Meteor Shower

Meteor Shower



Meteor Shower


“Hey, you know?” She asked the flower again as she slowly placed it on the windowsill allowing the faint light of the stars to fall on it illuminating it feebly.


“Don’t you feel that when you see meteor showers… it’s as if the meteors are letting something go?” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Biting her lip she stared at the flower for a while before turning her back on it.



She’d decided.


It was going to take a lot of courage and a lot of strength – she didn’t even know if she had it in her to do it. But she’d decided.


She’d spent nearly two weeks thinking about it. He was getting married. Somehow it just didn’t sink into her – the reality. She wondered if she was so stupid enough to think that the idol-fan relationship would last forever. Of course he would find someone, someone he liked. And he would get married soon. That was the reality she had never thought about. Rather, she had thought about it but had always shrugged it off thinking that the time when it would actually happen was still a long way off. But now, it had come – and she was having trouble accepting it. The past few nights had her crying to sleep. The relationship they had was over. This was the end.


And unless she let go, it would be very painful for the rest of her life. She didn’t want that.


And there was Ahn Jaeho. She’d never realized until now, but her spine tingled every time he was close by. That… could only mean one thing right?



The school bell rang indicating that another school day had come to an end. It was a Friday too. She searched around for Jaeho everywhere but couldn’t find him. She hadn’t seen him around for three weeks. That’s how long it had been since their last conversation.


“Could you… give me a few more days?”


She felt guilty. Much guiltier than ever before. She understood that he was already impatient and frustrated. She understood that if she didn’t feel the same way toward him, he just wanted her to reject him and leave it at that. But she kept avoiding him and not giving him an answer – which hurt him. A lot.


“Jaeho…” She muttered and turned sharply when she noticed his hairstyle near the gateway. Making sure it was him, she ran toward him only to be greeted by a sight she never expected to see. He was standing with another girl, laughing. His classmate.


He noticed her presence and his smile faded instantly. The expression turned into one of hurt and pain. He didn’t want her to see this. But he was tired. What did she take him for? He couldn’t wait forever. And it was obvious enough already, wasn’t it? She didn’t feel anything for him.


“Jaeho…” She panted and muttered again. He avoided her eyes and looked away. Silently he nudged the girl beside him and though she looked uncomfortable, she nodded and left, leaving Jinah and himself standing there alone.


“Jinah-ah, about the confession,” He started, shuffling his feet. “You can just forget about it okay? It wasn’t a big deal anyway so…” He laughed, trying his best to make it sound genuine. But it didn’t fool her.


“Jaeho…” She bit her lip and said, a few tears escaping her eyes. The boy at once noticed, startled and very much alarmed.


“Jinah-ah? I-is something wrong? You don’t have to cry-“ He started but she cut him off.


“One more day!” She said and made a 90 degree bow, her hair falling down. Students passing by looked at the both of them, startled. “Please! Give me one more day! Just one more day!” She begged, the tears falling freely. “I know I’ve made you wait too long but… one more day! I just have to… do something first. So please…”


Jaeho sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.





7pm. The sky had already turned dark blue. The stars started appearing, one by one. It was a beautiful night.


She was standing in the middle of the city, and surrounding her were tall skyscrapers. The tallest was to her right. That was where she was headed. Slowly, she made her way into the building and got into the elevator. With nervous fingers that trembled slightly, she pushed the button to the very last floor – the 82nd, adjusted her backpack and waited.


The doors opened after a while and she was greeted by a gust of cool wind. Her hair was being thrown back by it. She came here sometimes. She loved the place. Walking to the edge of the open terrace, she reached the cold iron railings and leaned her palms on it. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes, she stared at the sky above her. There were one or two clouds, but otherwise the night sky was as clear as crystal. The city below her was rushing to reach its destination.


Sighing deeply, she reached inside her bag and pulled out a pen and paper.


“Any minute now.” She murmured and stood there by the railing, staring at the stars twinkling. No later had she said it that a thousand fireworks exploded in the dark night sky and rushed to the very end.


The meteor shower.


“How many? How many can I count?” She whispered before starting to count all the meteors she could see, one by one.


In a matter of seconds it was over. She sighed. She’d counted 50 of them. She didn’t know if she even repeated but she knew she counted till 50.


“Let’s begin.” She smiled to herself and sat down on the cold stone floor with the paper and pen. Smiling slightly, she started writing.


50 words that described her feelings for him. She’d decided she’d do this. How long would she keep holding on to him? To her feelings for him? Now that he’d found someone for his own, it seemed pointless. She had to live a life too. Not that she regretted admiring and loving him, but just… this was reality. Reality was painful.


And for a fan girl, the pain multiplied itself a hundred times.


Slowly, taking her time, she scribbled on the paper. Here and there the words got smudged by a few drops of salt water but she ignored that. She didn’t want the letter to be perfect; she wanted to be perfect about her feelings. She wouldn’t lie to herself anymore.


When she finished at last, she stood up and took another deep breath. She picked a handful of daisy petals from inside her bag too. Holding on to the paper tightly to prevent it from being taken away by the wind, she leaned her weight on the railing again. She stretched the paper in front of her.


And tore it up into 50 little pieces.


“About you…” She whispered.


“I’m letting go.”


And her fingers relaxed, letting the tiny white petals and the pieces of paper with her writing fly away, down into the city and up into the sky.



“I want the tables to be put here. Around this, arrange the chairs nicely.” He ordered and the men nodded. “Okay, then you can take a break.”


He was making final arrangements for his wedding. He wanted it to be perfect, all the way from the tiniest to the biggest detail. It was his wedding. He wanted nothing to go wrong. He knew he already broke the hearts of all his million fan girls two weeks back – it had been announced in the TV, newspapers, magazines and all. The big day was tomorrow. And there were only a few hours left. Raising his head, he stared at the sky above him, ablaze with stars.


Suddenly he felt something soft land on his shoulder. Looking down, it was a piece of paper, a tiny, torn one.


Before he brushed it off from his shoulder, he became curious. He picked it up and smoothed it out.


His name. His name was on the tiny piece of torn paper. Then something else landed on his shoulder. He looked up at the night sky.


It was raining petals.


Daisy petals.



She looked at herself in the mirror. It was a wonderful Saturday evening. The wedding would start in two hours. She was decently dressed, a simple style.


How would she face him? Her idol, the one she was in love with all this time?


She smiled at herself. She remembered the previous night.


She arrived at the venue and standing in front of her were all the million fan girls in South Korea. Dispersed here and there, were other sophisticated looking people who she guessed as his relatives and friends. She smiled softly again and pushed past the crowd into the huge hall. She gave the invitation to one of the security men there and he nodded and bowed, allowing her to go inside.


Not every fan had gotten an invitation. As far as she knew, she was the only one.



She stood there, in the fifth row of seats, holding a single daisy flower and looking at him standing there with his to-be wife. He was smiling wide; his happiness was evident in his face. He was so handsome, dressed like that. She was laughing as well.


Unconsciously, a few tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on the petals of the flower. She didn’t notice. But she was crying - she was crying hard. But she was also smiling, she was happy for him. Happy that he had found his happiness.


It was hard but… like she had told herself always, this was reality. Her favorite idol that she loved was getting married and had found his own happiness. She had to do the same. Someday.



“Thank you!” He laughed and bowed deeply at a well wisher who congratulated him. He was getting tired of bowing but this was his day.


Wait, he suddenly remembered. What about her? Kim Jinah? Hadn’t she come? He searched all the seats along the aisles but his eyes didn’t land upon her familiar face. Didn’t she come?


Then his eyes fell on something else familiar. He pushed past the crowd hurriedly and rushed toward the seat. There it was, lying on the seat with a piece of paper under it.


A single daisy with a note under it that said “Congratulations ^^!” under it. But there was no silver string like always.


Slowly, he picked it up, puzzled and looked at it. Then he noticed.


The daisy was wet. A drop of water rolled down the petal and fell onto the floor.


That was the end. He realized her feelings. It was hard but she’d let go.



“Electric Daisy…” She murmured as she was standing on the road. The sun was shining mildly and it was pleasant.


“Hey!” She recognized the voice behind her. She turned around with a smile.


“Let’s go?” He asked her and she nodded and blushed slightly as he took hold of her hand.


As they started walking she looked at her hand which was closed tightly around his large ones. Then she looked at her other enclosed palm and opened it slowly. There was a paper inside.


A paper that said “I Love You.”


“Maybe… maybe I haven’t let go of you fully…” She softly said and let the words trail off. She smiled slightly and laughed.


“What?” Jaeho asked, looking at her amused.


“Nothing.” She laughed. “I feel like drinking a cappuccino!”


“Okay then, we’ll go to that café okay?” He grinned and pulled her along.


“It’s a new beginning.” She murmured smiling brightly.



Y'know guys? Just as I started writing this chapter, I saw a news on a Kpop forum. A rumor.
Kim Hyun Joong and Uee might possibly going out.
Ah... you know, he's my ultimate bias? I really really love him. I have a boyfriend and this sounds stupid but... There's a lot of you who feel the same way toward your favorite idols right?

^^ Anyways, I feel kinda broken now.

Sorry~ And... yeah, this is the end. I hope you guys liked it ^^! Comments please ^^




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Chapter 3: Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

I didn't know you could write so well!

This story leaves me feeling bittersweet. I'm off to read your other fics.
Chapter 3: I think a lot of fangirls will be able to relate to this fanfic. I surely did :') I really liked this! It was so sentimental T__T

By the way, I love how you put music to it C:
It makes it better.
(Love your writing style C: )
Chapter 1: I also happen to adore the fact that you used the flower language <3!
Chapter 1: ;~~; This actually depicts how I view kpop artists. Not to the extent of /love/ per se (because there is no basis for me to love them romantically and I do not think I am /that/ vain, but nonetheless; 何とかかんぺきだと思うよ。