Part Three

Cabin Fever

Sorry it's late... ^^; Enjoy!


In case you still haven’t watched Muppet Treasure Island, you really need to watch this video to fully appreciate this chapter
Oh, and this one too, in case you haven’t seen Pirates of the Caribbean (YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK) to 2:32)


Part Three: “Anybody caught lollygagging will be shot on sight.”
AKA “Welcome to the Caribbean, Mate!”

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It would take them three days to get to the site that Kyuhyun had pointed to, and during that time Henry really got to know his crewmates well. It was as Hankyung had said, once they got of the trail of the treasure, the fighting all but vanished- it was like living with a whole bunch of different people. After Kyuhyun’s announcement everyone flew into a flurry of activity, charting courses and mapping out schedules so that everyone would get to sleep at some point, who would test the diving equipment and charge the batteries on the walkie-talkies and underwater camera’s. Kyuhyun actually fell asleep at the table and Zhou Mi had to drag him to his room because he wouldn’t wake up- something that everyone seemed rather happy about.

“He’ll be a totally different person next time you see him,” Hankyung told Henry happily.

And Kyuhyun wasn’t the only one who’s personality took a 180 degree turn as the days went on. Yes, Donghae still ran around brandishing his sword at anyone and anything that threw him off balance (Henry found out that this habit was not limited merely to humans, he threatened walls and doors with the thing too) and yes, Heechul continued to think the worst of conversations he couldn’t understand, but aside from that it was almost normal. The short tempers and rude speech seemed to evaporate and be replaced with a constant hum of anticipation, one that Henry found himself being into.

Out of all the people on board, Henry had to say that he got along with a few the best. Zhou Mi was one, and Henry found that Mi wasn’t quite as difficult as everyone seemed to think he was, in fact Henry really liked hanging out with him. He had a very unique personality and a sense of style that matched, and he was very interested in this “Swagger” that Henry had mentioned in passing one day.

Hanging with Mi inevitably meant hanging with Kyuhyun, as the two seemed to be attached at the hip, but Henry found that once Kyuhyun had gotten a solid twelve hours of sleep he was a much more sociable and fun person to be around. His snarky attitude was a constant though, but Henry found it very amusing- especially when it was not directed at him.

Henry liked Shindong a lot too, although sometimes he wasn’t prepared for his surprise hugs. He nearly had a heart attack when suddenly he would find himself practically lifted into the air while Shindong crushed his ribcage with his enthusiasm. The man was like an over grown teddy bear though, and Henry found him to be a nice person. Ryeowook was another one, although Henry just found him adorable and took to patting him on the head whenever he could, if only to see the cute pouty face he made each time.

He got along very well with Donghae and Eunhyuk too, although it sort of cost him his friendship with Kyuhyun. When Henry had gone to thank Donghae for pulling him out of the ocean, Donghae had said that Henry could thank him by watching Pirates of the Caribbean with him and helping him and Eunhyuk understand what was going on in the movie. Since they seemed to love anything pirate related, Henry asked if they’d ever seen “Muppet Treasure Island”. It had been a favorite of the woman who used to babysit him in Canada, and he’d seen it many times as a child. They demanded that he show it to them, but Henry of course didn’t have the DVD with him when he fell overboard.

No problem,” Donghae had said with a shrug. “We’ll just watch it on YouTube.”

How?” Henry demanded. “We’re in the middle of the ocean, we don’t have internet!”

Yeah we do,” Donghae said, and he produced a laptop and pulled up the YouTube homepage.

How is that even possible?” Henry asked weakly.

“Kyuhyun,” Eunhyuk and Donghae told him simultaneously. “If you don’t know how something is possible, chances are Kyuhyun is behind it,” Donghae said seriously.

The two of them loved the movie and took to reciting it all the time. They especially loved the number “Cabin Fever,” and on the morning of the day they arrived at the dig site Henry woke up to the song being played over the PA system. After an hour long chase which resulted in Kyuhyun managing to throw both Donghae and Eunhyuk overboard while evading both Eeteuk and Siwon- who tried desperately to stop him- Henry decided that he was never watching a movie with those two ever again.

The stormy start to their day seemed to foreshadow the week to come. The weather was horrible, and it rained a lot over the next few days. Nobody onboard expected to find the artifacts on the first day, instead what they had to do was box off the area- about 1 ½ square miles total- and search carefully. Kyuhyun said that it was unlikely that the coins would be together- an estimated 50 were located somewhere in the ocean, tied together in small bags. They’d be lucky to find 15.

The sea was shallower in their area and not far from a small island. It was about a twenty foot dive, and five people took turns diving into the sea- Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kibum, Siwon and Heechul. They went in pairs, and whenever they went down, one person would take a video camera with them and scan it along the ocean floor. The camera feed was connected to a computer on deck so that the rest of the crew could assist in the search. The other person would take a metal detector and sweep it back and forth to further help the search.

It was an agonizing search that started at dawn and ended well after nine PM on most nights. They would break only to eat, and the divers would sleep between dives. Once the sun set they would go down three at a time, the third person carrying a large and powerful flashlight so that everyone could see. Those remaining on deck would alternately watch the screen and watch the ocean- for other boats, Kyuhyun had said, but Henry also kept a look out for sharks.

The rain made the water cloudy and difficult to see through- visibility was horrible, and the waves would rock the boat and risk damaging the equipment. By the third day everyone was visibly stressed.

“Three more days,” Eeteuk said at dinner, “And if we haven’t found anything we’ll call it off.”

“You can’t get them all,” Kangin said reasonably, but it didn’t wipe the melancholy looks off of everyone’s faces.

“I’m sure that this is the right place,” Kyuhyun said vehemently, for about the 256thtime. “If it’s anywhere, it’s here.”

“Nobody’s doubting you, Kui Xian,” Zhou Mi said gently, patting Kyuhyun’s arm.

“I’m going to go check again,” Kyuhyun had announced, shrugging Mi off of him and leaving his still full plate on the table.

“Leave him,” Heechul sighed as Mi made to follow. “He’s gonna be pissed for a little while, he’ll get over it.”

Henry fidgeted in his seat, picking glumly at his food. He wished he could be of help somehow, but he knew nothing about treasure hunting at all and he was a crappy sailor. He felt more of a hindrance than help, and accidentally confessed it to Zhou Mi that night as they were getting ready to sleep.

What?” Mi shouted as Henry clapped a hand over his mouth and cursed himself- he hadn’t wanted to bring it up.

Are you kidding?” He continued, eyes wide with disbelief. “You’re a huge help, Henry! Everyone is so happy to have you around- you’re like a morale booster!”

But I don’t do anything,” Henry protested weakly.

Yes you do, you just don’t realize it,” Mi informed him exasperatedly. “You make everyone smile, especially when you try to speak Korean, you let me and Shindong hug you all the time- which is a big relief for everyone else, you make sure we drink plenty of water, you help with the dishes-“

But that’s all just little things,” Henry sighed. Zhou Mi sat on his bed and patted his head.

Sometimes the little things make the biggest difference,” he said sagely. “Everyone will be really sad to see you go, I wish you would reconsider your decision to leave.

Henry swallowed nervously and gave Mi a sheepish look. “Yeah, about that…” he began, but before he got any further Mi’s jaw dropped and he clapped his hands over his mouth.

Oh my god!” He squealed, “You are staying, aren’t you?!”

Henry stammered for a minute, trying to find the right words while Mi grinned at him like a child who had just been promised a house full of candy. Finally Henry just shrugged helplessly and Mi leapt off the bed and began jumping around with joy.

Yay, yay, yay!!!!!” He cheered, bouncing up and down. “We have a new crew member! You’re going to stay with us! We’re going to be roommates, OMG I have a roommate! I don’t have to live by myself anymore! This is so exciting, Henry you’re staying!” With that Mi flung his arms around Henry’s neck and hugged his head to his chest while Henry slowly died.

Oh my gosh, we have to go tell everyone!” Zhou Mi gasped, grabbing Henry’s hand and trying to pull him up. this was when Henry put his foot down.

No!” he yelped, grabbing Mi’s wrist with his other hand and pulling him down onto the bed again.

Why not?” Mi demanded, and Henry covered his mouth.

Listen to me, Zhou Mi,” Henry said seriously, and Mi nodded rapidly, Henry’s hand still over his mouth. “I haven’t 100% decided on anything yet,” he said slowly. “I want to make sure everyone else is okay with it- stop trying to talk-” he warned as Mi began to protest, “It’s just something I need to do, and now isn’t the best time to bring it up because everyone is stressed out, alright? For now, this is an absolute secret.” Henry stared dead into Mi’s eyes. “Do you understand, Zhou Mi? You can’t tell anybody- not Kyuhyun, not Eeteuk, not Hankyung- nobody. If you even hint at the fact that I may have even slightly changed my mind I’ll-” he didn’t know what he would do, and ransacked his brain quickly. “I’ll throw every one of your shoes overboard,” he threatened recklessly.

Zhou Mi’s eyes widened and he gasped behind Henry’s hand. Neither one of them mentioned that while Mi was too sweet to take revenge, Kyuhyun sure wasn’t and if Henry ever did do such a thing Kyuhyun would find some horrible way to get even.

Henry finally pulled his hand away and tried his best to look threatening. “So, you won’t say anything?”

Zhou Mi shook his head vigorously. “Not a word,” he promised.

Pinky swear,” Henry told him seriously. Zhou Mi held up his finger.

Pinky swear,” he echoed solemnly.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~PRESS THE RESET~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~PRESS THE RESET~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The morning of the fourth day, there was no sun in the sky. It seemed as though all the bad weather they’d had over the last few days was coming to a head, and there would be a massive storm that afternoon.

“Or sooner,” Kyuhyun informed them gravelly at breakfast. “It’s a fast moving cell. Basically if we’re gonna find anything we should try to do it before the storm hits, because it’s going to seriously mess up the ocean floor.”

“Piece of cake,” Donghae said with a wave of his hand and a light grin. “No treasure can evade the Pirate King of the East Sea for too long.”

He and Eunhyuk high fived each other and Kyuhyun threw them both a death glare. “If either one of you goes within five feet of the pilot house, I’ll sick Zhou Mi and Sungmin on both of you,” he threatened.

“I can see why Zhou Mi would do whatever you say,” Sungmin said coolly. “But why would I?”

Kyuhyun silently held up three bags of Reese’s cups. Henry had no idea where he’d been hiding them, but Sungmin’s eyes went glassy and he actually might have drooled a little.

“I’ll do whatever you want me to,” Sungmin said dreamily. Kyuhyun smirked and threw one of the bags to him.

The ocean was already stirring, and waves rocked the boat and threatened to damage the delicate equipment. Kyuhyun was reluctant to send Donghae down with the camera- if they didn’t find anything then it would be hard to pay to fix the thing- but was more reluctant to send Donghae down blind, so he finally relented. Kyuhyun had two computers on deck with him, one connected to the camera feed and one to monitor the weather. The storm was approaching fast, and would probably hit before noon.

“Two hours,” Kyuhyun warned into the mic that connected to Donghae’s ear piece. “Move onto the next section.”

Henry kept his eyes glued to the computer screen, along with about ten other people. Kyuhyun kept twitching and looking over his shoulder. Finally Kangin sneezed and Kyuhyun snapped.

“I know you all want to help,” he said, his voice dangerously low. “But you’re all breathing down my neck and it is VERY DISTRACTING!” He screamed the last two words and everyone except Henry leapt back. From the mic feed they heard Donghae yelp as Kyuhyun shouted in his ear. Not only did he yelp, he also jumped and the camera jerked to the right. In that window of about a half second, Henry caught sight of something that made his heart stop.

There!” he shouted, then repeated what he’d said in Chinese and Korean. “It was on the right of the screen- I swear I saw something!”

Kyuhyun immediately replayed the footage, slowing it down. Ignoring his previous statement, everyone crowded back around the screen. The image flashed up again and Kyuhyun swore.

“On your right, Donghae- about 75 degrees.”

The camera zoomed around and Donghae reached down, brushing the sand aside. Everyone stopped breathing as a small, old looking leather bag was revealed.

“Bring it up,” Kyuhyun said, his voice shaking and strained. It was a tense few minutes as Donghae floated to the surface and was helped on board. Once they saw it in the light, it was obvious that the bag was indeed old, and had been in the water for quite some time. It nearly fell apart as Donghae tugged it open, and into his hand spilled twenty ancient coins.

Everyone on deck let out a yell of celebration.

“We got it! We found it!”

Henry cheered with the rest and was surprised when he was suddenly accosted by fourteen people who all wanted to hug him at once- one of them a very wet and dive-suit encased Donghae.

What are you all hugging me for?” He gasped after a while, crushed somewhere between Heechul (who may or may not have kissed him), Kibum and Ryeowook.

“What did he say?” Shindong asked loudly.

“Who cares what he said, let’s celebrate!” Kangin shouted.

Henry was pulled into the galley while Kyuhyun packed the coins away, Eeteuk and Shindong cleared all the equipment off the deck in preparation for the storm and Kibum disappeared to steer them some place safer. The remainder of the crew started grabbing the most random things from the refrigerator and Ryeowook the stove and started to cook something. In all of the confusion Henry found himself sitting at the table with some kind of pie in his hands, at a total loss for what to do.

You look like you were just dumped in the middle of nowhere,” Hankyung said lightly, sitting down next to Henry and taking the pie off his hands. “What’s on your mind?”

I didn’t do anything,” Henry said. Hankyung rolled his eyes.

You found the treasure,” he said with the air of someone telling a small child that the sky was blue.

No, Donghae found the treasure,” Henry corrected.

Fine, you both found it,” Hankyung said in a placating tone. Henry shook his head again and Hankyung sighed.

Well, whether you believe it or not, you did have something to with it. If you hadn’t been watching the screen we wouldn’t have found the bag when we did.”

You would have found it eventually,” Henry insisted.

Maybe, maybe not. We’ll never know now, will we?” Hankyung said with a mysterious smile. The remaining four crew members came down the stairs and waved at them. Hankyung clapped him on the shoulder and stood up.

In any event, just enjoy yourself,” he said over the uncorking of a champagne bottle that someone had magically produced. “You’ll be going back to Shanghai in a few days after all.”

Henry’s heart skipped a beat and he swallowed thickly. “Oh, yeah,” he said weakly. Hankyung gave him a searching look.

Unless of course, you’ve changed your mind,” he said with a smirk.

Henry didn’t realize how quiet the galley had gotten. “I don’t want to be a bother to anyone-” he began, but was cut off by Zhou Mi.

I thought you’d changed your mind!” He blurted and Henry threw him a death glare reminiscent of Kyuhyun (“Whoa, that’s scary,” Eunhyuk muttered.)

I said I wasn’t sure!” Henry growled.

“What’s everyone saying?” Heechul demanded loudly. “Is Henry staying with us or not?”

“He says he doesn’t want to bother us with his presence,” Hankyung said. Everyone began protesting at once.

What did you tell them?” Henry yelled at Hankyung, who shrugged calmly. Donghae ran over and grabbed Henry’s shoulders.

Stay!” He pleaded, shaking Henry slightly. “We would love to have you with us!”

For real,” Kibum threw in. “You’re about the only one here with a shred of sanity.”

You can’t just leave,” Ryeowook said tearfully, Siwon echoing him.

Obey me!” Kangin threw in randomly. Henry saw Eeteuk say something to Kyuhyun, who nodded and shoved everyone away.

“Alright, back off,” he grumbled. “Give the kid some breathing room.” Then he turned to Henry, looking gentler than Henry had ever seen him.

It’s entirely up to you of course,” he said softly. “But we would like to have you join us, if only for the simple reason that you’re our friend now.” He paused and laughed. “Frightening as it is, you’re one of us. Part of the group of crazies.” He leaned in and whispered, “Just so you know, all Zhou Mi can talk about is how nice it is to have a roommate; nobody else can put up with his sleep talking.”

Henry looked at Kyuhyun in surprise. “He sleep talks?” He asked incredulously. Kyuhyun nodded seriously.

Henry looked around at the crew. He hadn’t known them for very long, but already they felt like his best friends. What was he leaving them for, anyway? A life on a fishing boat? This bait trap may have been a floating psycho ward, but it was more of a home to him than any other place had been since the death of his parents.

Okay fine,” he said finally. “I’ll stay.”

Zhou Mi leapt in the air and screamed, running over and tackle- hugging Henry, which everyone took to mean that he’d said yes.

After a solid ten minutes of hugs, Heechul pulled Henry aside and handed him a glass of champagne.

Welcome to the Caribbean, mate,” he said cheerfully.

“ARGH!” Kyuhyun yelled, shoving Heechul so hard that he fell into Hankyung and they both went sprawling to the floor. “WE ARE NOT PIRATES!!!”

Donghae grabbed his pirate hat and shoved it onto his head. “Pirate dog-pile!” he shrieked, throwing himself on top of Heechul and Hankyung. Eunhyuk quickly followed him and the pair of them sat on Hankyung and Heechul’s backs. Kyuhyun started laughing cruelly and Siwon scolded him for being rude. Zhou Mi was still dancing around with unbridled joy and knocked into Kibum, who tripped over Heechul’s head and upset a bowl of chips in his wake.

Yep,’ Henry thought to himself as everyone dissolved into bickering again and Eeteuk threw back his champagne with the air of one who was not drunk enough to deal with his life at the moment. ‘Definitely a floating psycho ward.’





I hope you liked it, and I hope you'll check out my other stories :D


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Chapter 3: I find it ironic that Kyuhyun yelled "argh!" in his frustration with pirates :D I loved this story! So glad that you included all 15 of those idiots!
unnilovesKYU #2
Chapter 4: I love this story! I've read it again after quite a while and it still makes me laugh. Daebak! :D
Chapter 4: Loved it! :))
I actually read this story in one go. Lol.
Chaos? The typical Super Junior. Hahaha one of the reasons why i'm feaking in love with these dorks XD
Whatever they do, i don't know but it just makes me fall for them even more :""> <333
kaylee204 #4
Chapter 4: I had so much fun reading this story! I especially love this sentence "...if someone was shouting then everything was bound to be normal, it was one of the things that made them Super Junior." I believe that that is 100% true and that Eeteuk does wake up to shouting in the morning and Wookie threatening members to get out of his kitchen and Kyu death glaring at people and EunHae acting like 10 year old boys and I miss Hanchul and Mi is such a sweetheart and I'm going to stop listing specific members now because there's just so many feels for everyone in this. Oh and Henry! Just...yeah. Loved it! <3
P.S. Apologies for the run-on sentence. I do know my english grammar, just haven't slept yet. Running on coffee. >.<
Two words: life changing. <3<3 That is all.
Omkyu~~~ that was such a TROLL ending~~~ cliched~~>< haha daebak story though~~~^^
Just saw Pirates of the Carribean (LOL I WATCHED ALL 4 MOVIES IN A ROW xD) Thought I'll come back and read this~
Arlene #8
I love this story
Wow >.<<br />
I read this story in one go, and I just sat there, openmouthed in awe half the time, and laughing my head off the other half. :D<br />
This is absolutely amazing. I love it soooo very much :3 Thank you for writing this!