

[Sunggyu POV]


I was panting heavily, my legs were shaking and I nearly collapsed. Our usual evening jogging seemed much tiring than last time. I stopped and leaned on my knees, crying for more oxygen. 


Dongwoo stood above me and patted my back supportively.

“Come on, we are not even halfway”

Seeing him so hyper made me a bit frustrated. How can he have that much energy? Like a never dying battery, it was inhuman. He was jumping up and down, playing with his tracksuit like a child while I was panting on the ground and probably looked like an old man.

Dongwoo grabbed my right arm and pulled me into a standing position. He didn’t let go of my arm and started to walk slowly, dragging me with himself. Walking was okay, but as soon as my breathing got back to normal, I felt that Dongwoo’s steps became faster and faster and we were running again hand in hand. I tried to free myself, but his hold was too strong; I was sure that he knew I was running only because he was pulling me. Since I wasn’t as fit as him, it became hard to keep his speed but he slowed down a bit when noticed my suffering face.

“Don’t give up, Gyu” he tried to encourage me but my brain hardly could comprehend his words because it was focusing on the pain what started to take control all over my body. My legs were killing me and my lungs wanted to explode. I was about to collapse when suddenly Dongwoo stopped in front of me and I bumped into his back. I nearly fall on my , but he managed to hold me.

“What’s wrong?” I tried to sound as normal is it was possible in my condition but I wanted to cry in happiness that I could breathe again.

“Isn’t it Nam Woohyun?” he asked and pointed to the other side of the street. I followed his finger and saw two men walking down the street, but it was hard to recognize them because of the dark. When they passed under a street lamp I could see his sharp features for a moment. Yes, it was definitely him.

“Since when do you care about him?” I eyed him curiously and he quickly shook his head.

“He is with that handsome dancer guy”

I turned my head back towards them and now I could recognize both of them. That explained everything.

“Hoya. His name is Hoya” I said simply.

“Hoya” he giggled and kept repeating it “Hoya”

“Jesus Dongwoo, don’t fall for him! You don’t even know him”

“Yet. Let’s go and greet them!” He started to walk towards them, but I quickly stopped him by pulling his sweater.
“Are you crazy?” he sent me a questioning look “Woohyun hates me”

He formed an ‘o’ with his mouth “Why?”
That was my favorite question. I was trying to find out the reason since we first saw each other. He never once talked to me and always looked at me with those hateful eyes. If we were around each other he pretended that I was a ghost. If somebody forced him to talk to me he treated me like a child or like rubbish. Deep inside it hurt me that he hadn’t even tried to know me but I surprisingly quickly got used to this and learnt to handle his snobbish attitude.

“It’s getting late, let’s get home”

I my heels and headed to the nearest bus stop.

“Where are you going? You want to take a bus?”

“You don’t expect me to run back, do you?”

He chuckled awkwardly “Well…”

I folded my arms in front of my chest and sat down in the waiting area. Dongwoo stood next to me, not willing to sit down and rest even when I tried to pull him down. He was humming one of his favorite hip-hop song while we waited.

After the bus arrived and we took our seats at the back, I borrowed Dongwoo’s sweater to hide my face. Nothing personal against people, but once a young girl recognized me and it wasn’t a pleasant memory. It happened not long after my debut when we headed home after our jogging, just like now. As the girl took off, she spotted me immediately and started screaming and hugging me, she was totally crazy. If Dongwoo wasn’t with me, I swear I would die there. So since then, I always made sure to hide my face well. I didn’t even move an inch, I just stared out of the window until we had to get off.

As soon as we got home, I throw myself onto the couch and buried my face into a pillow. Dongwoo disappeared in the kitchen and returned with two cups of milkshake in his hands. He placed one of them in the table then sat in the armchair. I heard as he gulped his drink and I felt slight touches on my hair.

“It’s gonna get cold” – he whispered and the slight touches became strong pokes.

I groaned and pushed myself into a sitting position, then grabbed the cup and enjoyed Dongwoo’s special mixture. He never told me what he put into the shake but I didn’t really care until it’s tasty.

“Take a shower, I’ll prepare something for dinner” he said and took away the empty cup from me. I nodded and went to my room to find something comfortable to sleep in. I didn’t bother to search for too long, I got the first tank top and pants out of the wardrobe then locked myself in the bathroom.  I stayed under the shower longer than usual, the warm water helped my muscles to relax. I didn’t know why I was so damn tired but I blamed the idol lifestyle and the lack of sleep for this. I turned off the water, put on my so called pajamas then headed to the kitchen to check on Dongwoo. He was standing at the counter and was cutting the vegetables busily. I asked him if he needed help but he quickly shook his head and told me to rest. I took a seat at the table and watched as he made the food. I owe a lot to him, he took care of me since we were kids. And since we moved here, he is like my mother: he cooks and does all the laundry. Sometimes I wondered who is the older one…but then he opened his mouth.

“Gyu Gee Gee, the food is ready” he placed a full plate in front of me then sat down in front of me with another.  He asked me if I liked his cooking or not about ten times and I always answered him that he is the best cooker I know. I remember when he first cooked for us and it ended in the trashcan but he improved a lot since then. When we finished, I sent Dongwoo to take a shower and I washed the dishes. I finished faster than him but I was too tired to wait for him. I stopped at the bathroom’s door as I went to my room and knocked.

“Good night Woo. Sleep well”

I heard as he turned off the water “You too”



A strange beeping noise woke me up in the morning. I cursed as I tried to find the alarm clock or the phone or whatever made that irritating noise but I failed. I opened my eyes and glanced at my phone and realized that it was my free day. Then why I set an alarm and where it is? Suddenly it stopped and for a moment the silence filled the room, then I heard somebody groan.  I turned around and noticed that I wasn’t alone in my bed. A pink something moved at the other side of the bed then he pulled the blankets off of his head.

“Morning Gyu”

“What are you doing in my bed?” I asked immediately. Okay, we sometimes sleep together but he always asks me before he climbs under my blanket.

“The electricity suddenly went off while I was watching the movie last night and I was so scared” he looked at me with those puppy eyes and I couldn’t be mad at him.

“And why did you brought your alarm clock here?” he blinked a few times then jumped up and ran out of the room.

“ I have school today!” he screamed and I couldn’t help but facepalm myself. I slipped out of the bed and went out to make breakfast for us… or at least something for Dongwoo. I didn’t have too much time so I just made sandwiches and two cups of cocoa. Dongwoo got out of his room in his uniform, holding his ped bag. He threw a bottle of water along with a sandwich in it then placed the now full bag under the chair.

“Wait” I said as I got a closer look on him “Isn’t it my uniform?”

“Ugh sorry, mine is still dirty, I forgot to was it” he massaged his nape awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and bit into my sandwich. I watched Dongwoo as he ran up and down in the house, collecting his stuffs for the day, sometimes coming to the kitchen for a bite of mine sandwich. When he finished he grabbed his cup and disappeared in the living room. I got curious when he didn’t return in a few minutes, so I followed him and immediately spotted him in the couch between thousands of papers. I leaned at the doorframe and couldn’t help but giggle, because I perfectly knew that sigh. He had forgotten to do his homework and now he is trying to catch up – as always.
“Can you do the shopping?” he asked suddenly, not looking up even for a moment, and handed me a small list “I wrote some things down”
“Of course” I took the paper and went back to the kitchen to add some other things to the list.

“Thanks Gyu, see ya later” he hugged me from behind then ran out of the house, almost forgetting his bag. I glanced back to the living room and made a grimace when I saw the huge mess what Dongwoo left behind.

I sighed and quickly changed my clothes, searched for my wallet, then headed to the shop. I decided to go to the small store in the end of the street, because we didn’t need too much things. Besides the old lady and her granddaughter were my fans and always treated me warmly.

When I stepped into the shop the first thing I noticed was the familiar background music. I tried to hide my smile when I heard my own voice coming from the counter. I got a basket and collected the necessary items and some extra chocolate for Dongwoo. He had never said he needs even with a bar, but his shining eyes when I gave them to him told me the opposite. I was about to pay when I spotted the owner in the back of the store, trying to put some cans on the top self but it was too high for her. I stepped next to her and slowly, trying not to scare her, I took the cans out of her hand and placed them on the self. First she didn’t recognize me because of my new hairstyle but when she did, she wrapped her arms around me happily like I was her own son. She asked about my wellbeing and about Dongwoo, then gave me some motherly advice before she let me go home. We even made a few costumers wait and they were a bit frustrated first, but when I smiled and them and said sorry they melt and wanted me to stay longer.

I quickly headed home and put the perishable foods to the fridge then went to the confectionery. It was an idiot habit of mine that every time I did the shopping, I bought some cakes for dinner as well. I messaged to Dongwoo to ask him what kind of cake would he like. He answered me surprisingly fast, I was sure he was playing on his phone in the middle of his class. I scolded him for not paying attention at school and stared at the screen, waiting for his reply.

Suddenly I bumped into someone and we both fell backwards.



Hy my lovely readers~ Sorry for this crap *bows* I had a really... confusing week at school and my internet connection was a so...yeah.
I didn't proofread this, sorry for any mistakes i wrote this chapter at night.
Short and boring, but I think the real story will start from the next chapter... the first 3 chapter was like an introduction, wasn't it?
Anyways.. I saw some of you are curious why this story has a gyujong tag... don't worry there will be gyujong reeeaaally sooooon *hint*

Until the next chapter~~

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 32: OMG! How come it ends so soon?
Wow, it's so good that the chapters flew by~~~~!!!
Like everything good, one always wants more 🥺
Hahahaha in a way Myungsoo won the bet, poor Yeol 😂
I really enjoyed this story in each chapter! I really liked how Woogyu's relationship changed, from hate to love hehe (Myungsoo witch) , but I liked even more that they slowly got to know each other and fell in love ❣️🥺
I honestly enjoyed his scenes a lot❣️ I wonder if Sungjong reconsidered 🤭 hahahaha did those in the drama know that they created a couple? Hahaha oh I loved this history that i wanted it to never end!
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I was very surprised to see my username at the end 😂 what kind of magic is this author-nim? (I'm still clicking to see if it changes hahaha)
Thanks again ~~~
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 28: The story gets better and better😳❣️
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 27: I'm so curious what the script says hahahaha Myungsoo is very happy with the bet
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 26: How nice, they are already progressing🤗
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 24: Finally🥺❣️
DaniaOthk #6
Chapter 22: Es que en serio Woohyun! Llevamos 2/3 del fanfic y tu no recapacitas!
DaniaOthk #7
Chapter 22: Yay woogyu🤭🤭 Recapacita Woohyun!!!
Ay merece una buena regañada este niño asi trata bien a Sunggyu😡😤
Jajajja perdón por ponerlo en español pero tenia qye decirlo 🤭
DaniaOthk #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahaha I still have hope that there will be Woogyu here and Woohyun will reconsider 😔 but it seems that it will be Gyujong instead
DaniaOthk #9
Chapter 14: I'm disappointed in Myungyeol, those scandals can't be erased anymore😔
DaniaOthk #10
Chapter 8: I thought about Kwangmin from Boyfriend hahaha