Chapter 4

Oh, Dear Neighbor

Amber's POV

For a moment, I felt terrible about lying to Chanyeol about me and Baekhyun. I felt that I was a piece of liar but there was nothing else I could do. The only thing that was invading my thoughts was the need to protect my feelings for Chanyeol. He doesn't need to know about them.

Chanyeol looked at me, wide eyed ''When did it happen?'' he asked .

I bit my lower lip and looked at my feet. What should I tell him? I chuckled and tilted my head to the side for a second before looking back up at Chanyeol ''3 weeks'' I lied

Chanyeol chuckled and stood up. He walked around the room for a couple of seconds before he stopped and looked at me ''your sister doesn't know anything about this right?''

I shook my head and stood up ''not yet. I have to go Chanyeol. I'll see you later'' I said and got out of the room as fast as I could. I didn't want to stay there any longer because I know chanyeol will keep on asking question that I wouldn't know how to answer.

When i reached the living room I grabbed Baekhyun's arm and took him outside of the house. He asked me what was going on but I just ignored him and walked towards a small park that was about 5 minutes away from his house. I needed to talk about this with Baekhyun.

''Can you tell me what's going on now?'' he asked as we sat on the bench that was close to the entry of the park. I looked at Baekhyun and he was staring intensely at me. He tilted his head to the side and leaned towards me ''is everything okay?''

I sighed loudly and stood up ''I need to tell you something really important Baekhyun. I messed up big time''

Baekhyun stood and walked towards me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me lightly ''You always exaggerate things so this might be something not really important. Now tell me what did you do woman?''

I sighed again and stared at his eyes. ''I told Chanyeol that we were dating''

For a couple of seconds Baekhyun didn't say anything. He stared at me without showing any emotions before a smirk formed on his lips ''trying to make him jealous?''

I shook my head and took his hands off my shoulders. I turned around and started walking towards the exit of the park ''He asked me if we were dating and I said yes because it would benefit me. If he thought that we were going out he would never suspect that I like him''

Baekhyun caught up to me and placed his arms over my shoulders ''I understand. Do you want to do this?''

I nod and look up at the sky. The sky looks depressing. No stars were in sight and rain clouds were starting to appear. It would rain really soon.

Baekhyun chuckled ''Then I am in. Let's go home new girlfriend''

I smiled and looked up at Baekhyun. He looked down at me and smiled widely. What would I do without this boy? I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly ''thank you so much. You are the best''

Baekhyun smirked and winked ''I know''


When we arrived at the front of my gate Baekhyun hugged me tightly ''good night baby''

I got confused for a couple of seconds until I saw Chanyeol walking towards us. How come I didn't see him before? I wrapped my arms around Baekhyun and kissed his neck lightly. I felt him shudder and I felt sorry for him. I guess I want this to look as real as if it was a real relationship.

''Hey guys'' said Chanyeol when he got to us. We broke  the hug and faced Chanyeol ''what's up channy? asked Baekhyun sounding annoyed ''can't I spend some time with Amber alone? you guys always interrupt''

I held back a chuckle and looked to the floor. Baekhyun is such an amazing actor. He could make it big in Hollywood.

Chanyeol cleared his throat ''I'm sorry then. I just wanted to tell you guys that we were going to the beach tomorrow . Invite Mia if you want Amber''

I looked up and sighed loudly. When he says ' Invite Mia if you want Amber' means bring-her-no-matter-how.  ''I'll see if she is not busy''

Chanyeol smiled and left without saying anything else. When he got into the house Baekhyun started laughing his out. I looked at him confused before he finally spoke ''We should go to Hollywood man. Oh and that kiss was a cherry at the top. It was great''

I blushed and hit him playfully ''Whatever Bacon. Now go rest because we have a long day tomorrow''

Baekhyun nodded and hugged me tightly before he jogged all the way towards his house. I walked towards my house and saw Mia sitting down on the couch ''Hello there'' she said as soon as she saw me.

I smiled and took my heels off. I put them next to the door and threw myself on the couch. I'm exhausted. Today was hard and stressful.  ''are you busy tomorrow?'' I asked looking at Mia who is calmly painting her nails red.

Mia nodded and painted her index finger ''I have a meeting tomorrow and then photo shoot. I'm full. Why?'' She asks looking up.

I shook my head and sat up ''Chanyeol wanted us to go to the beach with him. Maybe we can go all together another day''

Mia nodded and kept on painting her nails. I got up and walked into my room. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Chanyeol that Mia wont be able to go. He answered 1 minute after and said that it was okay and that we were still going to the beach tomorrow at 2:00pm.

I sighed and walked to my bathroom. I took my clothes off and walked into the shower. As I allowed the warm body to relax my muscles and looked at my tights and saw the scars I made recently. I do cut myself, maybe 3 times a week. Its the only thing that makes me forget what happens in my daily life. When I cut, I concentrate on the physical pain it leaves and not the pain that's on the inside, which hurts more.

I started doing it 5 years ago when I met Jessica. She made my life a living hell. Every time she walked pass me, she would always insult me and made me feel bad about my myself. I was a comedy show for her, my weight and the way that I walk with my tail in between my legs(scared) makes her feel better about herself.  The last time I did it was 4 days ago. I looked to where I place my soap and saw the razor  begging for me to take it and do my thing.

I never cut my wrist because everybody would notice. Yunho loves to hold hands, Mia sometimes comes home with  bracelets for me and always puts it on me herself, and Exo loves to play games that involve a lot of hand movement. If I cut my wrist  they would notice quickly.

I grabbed the razor and sat down on the shower. I raised my tight a little bit and pierced my skin with the razor. I threw my head back and groaned. This will keep my head of Chanyeol for a while.

Not for long...but at least I won't think about him and Mia.


''Okay lets go!'' said Suho when we were all inside the bus they rented for the trip. I was sitting next to Baekhyun who had his arms wrapped around me. I looked at Chanyeol who was sitting down on the seat next to me and caught him looking at me. He quickly turned his head to the side and started talking to Kris.

Today, I wore knee-lenght shorts, red tank top and some sandals. My cut still hurts but not that much anymore. I felt Baekhyun place his head on my shoulder and I smiled ''what happened?''

''We make a cute couple'' he said with a thick voice. Baekhyun woke up 5 minutes ago and is still sleepy. He went to sleep late last night and he is barely awake.

I chuckled and nodded ''sure Baekhyun''

I wonder where Yunho is. I haven't heard from him since we watched the movie together. He hasn't called me or went to my house. I grabbed my bag and took my phone out, I dialed Yunho's number and he answered quickly ''Hey Yunho''

''Oh hey'' he said with a thick voice. I chuckled ''still sleeping''

''Yeah. Sorry that I haven't called you lately. I've been busy. My dad wants me to take care of his shop this summer. So annoying'' he said.

''Oh well when you have free time come over and we will do something okay?'' I suggested.

Yunho chuckled ''I will. Now let me sleep woman. Have a good day''

I laughed and put my phone down. I looked at Baekhyun and he was completely asleep. I shook him lightly and he opened his eyes slowly ''don't go to sleep Bacon.''

Baekhyun groaned and hugged my tightly as if I was his teddy bear. I chuckled and started tickling him. He is the most ticklish person in Exo. His most sensitive spot? his neck.

I started sliding my fingertips from his ears to his collarbone  and he got up quickly. I laughed and looked at him and he shivered ''don't to that again. My sensitive spot is my neck''

''I know'' I giggled before he sat back down and grabbed his phone.

I looked at Chanyeol and I swear I saw him frowning but he quickly shook it off and got back to talking to Kris.

He is probably missing Mia. 

Like he always does.


We arrived at the beach and the boys rain to the water. I laughed as I saw Xiumin tripping and quickly getting up and running into the water. After calming myself from the laughing fit I had I placed my towel and the boys towel on the sand  and sat down. I took my phone out and started taking pictures of the boys.

I got Sehun grabbing luhan and raising him into the air before throwing him into the water, I got Kai geting up on D.O's shoulders, I got Tao pushing Kris into the water and Chanyeol throwing Baekhyun to the water. Baekhyun got up and threw Chanyeol to the water and they did that for about 5 minutes before they got tired.

''Come in Amber! the water is warm!'' screamed Lay  running towards me.

I shook my head ''its okay Lay. I don't feel like it''

Lay frowned but went back to the water . He walked into the water and talked with Kris and Tao for a moment. They nodded and walked towards me looking as innocent as ever. ''Hey there. Having fun?'' ask Kris now standing in front of me.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up ''oh yeah!''

Kris and Tao looked at each other before the grabbed me by my arms and got me up. I started screaming the moment they started dragging me towards the water. I tried getting away from them but their grip around my arms was really tight. When our feet were touching the water the boys looked at us and the started laughing

''throw her in already!'' screamed Chen jumping up and down.

I shook my head furiously but it was no use. They threw me into the water without any mercy. ''GUYS!'' I screamed when I finally surfaced from the water. They all laughed and walked towards me ''That was nice!'' said Baekhyun ''now lets play'' he said as he splashed water on my face. I gasped and threw water on him, in no time everybody was splashing water to each other.

When we decided to go out a group of teenage girls ran towards the boys and asked for pictures and autographs. I stepped aside and allowed them to finish. When they finished the girls looked at me and started whispering among themselves. I swear that I heard one of them say ''We should call the police. A whale washed up shore''


It was now 11:35 pm and we had no plans on leaving anytime soon. The night sky looked beautiful and we were just sitting around talking to each other. It wasn't really dark because the moon was shinning brightly.

''Today was fun'' I said and everybody agreed. I looked at Chanyeol and saw him looking up at the stars with a thoughtful expression on his face. What could he be thinking about? I chuckled to myself as the little hope that he is thinking about me decided to invade my mind. He won't think of me. Why would he?

''want to walk around?'' whispered Baekhyun.

I nodded and we stood up. Me and Baekhyun started walking towards a big rock that was about 5 minutes from here. We saw it when we were looking around for a place to park our bus and me and Baekhyun promised that we would go and sit there.

When we arrived we sat on the rock and started staring at the waves. The night was fresh and beautiful. It wasn't hot but it wasn't cold either, it was perfect.

''Do you think Chanyeol will find out about our little lie?'' I ask.

Baekhyun shakes his head and looks at me ''He wont if we keep on acting how we do now. He won't find out''

I smiled and brought my knees up to my chest. I have though about telling Chanyeol about how I feel, but not anytime soon. Maybe 10 years from now, when we have married different people , while our children were playing on the backyard and I would bring that topic as a joke.

''Baekhyun, have you fallen in love?'' I ask.

I've never seen Baekhyun with a girlfriend. He has never told me that he liked a girl or even brought one to his house. I though he was gay before but not anymore. I asked him a lot of times but he just denies it.

''I haven't. I am still waiting for that person that will take my breath away just by looking at her.'' He said smiling. ''I've liked girls but nothing more''

I nodded at his sudden confession ''you never told me who you liked''

He chuckled ''you don't need to know. Its not important'' he said looking at me.

Baekhyun smiled at me and leaned closer and closer.

I felt his nose touch mine and his breath on my lips.

He closed his eyes and I automatically closed mine and in a swift movement he brought his lips to mine

stealing the innocence of my lips.

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Chapter 24: Wow such a lovely story.
SnowExoBang #2
Chapter 24: Im in tears
Fluffs and romance never make me tear up but wtf... Imagining baek's lost, happy, clueless face
1301 streak #3
Just finished the story today. I was rooting for Chanyeol and Amber but I think she and Baekhyun make a better couple. While I feel bad for Jessica, I don't like how she bullied Amber when she herself is a victim of a bully.
sher1994 #4
Chapter 24: Great story. Keep up the goood work.
jessi828 #5
Chapter 24: that was fast...anyways wow i enjoyed it very much....thumbs up
Exo_Suho1991 #6
Chapter 24: Good story but I felt it a little bit too fast, I wished for you to develop more the bullying part and wrote down the wedding and the moment they knew they were having a child. Apart from that is a reasonable story
kimN14 #7
Chapter 24: sweet baekhyun....
secretdiary #8
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHH SHE END UP WITH BAEKHYUN!!!! at least baekhyun is my bias eventhough i feel like dying when I found out that Chanyeol gonna marry other girl TT

THANKS for this beautiful story authornim!!!!
wonderfulworldkpop #9
Chapter 23: Ooooh I'm so excited! Cant wait authornim! ^^