Look Forward

Happily (N)ever After


Hiii! sorry for the delay, there was Thanksgiving (I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! ^^) and then I got sick over the weekend too (boo!) So I've been resting and trying to do some schoolwork. I'm not having a very productive semester -_-"" 

disclaimer: I don't think this chapter is written that well. I'm not good at writing out emotions, but I hope you readers at least get an idea of what I'm trying to get at. 

BUT in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I really do have to say: Thank you for all who read!! Subscribers, Commenters, Silent Readers! All of you! It helps me to know that there is at least someone else out there who is at least interested in this story. Thank you, thank you all!! ^^

With that said, the next update is probably going to be at the end of this week: Friday/Saturday (hopefully the former). So much homework and projects to get done. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this next part!!! 

And my ranting is done! Commence reading! ^^



“…the next part has to be a bit faster or else it’s going to sound as if the whole piece is just in one tempo. I was thinking we could…” “Seo Hyun-ah!!”

Seo Hyun looked up from her book at the sound of her name and saw Yoona waving. Waving back, she closed her book and walked over. They quickly hugged in greeting, the two not having seen in each other for several weeks. Yoona withdrew from the hug and stepped back to Jonghyun’s side, his hand automatically clasping hers.

Greeting Jungshin and Minhyuk, Seo Hyun turned her attention to Yonghwa who only gave her a nod of the head. She smiled at him hoping to elicit another response but he just continued his conversation with Jonghyun.

“What are you still doing here?”

“Oh Yoona~, I was waiting for omma and oppa, they’re going to the hospital for oppa’s rehab and I’m going with them.”

“That’s great. How’s your oppa feeling?”

“Good, he’s been resting a lot. How are you? I haven't seen you in awhile.”

“I'm good, thanks. I went to a ballet training camp with the department in Busan. I've been catching up on all my schoolwork since getting back. Ah, sorry Seo Hyun, we have to get going. I'll see you soon?”

Nodding Seo Hyun watched as Yoona squeezed Jonghyun’s hand and whispered in his ear about the time. Checking his watch, he told the guys they had to get to Yoona’s dance rehearsal. Jungshin and Minhyuk also said goodbyes, needing to see their homeroom teachers.

Yonghwa waved goodbye to his friends and started walking toward the school’s front gate.

“Oppa…” Seo Hyun shyly spoke up.

Yonghwa stopped in his tracks and turned around to find Seo Hyun standing close behind, having followed him from the courtyard.


“A-re you okay?”


“Is anything wrong?”

Sighing Yonghwa rubbed his head, “Listen I have to be somewhere.”


Giving a nod Yonghwa continued walking out of the school yard. Seo Hyun stared after him wondering about his behavior towards her. She was shaken out of her thoughts by her phone’s ringing. “Ah omma, I’ll be right there.” Shaking her head to forget about what just happened she ran out of the school.

Yonghwa clenched his fists, feeling his nails press into his palms. He stood a few feet from the gate and watched Seo Hyun run out and get into a waiting car. Seeing her leave, he turned around and once again continued his walk back home. His eyes hardened at the thought of the younger girl, his eyebrows drawing together and his breathing became louder. Feeling the pain from his nails that were still pressed into his palms, he loosened them and shook his head to clear his mind.

But his visit with Sooyeon to see their mom’s ashes kept coming back into his mind. “The last time I tell anyone other than Jonghyun, Jungshin and Minhyuk about anything,” he muttered. His steps quickened as his anger came back. He was so lost in thought he didn’t hear a voice calling his name until someone tugged on his sleeve. “Oppa!!”

Startled out of his thoughts he jumped back, “Yah!”

“Oppa…what’s wrong?”

“Oh Soojung~ah, sorry…oppa was thinking about something.”

“I can tell…” shaking her head at Yonghwa’s behavior, Soojung fell into step with him as the two headed into their apartment building.

“Wait…” Yonghwa suddenly stopped and gripped Soojung by her shoulder. “Why are you coming back by yourself? Where’s abeoji?”

“He said he had a meeting so he couldn’t pick me up after my class. Don’t worry oppa, I walked most of the way back with Jinri. We separated just as I saw you walking by.” Soojung was quick to explain before Yonghwa could give her a lecture about walking by herself.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Yonghwa nodded accepting her answer and not giving her a hard time.

Soojung peered curiously at her oppa, wondering about his strange behavior but willing to stay quiet in order to have a lecture-less elevator ride over any nagging.

“Unnie, we’re home!!”

“Soojung~, ah oppa…you two came together?”

“We ran into each other outside of the building. I’m going to use the bathroom first oppa. I gotta pee!”

Yonghwa shooed her away with one hand as his other fiddled with his bootlaces. 



“Is anything wrong? You look funny….”

Yonghwa smiled at Sooyeon and came forward to pat her shoulder. “I’m good. Just tired out from all this studying.”

“Yonghwa you’re home.”

“Abeoji…Soojung said you had a meeting.”

“I finished it. You should go in and change your clothes.”

“I will…”

Yonghwa winked at Sooyeon and walked towards his own bedroom. Dropping his bag down on the floor he changed out of his school uniform and settled onto his chair, wanting to get some reviewing done before dinner. Grabbing his math book he placed it on top of some papers and started reviewing the formulas again.

“Oppa! Dinner!” Soojung pushed open the bedroom door to let him know.

“I’ll be right there.”

Stretching out his back from bending over, Yonghwa closed his book and pushed it to the side and noticed the papers lying underneath.

“Julliard Application Packet”

“Wh….” Yonghwa picked up the papers and flipped through them.

“Yonghwa, apply.”

Yonghwa looked up to find his father standing in the doorway. “Abeoji…how…”

“Sooyeon already asked you to apply….I’m asking you to apply too.”


Sighing Yunho walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. “Your music teacher called me and asked why you would reject the chance to apply. Your sister overheard the conversation and she offered to speak with you first about it. My meeting today was at your school. I met with your teacher to pick up the packet for you and to find out more.”


Yunho came over to the desk and clapped his son’s shoulder. “Yonghwa, apply. We’ll take it one step at a time….I know your sisters have relied on you more than they probably have on me. I had to work to support us and I know that can’t excuse it, but….I’m really thankful I had you Yonghwa. You helped take care of your sisters and especially Sooyeon. But you have the rest of your life ahead of you.”

“Abeoji, I’m fine with staying in Seoul and studying at any university that takes me.”

“Yonghwa….you had to grow up very quickly. Between Sooyeon being sick and then your omma being sick and then the accident and me being at work all the time. Yonghwa, I want you to live for yourself now. I know you have your dreams. I want you to pursue them. Your omma would want you to take this chance.”


“Like I said, one step at a time okay? Apply first, we’ll go from there.”

Yonghwa blinked back the tears forming in his eyes. Smiling at his father, he got up out of his chair. Clapping the hand still resting on his shoulder, Yonghwa nodded, “Okay, I’ll apply.”

Yunho smiled, grabbing his son into a hug. “Keep looking forward, don’t look back Yonghwa. Your future is ahead of you, not behind.” 


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Chapter 40: I love it!!
priyaa #2

now i shal stalk other ones of your fics XD
pinkypn #3
Chapter 40: i was hoping you would write about how they still stayed close and what happened to them in between the years they was separated to being reunited again
Chapter 40: I will read ur new story hahha, sadly this has ended
yingyangbutterfly #5
Chapter 40: Ah, forty chapters. It's a good number to finish with. Great job on pulling through and I'm really, truly glad that you came back to what you originally wanted for this story. I'll be reading your other stories once I get a chance, so until then!

Congratulations, and a wonderful job done. :)))
love the story o u o
Chapter 37: Until now, i still don get what kind of weak body sooyeon had but anyway, congrats to yonghwa
yingyangbutterfly #8
Chapter 37: Woohoo! Although it was expected, I'm happy that Yonghwa made it! Oh, and you actually wrapped up the whole incident of Sooyeon letting go of her one-sided love really well. Her motives were totally understandable for her character and reasonable, something that doesn't always happen in fanfiction. ><

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter on Thursday! :)))
priyaa #9
Chapter 36: wahhhhhhh.. what a r/s -feeling the love- XD

YongSeo moment ...please????