
Oh, Dear Neighbor

As I drove home, I couldn't stop thinking about Chanyeol. How could he do this to me? I gave him everything I had. Everything.

I never loved a man like I loved Chanyeol. He made me feel so happy, he made me feel beautiful and so alive. I tried my best to make him happy. I knew by heart that I couldn't make him happy with my appearance but I tried making him happy with something not everybody has, Love.

Hopefully someday he will realize the mistake hes made. I don't wish any bad thing upon anyone but I knew that Karma will do its job sooner or later..but I won't be here to see it happen.

As soon as I got to my house, I saw Mia's car in the drive way. . I thought she wasn't going to be home by now. I sat down for a while in Xiumin's car. Waiting for my face to show no signs that I was crying like a mad woman. A woman whose heart has not been ripped open by a stupid and ignorant blind man. 

After 10 minutes, I walked towards my house. The house was oddly quiet since Mia always loves to play loud music while she's home. When I walked inside, Mia was sleeping peacefully on the couch. A cup of Iced Tea and a sandwich was placed right next to a mess of pictures lay on the table. I got closer and all the pictures where of me and her. I smiled and took a couple of them. I'm taking some of these with me. I don't know where I'm going yet, but these pictures will give me strength.

I ran up to my room and grabbed some clothes and some money I had saved up for me and Chanyeol's upcoming anniversary. Guess I won't have to spend it on that necklace I wanted to get him. I ran back downstairs and kissed Mia, lightly so that she doesn't wake up. I'll still be in contact with her, but I just wont tell her where I am. I know my sister, If one of the boys asks her where I am she will tell them.

I left Xiumin's car parked in front of our house and grabbed my phone. I called the only person who I know will believe me. The one that I know I can trust.

He answered right away

''Amber! how are you?!'' He asked cheerfully.

''Can you pick me up at my house. I really need your help'' I said trying to hold in my tears.

''I'm on my way'' he said. I knew I could trust him.


''When I see him. I will break his ing face'' said Yunho as his ears turned red from anger. He's always been this over protective over me. He was like the brother I never had.

''Calm down Yunho. You won't see him again, and neither will I'' I said looking down ''I'm leaving''

I felt Yunho getting up from the couch of his luxurious apartment ''What you do mean you're leaving?''

''I'm leaving away from here. If Chanyeol didn't believe me then no one will. Jessica has more people on her side than I do. She's the princess of Korea Yunho.''I said getting up ''I dont know where but I just have to leave''

''Amber..think about this. You have me and your sister. You don't have to leave'' he said with pleading eyes ''You can't leave''

''I'm sorry..but my decision is already final'' I said.

Yunho stared a me for a while before he said something that I never expected him to say

''Then I'm leaving with you''


Chanyeol's POV

Me and the boys walked towards our house. They're all tired except for my and Xiumin. His car has disappeared. He gave his car keys to Amber and that's it.

''I'm going to her house. It's probably there'' said Xiumin as he walked towards Amber's house ''Chanyeol.. want to come with me?'' he asked.

''Sure'' I said

I reacted wrongly with Amber earlier. I've been thinking about it after we were on our way back home. I should've listened to Amber, I mean I barely know Jessica, she can be lying. Hopefully she will forgive me and tell me what actually happened. Amber is not a bad person. She wouldn't even hurt a fly.

''THERE IT IS!'' said Xiumin as he ran towards his car and hugged it ''I thought something bad happened to you baby!''

I ignored him and walked towards the house. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer. After a couple of seconds, Mia opened the door. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were half open. She's so adorable. The media knows the y and charismatic Mia but the Mia we know is an adorable little dork.

''Hey Chanyeol. You guys are back already?'' she said with a yawn.

''Yeah. I was just wondering if I could talk with Amber. She left before us''

''Amber hasn't arrived yet. I think. You can check upstairs'' she said smiling and letting me inside. I thanked her and ran towards Amber's room. The room was unusually dark. Usually her lamp or night light will be on since she hates sleeping in the dark.

I walked inside and turned the light on.


She wasn't there. I looked around and saw the closet wide open with no clothes inside. The bag that is usually next to the closet is not there...

Oh god.

She's gone.


Jessica's POV

I stood in front of the mirror, , looking at the scars in my body. The scars those people caused me. I was only 10..

why did they do this to me?

...I was only a little girl.

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Chapter 24: Wow such a lovely story.
SnowExoBang #2
Chapter 24: Im in tears
Fluffs and romance never make me tear up but wtf... Imagining baek's lost, happy, clueless face
1301 streak #3
Just finished the story today. I was rooting for Chanyeol and Amber but I think she and Baekhyun make a better couple. While I feel bad for Jessica, I don't like how she bullied Amber when she herself is a victim of a bully.
sher1994 #4
Chapter 24: Great story. Keep up the goood work.
jessi828 #5
Chapter 24: that was fast...anyways wow i enjoyed it very much....thumbs up
Exo_Suho1991 #6
Chapter 24: Good story but I felt it a little bit too fast, I wished for you to develop more the bullying part and wrote down the wedding and the moment they knew they were having a child. Apart from that is a reasonable story
kimN14 #7
Chapter 24: sweet baekhyun....
secretdiary #8
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHH SHE END UP WITH BAEKHYUN!!!! at least baekhyun is my bias eventhough i feel like dying when I found out that Chanyeol gonna marry other girl TT

THANKS for this beautiful story authornim!!!!
wonderfulworldkpop #9
Chapter 23: Ooooh I'm so excited! Cant wait authornim! ^^