A Close Unnie X

Happily (N)ever After



Sooyeon ran forward to hug the nurse, forgetting momentarily why she was there. Joo Hyun's mom stepped around the hugging girls to sign her name and Sooyeon’s into the visitor log. Turning back around she smiled lightly  at the scene before turning down the hallway to her son’s room.   

Sooyeon drew back from the embrace, but before she could say anything, the young woman asked, “So how are your studies? You’re working hard?”

“Gee...unnie! I haven’t seen you in awhile and the first thing you talk about is schoolwork. Yes unnie, I missed you too. I’m so glad you missed me,”Sooyeon added sarcastically. Sticking her tongue out childishly, the two hugged once more.

Suddenly remembering she wasn’t alone, Sooyeon looked around the empty waiting area.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“Oh the lady I came with, we’re here to see her son....she probably went on ahead...unnie! I’ll catch up with you later?”

Nodding the nurse let go of Sooyeon’s hand and went back to her desk.  Noting the direction of room 412, Sooyeon turned down the hallway, finally locating her target destination.  Peeking into the room, she couldn’t see anybody.


“Oh aunty! I’m sorry, the nurse is a close unnie whom I haven’t seen in awhile.”

“It’s alright Sooyeon. I just went to the restroom in the meantime....how do you know her?”

“Unnie? She was my tutor when I was in elementary school...I was really sick at the time and couldn’t go to school. Appa was busy with work and omma just had Soojung, so appa asked unnie to me.”

“Ahhh I see....shall we go on?”

Nodding, Sooyeon pulled open the door and gestured for her walk in first.


Coming out into the waiting area, Sooyeon wiped at the tears spilling onto her cheeks. Joo Hyun's mom offered a tissue as she herself dabbed at the tears forming in her own eyes.


“Oh unnie....”

The nurse greeted the two of them as they came out.

“I’m sorry I should have introduced both of you. Aunty, this....”

“Don’t worry Sooyeon, you don’t need to introduce us. We’ve already met. Joo Hyun-shi here is JiSeok’s nurse....and his girlfriend.”



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Chapter 40: I love it!!
priyaa #2

now i shal stalk other ones of your fics XD
pinkypn #3
Chapter 40: i was hoping you would write about how they still stayed close and what happened to them in between the years they was separated to being reunited again
Chapter 40: I will read ur new story hahha, sadly this has ended
yingyangbutterfly #5
Chapter 40: Ah, forty chapters. It's a good number to finish with. Great job on pulling through and I'm really, truly glad that you came back to what you originally wanted for this story. I'll be reading your other stories once I get a chance, so until then!

Congratulations, and a wonderful job done. :)))
love the story o u o
Chapter 37: Until now, i still don get what kind of weak body sooyeon had but anyway, congrats to yonghwa
yingyangbutterfly #8
Chapter 37: Woohoo! Although it was expected, I'm happy that Yonghwa made it! Oh, and you actually wrapped up the whole incident of Sooyeon letting go of her one-sided love really well. Her motives were totally understandable for her character and reasonable, something that doesn't always happen in fanfiction. ><

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter on Thursday! :)))
priyaa #9
Chapter 36: wahhhhhhh.. what a r/s -feeling the love- XD

YongSeo moment ...please????