Waking Up

To the End.

I looked straight up. Jonghyun was above me for what was probably the first time in his life considering his height. I squinted, a bright light slightly hurting my eyes. I blinked rapidly, trying to force my eyes to adjust. I tried to sit up, but whimpered in pain, Jonghyun springing to life, helping me set my head back down gently.


“Where am I,” my voice croaked from the back of my throat through dry lips. I reached a hand up and touched the broken skin on my lips, wincing a bit. My bottom lip felt split.


“You are in the hospital Minho,” Jonghyun whispered, lowering his head.


I tried to remember how I got here, but my head was in a lot of pain and the light was still invading my eyes uncomfortably. I turned my head to the right and saw a heart monitor accompanied by at IV line. An empty bed laid further back on the opposite side of the room. I turned to the left and saw Jonghyun and a few chairs on the side of the white hospital room. I kept my head pointed to the left avoiding the light above, watching Jonghyun pull up a chair to get eye-to-eye with me.


“Do you remember what happened?” he asked, shifting in his chair.


“No, but can I get some water? Help me sit up. I don’t like being this shirt,” I half chuckled.


Jonghyun buzzed for the nurse who came in promptly, propping me up and bringing me a drink. I sipped in happily, feeling a little better now that I was more comfortably situated.


“So what happened?” I asked after a moment.


“Midnight....well she.....Midnight didn’t make the last Jump, Minho. Her wrap on her back leg came undone and she had already been favoring it before. I guess she fractured it not allowing her to finish the competition. It all happened when you were on the course and well....you didn’t finish.”


I stared at for hima  moment, his words anchoring themselves in my mind. I didn’t finish? I didn’t finish. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes trying to calm myself as disappointment overcame me.


“That was my one dream, Jonghun,” I whispered through clenched teeth. “One dream.”


“I know and it will be okay. Look on the bright side,” he started, trying to probably comfort me, but I cut him off.


“What bright side?” I spat, giving him a are-you-serious-right-now look. “There isn’t a bright side. I lost Jonghyun. I didn’t even get the embarrassment of getting a silver or even a bonze. I didn’t even finish!”


“I know, but you injuries could’ve been worse Minho! The bright side is you are here and alive and breathing.”


“Pfft, not like there’s a reason to be breathing,” I muttered, folding my arms across my chest, turning away from him. I couldn’t even look Jonghyun in the eye right now I was so ashamed.


The door opened, a rush of sounds coming in from the halls surrounding. Then, a man dressed in scrubs covered by a white lab coat poked his head in before fully entering. He had distinct features with big eyes and dark red hair. He seemed to be a character by the way he presented himself, but it also seemed he could be very creepy.


“Hello there, Mr. Choi! Good to see you are awake. I think you obtained a bit of a concussion from your fall. How are you feeling?” he chirped, walking over to my bedside, looking down on me.


“Like a failure,” I spat at him.


“Well you are very lucky young man and if that isn’t a success then I don’t know what is. I’m Kyunsoo, your doctor by the way.”


“Great,” I huffed.


“Let me check your leg,” he began, lifting the thin white blanket off my right leg. I sat up, looking down at my leg and gasped.


My knee had been crushed, wrapped in a number of different splits. My lower leg was already in a cast, but my knee. I felt my head spin out of control trying to think of how this could happen to me. I began to breathe heavily, moving restlessly in my bed, wincing as pain shot up my leg.


“Calm down, Minho,” the doctor tried to say, but I wasn’t listening.


“My career, my dreams,” i moaned, grabbing my hair, frustrated I couldn’t walk away.


“Minho it’ll be okay,” Jonghyun said, getting up to hold my shoulders.


“No it’s not,” I screamed. “Can’t you see I’m done for?! I have nothing left in life! My one goal, my one shot at winning gold is over!”


“Minho, if it comforts you, your knee will be repaired in surgery, but,” Kyungsoo stopped, taking a step towards my head.

“But? But what?” I asked, watching his face turn into a small forced smile.


He patted my arm gently and I understood what he was trying to say. I wouldn’t be able to ride again. Tears began to form in my eyes, fogging my vision. This couldn’t be happening. I was supposed to be in the barn with Midnight celebrating, but now I was in a hospital bed, bound to the crummy mattress by an injury that took my career away from me.


“I’m sorry,” the doctor whispered.


“No! No! You can’t do this to me! You’re a doctor. Fix me! You can’t do this. You can’t just leave me for worse,” I screamed at him, his fake smile fading.


“Minho, stop-”


“No you stop, Kim Jonghyun. I don’t need you telling me what to do when I have nothing now! What do you want me to do? Pretend my life never happened and start over?”


“No, I-” he began, but stopped.


I was fuming at the two men in my room. Nothing they could say would make me feel better about myself. I just wanted to be alone.


“If you wouldn’t mind,” I growled quietly, “please get out. Both of you.”


I watched Jonghyun slowly gather his things and follow Doctor Kyungsoo out of the room. He stopped in the doorway, looking back over his shoulder at me, a sad expression painted over his face. When he finally closed the door, I broke down in tears alone.




I had gone back home and saw the look on the community’s face. They were ashamed to have a failed Olympian represent our town. I walked on my crutches slowly down the drive, making my way to our farmhouse very slow. I didn’t want to face my parents, tell them that I had failed, even though I was sure they already knew.


I made it to the door, seeing my father glaring at me, my mother crying in his arms. I opened my mouth to begin to speak, but he shook his head, pointing at the bag the was laying between our feet.


“I don’t want a failure living in my house. You already shamed us enough, I don’t want your mother to have to endure this humiliation any longer,” he said angrily, kicking the bag towards me.


I picked it up, head hung low as I began to leave my parents, tearing streaming down my cheeks.


I woke up in the hospital startled, my breathing slowing down. It had all been a dream, but it felt too real. I sat up in my bed, looking over to the other bed noticing a lump in the sheets. Upon closer examination I saw that a blonde boy was occupying it, his head wrapped in a bunch of bandages. I looked back at the clock on the wall and noticed it was three in the morning. When had he come here?

I shrugged, turning over, closing my eyes once more to face my nightmares.



A/N: Not sure what this is....more of a quick update. Please comment and subscribe! What do you think will happen next?

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I plan on finishing this fic soon, but it's not so great as the original idea. I hoep you guys still like it. Thank you for supporting me through this


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 8: Nooooo! So sad, but very well written, author-nim!
I can't believe Kibum died ;___; That was so sad. He couldn't even remember Minho. He died without knowing that Minho came back for him.
Still, I'm glad Minho won the medal, he sure deserved it!
Sapphire-eyes #3
Chapter 7: Oh my, I hope key will be fine when minho comes back.. He will come back right?
Chapter 7: so they parted :( i really hope minho comes to get kibum back! can't wait to see what's going to happen next, great update!
Chapter 7: hmm he should be alright
nanaminkey #6
Chapter 6: hopely minho will be getting better after the surgery...this good,update soon please...gmwo
Chapter 6: my poor minho :( what's happening to him?
Chapter 5: asdfghjkl sehunah xS
poor bummie :((
kawaling #9
Chapter 5: Oh, please, let him at least walk again ç_ç
I bet Kibum would take care of him otherwise, but I feel like the "taking care" part should be left to Minho :P
Chapter 4: I'm really wondering why Kibum is at the hospital and why he has those bandages... is it because of an accident?! O.o ugh! I'm so curious yeah~! kkkkkk.. XD
and since Minho and Kibum has a good start I believe that they will be very good friends >.< and yeah! poor Jonghyun T^T what will happen to him?! I hope the three of them will be good friends.. :D