Friend or Foe


[Woohyun POV]


It had been a long time since I woke up at least half as refreshed as I felt right now. I still had a slight headache but I could easily ignore it. The sunlight hurt my eyes as I blinked sleepily, making me rub them furiously.

My body felt surprisingly great, but my mind was a total chaos. Yesterday’s happenings were a blur mess and it was hard to focus on certain points. I knew I fainted due to exhaustion and I clearly remembered that it was Sunggyu who found and took care of me. He was the one who brought me home along with Hoya and Dongwoo and he even helped me to get into bed. He helped me like we were lifelong friends and that confused me. Maybe that was the reason why I couldn’t remember every detail of the day.

My phone buzzed beside me and I was surprised to see so many notifications. I opened twitter and ran through the thousands of mentions from my fans. Almost all of them was about they being worried for me and asking if I was alright. I was confused at first how they knew that I passed out yesterday, then one of the messages caught my eyes. It explained everything. Some of my fans went to the shooting today, but after they couldn’t find me, they got worried. They asked the cast about my whereabouts and Sunggyu told them that I was too exhausted so I stayed home to get some rest. It even said that Sunggyu tried to comfort them and treated everyone for a coffee in my name.

People like Sunggyu made me confused. I was never good to him, I treated him like a trash, yet he always tried to be kind and helped me whenever he had a chance. He even looked after my fans when I was not around and that meant so much for me, even more than the fact that he practically saved my life. My beautiful girls were more important than I.

I put the phone back to the nightstand and lay back for a few seconds to gather enough strength to get out of the bed. I pushed myself up and shivered as my bare feet touched the cold floor. Maybe it was just the tiredness but I never noticed how cold my room was before. I stretched my limbs as I crawled out of the room, trying to loosen up my tense muscles.

The apartment was completely empty. It pained me a bit, because it meant that not even Sungjong cared enough to stay. I couldn’t say that I was surprised by that, but it still hurt. I had never imagined that our friendship would end just because I didn’t like his crush. It felt stupid and childish but if he really hated me that much then be it. The only thing I had to do was to stop caring about him and time would tell if I still meant something for him. If not, then he never really was my friend.

I knew I wasn’t the epitome of adultness either but I had strong ideas about a friendship. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were real friends, they always supported me and stayed by my side even if I made the mistake of the century. Myungsoo sometimes scolded me, he even stood up for Sunggyu, yet we seldom had fights and always managed to make up if we did. Hoya was the same as Myungsoo, he never left me no matter what and he was painfully honest with me. If I pissed him off, he made me know it and not in a kind way. I couldn’t understand what the difference was with Sungjong. Maybe that our friendship was always a pink paradise without any arguments. When we had our first conflict, he snapped. He didn’t even think about staying by my side. At this moment, I could call Sunggyu a friend sooner than Sungjong.

This is ed up.

My stomach grumbled desperately for some food. I didn’t have anything since yesterday morning just the small chocolate bar that Sunggyu had given me at the studio. I quickly headed to the kitchen, only to meet an empty fridge and dirty dishes. I groaned in frustration because seriously, that was how much Sungjong hated me? He could at least leave an instant ramen at the counter.

With a small pout on my face, I turned around and spotted a small package on the table. There was a small note on the top of it and my eyes widened in disbelief when I read the message.

‘Sunggyu asked me to buy them for you. Be nice and eat it – Hoya’

I peeked into the bag and found a large bottle of banana milk along with four huge triple chocolate cookies in it.

“Cheesy” I snorted but grabbed the small package anyway and made my way towards the living room.

Not really having any plans for the day, I simply threw myself onto the couch and flipped through the channels hoping that I would find something watchable. At the end, the only worthy I found was one series and I was lucky enough to catch a marathon. I felt kind of glad for it, because I heard so much amazing things about this series but I never really had the time to watch it. Not like I would have more time in the future if I fell for it.

I had to admit the cookies that Sunggyu had brought me – or made Hoya buy it – tasted like heaven. Except the chocolate bar yesterday, it had been almost a month since I let myself eat something as fattening as chocolate. My diet not allowed it, but God, it was such an amazing feeling to commit this crime. I wasn’t a saint anyway, why would I follow the rules all the time? I didn’t have banana milk since I moved into this apartment so I had no idea why I said that I wanted to drink it, but my subconscious deserves a pat on the head for it. If the cookies were like heaven, the banana milk was like Paradise itself. God, I should thank Sunggyu later.

I spent the entire day in front if the tv, doing nothing. When Sungjong arrived, we didn’t say anything to each other. He walked straight into his room without asking about my well-being and I didn’t feel the need to go after him and tell him about my boring day. If he didn’t want to talk, that was okay for me. I was in a too good mood for his annoying whines. I decided that I wouldn’t care about his childish act anymore. Sadly, it was not as easy as it sounded, but I tried really hard.

I wasn’t tired but I knew I had to go to bed. I shouldn’t miss another day and if I didn’t go to sleep in time, I wouldn’t be able to wake up in the morning and I would be just as tired as yesterday.

I glanced at my phone and sighed. Sunggyu did so much for me in the last few hours. Should I text him? Was he waiting for a message?

I shook my head. Since when did I care? We will meet tomorrow anyway.

, he was really something.



The next day I wanted to arrive to the studio early to avoid all of the unnecessary questions about my wellbeing. I didn’t know why, but people tend to only bomb with questions those, who arrive later than them.

I didn’t know if I spent too much time at home without be realizing or the others came much earlier than they should have, but the moment I entered the studio, almost everybody was there and they immediately came to me to ask if I felt alright. I spent almost ten minutes with nothing but repeating that everything was okay and they didn’t need to worry about me. If I didn’t feel alright, I would probably faint because of them.

Sunggyu was the only one who didn’t approach me as soon as I appeared. He stood near the changing rooms and watched the crowd surrounding me with a small smile on his lips. I was thankful for him for not coming to me immediately and giving me same space but I hated him so damn much for not helping me. 

When I finally managed to break free, I headed towards the changing room where Sunggyu waited. None of us said a word as I passed him. He followed me silently and watched as I packed the unnecessary things out of my bag.

“Are you feeling better?”

He surprised me. Not only because I though he wouldn’t say a word, but because he still seemed like he cared about me. It was not just the typical ‘you ok?’ question what I usually got. His voice was heavy with worry and his eyes scanned my face for any sights of pain.

I nodded in response, earning a small smile from him. I only found my voice when he turned around and walked away from me.

“Hey” I called after him, making him turn around in confusion. I bit my bottom lip, not really sure if I wanted to say it out loud “Thank you”

His eyes lit up for a moment and a small smile appeared on his lips.


After he left, I quickly changed into the clothes that the stylist brought for me. They didn’t bother with my hair and make-up too much, saying that I wouldn’t need it today anyway.

Thankfully today’s shooting didn’t take as long as usually. After my little accident, the producer didn’t want me to overwork myself and he decided that a small rest would be good for everyone. We only filmed some shorter scenes and I only had two shoots during the whole day. I was really glad for it, since I got plenty of time to rest and watch the others to examine their acting and maybe get some helpful tricks.

Sunggyu was always around me but it didn’t bother me this time. It felt nice to have somebody by my side when my so called friends were nowhere. Yes, I admit, I missed Sungjong. I was trying not to care about him but it was hard. He was always here with me, wherever I went, he came with me. He used to think I was cool and hilarious and called himself my number one fan. He encouraged me when I felt insecure, he helped me to keep myself together when I wanted to give up. Since I debuted, I hung out with him more than with anyone else. We had our own little secrets, we did countless crazy things together and I thought he would never betray me. Yet he did, he turned his back to me the first moment he could because of Sunggyu.

Sunggyu’s appearance in my life was the cause of most of my problems. I hated everything about him sincerely, I couldn’t imagine the two of us getting along ever. However, somehow I couldn’t hate him now. Not now, not after how he treated me.

 Almost when the shooting ended, Sungyeol and Myungsoo came to visit me. Sungyeol felt worried after he heard that I fainted and wanted to see it with his own eyes that I was alright. He was really annoying with his constant nagging, but not more than Myungsoo who only laughed and congratulated me for being a looser. God, I needed sane friends.

It was hard to convince them to leave. With them being there, it was hard to concentrate during the last minutes of the shooting. Sungyeol was really hyper, constantly asking me if I felt alright, even during the actual filming, pissing the whole staff off. Myungsoo was more bearable, he kept Sunggyu’s company instead of mine, waving me like an idiot when I accidentally glanced at him.

The only thing that made them leave was me offering to buy them coffee. Sungyeol disappeared immediately but Myungsoo took his time, he enjoyed hanging around Sunggyu too much.

Finally when he bid his goodbye, he started to walk towards me instead of the exit. He had a smug grin on his face and it grew wider and wider as he got closer. He looked frightening and I had no idea why he eyed me like I was a piece of delicious meat. He stopped right next to me and swung an arm around my shoulders.

“Heard you are starting to treat Sunggyu like a normal human being”

I nodded automatically, not really understanding what he meant by that. He smirked and leaned closer to me, his mouth almost touching my ear.

 “You know… there’s only a fine line between love and hate”

I blinked in confusion as I watched him walking away calmly. When his words finally clicked I jumped up from my seat and ran after him.

“Yah, Kim! Come back, you brat! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?”



*currently at the how to english phrase*

im not back but im back, im just ??? whatever, im not gonna rant again, i did it under Poltergeist and i think that was enough =__= hope you won't have to wait that long until the next update \o/ tho i have only a month left until finals and i still didnt learn anything, i will try to update sooner~ this story doesnt have too many chapters left anyway ;; im already thinking about my next story but i have too many ideas idk which one to choose ;;

thanks for the support guys, hope you liked the chapter at least a little bit ^^
until next time~~~

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 32: OMG! How come it ends so soon?
Wow, it's so good that the chapters flew by~~~~!!!
Like everything good, one always wants more 🥺
Hahahaha in a way Myungsoo won the bet, poor Yeol 😂
I really enjoyed this story in each chapter! I really liked how Woogyu's relationship changed, from hate to love hehe (Myungsoo witch) , but I liked even more that they slowly got to know each other and fell in love ❣️🥺
I honestly enjoyed his scenes a lot❣️ I wonder if Sungjong reconsidered 🤭 hahahaha did those in the drama know that they created a couple? Hahaha oh I loved this history that i wanted it to never end!
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I was very surprised to see my username at the end 😂 what kind of magic is this author-nim? (I'm still clicking to see if it changes hahaha)
Thanks again ~~~
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 28: The story gets better and better😳❣️
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 27: I'm so curious what the script says hahahaha Myungsoo is very happy with the bet
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 26: How nice, they are already progressing🤗
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 24: Finally🥺❣️
DaniaOthk #6
Chapter 22: Es que en serio Woohyun! Llevamos 2/3 del fanfic y tu no recapacitas!
DaniaOthk #7
Chapter 22: Yay woogyu🤭🤭 Recapacita Woohyun!!!
Ay merece una buena regañada este niño asi trata bien a Sunggyu😡😤
Jajajja perdón por ponerlo en español pero tenia qye decirlo 🤭
DaniaOthk #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahaha I still have hope that there will be Woogyu here and Woohyun will reconsider 😔 but it seems that it will be Gyujong instead
DaniaOthk #9
Chapter 14: I'm disappointed in Myungyeol, those scandals can't be erased anymore😔
DaniaOthk #10
Chapter 8: I thought about Kwangmin from Boyfriend hahaha