Prince Fool Ondal

Who's My Fool Ondal?

Raemin visited the village very often, always have a mini conversation with the ahjumma and the two kids she met before she went to take care of EXO.

"Raemin gongju, you don't have to do this.." Lay said as he watched Raemin cooking lunch for them. "You guys deserve this," She shrugged and continued. 

She was preparing the table when a head popped up beside her, it was Kyungsoo. "Gongju.. Why are you doing this..?" He asked. "You guys deserve this, I heard you guys were bullied when you guys were young. You desevre this more than me, I am royalty since birth." She explained while she prapered the table.

She whirled around to meet eyes with him and saw the cloth wrapped around his arm wrongly. She chuckled and gently grabbed his arm as she took out the cloth and tied it for him.

*YAH!! YOU LITTLE PUNK! STOP RACING SO FAST!! IT'S JUST RAEMIN GONGJU ><* Kyungsoo screamed in his head as he felt electricity all over his body when skinship was made.

It was a normal day at EXO's residents when there was knock on the door. Raemin voulunteered to open it and saw PM Jung outside with her daughter, Krystal. PM Jung sneered at her and pushed her away. Krystal bowed and followed her mom.

Raemin winced at the impact and Luhan helped her up. "You alright?" He asked as he felt dusting her hanbok. She nodded.

"Hello, EXO. I am PM Jung and one of you is going to marry Kyrstal, my daughter." She said in arrogance. Krystal tugged on her sleeve and earned a glare from her mom.

"One of them has royalty in him, we have to get him to rule this country!" She whispered and faked a smile. Baekhyun was playing with the cloth Raemin gave him when his door slid open. He jumped and screamed in shock.

"Well, hello Baekhyun." PM Jung smiled scarily as she made her way to him as he stepped back. "PM Jung! May I know, why are you here on such a fine day, disturbing Baekhyun?" Raemin held her hands together. "I'm here to marry Krystal to Baekhyun, I heard that you are going to marry one of them and I know it's him. But fat chance, he belongs to Jung now!" She snarled at Raemin.

Baekhyun was confuse when he suddenly fell as he felt his head throbbing. "Baekhyun!" Raemin gasped and sat beside him, by his side. "Pfft, get off! Stop your crap and get out of here Raemin!" PM Jung yelled at her and pushed her away.  

Friction between her knees and shin rubbed against the wooden floor, she winced loudly at the pain but ignored it. "Why are you doing this?!" Raemin raged at PM Jung as she tired standing up. She smirked and just walked away.

"Unnie, jeongmal mianhae.." Krystal bowed politely and left. Raemin teared when she felt the sting from her shins and crawled towards Baekhyun. He fainted. She slowly stood up and went to the village. "Gongju, where are you going?" Sehun asked.

"I need to get some medicine for Baekhyun. Go and take car eof him while I'm away." She winced and quickly walked away from Sehun to hide the fact that she's hurt. She was reaching the village when it started to pour.

She ignored it but tripped on a tree root and fell on her knees. She winced loudly and tried standing up but fell. She felt cold and soon, she out.


"Is she alright?"

"Quick! Change the cloth!"

"Poor gongju.. and Baekhyunnie.."

"What exactly happened??"

Baekhyun groaned in pain and sat up. His vision cleared and saw the King and the two princesses along with EXO around him. "You okay?" The King asked and he nodded. "Neh.. Where is Raemin gongju..?" He asked.

"Aigoo.. Pabo.. She's beside you hyung." Jongin pointed out. Baekhyun looked to his left and saw Raemin pale and sick. He softened and touched her forehead, it was burning hot.

"She's running down with a fever, she will recover soon." Luhan said as he kept his eyes locked at Raemin. Hana sighed and said, "May we talk to you Baekhyun?" She asked and he nodded. He slowly stood up and went to the living room.

"Neh?" He asked. 


Raemin soon woke up and groaned. "Gongju! Don't move, you will feel more pain!" A familiar voice sound. "Baekhyun?" She guessed. "Neh?" He asked. *Hehe.. As clueless as always..* She chuckled and fluttered her eyes open to see his face a few inches away from hers.

They blushed and he sat back. "Erm.. Gongju, gwenchana?" He asked as he changed the cloth on her forehead. "Neh.. Arr you? You suddenly out when PM Jung was here.." She held his face to check for any injuries.

He chukeld and held her hands. "Gwenchanta." He smiled and wiped the dirt on her cheek. She looked around and found out she was in his room, alone with him.. at night..

"Omo! I should be at the palace!" She panicked. Baekhyun shook his head and smiled like a kid. "You will be staying overnight here, orders from King Byun." She nodded but looked at him. "But where are you going to sleep?" Baekhyun pointed at the matress she brought for them and chuckled.

"Oh yeah.." She was pretty clueless which Baekhyun found cute. Luhan and Kyungsoo came in and sat beside Baekhyun. "Gongju annyeong~" They sang and helped her sit up. She thanked them and drank the tea they gave her.

"Gongju, you should rest. It's 11pm now, the rest were worried sick about you just now!" Kyungsoo exclaimed. Raemin giggled and patted his head. "I'm glad you guys are worried but you don't have to." 

"But we have to, because you treat us like royalty, giving this and that from the palace, we appreciate it, dearly." Luhan held her hand and smiled.

She softened and smiled. "Well, thank you guys so much then." They smiled and soon went to sleep. Kyungsoo and Luhan went back to their rooms to sleep while Raemin was trying hard to sleep. Baekhyun noticed and looked at her cluelessly.

"Can't sleep?" She pouted. "How about I sing your a lullaby?" He asked. "That would help a lot, thanks." She said and made her herslef comfortable.

He started singing 'What Is Love' and Raemin felt her heart go racing. She smiled and soon fell alseep. Baekhyun stopped when he heard purring from Raemin.

He smiled and drifted off to sleep. 


It was finally the day of deciding. Raemin was pacing around her room when King Hwan came in. "Are you ready? Have you chosen who you want to marry?" He asked and she bit her lip.

She sighed. "Bring in Kyungsoo, Luhan and Baekhyun." King Hwan intstructed the servant to get them in. They came in wearing hanboks and kneeled. "Anneyonghasaeyo, Raemin Gongju." They greeted.

She sighed and walked behind them. She stopped between Kyungsoo and Luhan. She started to think. She always felt shy and always pitied one of them. The only one who could make her heart beat real fast. She sighed and was about to say his name when PM Jung barged in.

"Quick! Kill her!" PM Jung charged towards Raemin with a sword in her hand. Raemin knitted her eyebrows and took out an emergency sowrd.

*She knows how to fight?!* They widened their eyes and couldn't do anything but wtach as three men held them down. "I see you are choosing one of them." PM Jung said as they circled around. 

"And I see you are here to stop me from doing that." Raemin growled. PM Jung charged towards her and the sound of swords colliding echoed.

They panted as they cricled around n defense mode. PM Jung smirked and Raemin was clueless. *Why is she-* her thoughts was cut off when she felt pain on her tummy area and fell. The boys cried her name when someone yelled. 

"STOP!" It was Krystal. "Umma! I told you, I have already someone in mind, and he is also in love with me! Stop with all these nonsense!!" Krystal screamed in frsutration. PM Jung softened and dropped the sword. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I just want to be royalty.." She cried.

"Although you feel remorseful about it, but we have to send you to the dungeon. Now, take her to the dungeon." King Hwan pointed to the door. The guards took her away and Baekhyun quickly scurried to her side.

"Gongju! Gwenchanta??" He asked. She winced and nodded. "I'm fine-" "You're not!" He rejected and she shook her head.

"I'm fine really-" 

Baekhyun crashed his lips on hers. She widened her eyes as Kyungsoo and Luhan smiled. They already knew about this, Baekhyun was obviously in love with her and anyways he is royalty.

Baekhyun pulled back and quickly took her to the clinic. After being trated, he went in and sat beside her. She giggled at the fact that the cloth was still on his head.

"Gongju.. I have to tell you something.." He sighed. "I am, Prince Baekhyun, the lost prince of the Byun Family." She widened her eyes. "I found out that got into an accident when I young and was kidnapped by PM Jung. I had amnesia, that's why I was a fool, I had a disorder, but now, I'm just a clueless prince." He chuckled.

"So.. You're royalty?" She aske again. Baekhyun chuckled nad pecke dher lips. "Neh, I am. Your Fool Ondal." He chuckled and gave her a passionate kiss.


"Hana, teul, set! Annyeonghasaeyo! Raemin gongju and Baekhyun wang imnida!" Baelhyuna and Raemin bowed. "Hello viewers! I hope you enjoyed the story of how I met my Fool Ondal!" Raemin smiled and cheered loudly.

"Neh! I hope you look forward to more stories! Bye!!" Baekhyun pouted and waved goodbye. Giving a flying kiss.




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Chapter 2: Baekhyun's last pics make me laugh happily.. good story~~ ^^
Chapter 1: Update quickly okay~~ I'll wait it.. ^^