Park Jerkyeol


"That is Kim Jongin. He is in Oppa's year. He is a member of 'Exo'. His nickname is 'Kai'." Jinhae said pointing to a guy with curly dark brown hair. "Exo? Whats that?" Jaehee asked.
"They are the popular group of our school. There are actually twelve of them. Some of them are abroad right now and two of them are in college. So now there are only five members here. Chanyeol, Jongin,Do Kyungsoo aka D.O, Baekhyun and Sehun."
"Ok. That's..... interesting."
"Over there is Baekhyun. Who, sadly, is dating Soojin."
"You like him, huh?"
"Yeah.  But, I'll have to get over it. Soon." She sighed in response. "But hey, don't let Park Chanyeol distort your impression of Exo. They all are pretty decent guys, except for this other one from abroad. I don't know what his name is, but he is a flirt. Not as bad as Chanyeol, but still."
"Your social system seems pretty interesting."
"It is. Unnie, the bell is about to ring. See you later."
" 'Kay. Later." 

Jaehee entered science class and mentally groaned when she saw Chanyeol. He too, apparently, had spotted her because he came up to her. "Hi. Coudn't help but notice you. You are new right?"
'Yeah." She answered bluntly.
"My name is Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol."
"Lee Jaehee."
"So are you free Friday night? We could go watch a movie, I'll show you around."
"I'll be busy."
"Why? It's a FRIDAY."
"I'll be busy avoiding you." She answered.
"Ouch. Attitude. Me Likes." He chuckled. "Here is my number." He said handing her a slip of paper. "Call me if you change your mind."
She crumpled up the paper and threw it at his head. "Thanks, but no thanks."
"Don't be so sure babe. You'll come running to me soon enough."
"Isn't that just fabulous? Now, will you please leave? I have better things to do than to look at your face." She asked, coolly making it clear she wasn't interested.
"Tch." He smirked, leaning in, his lips almost touching her ear. "Looks like you don't know who you are dealing with. I'll see you when you beg me for a date." He moved away, gave her a wink and went back to his seat just as the teacher entered the room.

Park Chanyeol was annoyed. He had just been rejected. That did not happen too often. Actually it did not happen at all. He frowned. Did she really reject him? She must have been playing hard to get. He smirked. 'Two can play at that game, Jaehee.', Eight hours later school finally ended and Chanyeol made his way to a nearby cafe. It was their usual hangout, when he entered the cafe, he was surprised to see some one already seated at their regular table. "Xiumin Hyung!" He exclaimed surprised. "When did you get here?" Xiumin smiled brightly. " Like, a couple days ago. Guess what."
"Tao, Lay and Chen are, like, moving back soon."
"Really? No waaayyyy! Man! It will be just like old times. What about Kris hyung?"
"Don't know. He may-" Xiumin started but was interrupted by a voice coming from behind them. "He'll move back soon too." They turned to see Luhan coming towards them. Xiumin frowned. "But he didn't, like, mention anything when I called, like, last week."
"Didn't you hear? Apparently Jae just moved here, and they both had an argument before she left. Something major, I think. She is ignoring his calls and not talking to him. So he'll come to apologize."

Chanyeol was surprised. Kris hyung had fought with his girlfriend? The one that the guys always talked about? Chanyeol wondered who she was. Must have been someone good looking to have caught Kris's eye. Then he shook his head. He'd better not mess with Kris's girl if he wanted to stay alive. His thoughts then shifted to Jaehee. He smirked. Like all the girls, she would soon be begging him for attention and affection. And he couldn't wait to crush that measly little heart of hers.


Over the course of the next few days Jaehee found out her place in the social ladder. Potential popularity queen. She could have been really popular , if only she started dating a popular guy, wasn't friends with the science squad or got invited into the popular crowd parties. She also noticed how girls would run after that Chanyeol dude. Why? Did they not see how absolutely shallow he was? She could swear that he had been with thee different girls in the same day! Three! God. How overrated was he? Chen was better than him. Atleast she thought so....... She also noticed how he bullied his hoobaes for no apparent reason. That guy was crazy. She did her best to ignore him. Things at home weren't going that great because of Joonhyun. Who had always something nasty to say about her mother and she. She tried her best to remain calm, but one of these days she swore she was going to give him a piece of her mind. And her fists just might end up doing the talking. She was annoyed today, mainly because of Joonhyun.
As she was walking out of school, she noticed a small gang hanging outside school. It was a group of six people, who were distastefully eyeing the school. Then one of then walked up to her and said "Don't think of this the wrong way, prestigeite, I am doing this on a dare." The guy said to her. She gave him a bewildered look. "What is a Prestigeite?"
The guy snorted. "You're dumber than you look. Like Karachiite, people who live in Karachi, Prestigeite is the what you guys are called. Cuz you go to Seoul Prestige Academy."
"Uh-uh. So how can i help you?" She asked. Suddenly the guy with black hair done up in spikes called "Hurry up, Daehyun Hyung! Talk to her in english already so we can leave this joint." 
"Aish, alright." He replied to him. "Where are you from Prestigeite?" He asked with an evident Korean accent.
"Oh, me? I'm from Canada."
"Yep." She smirked, he looked obviously flustered. "Uhh. What's your name?"
"Lee Jaehee."
"Hi, my name is Daehyun."
"Well, you see my friends dared me to go talk to a prestigeite in english so that's why I'm here. I h-hope you didn't think of me as rude." He stuttered. She smiled at him and his heart rate quickly escalated.
"No problem. Who are your friends." She asked, looking past his shoulder. He blushed. "Right, of course, where are my manners." 

He led her to his group of friends. "G-guys, this is Jaehee." He stuttered. "Jaehee. Yongguk, Himchan, Zelo,Jongup and Youngjae."
The guys were staring at her admiringly but she was barely taking any notice, and Youngjae decided to break the silence by asking "So did hyung totally embarrass himself cuz of his horrible english?"
Jaehee laughed. "No, no. His english is pretty good. He needs to work on the accent though."
Then Yongguk asked her. "Which year are you in?"
"I am a senior."
"THEN YOU ARE MY NOONA!" They guy named Zelo exclaimed, jumping at her and hugging her.
"What the-" She exclaimed, surprised. Jongup quickly pulled Zelo away from her. "Sorry." Jongup apologized "He is a bit careless with the skinship."
Himchan, frowned, determined to bring the course of the conversation to him, he suddenly belted out a random sentence in english " I luv cheesy burger! I luv it!" ( we all remember that one don't we?)
"Ah! Cheese burger!" Youngjae corrected. And the group snorted with laughter. Himchan blushed, embarrassed. Then Jaehee saw the defeated look on his face and decided to intercede. "Come to think of it, I'm pretty hungry myself. What do you say Himchan-sshi? There is a McDonalds nearby, want to go?"
"S-sure!" He exclaimed. He was pleased with himself for scoring a date for lunch. "HEY! NOONA! You can't go without me! Your lovely dongsaeng!" Zelo whined
"She barely knows you, idiot!" Yongguk growled in his deep voice. "Yeah and there is no way that I am letting her go to McDonalds with a Gerontophile  and a duck-face." Added Jongup. "YAH! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" Himchan yelled.
"Sorry hyung!" He gulped.
"Hey! Why don't we all go together?" She suggested with a hint of wasn't-it-obvious-? in her tone.
"Oh." Himchan looked a bit disappointed.

Later as they approached her home, because they all had insisted on walking her home, Daehyun said. "Y'know, you are waayyy too fun to be a prestigeite, Jaehee-shii."
"Umm, thanks, I guess."
"We'll see you tomorrow, noona!"
Jongup smacked Zelo on the head. "You barely know her, idiot."

Jaehee chuckled and headed inside. When she went inside she saw Jinhae sitting at the table with a glass of cold water in her hands. "Hey, Unnie. I saw you take off with the Edeners earlier today. Why?"
"Edeners?" Jaehee sighed. She had just about enough with the nicknames.
"The guys from Eden Academy. B.A.P more precisely." 
"The Exo of their school. Eden and Seoul Prestige are the biggest rival schools in Seoul. Everyone knows that."
"What is with all the nicknames and rivalries? They were pretty cool."
"That is not what I meant. They never talk to students of S.P.A unless they totally have to."
"They didn't seem that way to me."
"Nevermind. You seem to be just about everybody's friend." She said. "I am heading up. Umma and Appa aren't home yet and I have home work to do."


OK! Everybody! I just want you to know that BAP will not be having a main role, unless you want them to. I just wanted to add them here cuz they will lead to scenario in the near future! Thanks for reading!


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airheadme12 #1
Chapter 13: please update.. i really love your story :)
dinnyo2 #2
Chapter 13: thnx for updating :)
FionaTinker #3
Chapter 12: Wow,great story-line!Love you're story.
makymat #4
Chapter 11: Thanks for updating!!!! ^3^~~~~
makymat #5
Chapter 10: Please updaaate :c
Chanyeol jerk :c
PockyStyle #6
Chapter 10: Update please :)))
dinnyo2 #7
Chapter 7: update soon!!!!
dinnyo2 #8
Chapter 7: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! i really like this story its great
yeollieka #9
Chapter 2: It sounds interesting!! Gonna look forward for the next chapters :D