66 Possibilities


There are 66 possible pairings in OT12 EXO--and that's just the ones that feature two members. I'm aiming to write all 66 pairings someday.

The story will be tagged with the ship featured in the latest update. Pairing as of 2/27 : KrisChen


For my 80th fic post, I'm creating a space where I'll be able to leave drabbles featuring the Exo pairings that I haven't written as longer stories. Most of these pairing are ones I don't think much about but want to try, so the stories will likely be short. Some will probably end up being rated and I'll mark the chapters that are. For a list of pairings I've already done, see this blog post.



Oh Lord. This is what my life has come to. What am I thinking?

Go to my stories page to subscribe to the Sailor Moon AU


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illumina_dain #1
Chapter 14: oh my god, I love your stories. Welcome back
xxxbuttxxx #2
Chapter 12: SO CUTE I'M CRYIN ;;
Chapter 14: Ohmygod I love this so much. This is literally my favorite alien thing I've ever experienced (and I say that because it applies to fics, books, movies, etc). Love it. A+
Chapter 14: wow oh wow this was very good ><
TrollUnicorn #6
Chapter 14: ohmylord the KrisChen was breathtaking! it made me swoon during the slow build up of their relationship and gasp in awe at the intricacies of your imagination in the same way that With Love & My Heart Will Go On did. honestly, the only thing i can say is i am so amazed and i love the worlds you create and i would love if this became a series but even it if doesnt i am content because this oneshot was so complete in its own right. the ending! just yes yes yes!
Em1412 #7
Chapter 14: AWESOME!!!!! This series is so interesting, I especially like the Pokemon ones :) Great job Author-nim!!
Hayleywill #8
Chapter 14: It's so beautiful and perfect ㅠㅠ. Thank you for choosing chenris :))
Chapter 14: Oh yay
So glad to see you back him and I still.use plot bunnies cause they're little gits who.always turn up at the most inconvenient of times
But I really liked this one and can totally see how it inspired the intergalactic au and its nice to think that there's nice aliens out there who want to help
Looking forward to more him