
To the End.

It had been nearly a month and a half since the incident where I had to relive the pain of my accident for the second time after surgery. I was slowly becoming better, being able to walk slowly with the help of a cane. I attended physical therapy daily, routinely trying to strengthen the leg muscles that I had lost since the accident.


Surprisingly, I had grown to love the hospital that once brought me down. Kibum and I had become great friends, helping the overall situation. We grew a lot closer ever since Jonghyun had to go back home. I was able to tell him anything, like I had known him my whole life. Even if my day consisted of only popping painkillers and trying to regain knee strength, Kibum made it lively and enjoyable through funny remarks or just being there by my side.


We currently were seated in hard plastic chairs, drips still attached to the back of our hands, facing towards the window in our room. We were people watching, one of the few ways we tried to pass time in the hospital. I looked over at the blonde seated next to me and smiled. His face seemed peaceful, features relaxed. Everything about him seemed content besides the large bandage wrapped around his head. He looked over at me and caught my gaze. I turned my eyes back quickly to the people on the sidewalk across the street.


“What?” he asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.


“Nothing,” I murmured, continuing to gaze out the window.


“Was I just so breathtaking you are speechless?”


I looked over at Kibum and playful pushed his shoulder. He smiled softly back at me, scooting closer to my chair with his. I waited for him to get situated again before I leaned over and gently pecked his cheek. I guess we were a bit closer than friends at times. It was hard to explain, but it was what it was.


“What was that for?” he asked, bringing a hand to the spot I kissed, lifting an eyebrow towards me.


“For being so breathtaking you took my speech,” I giggled, turning back towards the window.


Below I saw a group of people coming towards the hospital. More visitors. I wonder if my family missed me at times like this. They had tried to move me to a hospital back home, but I refused, something keeping me here.


“What are you going to do when this is over?” Kibum asked, breaking my train of thought.


“What do you mean ‘when this is over’?” I asked, confused.


“When you are better you are just going to go back home like this whole accident never happened. Tell me I’m right.”


I looked over at the boy sitting next to me and saw water begin to bubble up in his eyes. I took his hand in mine, lacing our fingers. He tried to pull away weakly, but gave up, leaning his head on my shoulder instead, hiding his face.


“Kibum, I never want to leave now that I know you. Know you this well, I mean. What about my family though?” I asked.


“What about me?” he choked out.


I had never thought of the fact that I would one day have to leave Kibum. Being around him brought this strange wave of happiness, no matter what sort of situation the hospital brought upon us. Something about him drew me to him and I didn’t want to leave him. He had no one else, as far as I knew, so it made deciding whether to leave or stay even harder.


“I’ll come back after I visit my parents. I can take you away. You will be better by then and we can go back to my home if you’d like. I don’t want to lose you.”


“Are you serious?” he gasped, sitting up to look at me.


I nodded, brushing his bangs out of his face, cupping his cheek in my hand. Kibum leaned his cheek into my hand and stared up at me through long lashes.


“You know you are like the family I never had, Choi,” he mumbled, nuzzling my hand.


He pulled me into a hug, both of us just sitting there in each others embrace, comforting each other. Although I didn’t say it, I dreaded leaving him. I dreaded leaving him and finding someone else to fill his emptiness.




A week later, I was informed of the news he dreaded - I was being discharged from the hospital, plane tickets already lined up to go back home. Kibum sat on the edge of his bed quietly watching me pack, holding his head with his hands.


“Are you sure you are going to be okay alone? You don’t look so well,” I thought out loud, pushing back Kibum’s bangs to feel his head. The last few days had not been in Kibum’s favor. He was getting headaches frequently and was very dizzy at times.


“I’ll be fine,” he smiled, grabbing my hand from his head to squeeze it gently.


I squeezed back, pulling him in for a hug. There was a soft knock at the door before my manager stepped in the room and informed me it was time to go.


I’ll come back, I promise,” I whispered in Kibum’s ear as I embraced him tightly.

“You better, Choi. Don’t leave me like the rest”



A/N: Sorry for being gone for so long? I started college on top of working and forgot about all my fics ;;; What If I start using my blog to update you guys on things going on and when updates will be? Or would you perfer following my Twitter? Or none of these? Let me know~


Sorry for this update it might not flow well. It's been so long since I've written on this fic';;;

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I plan on finishing this fic soon, but it's not so great as the original idea. I hoep you guys still like it. Thank you for supporting me through this


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 8: Nooooo! So sad, but very well written, author-nim!
I can't believe Kibum died ;___; That was so sad. He couldn't even remember Minho. He died without knowing that Minho came back for him.
Still, I'm glad Minho won the medal, he sure deserved it!
Sapphire-eyes #3
Chapter 7: Oh my, I hope key will be fine when minho comes back.. He will come back right?
Chapter 7: so they parted :( i really hope minho comes to get kibum back! can't wait to see what's going to happen next, great update!
Chapter 7: hmm he should be alright
nanaminkey #6
Chapter 6: hopely minho will be getting better after the surgery...this good,update soon please...gmwo
Chapter 6: my poor minho :( what's happening to him?
Chapter 5: asdfghjkl sehunah xS
poor bummie :((
kawaling #9
Chapter 5: Oh, please, let him at least walk again ç_ç
I bet Kibum would take care of him otherwise, but I feel like the "taking care" part should be left to Minho :P
Chapter 4: I'm really wondering why Kibum is at the hospital and why he has those bandages... is it because of an accident?! O.o ugh! I'm so curious yeah~! kkkkkk.. XD
and since Minho and Kibum has a good start I believe that they will be very good friends >.< and yeah! poor Jonghyun T^T what will happen to him?! I hope the three of them will be good friends.. :D