First day.

Little Xiumin's First Day at Kindergarten

“Class, this is your new friend, Xiumin. Say hi everyone~”

“Hello Xiumin~!!” The whole class was filled with cheers as they tried to catch a glimpse of their new classmate.

Due to the whole commotion, little Kim Jongdae, better known as Chen was pushed to the back of the class where everyone was blocking him from his view of his new classmate. Chen hoped that this new kid was nice, and that he would play with little Chen at the playground, and maybe become best friends!

Pouting when after tip-toeing and poking and his classmates bodies failed to make them move aside so he could see his new classmate, Chen decided to just go back to playing with his truck his mama gave him.

After a while, most of the student’s curiosity of their new classmate had faded, and returned to play among themselves. Little Xiumin was dragged along with a cute boy named Luhan and his best friend Sehun. While playing house with the two (with Sehun as the dad and Luhan as the mom, while he was their son), Xiumin looked around and his eyes spied a little boy sitting at the corner playing with his toy truck.

Glancing back at Sehun and Luhan (who were arguing again about what should be served for dinner “Buhbbul tea ish yummey dinner!” “Rawllipop ish better!”), little Xiumin got on his feet and made his way to the boy with raven hair wanting to play with him.

Chen was so engrossed in playing with his truck that he didn’t notice he had an audience until he looked up, only to be met with large eyes and chubby cheeks.

“Can Xiuminnie pway with ciu?” Xiumin asked while puffing up his cheeks, making Chen fawn over them and reached out his little hand to poke at Xiumin’s cheek.

“Squishy! Xiuminnie ish squishy! Chen like squishy Xiuminnie!”

After hearing little Chen fawning over him, Xiumin couldn’t help but blush, making his cheeks flush a light pink causing Chen to spazz a little more.

“Ch-Chen… ish cutie too! Xiuminnie likey Chen-Chen!”

After hearing that, Chen began to blush as well, suddenly pulling little Xiumin into a hug.

“Can…can Xiuminnie be Chen-Chennie’s? Chen will takey care of Xiuminnie, and we can pway at the slide and, the swings, and, and Chen-Chen will let Xiuminnie pway with hish twuck!”

“Okway! Xiuminnie will be Chen-Chen’s! Lewt’s go play at swings! Xiuminnie push Chen-Chen firwst!”

“Okay! Xiuminnie is mine forever!” Chen exclaimed happily while interlacing his fingers with Xiumin’s as he dragged the other to the swings.

Smiling happily, Xiumin followed little Chen to the swings and the two took turns to push each other on the swings, sounds of laughter and giggling were heard at the swings today while the two innocent children played with each other for the rest of the day.


“Hunnie, where did Minnie go…?”

“Hunnie does not noe Hannie…”

“…Hunnie wanna pway with Hannie at the slide?”

“Okawy Hannie!”

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Chapter 2: They are sooooo adorably cuuuuuuutttteee!!!!
Chapter 2: this is adorble and i cry ;A;
Chapter 4: This was so cute... but I wish you write a fic about them growing up and love blossoms. Hwaiting! ;)
kpopluver4 #4
Chapter 4: OMg thank you 4 writing the jealous y one at first i thought u were talking about someone else and then i found my GLASSES thank
duo jie
Chapter 4: taoris is my request
kpopluver4 #6
Chapter 3: here's another request i love jealous sehun and tao...imean i lllloooooovvvvvveeeeee baby taoris and hunhan
Chapter 3: request here!~~ I would love to read some hunhan/taoris in kinder story ^^
hazyras #8
Chapter 2: Aigooo!! That was so cuteeeee! Kyeopta! ^.^