Meeting the Pack

“Lilith I think you should take this seriously.” 
“I am, if they don’t want to be found then I will honor that as their teacher, they have to trust me.” I spoke and went back to the living room.
“Alright so introductions. Who wants to go first?” I smiled and sat in the arm chair I had left earlier.
When none of the boys spoke I nodded my head silently, “Okay…So this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.”
“I’ll go. My name is Suho and I am the Beta of the pack.” The Beta spoke, he was small, about 5 feet 8 inches, my height, and had an adorable smile, he almost reminded me of a grandpa.
“Hello Suho, my name is Lilith and I am an Original, meaning I am the first few of my kind.” I smiled and waved at him.
“My name is Lay, and I am one of the two members who tend to look after everyone.” Lay stood about an inch taller than Suho, and I smiled at him.
“You place in the pack is actually called a caretaker, and believe it or not they keep the pack running smoother than an Alpha.” I explained and Lay nodded his head.
“My name is Kai, and I am a scout.” Kai was probably the fourth tallest person of the pack but had the worst attitude next to the alpha.  I offered a small smiled but I could tell between him and the alpha and maybe the sentinel I was going to have to throw some pups around.
“My name is Chen, and I am a hunter.” A boy with sharp features and a cute smile spoke, he was about Suho’s height, I could instantly tell he was a joker, he had that mischievous look to him.
“Hello my name is Xuimin! I’m a Delta!” This kid was too adorable, he had the cutest chubby cheeks and had the sweetest smile, and I could tell he was an eater too. 
“Hello my name is D.O, I’m a caretaker.” D.O had the biggest eyes I’d ever seen, he looked like such a mother figure that it was sweet. These boys where lucky, they had already established who did what in the pack.
“My name is Sehun.” Said a boy with a serious face, he didn’t even look my way, but I could tell he was the youngest.
“You strike me as a hunter, am I right?” I asked and he didn’t reply, “And it seems you have a ty attitude too.” 
“You’ll have to excuse Sehun; he’s just not the biggest fan of females right now.” Suho offered an apologetic smile, I raised my brow at Suho but let the youngest slide by.
“My name is Baekhyun and I’m a scout.” Baekhyun came over to me and held out his hand to shake. I took it and smiled at him, suddenly he was knocked to the side by the other tall one, who had the goofiest grin spread across his face.
“I’m Chanyeol! I’m a hunter also!” He spoke and I looked him crazily, did that deep voice just come out of this guy’s mouth? 
“Wow.” That was all I said and everyone burst out laughing.
“Yeol I think your voice threw her off.” Baekhyun clapped his friend on his back.
I noticed that the Alpha and the Sentinel were nowhere in sight, I frowned and looked around.
“Don’t worry they will come around in time.”  Lay smiled from his spot next to Suho and the rest nodded in agreement.
“It’s kind of rude though.” I rolled my eyes and went to go see Doc. As I approached the door I saw Luhan come out of the office with a smile on his face, when he sees me his grin widens.
“I take it your in perfect health?” I smiled at him and poked my head into my brothers make shift office.
“Well yeah but I did something cool.” Luhan was almost bouncing on his feet.
“And that would be?” I asked.
“I made something float.” He smiled even bigger.
“Like Levitation?” I asked and he shook his head.
“Doc says it’s called Telekinesis.” Luhan said.
“So if we can train your ability enough you can talk to people with your mind and pry into theirs.”  I explained and tapped my chin thoughtfully.
“And that means I have to train the rest of the pack when to block you out too, so that you won’t be nosing into their personal stuff.” I said and Luhan’s face fell slightly.
“Then I’ll train to get passed that.” He spoke determinedly and stood closer to me.
“I want to know what you think about.” He spoke lowly and I stood there wide eyed as he walked away from me.
“DONGMIN!” I yelled as I walked into the office and stopped dead in my tracks when I see the Alpha and the Sentinel sitting with my brother, both shirtless and each sporting well-built muscles and abs. I spun around on my heel and faced away from them. 
Well nice to know you still function like the old Lilith, see a set of hot guys and go ually nuts, Red laughs at me as I close my eyes and quickly control the rising emotions in my body.
That’s not true; since I have refused to shift I haven’t really gone into heat, so it just builds. I retort and once I know I can handle the sight I turn around with a small smile.
“Sorry I was expecting to see just my brother in here.” 
The Alpha just smirks and the Sentinel rolled his eyes.
Yeah they totally buy that.
Shut up.
I look at my brother and motion for him to follow me.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Luhan’s ability?” I whispered shouted at him and he shrugged.
“I honestly didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it seems like he’s pretty determined to learn his ability.” Dongmin answered.
“Yeah, apparently he wants to know what I think about.” I spoke seriously to my brother.
“Well, maybe he just wants to figure you out. Lilith you aren’t the easiest person to get along with.” My brother smiled and I was taken back.
“Excuse me? I am totally easy to get along with.” I shot out but my brother only laughed.
“When you were Jenna you were, when you became Lilith you felt the need to lock people out. Even when I became like you, you still tried to keep me away. Think about it Lilith.” My brother spoke and went back into his office.
I trudged my way through the living room, past the boys and into my office. In a way my brother was right, I did lock people out, but only because I knew I would watch them die while I continued to look the same age. When I found out Dongmin had been bitten I was beyond furious, I didn’t want this life for him. He was an amazing person with so much ahead of him in life, but he had it taken away just to be with me. At first I barely went near him, seeing as when he had been bitten was ten years after I became Lilith. I had changed in those ten years too, I was colder, merciless; a monster. I was killing without a second thought if someone disobeyed me. I shifted constantly, nearly melding myself to Red, but it was my brother who saved me. He helped me find my way, even when we got separated so he could learn, I spent my time trying to be a better person, and I locked Red away and refused to shift.
“Uh, Miss Lilith?” Came a voice from my office door, I looked up to see D.O standing there awkwardly, I smile and motion for him to come in.
“I was wondering if we all have special powers like Luhan and Lay?” D.O said and played with the hem of his shirt.
“Yes you will, today I think we will focus on finding those abilities, sorry that I didn’t come back into the living room. I was lost in thought.” I smiled at D.O and got up to head back into the living room.
“Hey everyone, did those who wanted to see Doc; go see him?” I asked and everyone nodded.
“Great I think today we will focus on finding out what ability you have and then tomorrow we will work on getting in tune with your wolf.” I explained and started to push the chairs and tables out of the way. The boys just continued to watch me move things around and make the room empty enough for everyone to sit comfortably. 
“Alright everyone stand in a circle please.” I instruct with a small clap of my hands.
“Why?” Sehun asks and I glare at him.
“Shut up and do it.” I growled at the youngest, he shrank back.
“Now, what I’m going to do is make you angry-not that it would take much- but by doing this I can trigger your abilities. Luhan and Lay since you both know yours you don’t have to do anything. However as far as I can smell two of you have what we call ancient abilities and one of you has an ability that’s really rare, what we call a void, or teleportation.” I explained as I stand in the middle of the circle all the boys had made.
“What do you mean by ancient?” The Alpha asked, I didn’t spare a glance at him.
“An ancient describes an ability that used to exist in real life, like-mermaids are a form of shifting, well they used to be till they became extinct, they ability to grow gills and enchant people with their voices is a mermaid power, making that ability an ancient ability because the originator of that ability has passed on. Whichever one of you has the void ability however is in for a fun ride, voids take the longest to perfect simply because they can accidently transport half of themselves to one place and the other half to another, it’s imperative that the void know which room he’s going to, whether it be by picture or memory, you have to know where you are going.” I explained with a very serious tone, showing I was dead serious about this power and how dangerous it could be.



OMG I am soooooo sorry I haven't been updating I started a new job and it takes up a lot of my time, so when I'm not there I'm wither in class or working on my online classwork, its crazy and I am soooo sorry

Also for the people who have left me comments PRETTY PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU GUYS LIKE THIS OKAY?! Anyways I promise to update my other stories as soon as possible idk how long that might be because I have midterms and then right after that I have to start praying that i ace all my classes so i can get out of academic watch, my gpa due to the previous college i was attending, so please wish me luck and thank you for sticking by this story :)

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VivianaExo12 #1
I love the story, and lilith's character.
nature1004 #2
Chapter 7: A seriously exciting and just like the title says a unique story, i like!!!

I like Lilith vs. Red!! I like their disagreements and conversations!!!

Is the second ancient Kris? His "dragon"?? Maybe.. ㅋㅋㅋ
Cant wait for the next chapter^^

Hey maybe its busiest on Wednesdays?? Clubs that is??Have fun^^ ♥
Chapter 6: Loving this story :)
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 6: 너무 좋아요!!!!
hippo_guk #5
Chapter 4: I love your story!!
JDHismine #6
Just like the title, the plot is unique! I hope you keep updating~
hippo_guk #7
Chapter 2: update update update update update update update update update update update update!!!!!!!!!!!!
hippo_guk #8
Chapter 1: oh my Jesus Christ!! update soon please!!!