The Beginning

To the End.

“Are you really sure you want to pursue this, son?”


“Of course father. My only dream is to win the gold and prove I’m successful for you.”


“You already are successful in my eyes, but if it makes you happy go for it...just be careful.”




It was finally the summer I had been waiting for my whole life and not just for the fact that school was out. It was the summer 2016 Olympics at last and I was one of the lucky equestrian riders to compete for my home country. I had gone through countless hours of training and countless foals to find the right ride - Midnight. She was an 8 year old mare with a dapple grey coat and a shining personality. We had been together since her birth, training non-stop ever since I decided I wanted to go to the Olympics when I was 10.


I haven't only been training since I was 10, however. I had been riding ever since I could sit up on a saddle on my own. My parents were very supportive of me wanting to compete, considering we live on a 50 acre horse farm. My father used to train racehorses and my mother used to be a cross-country rider. It’s as if it ran through my blood to be drawn to horses...


“Are you going to go in or are you going to stare at the door some more?” someone asked from behind me, breaking my little mental block, thinking about the past.


“Huh, I was just... Jonghyun! What are you doing here?!” I exclaimed when I turned and saw the older boy bouncing up behind me with a goofy smile on his face.


“My best friend is an Olympian. I can’t just stay home and watch from the couch, now can I?” He offered a hand towards one of my bags, which I gladly gave him. I had way too much stuff for the amount of time the games lasted.


“Let’s go find my room,” I began. “Wait can you even be in the Athlete Village?”


“I don’t know,” he shrugged, entering the building with me. “I haven’t gotten stopped yet, have I?”


“I suppose not. Did you see how huge this place is?! It looks like some sort of super apartment complex!”


“Pfft. It’s like you’ve never seen modern architecture.”


I side eyed Jonghyun briefly before walking up the stairs to the dorms. I hadn’t seen that much modern architecture to be accustomed to such a huge facility with sharp clean lines and enormous windows. The whole village was large enough to be its own small city. I was used to living in horse country away from town, only going in town for outings with friends or school.


We made our way around the many long hallways lined with sconces around the doors labelled in numerous different languages to indicate what level we were on. We were currently in section ‘E,’ but needed to get to section ‘D.’ We continued walking, Jonghyun beginning to babble again about how he couldn’t believe I actually made it this far.


When we rounded the corner again and noticed we were back where we started, I grew very confused. Where the hell was D, I thought to myself, clutching my backpack tighter around my shoulder, walking faster down the halls. I looked back down at my welcome papers, searching to make sure I got the section right when I ran into someone. I jumped back, automatically bowing apologies before I looked at the other athlete.


He was a shorter blonde, wearing a jacket that said “CHINA” in large bold letters. He bowed back, smiling awkwardly.


“I’m... I’m sorry,” he said in English with a thick accent.


“It’s ok,” I replied in Korean, waving my hand. “It was my fault.”


“Oh! You speak Korean. I’m Luhan. I’m competing for China.” He offered his small hand and I took it.


“I can see that,” I chuckled, pointing out his jacket. “I’m Minho. I’m competing for Korea.”


“Good, good. I’ll see you later, Minho,” he said, smiling as he left, his eyes crinkling.


Jonghyun walked up behind me, tugging my arm, turning me around. He pointed down a hallway we hadn’t gone down before. It was labelled ‘D’ just off the main walkway we had circled so many times. I groaned, dragging my feet towards the archway to the next section of the building.


“Are you already tired?” Jonghyun teased.


“I think the building gets the gold for being the most complex thing ever,” I whined. We finally made it to my room. I fished out the card to unlock the door and popped it open.


Inside were two twin sized beds on either sides of the room with brightly colored comforters. Next to them were two small bedside tables and at the foot of either bed there was a small desk and chair. I took a few steps in, dropping my bag in the middle of my room, turning to see two wardrobes. I took to the right of the room, beginning to unpack my clothes, excitedly chatting with Jonghyun.


When he finally left for the local hotel he was staying at, I laid on my bed alone, sighing deeply, closing my eyes for a moment.


“I can’t believe this day has finally come. I’m staying in the Athlete’s Village waiting for the games to begin as a competitor,” I spoke to myself. “This can’t actually be happening. When I open my eyes, I’ll be back on the farm and my father will need to to muck out all the stalls.”


I opened my eyes, but I was still in the room. Smiling to myself, I accepted that I had finally done it and strapped on some of my older riding boots. I needed to visit Midnight before the opening ceremony.




“Minho.....Choi Minho,” my mother yelled from kitchen. “Please come get your mail.”


I ran down the stairs, pulling a sweatshirt on as I ran. I grabbed the single letter from my mail slot along with a piece of toast, kissing my mother’s cheek, before I headed for the door.


“Honey, aren’t you going to open that?” she asked, stopping me from exiting.


“Why? Is it that important? I have to go clean the stalls so I can practice,” I replied, dancing anxiously on the doorstep. I really wanted to ride.


“I don’t think you will regret opening that.”


I sighed, walking back inside sitting down at the small kitchen table. I nibbled some of my toast before ripping the letter open. I noticed the quality of the paper was very good considering how thick it was. I raised an eyebrow at my mother who was currently busying herself with dishes. I looked back down at the paper trying to recall why I would get such a nice letter. Maybe it was for college?


I unfolded the paper and almost choked.


“You alright?” my mother chuckled, looking over her shoulder at me.


“Mom, I got onto the Olympic Equestrian team,” I gasped, jumping up and shoving the letter into her face.


“What?!” she screeched, grabbing a towel to dry her hands so she could examine the paper. “I-I don’t believe it. I thought this was an offer from college.”


“Me too!” I squeaked.


“Oh Minho I’m so proud,” she said, hugging me tight.


I took the letter from her, a smile spreading from ear to ear on my face as I quickly excused myself to go outside. I ran down the path from our house to one of the larger barns, searching for my father. I ran down that large aisle of the interior of that barn finally finding him hosing down one of our stallions.


“Father,” I panted, catching his attention.


“What is it, Minho?” he asked, turning the hose off.


“Here,” I said handing him the letter.


I watched him read it, his face changing from a neutral expression to a huge smile. He looked up at me with a tear in his eye.


“I’ve never been more proud,” he whispered as he pulled me in an embrace.


I had never been more happier.




My stomach was in my throat as I zipped up the Korean teams sweat suit made specially for the opening ceremony. It was time for us to walk in front of not only the stadium of thousands of cheering sports enthusiasts, but the world. I held my little camcorder in my shaky hand, trying to film my expression before I entered the stadium. I didn’t want to forget this.


SOUTH KOREA” the announcer boomed, signalling us to walk inside.

We all bounced a bit, nerves and adrenaline pumping up me and my fellow teammates. I turned my camera around to film the long tunnel until it opened to reveal the source of all the cheers. I looked up at all the smiling faces of the fans from all different countries, not only cheering their country, but our country too. I saw my teammates waving and realized, we were practically famous. I waved weakly at first, feeling as if I wasn’t supposed to be the one waving. I slowly became more comfortable, however, remembering that this wasn’t a dream. I was really an Olympian. This was my reality.



Thank you for reading~~

I promise the next chapter will be more exciting. I just wanted to set the scene. Please comment on suggestions??

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I plan on finishing this fic soon, but it's not so great as the original idea. I hoep you guys still like it. Thank you for supporting me through this


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 8: Nooooo! So sad, but very well written, author-nim!
I can't believe Kibum died ;___; That was so sad. He couldn't even remember Minho. He died without knowing that Minho came back for him.
Still, I'm glad Minho won the medal, he sure deserved it!
Sapphire-eyes #3
Chapter 7: Oh my, I hope key will be fine when minho comes back.. He will come back right?
Chapter 7: so they parted :( i really hope minho comes to get kibum back! can't wait to see what's going to happen next, great update!
Chapter 7: hmm he should be alright
nanaminkey #6
Chapter 6: hopely minho will be getting better after the surgery...this good,update soon please...gmwo
Chapter 6: my poor minho :( what's happening to him?
Chapter 5: asdfghjkl sehunah xS
poor bummie :((
kawaling #9
Chapter 5: Oh, please, let him at least walk again ç_ç
I bet Kibum would take care of him otherwise, but I feel like the "taking care" part should be left to Minho :P
Chapter 4: I'm really wondering why Kibum is at the hospital and why he has those bandages... is it because of an accident?! O.o ugh! I'm so curious yeah~! kkkkkk.. XD
and since Minho and Kibum has a good start I believe that they will be very good friends >.< and yeah! poor Jonghyun T^T what will happen to him?! I hope the three of them will be good friends.. :D