I'm Yours

My Foolish Heart

When you left the park, you wanted to go to Byunghee instantly, but you didn’t. This time, you had something to take of first. You went to Kwangmin’s apartment. You pounded on the door until it opened, revealing Jihyun in only his shirt and her hair a mess. You scoffed and pushed the door open. Jihyun yelled at you but you didn’t stop to talk to her. Kwangmin was already in the living room when you found him. He obviously just came out of the bedroom. He rolled his eyes when he saw you.

“What now? I’m busy.”

“I know, you’re working. I just thought I should give you this back, I wouldn’t be needing it anymore.” You took your engagement ring off and let it fall to the floor. His eyes looked down at it and narrowed.

“What do you think you’re doing? Do you know what will”

“What you’ll do? You won’t do anything. You can’t. That wasn’t your money, it was your father’s. What was it your father called me as we grew up? ‘The daughter he never had’? How do you think he would feel if I told him how you treated me? I’m quite certain he would be upset. So just take the ring and shut up. We’re done.” You turned to walk out the door and saw Jihyun staring at you with wide eyes.

“I know we aren’t friends anymore, but you should know. He doesn’t love you. He just likes with you. He’ll never care about you the way you care about him.” And with that you left the apartment, and your old life behind.


You hurried to Byunghee’s dorm, praying with every fiber of your being that he was there. You arrived at the door panting and out of breath. You knocked instantly. The door opened a few seconds later to reveal one of his band mates. You couldn’t remember his name, but based on the way he was looking at you, he must be the leader of the group.

“What do you want?” His voice didn’t reveal much, but the glare in his eyes told you that he knew you had hurt Byunghee and he wasn’t okay with it.

“I need to see him, please.” His eyes focused on you for a moment longer, but then he opened the door for you to come in.

You rushed past him to Byunghee’s room. The door was closed and you stopped in front of it. You took a deep breath and knocked softly. You heard his hoarse, sleepy voice giving you permission to enter. You opened the door slowly. He opened his eyes a little when he heard the door squeak and then they went wide. He sat up in an instant.

“What are you doing here? Do you have an idea how worried I’ve been? How hard I’ve tried to get in contact with you?” You hurried over to sit next to him and he took your face in his hands as he spoke. He was looking at you as though he was sure he was dreaming.

“I know oppa, and I’m sorry. There has been a lot going on.” His eyes darkened and his hands slipped from your face.

“Right, the wedding.” You grabbed his hand and put it back on your cheek.

“The wedding is off. I’m not marrying Kwangmin.” Byunghee’s eyes met yours and you stared at each other for a moment before you lunged forward and pressed your lips to his. It took him a moment to respond, but then he wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer to him. Your hands went up into his hair. When you pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours.

“It’s really off right?” He looked at you, hesitation in his eyes. You smiled at him.

“Jung Byunghee, I’m yours.”

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SeungHodaebak #1
Chapter 9: I love this.
And I'll definitely won't choose byunghee as my best man later.
Whoever I'll marry, I'm just sure that I'll runaway with him in the end XD
Chapter 7: keep updating it..love this fanfic ><
Chapter 3: Omo, kwangmin sure is a big head jerk -,-

And g.o is just so sweet <3

Update soon authornim! Really love your story :3