His Luhan

His Luhan




Yixing propped his chin on both of his palm with his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes were wondering around the waiting room on the airport, looking at nothing in particular. They have around thirty minutes before they have to board their plane to Taiwan for some promotional schedule. Yixing was sleepy, not really tired, just sleepy. Kris and Tao tried to talk to him but eventually gave up, because Yixing was just not in the mood to talk.


Yixing was lost in his own little world until he felt a chin propped on his shoulder. Just from the scent, he could already guess whose chin that was. He was blazing his megawatt smile when he turned his head towards a certain blonde head on his shoulder, but greeted with a pout instead.


Yixing raised his eyebrows at the boy beside him. "What's wrong Lu?" He asked.


"Aren't I the one who supposed to ask that question to you?" Luhan said without lifting his chin from the comfortable position.


Yixing backed away a little, making Luhan had to seperate his chin from Yixing's shoulder, a rejected feeling was seen from his bright deer like eyes, making Yixing slightly feels guilty. "Hm? What's wrong with me?" Yixing asked Luhan the second question that day as he rests his hand on Luhan's lower back, somehow trying to erase the rejected feeling from Luhan's eyes and his own guilt.


Luhan still didn't look happy, but decided to put his own feeling aside, "You didn't talk to me at all today. What did I do?"


Again, Yixing blazing his dimple smile, "Nothing, I'm just sleepy, can't really sleep well last night." He reasoned, which is not totally lie, because he indeed can't sleep well, except, it wasn't only the night before, but for a few days already.


Luhan's expression turned into a worried one, "Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked, caressing Yixing's cheek with his palm.


"No, really, I was just too excited that we are going to go to China today." Yixing assured, however, Luhan didn't really convinced with that. But before Luhan could say anything, Sehun was calling him from behind, "Luhan hyung! Let's buy some ice cream!"


Before Luhan could say anything to reject him, Yixing's hand patting the side of his head, "It's okay, you said you want to eat ice cream since yesterday, just go, I'm fine." He said, still with his smile.


Luhan biting his lips, slightly unsure, "Really?" he asked. Yixing just nodded.


"I'll be right back then. Do you want some too?"


Yixing shook his head, "Just go."


Yixing's eyes following Luhan until the older male disappeared in the corner, before back to his own little world.


Luhan didn’t sit next to him on the airplane.




Once they arrived at their dorm in China, Yixing went straight to his shared room with Luhan, one of his favorite places in this world. He bounced a little when he dropped his tired body on his bed, he could hear the faint laughter from the living room, maybe something funny happened there, but he really could careless, all he wanted was just to catch some sleep. Just when he rolled his body to his side and hugging the couple teddy bear plushie their fans gave him and Luhan, a soft knock at his door interrupting his attempt to sleep. He knew that wasn’t Luhan for sure, because why would Luhan knock?


Zitao peeked his head from the door, “Are you sleeping?” He asked.


Yixing lifted his head from his pillow, no matter how tired, sleepy and annoyed he was, he wouldn’t have a heart to be rude towards their oldest magnae, so he gave Tao a small tired smile before answering, “No, just lying down. Do you need something?”


Tao opened the door wider for him to slide his lean body in and sat on the corner of Yixing bed, making Yixing eventually sat up. “Kris asked me to ask you what you want for dinner from the usual restaurant.”


“Oh, anything is okay with me, I’m not really hungry anyway.” Yixing answered.


Tao opened his mouth, about to say something but stopped midway. He stood up from Yixing’s bed, after telling Yixing that he’ll order his favorite dishes and keep it for him incase he’s hungry later.


“Where’s Luhan?” Yixing asked before Tao opened the door of the room.


“Playing games with Minseok-hyung. Do you want me to call him for you?”


“No, it’s okay,” Yixing said as he side his body back to his bed, “I’ll just take a nap.” And he could hear Tao sighed heavily before closing the room’s door.




Tao was leaning on kitchen’s counter, talking to Kris who was sitting on the dining table, reading some foreign fashion magazine when Luhan bounced into the kitchen to take some drink from the fridge.


“Hey guys! Anyone know where’s Yixing?” Luhan asked as he opened the fridge’s door.


Tao glaring at Luhan, literally glaring, making the smaller male feels even smaller. “Aren’t you supposed to know better?” Tao asked, not expecting an answer as he threw his empty cup into the sink and stomped out of the kitchen, in which Luhan jumped in shock and his eyes widened.


“What’s wrong with him?” Luhan asked Kris who seemed not bothered by Zitao’s attitude. Usually, he wouldn’t tolerate rude and bratty attitude, but that time, he was kind of, just slightly agreed that Luhan deserved that.


“Can we talk?” Kris asked Luhan back, not even bothered to lift his face from his magazine.


Luhan knew all too well, that when Kris wanted to ‘talk’ to you, you have to be ready for the worst. “Yeah, sure....” he said.


“Are you fighting with Yixing?” Kris asked as he closes his magazine, when Luhan already took a seat across him.


Luhan widen his eyes in confusion, he clearly didn’t see that was coming. “No! We’re not! Why?”


“Why? That’s what I wanted to ask you, why are you two look like you were fighting?”


“What do you mean?”


“You spent a lot less time with him than you used to. Are you ignoring him or what?”


Luhan’s face was like he just being slapped at Kris’ words. He admits that he spend more times with the other members, but not in a way that he wanted to ignoring his boyfriend. “I... I’m not ignoring him... I just, we don’t really have things to talk about these days... I mean...” He couldn’t even find the right words to say, because he suddenly remember all the disappointed smile Yixing gave to him when he told him that he was going to play soccer with Minseok, that he was going to play games with Sehun, that he wanted to go shopping with Baekhyun, and all other things. Even now, almost all the time he would just talk about soccer with Minseok, or games with Sehun, or whatever with whoever, except Yixing, his Yixing. Luhan would reasoned that Yixing doesn’t really do those things. Yixing doesn’t play soccer, he also doesn’t play computer games, and Yixing doesn’t really do shopping too. But he realized, that he failed to see that all those times, it was all about him, never really about Yixing, never really about them.


“And just because you have nothing to talk about, you just stopped talking to him at all?” Kris asked again.


Luhan snapped from his thought, “I didn’t mean to....” He said with heavy hint of guilt.


“He’s waiting for you. He’s still waiting, he’s always waiting for you to come to him Luhan. Don’t you understand?”




Yixing stretched his body and reaching for his phone beside his pillow once he woke up from his nap. It was 11:13PM and he still feels really sleepy, but his stomach growled because he hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast. He decided to eat the food Tao kept for him, and he needed to change his clothes into something more comfortable too.


Yixing was surprised when he rolled his back and he saw Luhan sitting on his own bed, back pressed to the wall. At first, Yixing thought Luhan was dozing off in the middle of reading, because he had a book on his laps, but when he heard a small sniff, he sat straight from his lying position.


“Luhan?” He called the older male softly.


Luhan seemed startled, wiping his face with his palm, before lifting his face up and smiled at Yixing. “Hey,” he said as if nothing happened, “You’re awake. Are you hungry? Want me to warm your dinner up?” He asked, trying to hide his tears away.


But Yixing didn’t fail to see it. Who would? When Luhan had his cheeks wet from tears, nose red, and swollen eyes. Yixing’s eyes widened at the sight. He got out from his bed, and scooted over to Luhan on the bed and cradling his boyfriend in his arms. “Hey..... what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Yixing asked gently as he the back of Luhan’s head who burying his face in the crook of Yixing’s neck.


Instead of stop crying, Luhan cried louder and clutching the front of Yixing’s shirt, making the younger male panicked. “What’s wrong Lu? What happened?” Yixing asked again, getting slightly impatient.


“Why are you always nice towards me?” Luhan mumbling into Yixing’s neck.


Yixing’s expression turned from worried into a confused one. Not sure whether if he heard things right, he backed up a little, enough for him to see Luhan’s voice without breaking the hug. “What?” He asked the crying male in his arms.


Luhan looking up at Yixing with tears stained cheek and red eyes, “Why... are you... always nice... towards me?” He somehow managed to repeat his question in between his chocked sob.


Yixing’s face then turned into even more confused than before. “Why are you asking me that?” He asked as he gently wiping the tears on Luhan’s face with his palm.


“I was so mean to you. I was ignoring you the last few weeks. Why are you still being nice? Why are you not angry? You aren’t suppose to be nice towards me.”


Yixing’s expression softened and he smiled at Luhan before hugging him and burying his nose into Luhan’s blonde hair.”Do you love me?” He asked.


Luhan circling his arms around Yixing’s waist. “Of course I do! I could even die for you!”


Yixing chuckled, “That is Luhan, because somehow I still wanted to believe that you still love me, and eventually, you;ll come back to me. And you did.”


Luhan burying his face deeper into Yixing’s chest, “But I was so selfish! You should at least angry at me.”


“I can’t Lu.. I don’t have a heart to hurt you. It’s okay.”


Hearing that, Luhan can’t help but to hug Yixing’s waist tighter. “But I hurt you instead... I’ sorry...”


“Well...” Yixing said as he broke the hug and looking straight into Luhan’s eyes.”I know a way for you to make it up for me.”




“Kiss me!”


Luhan finally broke a smile. He raised his delicate hands to cup Yixing’s cheeks and closing the gap between their lips. The kiss was comforting and somehow playful, with a little pressure here and some tease there, the kiss that was perfect for them. It lasted for a few minutes before Luhan’s stomach making a dying whale noise. Yixing chuckled onto Luhan’s lips. “I thought I was the one who hasn’t eat dinner yet.”


“I haven’t eat dinner too, I want to eat with you.” Luhan said, embarrassed.


Yixing planted a loving kiss on Luhan’s nose bridge and forehead, before pulling him out from bed. “Let’s eat then!”




“Can I sleep with you?” Luhan asked later that night, when Yixing was about to cover himself with his blanket.


“Sure!” Yixing smiled as he moved to make a room for Luhan. And as he hugged his blonde boyfriend in his arms, he finally sighed in relieve, that Luhan, his Luhan, is still his.



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Chapter 1: awwwwwww sooo aorable!! I LOVE LAYHAN!!! <3