

[Sunggyu POV]


I was smiling shyly to the girl in front of me, but in the inside, I was having the party of my life. I was still adjusting to the idol life and I loved when people recognized me on the streets. I hadn’t found it annoying or disturbing yet, I enjoyed every second of it. Although my cheeks reddened and I became shy every time, I loved the attention I got. It was still strange that I couldn’t walk down a street without being recognized, but I was sure I would quickly get used to it.

I grabbed my coffee and the free donut I got and waved the girl before I left the café.  I chuckled to myself at the thought of getting free food just because I was an idol. Ugh, no, because the cashier was my hardcore fan and she was ready to do anything for me. I didn’t even want the donut at first but she kept telling me that it was the best in the city and I should try it. She even wanted to pay for my coffee but I managed to convince her otherwise. Ah, the sweet perks of being famous.

I glanced at my watch and noticed that I was a bit early and still had half an hour until the filming started. I liked to arrive in time but the staff was so fast that it was enough to arrive ten minutes earlier. To be honest, right now, I didn’t even want to go because of a certain person.

Being alone for a whole day gave me time to think. I didn’t want to jump to a wrong conclusion so I needed time to calm and sit down and think over everything what had happened to me with a clear head. Maybe the others won’t be proud of me, but in the end, I came to the decision what seemed to be the best. I will give Woohyun one last chance.

If I wanted to be honest, even I couldn’t really understand why I decided like that. He had been an with me since the moment we first met, yet I still wanted to believe that he was not that bad. Even after what had happened at Dongwoo and Hoya’s new apartment, I felt like I still needed to give him a chance. Sure, I was disappointed, mad and sorrowful, I quickly realized that I shouldn’t feel offended by his words. He didn’t know me, he didn’t even give me a chance to properly introduce myself. Why should I care about a stranger’s opinion? My friends took my side and that was all that mattered.  If I just ignore every bull that left Woohyun’s mouth, my life would be so much happier. I didn’t want to give him the joy to ruin my life.

And yet, I wanted to give him another chance. Why? Because I was nothing like him, I was better. I believed that every people were equal and everybody had the same rights as others. I didn’t want to hate Woohyun just because he only showed his bad side to me. He had friends, not to mention some really loyal ones, so that meant he had another side which was worth to befriend. He may saw me as a competition, as an enemy, but I adored him deep inside. In my opinion, we weren’t rivals. He was into cheesy pop music while I preferred to sing rock. He had an amazing voice, a handsome face, he was the dream of every woman. I wasn’t anything like that, but I didn’t even want to be. I liked what I was doing and I simply wanted other people to enjoy it.

We were different, we might never get along, but we didn’t even know each other and it bothered me. The best would be if we could sit down and talk, but it was almost impossible. He hated me, and I could only pray that one day it will change.

I took a small sip from my coffee carefully, not to burn my tongue. I was standing in front of the studio but only stared at the huge building because I didn’t want to go in. I knew I needed to, I couldn’t neglect my work, but I was afraid that Woohyun would start an argument again. I had a strong will and I decided to ignore his words, but I was much weaker than I appeared to be. I didn’t want to accidentally break down after I summoned my courage.

With a huge sigh, I tossed the empty cup into the nearest trashcan and entered the building. I took the elevator to the fifth floor where the studio was and tried to calm myself down completely. Everything was going to be fine, Woohyun won’t hurt me and I will enjoy my time.

The first person I saw was Myungsoo, sitting a few meters away from the door. When he noticed me, he smiled brightly and waved me. I was happy for him, but if he was there, it meant that his boyfriend, Sungyeol, and even Woohyun was somewhere around. I hoped he would arrive later than me, but thing could always go according to my plans, right?

“How are you today?” Myungsoo came to me with a concerned face. I was sure that he had heard what had happened the other day and he wanted to know if I managed to get myself together.

“Perfectly fine, thanks” I nodded and threw my jacket at one of the chairs.

“You know” he shifted uncomfortably but still managed to give me a small smile “I don’t think you have to worry about Woohyun today. He is like a walking zombie, he is not able to communicate”

I raised an eyebrow. What did he mean?

“He is exhausted” he explained upon seeing my confused face.

I didn’t know what to do whit this new information. Did an exhausted Woohyun mean good for me? Won’t he get angry easier? Or he was nicer?

The producer signed that it was time to start so I headed to the changing room and put on some training clothes for my scene. Luckily I didn’t have any part in the first scene, so I had time to prepare until they were shooting.

Before I put all of my stuff into the cabinet, I checked my phone for the last time. I was surprised to see one unread message, because people were usually calling me instead of texting. Well, except for Dongwoo, but he had already sent me a message in the morning, wishing me good luck for the day and encouraged me to kill Woohyun. But the new message was from Sungjong, asking me to take care of myself and wishing me luck just like Dongwoo did. It made me smile, it was good to have another friend who cared about me.

When I went out, everybody was already running up and down. The filming of the first scene hadn’t finished yet, they needed to shoot one of the parts again. I sat down nearby the wall along with the other actors and waited patiently for the producer to call me.

I didn’t see Woohyun, tho. Myungsoo was constantly around me but neither Sungyeol nor Woohyun showed up. I was curious where they could have been but Myungsoo always said that they were resting somewhere and started to talk about something else.  I was beginning to think that they tried to avoid me, but I didn’t really mind it. Maybe it was better like this.

When the crew for the second scene was called, Woohyun appeared out of nowhere. I was expecting him to look at me despisingly or something, but he simply ignored me. I was taken aback for a moment, but yeah, it was a good thing, right? Maybe he won’t start to fight with me.

Myungsoo massaged my shoulders and gave me a thumbs up. When my name was called, he left the studio with Sungyeol by his side. I would feel better if he would stay, but he said they didn’t want to disturb the filming. He wasn’t sure Sungyeol won’t make a scene.

I started the shooting with incredible confidence. I felt the energy in me, I was sure I won’t make any mistakes today. I wanted to show everyone – especially Woohyun – that despite being a beginner, I was talented in acting.

I did better than I first imagined. I aced the whole filming and not even once did we have to stop shooting because of me. I got lots of compliment from the others and the producer praised me to no end. On the other hand, Woohyun’s performance was a tragedy. He ruined almost every scene, he always forgot his lines and sometimes he simply forgot to speak. It was like he was in a totally different universe. He didn’t get scolded, but everybody got tired because of him.               

Actually, Woohyun’s behavior made me worried. Yeah, I was happy that he didn’t insult me like he usually did, but seeing him like bothered me. It’s not like he didn’t talk to me – he didn’t talk to anyone. Once the shooting ended, he practically fainted onto one of the chairs and stared at the nothing. He didn’t even react when the stylist asked something from him. He skipped lunch too but the huge table was filled with different kind of food and his fans sent him a special chocolate box. But he refused to eat, saying that he wasn’t hungry and simply sat in the corner while everyone was eating.

The whole filming went like that. Everybody had a really good time, we were shooting some hilarious scene, but once we finished, Woohyun went back to his gloomy mood. One thing was sure, he was a really good actor. During filming, he had the brightest smile on his face and he still managed to treat me like we were best friends. I was thankful for this, because without his efforts, I wouldn’t be able to do it.

We finished filming late evening. We discussed a few things for tomorrow’s shooting, then everybody left to change back and grab their stuffs.

“Hey, Sunggyu” I felt a hand on my shoulder, and as I turned around, I met with the producer’s eyes “Are you free?”

I nodded “Why?”

“We are having a dinner together at the restaurant on the second floor. Do you want to come?”

“Sure” I replied almost immediately with a huge smile. It would be good to have a dinner with the others.

I grabbed my stuff and walked to the elevator where the others were already waiting. Everybody was there except-

“Woohyun? You are not coming?” one of the guys shouted.

“Go ahead, I will join later” came the reply from the restroom.

I could only hope that Woohyun didn’t say that because I was there. I didn’t want to have an awkward dinner with him but I didn’t want him to skip it because of me.

We had a really good time with the others. The whole restaurant was noisy because of us but no one really cared. We joked and laughed a lot, I even managed to make some new friends. We were working together for a while now, but we didn’t have time to get to know each other until now. This dinner helped us to stronger our bonds in order to work together more easily. We shared some tips and secrets, I got some really useful ideas how to deal with unexpected situations and actor blocks.

Sometime around midnight, I started to feel really exhausted. As much as I enjoyed spending my time with the others, I had a lot of plans for tomorrow and we will have to film the next episode too. I needed to leave to have enough sleep or else I would look worse, than Woohyun.

I bid goodbye to everybody and left the building. As the cold evening air hit me, I realized that I had left my jacket at the studio. I quickly ran back, not even caring about the sulking gatekeeper who was waiting for us to finally leave the building.

As I reached the studio’s floor, I was surprised to find the lights still . I was sure Woohyun forgot to switch them off, since he was the last person who had left. I didn’t want to stay longer than possible, so I quickly scanned the changing room and found my jacket thrown onto one of the chairs.

I was about to turn off the lights and leave, when something strange caught my eyes behind one of the tables. I couldn’t recognize it at first, but when I did, I almost fell back in shock.

It was an arm.

I ran to the table immediately, and stared at the unconscious figure with wide eyes. I swallowed hard and grabbed my phone to call for help.





sorry if the 2nd half is a bit rushed, i had a little writer's block and *as always* im sick so it was really hard to concentrate properly. not proofreaded so sorry for the mistakes >< but, hope you enjoyed it~~~

love ya, guys~

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 32: OMG! How come it ends so soon?
Wow, it's so good that the chapters flew by~~~~!!!
Like everything good, one always wants more 🥺
Hahahaha in a way Myungsoo won the bet, poor Yeol 😂
I really enjoyed this story in each chapter! I really liked how Woogyu's relationship changed, from hate to love hehe (Myungsoo witch) , but I liked even more that they slowly got to know each other and fell in love ❣️🥺
I honestly enjoyed his scenes a lot❣️ I wonder if Sungjong reconsidered 🤭 hahahaha did those in the drama know that they created a couple? Hahaha oh I loved this history that i wanted it to never end!
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I was very surprised to see my username at the end 😂 what kind of magic is this author-nim? (I'm still clicking to see if it changes hahaha)
Thanks again ~~~
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 28: The story gets better and better😳❣️
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 27: I'm so curious what the script says hahahaha Myungsoo is very happy with the bet
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 26: How nice, they are already progressing🤗
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 24: Finally🥺❣️
DaniaOthk #6
Chapter 22: Es que en serio Woohyun! Llevamos 2/3 del fanfic y tu no recapacitas!
DaniaOthk #7
Chapter 22: Yay woogyu🤭🤭 Recapacita Woohyun!!!
Ay merece una buena regañada este niño asi trata bien a Sunggyu😡😤
Jajajja perdón por ponerlo en español pero tenia qye decirlo 🤭
DaniaOthk #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahaha I still have hope that there will be Woogyu here and Woohyun will reconsider 😔 but it seems that it will be Gyujong instead
DaniaOthk #9
Chapter 14: I'm disappointed in Myungyeol, those scandals can't be erased anymore😔
DaniaOthk #10
Chapter 8: I thought about Kwangmin from Boyfriend hahaha