I'll sing my feelings for you

Noona, I like you

He greeted Mr Park that sat in the couch and solved Sudoku as usual. He had hurt his back over the years and had to take it easy. Jr came down from his room greeting him.

-Hey, what about another round of Fifa15?

- Kids, Noona might be a little old and rusty but could I join in?

-Of course if you don’t mind being crushed by us you old lady, JR said laughing. 

-Hey take that back. I’m not that old yet! Kahi said pretending to sound annoyed and fake hitting her little brother.

All three of them went up to JR’s room that became pretty crowded since his room was already stuffed with furniture. They managed to play for one hour before mrs Park called them to eat dinner. They had fun together. Surprisingly kahi noona beat Minhyun and poor JR got teased for underestimating her. To Minhyun it felt great, like old times. They had gotten closer, laughing and chatting with each other and Minhyun felt that he wasn’t nervous around noona anymore.



When they got downstairs, the table was already set and Mr and mrs Park was already seated. They each took a place around the table and let the serving plates with food pass by each one at least one time so they could fill their bowls to the brim.

Minhyun took a bite of the beef and had to stop himself from at the taste. Mrs Park was one of the best chiefs that he knew of. She could turn every kind of food to magic both in her home and at her restaurant.

-So Minhyun-ah, how are you doing? I heard you are aiming for Seoul University. Mr Park said being the first one to speak.

-I’m doing well, it is hard. Being a top University, I have to study hard to even have a chance to attend. But it’s my dream so I will work hard.

Mr Park nodded approvingly. Just then realized Kahi how old Minhyun actually was. Of course she knew he was the same age as her brother, but it didn’t cross her mind that he was almost a grown up. When she thought about Minhyun, she remembered the little boy she had played with years ago. The years had gone by and now her little dongsaengs were old enough to think about college. At that moment Park Kahi felt old.

They continued chatting and eating. From time to time, Minhyun caught his noona’s eyes and she smiled back at him. The flutter in his chest grew she was really an angel.  When they were finished Kahi, JR and Minhyun offered to help Mrs Park to clean the table. Mr Park had to excuse himself, taking some medicine and going to rest on the couch.

-Minhyun-ah please sing for us. It has been so long and Kahi haven’t even heard you sing before. Mrs Park said while she dried her hands on a towel.



So, Minhyun went over to the keyboard placed in the livingroom and took seat at the bench. He took a deep breath, he could feel noona’s eyes on him. His heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t going to be afraid had he decided. If he was scared now, how could he protect Kahi noona if she ever liked him that way? He let his fingers touch the keys. He was going to do it.

He played his own song “I’m sorry” letting the sound of his voice and the piano fill the room. Everyone was quiet and focused on only him. There was one person even more focused on Minhyun’s voice than Mrs Park. Kahi was stunned. She had heard that Minhyun was a good singer but she had never heard him sing

Something inside her fluttered. His voice was so beautiful. She looked over at his face, it was fully concentrated at making music. He was beautiful she shocked herself by thinking. At that moment he caught her looking at him. For the rest of the song they didn’t break eye contact. The flutter in Kahi’s chest grew by every second it was as if he sang just for her.

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NYTiva #1
I completet this story now because I had only intented to do a one-shot. I know this story ended fast so I might do a sequel when I have written more chapters for my other fics. Should I do a sequel?
DarkestAngel #2
Chapter 1: er....this is completed? but the story seems like hanging....
DarkestAngel #3
seems like interesting....
waiting for your update...