looking forward to the updates.
Lotuspassion #7
Update soon to the next chapter
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 1: Update soon please I want to see how far there relationship goes
Baebaegopa #9
Chapter 6: Im weakkk. Update please
Lotuspassion #10
Chapter 2: I love how bold and blunt he is and speaks his mind.