Kim Kibum

To the End.

The next day I woke up and stared at the ceiling for some time. I wasn’t thinking about anything. I was just numb and, not numb with pain, but numb of emotions. Nurses came and went, changing my IV and checking my stats, but I just kept staring. My concentration was eventually interrupted, however, when Jonghyun burst through the door with his arms full of various pastries and a big smile on his face.


Sighing, I sat up in bed and watched him bounce over to my bedside, pulling up the moveable table to put all the goodies on. He then pulled up a chair and looked at me excitedly.


“So,” he began, excitement still bubbling over in him, “How are you?”


“I’m whatever,” I scoffed eyeing the croissants from a distance. I really didn’t want to see Jonghyun, but would much rather eat.


“Are you sure? You seem down. Maybe I could get you another pillow or I could get you something else, like food....look! I brought a bunch of goodies in! You can have some of these with me and we can talk and I can hangout with you all day and....”


“Jonghyun,” I interrupted.


“Yes?” he stopped, looking confused. His smile turned into a little frown quickly as he began to actually look at my expression. I was unamused and, frankly, uninterested in ‘hanging out’ with him in this state, even though he was my best friend.


“I appreciate this, but I’m sorry. I’m too ashamed of this....of me.”


He stared at me for a moment before forcing himself to get up. He gathered a majority of the pastries, leaving a single croissant for me. He frowned slightly muttering what sounded like ‘I understand’ before leaving.  


I sighed out loud, running my hands through my hair, forgetting I was hooked up to the IV, pulling on the cord a bit too hard. I winced, readjusting my position, but couldn’t get comfortable. I was just about to eat the croissant that Jonghyun had given me to at least have some comfort food when I heard someone clear their throat on the other side of the room. I looked over and saw the blonde boy with the bandaged head sitting up, smirking at me.


“So you kick your friend out, but still eat his gifts? How shallow are you?” he spat.


I shot him a look, placing my fingers around the croissant before taking a large bite out of the flaky bread.


“Oh we’ve got a badass over here! Don’t mess with this kid,” he half mocked, examining his fingernails as if to blow me off.


“Why do you care so much? What makes you so high and mighty to examine my life? Do you even know who I am?” I asked, looking back in his direction.


“No, I don’t know who you are and if you were important I would know.”


This kid.


“I’ll have you know I’m an Olympic athlete from South Korea okay. I rode my horse in the Olympics!” I explained, trying to see if I rang any bells in his head.


“Are you sure because I don’t think I saw you in the Olympics. Are you talking about the ones going on right now? That explains why you look foreign at least,” he sighed, swinging his legs over the side of his bed so he could kick them around like a five year old sitting on the back of a pickup truck.


“I’m very sure it was this Olympics. I’m Choi Minho of South Korea. What do you mean foreign? You are the same nationality as me! Who are you?”


“I’m Kim Kibum. And yes, I’m not from here, but at least I’m accustomed to the culture. You, on the other hand, need jesus or something.” he giggled.


I grabbed the bridge of my nose and tried to understand where this guy was coming from. He was treating me as if I was some sort of crazy person. If only there was a way I could prove to him who I was.


“Okay then....Kibum? I’ll show you in time that I’m an Olympian, but in the meantime, can we at least try to get along since we are sharing this room?” I spoke, recapturing the blonde’s attention from his swinging legs.


“Who said we weren’t friends, Minho,” he smiled.


I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help smiling back at the pale boy. I wondered what had happened to him that had got him into this place. That’s not important right now Minho. At least you have someone who doesn’t know....believe, rather, that you are an Olympian, so there’s no shame in letting him be around you.


I ripped off my sheet and started to try to stand up, but stopped when a bolt of pain shot up my spine. I cried out, trying to move myself back to a comfortable position.


“Are you okay? Do you need the nurse?” Kibum questioned.


“Y-yes,” I hissed from between my teeth, stuck in a painful position.


Within a minute, a nurse came in and help readjusted my bandaged leg so the pressure was off of it. I exhaled once my leg was down and secure, happy that nothing bad had happened.


“Don’t try to stand up with your knee crushed,” the nurse said, seeming very unconcerned by the look on his face.


“I was just going for a walk,” I joked, trying to get him to smile, but he just looked at me with cold eyes.


I noticed his nametag read ‘Oh Sehun.


“Just wait for your surgery, Mr. Choi, before you go on any strolls,” he snapped, apparently even less entertained by my joke.


I mentally noted his name, remembering not to joke with him as he left our room. I looked back at Kibum who bursted out laughing.


“This is going to be an interesting hospital stay, isn’t it?” I asked him.


He just simply nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes.






A/N: Sorry this chapter kinda , but I was hoping to get Kibum into the story. Why do you think Key's head is bandaged? Do you think Key and Minho will become good friends? What about Jonghyun??

Please comment and tell me what you think and thank you all that have subscribed <3
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I plan on finishing this fic soon, but it's not so great as the original idea. I hoep you guys still like it. Thank you for supporting me through this


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 8: Nooooo! So sad, but very well written, author-nim!
I can't believe Kibum died ;___; That was so sad. He couldn't even remember Minho. He died without knowing that Minho came back for him.
Still, I'm glad Minho won the medal, he sure deserved it!
Sapphire-eyes #3
Chapter 7: Oh my, I hope key will be fine when minho comes back.. He will come back right?
Chapter 7: so they parted :( i really hope minho comes to get kibum back! can't wait to see what's going to happen next, great update!
Chapter 7: hmm he should be alright
nanaminkey #6
Chapter 6: hopely minho will be getting better after the surgery...this good,update soon please...gmwo
Chapter 6: my poor minho :( what's happening to him?
Chapter 5: asdfghjkl sehunah xS
poor bummie :((
kawaling #9
Chapter 5: Oh, please, let him at least walk again ç_ç
I bet Kibum would take care of him otherwise, but I feel like the "taking care" part should be left to Minho :P
Chapter 4: I'm really wondering why Kibum is at the hospital and why he has those bandages... is it because of an accident?! O.o ugh! I'm so curious yeah~! kkkkkk.. XD
and since Minho and Kibum has a good start I believe that they will be very good friends >.< and yeah! poor Jonghyun T^T what will happen to him?! I hope the three of them will be good friends.. :D