Just Friends

Imperfectly Perfect
Nia's Pov

"He probably thought that you sounded like an island breeze in the summer. Face it, your accent draws people in." My best friend Jasmin cackled over the phone .."I'm being so serious Jaz. He's actually cute and he was asking me on a date. Something is up." I sighed. "Nia, Nia, Nia. He's a little weird but I think he really likes you honey." She spoke softly. "After a few minutes of meeting me? Right. I'll call you back tomorrow. I have a long day ahead of me." I sighed again as I thought of my work load. I just HAD to be a double major. "Fine. I guess I can continue to annoy you later. Tell my future brother in law I said HI!" She giggled then ended the line before I could yell at her.

I shook my head then turned in for bed. I woke up early the next day and decided to wear my hair out. "Its been 4 years since I last straightened my hair. Let's see how this goes." I mumbled as I pulled out all the things I would need. I began the process and screamed at what I saw. "My hair is on my ! Oh my goodness." I squealed. I finished the rest of my hair in two hours and slipped into some form fitting jeans and a nice shirt. I grabbed a pair of sandals then looked in the mirror. "If this doesn't get me the job, then nothing will." I smiled at my reflection for a moment then picked up my portfolio and headed to H&M. I could feel my nerves creeping back on me and the radio to relax. "The dogs days are over, the dog days are done." I sang along to the radio and smiled. This song always relaxes me.

I pulled up to H&M in no time and felt confident that I'd get the job. I walked in the building and smiled the best smile I could. "Hi, you must be Nia. Follow me please." A small blonde girl said when she noticed me. I followed behind her and sat in the chair. "Our manager will be here in a minute. So why do you want to work here if you don't mind my asking." She asked nicely. "I love the store and I wouldn't mind having extra money on the side." I answered truthfully. She laughed then asked to see my portfolio. "You applied at Ambercrombie and Fitch?" She rose a brow then looked at me. "Yeah, this was before I knew about the whole anti-fat thing. Worst interview ever." I laughed lightly. "You have all the credentials so you should've been hired. No matter. You're hired here. Welcome to the team Nia." She stood up to shake my hand. "What? Really? I-I thought we were waiting for the manager?" I stuttered. "I'm the manager Nia. I want to see how genuine the applicants are before I reveal myself. You start in two weeks." She smiled at me again. "Thank you!" I jumped up and gave her a hug then ran out to make it in time for class.

I hopped in my car and sped to class with a giant smile on my face. I parked in the student parking and quickly made my way to class. I gave my professor an apologetic smile before heading to my seat. I could feel stares from my peers and blushed madly. "Wow." An amazed voice whispered on the side of me. I glanced over to see the guy from yesterday looking at me with a comical expression. "What?" I whispered then touched my hair self consciously. "You look beautiful." He smiled. "T-thank you." I inwardly groaned at myself for tripping over my words. I turned my attention back to the board and took down some notes. I saw a slightly tanned hand slide over a piece of paper and wiggle it to get my attention. I rolled my eyes at his obviousness and opened it. "I know you said you don't want to go on a date with me but at least be my friend? I want to be able to gloat about knowing the most beautiful girl on campus. Let's hang out tonight!" I folded the paper back and went back to taking notes until class was over.

I heard him let out a defeated sigh and began packing up his belongings when class ended. "See you next class." He mumbled then walked out of the class. I laughed then easily caught up with him. "I thought you wanted to hang out?" I asked. He turned around then rolled his eyes. "What are you playing at? First you ignore me, which was fine because I came off kinda creepy. Then you hurt my feelings by ignoring the note and then ignoring me again and now you wanna hang out with me after two days of cold shoulder? No." He spat. "Why do you want to hang out with me so bad?" I countered, ignoring his question for the time being. "I thought that most guys tried to talk to girls they find interesting. Sorry for being attracted to you." He waved his arms in the air in mock then turned around to walk away. "I'd love to go on a date with you Daehyun. As friends of course." I smiled. "Really?" He frowned. "Yeah." I smiled again.

"Well come on girl. I'm starving!" He grabbed my arm and led me to a nice car and opened my door. I got inside and laughed when he rushed to the drivers side and excitedly pulled off. He the radio and began singing along with it. "You have a really nice voice Daehyun." I giggled at the faces he made when he hit the high notes. "Thanks beautiful. Oh, here we are." He parked the car and came over to my side and held his hand out. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at his hand. "Being a gentleman?" He laughed. He helped me out of the car and swung our hands together. "I hope you like Japanese food." He grinned and held the door open. I shrugged then walked inside and froze. I was the biggest person in here. I turned around to leave when Daehyun blocked my path. "Where's the fire? My favorite spot is open. Let's go sit." He grabbed my hand again and led me to a window seat in the front of the restaurant.

"I hope this isn't some joke." I thought as a waiter came over and winked at Daehyun. "Hi Daehyunnie. What can I get you today?" She asked cutely. "The usual with extra hot sauce. You're gonna love it Nia." He winked at me and wiggled around in his seat. "What can I get you to drink?" The girl asked me as she held back a grin. "Um. Green Tea?" I asked. "Your order will be out shortly. Nice top." She said to me before walking away. "You aren't going to do something that'll make me stab you? Are you?" I asked looking around. "No. Now let's get to know each other. Where are you from?" He leaned forward and placed his hand under his chin. "Trinidad." I answered. "Really? I knew it was somewhere tropical. You sound amazing. How long have you been in the states?" He asked with a smile. "Since I was 12. My accent seems to get stronger as I get older." I laughed. "I love it." He moved back so the waiter could place our drinks on the table. "What about you? Where are you from?" I asked as I mixed my drink. "South Korea. I've been her for about 4 years." He nodded. "Only four? Why don't you have a strong accent?" I asked confused. "Don't know. Ooh, foods here!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

I looked around slightly embarrassed but noticed not one person batted an eye at his out burst. "Eat." He pointed to my plate and waited for me to try it. I took a piece of chicken into my mouth and moaned. "That's really good." I said amazed. "I know right?" He laughed before digging into his food. By the time I was halfway finished with my plate, he was on his third one. "Where is it all going?" I whispered. He stopped eating and gave me a sheepish grin. "I really like to eat. My mom once thought I was born with a tapeworm because of how much I ate." I shook my head and continued to eat. Once we were done, the waiter came over and took our plates. "I'm surprised he didn't ruin your shirt." She laughed then gave him the bill. "Where to now?" He asked when we got back to the car. "Um, I was just gonna go home." I blushed. "Home? Nope, we're going for ice cream!" He started the car and drove to an ice cream parlor. "What kind do you want?" He asked looking at the menu. "Uhhh. Butter Pecan." He looked back at me and grinned. "That's my favorite kind, I mix it with cappuccino though." I frowned at the mix but decided to try it.

"Daehyun! This is so good. I'm never going back to just plain Butter Pecan ever again." I moaned after my first taste. "See? And you thought hanging with me was gonna be bad." He gave me a playful push and drove to a park. "Can I ask you a question Daehyun?" I looked at him and snorted when I saw he had ice cream on his nose. "Sure. Oh thanks." He blushed when I wiped his nose. "Why do you want to be friends with me so bad? Be honest." I watched him lower his dessert and sigh. "Is it really so hard to believe that I'm actually into you?" He stressed. "Yeah it is. You're really attractive Daehyun. I'm twice your size. Its really hard for me to understand your attraction to me. At all." I sighed. "I don't care that you don't understand it, just know that I like you and its not a joke. I'm a grown man Nia. I'm not going to let something as simple as size stop me from liking you." He said with so much sincerity that my heart began to swell. "You're a good friend Dae. Any girl would be lucky to call you her boyfriend. I can't believe I lucked out and found a friend like you." I smiled and gave him a side hug. I almost missed the pained expression on his face when I called him a friend but he hid it and gave me a pat on the back. "Its getting late. We should head back." He stood up and tossed his arm over my shoulder. "We should do this again. I rarely get out the house." I laughed. "You need to live a little Nia!" He yelled. "Scream at the top of your lungs with me. 'I need to live a little!' Come on!" He looked down at me with a huge smile and yelled it again. I joined in soon after but had to stop because I was laughing too much. We got into the car and sang every song on the radio until he parked by my car on campus. "Thanks for this. I really needed it." I leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek then got into my car. I watched him slowly touch his cheek then drive off. "O...k? That was weird." I laughed to myself then drove home.
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The y will be in Nia's Pov...soon! Heh heh


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jellybeanz135 #1
Chapter 8: Dat moment when ur from Trinidad proud to be a Trinidadian at this moment
Chapter 8: Wooh! Relationship goals right here :) and she got me meet Zelo! Lol I don't think I've ever paid much attention to him but you're about to make me lol
Your Zelo is so wonky, I love him haha.
Chapter 4: Zelo nooooo! ... Zelo NOOOO! lol I'm dying like why is little zelo so dirty!! And what was he gonna do with that lamp! Oh my God haha
Besides that though I like Nia and I hope Daehyun can convince her that there's nothing wrong with a little cushion ;)
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 8: Zelo is crazy
mellyfly #5
Chapter 8: Aww, the friends meeting went so well! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet your SOs friends... I wonder if Junhong will meet her friend?
Nehra21 #6
Chapter 6: Like this story so far. Looking forward to the updates.
Lotuspassion #7
Update soon to the next chapter
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 1: Update soon please I want to see how far there relationship goes
Baebaegopa #9
Chapter 6: Im weakkk. Update please
Lotuspassion #10
Chapter 2: I love how bold and blunt he is and speaks his mind.