Meeting Will and Archie


I knew the pack would follow me, or take the night to think it over; honestly by this point I figured I was going to have to wing it the rest of my plan. I pulled into my driveway about an hour from where I picked up Luhan, the house that was given to me I actually somehow inherited from one of the former Council members before his retirement, he said it would come in handy one day. That seer was always creepily right.

I glanced in the rearview gaging Luhan’s reaction; he stared at the house with wide eyes and I smiled.

“You know this place becomes your packs after you finish your training.” I spoke to him and pulled into the drive.

“Why?” Luhan asked and I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car; I approached the back of my car and let Luhan walk out.

“Because that’s what the Counsel does, we look out for our kind, we protect them, we train them, we teach them to control their abilities to the point that they can blend in with the humans.” I sighed and pointed at his bracelet. “That bracelet is what connects me to you, as your teacher I have to be able to stop you should you lose control. I have to make sure you don’t become a risk to not just the humans but yourself.”

Luhan stared at his bracelet and sighed, “So what happens should our Alpha decide he doesn’t want to abide by the rules?”

“Then I have no choice but to eliminate you. Trust me I’ve done this before and it doesn’t get any easier for me.” I grumbled and walked to the house. “Are you hungry?”

Luhan shook his head but his stomach gave him away, “I can’t eat.”

I glanced back at him, getting a good look at the doe eyed boy for the first time.  His blonde hair stuck in all directions and had a few sticks poking from it, his face was dirty and he looked slightly malnourished, he wore a simple pair of blue skinny jeans with rips in them and a black long sleeve shirt. I noticed he kept glancing out towards the way we came.

“I take it none of you have eaten or bathed in a while?” I spoke over my shoulder as I dug for my spare house key, not finding it I sighed in frustration.

“Will can you let me in?” I called out to what seemed like nothing.

“Who’s Will?” Luhan asked, I smiled and turned to him.

“Will is a Will-o-wisp. Ever heard of them?” I cocked my head to the side and smiled slightly, Luhan shook his head.

“Well I guess I can tell you about it now. A Will-o-wisp is a Medieval Latin term for foolish fire. When you meet Will you’ll see. Anyways, a Will-o-wisp is an atmospheric ghost light seen by travelers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. It resembles a flickering lamp and is said to recede if approached, drawing travelers from the safe paths. There are all kinds of stories explaining their existence but in truth, Will-o-wisps are more like guardian angels in a sense, I found Will during the Great Depression, probably the tail end of it actually. I was hitting rock bottom teaching this group of shifters to control their need to constantly copy someone, when suddenly Will showed up in front of me as I went in search of one of the members who had taken off without warning, Will lead me to where that person was and since then has always been by my side.” I said and suddenly a soft blue light came through the door and perched itself on my shoulder.

Luhan seemed pretty shocked at Will; Will however did not seemed too fazed as she nuzzled against my cheek.

“This is Luhan, Will. Go say hi, but be careful okay? He’s still a pup.” I pointed to Luhan and Will chimed softly in my ear.

“Luhan, Will wants you to cup your hands and hold them out. Don’t worry she can’t do anything to you.” I assured the shocked boy who nervously held his cupped hands out. Will floated over to him and landed softly in his palms. Luhan smiled brightly and Will chimed again.

“She says you are very handsome, and wants to know if she can come closer, she has a thing for perching on peoples shoulders.” I giggled and stood up to open the door. Luhan let her float onto his shoulder as he walked towards the steps to the door.

“You can come in. This is your home too.” I said from the door way but Luhan was still pretty excited about Will.

“Will, show Luhan to his room, let him get cleaned up, I gotta call Doc okay?” Luhan looked up at me in shock.


“Don’t worry I just want to make sure you’re healthy.  He probably won’t come tonight but he will be here tomorrow, he’s like you.” I assured him and went to the kitchen.

I listened for Luhan as he went up the stairs before I went to the large pantry where there was a couple huge ice chests filled with food and water.

“There are times I think you are going soft Lilith.” Came a cackled voice and I rolled my eyes.

“This is my job Archie I fail to see how that makes me soft.” I retorted and turned to look at the owner of the voice.


Archimedes, Merlin’s owl, I’m not sure which generation of Lilith he came into effect but according to her memories Merlin and her were an item  before Merlin just disappeared, leaving poor Archimedes  without an owner. So throughout the generations he’s always stayed by Lilith’s side. Archie, as I liked to call him was always like a grumpy old man; even though he still looked like a young owl. According to Archie, I was the nicest Lilith he had seen since the original Lilith.

“I’m just saying Lil, what if this pack refuses? Are you going to keep that poor young boy and kill the rest?” Archie voiced from his perch on the barstool chair.

“I have a plan.” I shot back and went back to pulling the chests towards the door.

“Yeah how well did that work out for you tonight?”

“Oh please Archie, it’s not like I couldn’t handle it.”

“Fine, if you refuse to see all possible outcomes at least put some blankets and clothes out there for those poor wretches.” Archie sighed from his perch.

“I did that last night, and they are wearing them. Tonight its food, I have to get them to trust me. I don’t think holding Luhan hostage is great but maybe I can use him as a bargain chip to get the Alpha to come to me.” I finally managed to push the chests to the front door when Luhan came down the stairs.

“Where are you taking those?” Luhan asked his hair was half wet and he was wearing a pair of navy sweats and a black wife beater.

“How else do you think you got those clothes and blankets?” I glanced up at him before I picked one of the chests up with ease and walked out the door.

“Wait. That was you?” Luhan raised his eyebrows at me and I smiled.

“Yup, now since you are here and they are out there being stubborn I am taking enough food and water to last them a couple of days. There’s twelve of you right?” I hoisted the second chest out the door and placed it in the grass next to the other one. I stood up and glanced at Luhan; who seemed to still be stewing over the fact that even though I threatened to kill them I was also providing basic needs to them as well.

“Do you want to help me?” I asked him and he nodded.

“I need you to shift.” I was tying ropes onto the handles of the chest and Luhan looked at me quizzically.

“You’re taking one and I’m taking the other.” I said and blew a strand of hair out of my face, Luhan nodded slowly and without hesitation, shifted into his wolf.

I handed him one of the ropes to hold onto with his teeth and proceeded to guide him to the spot on the outskirts of my property where I had left food last time. Reaching the spot I picked up the scent of the Alpha, I nodded my head at Luhan, who let the rope fall out of his mouth.

“Luhan, you can go talk to them if you want, but when you feel a buzz going off in the back of your head that means you have to come back.” I said and started back towards my house, I trusted Luhan, and he seemed to be slightly more adept to what was going on.

“That’s not necessary, we need to talk.” Came a sultry voice from the trees and I sighed unhappily.

“I’m tired, I want to eat, I want to shower and I gave you the night to think. Nothing will happen to Luhan.” I spoke out to the trees and started towards my house again, only this time I was blocked by the same Sentinel wolf from earlier, his eyes set in dark determination.  With a roll of my eyes I turned to face Luhan, who surprisingly didn’t move away from me. I stared at him with a shrug and placed my hands in my pockets.

“You really don’t want to do this.” I spoke softly; I could feel Red itching to fight this Alpha. Suddenly there was a ruffle of feathers and a soft chime.

“See Lil I told you, but no one thinks to listen to the old owl.” Archie huffed as he perched on my shoulder, I watched Will float over to Luhan and nuzzle his cheek.

“Are you done old man?” I spoke to the ornery owl, he huffed indigently at me. I glanced at the Sentinel who stared with shock at Will who Luhan was talking to softly.

“Luhan, what are you doing?” I heard the Alpha hiss at the boy.

“She’s the one that left us those blankets and things. She won’t hurt us.” Luhan spoke his eyes looking for his Alpha.

“It doesn’t matter Luhan. She kidnapped you.” The Alpha hissed and I chuckled.

“Maybe if you weren’t so ignorant and stubborn I wouldn’t have to have taken him. Besides I didn’t do anything to him. If anything he looks better from the condition I found him in.” I knew I was about to piss of the Alpha, but I needed him face to face.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I watched as the Sentinel started to prowl closer to me, I watched Luhan take a step closer to me. I quickly caught his eye and shook my head for him to stop.

“Archie, take Will and Luhan, go back to the house. Lock all the doors.” I instructed the owl who huffed and flitted to Luhan.

“Come on boy, you heard her.” Archie took off with Luhan reluctantly in tow. He stopped when he passed by the Sentinel, his eyes sad, then continued on.

“Why does he listen to you? You’re not an Alpha.” The Alpha snarled, I knew he didn’t mean Alpha, he had meant to say I wasn’t Luhan’s actual Alpha.

“You see that bracelet? It ties me to him as his teacher. Therefore I have a small amount of control over him. I only use it when he loses control, other than that he has free will to do whatever he wants. My job is to train you and teach you. If I have to eliminate you because you refuse to cooperate then so be it.” I explained without any emotion, I hated that part of the job.

“And what happens when I kill you?” the Alpha spoke in a low voice.

“Nothing, the bracelet just falls off but if I die then the Counsel knows you are now a threat and will not hesitate to take you out. Think it over Alpha; do you want YOUR pack to die because of your ego? Or your pride? Seems pretty selfish to me, granted I’ve met more destructive packs before.” I pointed out and kept my eyes locked on the Sentinel, who was still coming closer.

“Why should we trust you?” Came a new voice, a softer voice, I caught his scent, he was the Beta.

“I see you guys have your status’ in check. Pleasure to meet you Beta.” I bowed in the direction of the Beta’s voice.

“You didn’t answer my question.” The Alpha hissed angrily.

“The Counsel said you guys are a special case, they usually don’t send me out for tasks like this, I usually just teach. But with you guys they have made me your guardian as well. I’m really the only hope you have to live. Give me half a year to a year tops, I can train and teach you everything you need to know then once that time is up I will leave. You won’t hear from or see me again.” I bargained with the Alpha, who snorted.

“Duizhang, I think we should think this over. Let’s leave; clearly Luhan is safe in her hands. Luhan trusts her.” The Beta spoke up closer to where the Alpha was at. I heard a sigh and a whimper.

“I told him he could talk to you, if you want I can send him back this way once I leave, just know he can’t leave the grounds though.” I spoke to the Beta.

“That would be nice. Tomorrow we will meet you in the afternoon. You will have our decision then. Can I ask one favor though?” The Beta spoke and I nodded.

“If we decide not to and you have to take us out, will you keep Luhan?” I shook my head.

“I will leave that decision of where he stands should that happen. I may have never gotten a choice but I won’t take yours or his away.” I smiled sadly and walked past the Sentinel without an issue.

You really are growing soft. Red spoke to me with a soft tone.

I won’t be like you.

I know you won’t, but one day Lilith; you will have to accept me.




I seriously do not regret putting Archemdes in this story, I just kept imagining a talking animal in here somewhere lol

I was scrolling through my tumblr before I put this chapter up and someone I follow made the best post ever about the Sasaengs crowding Kris when he got into Canada, it was hands down the best thing ever lol

Anyways I hope to have the next chapter posted soon, I wonder if anyone can guess what ability I have in store for Lilith? 


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VivianaExo12 #1
I love the story, and lilith's character.
nature1004 #2
Chapter 7: A seriously exciting and just like the title says a unique story, i like!!!

I like Lilith vs. Red!! I like their disagreements and conversations!!!

Is the second ancient Kris? His "dragon"?? Maybe.. ㅋㅋㅋ
Cant wait for the next chapter^^

Hey maybe its busiest on Wednesdays?? Clubs that is??Have fun^^ ♥
Chapter 6: Loving this story :)
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 6: 너무 좋아요!!!!
hippo_guk #5
Chapter 4: I love your story!!
JDHismine #6
Just like the title, the plot is unique! I hope you keep updating~
hippo_guk #7
Chapter 2: update update update update update update update update update update update update!!!!!!!!!!!!
hippo_guk #8
Chapter 1: oh my Jesus Christ!! update soon please!!!