Chapter 2: Baekhyun's POV

What Is Love?

Baekhyun listened to the lesson as well as he could, but he had more pressing matters on his mind. Though he acted like finding partners wasn’t a big deal in front of Kyungsoo, it worried him who’d they end up with. If they waited it out, they’d be stuck with the people that didn’t want to be chosen for other groups, which was risky, but neither them had any other friends they could work with. They usually relied on the previously mentioned method when they were required to work in groups larger than two, but those were for small assignments. This time around it was the nearing the end of the trainee school year, and the group auditions were a larger portion of their grade. Baekhyun was determined to put them in a good group, and not have to suffer because of other’s short comings. The problem was with whom.

Well to be honest Baekhyun already had someone in mind he’d want to ask, but he was too nervous to do it. Park Chanyeol, a good rapper, dancer and a boy with smooth vocals. Of course it wasn’t easy for Baekhyun to ask him for a number of reasons. One, the kid was popular and there was a chance he was already in a group and two… well the second reason was exactly why he was hesitant. Having never spoken to Chanyeol, he didn’t think it’d be easy for him to just waltz over there and confidently ask to work together. That’s where he needed Kyungsoo, though he felt a little guilty about throwing him into the wolves alone. He didn’t think it’d be too bad though, right? Kyungsoo was always lost in some book, rejection would hardly faze him the way it would to Baekhyun.

Sighing, the boy admitted to himself that he was a bad friend and looked down at notebook with his lazy scribbles on it. This class was boring, and since normal high school classes were required on top of the idol training there was no way out of it. The dull environment of this class wasn’t exactly helping how anxious he was feeling, and trying to pay attention to the teacher’s lazy lecture would make anyone feel like they had ADHD. The proof in his words were found to be true when he scanned the room as saw many of his peers messing with their phones or doodling on their pages. His eyes stopped on Kyungsoo when he saw his best friend with the book from that morning on his lap, not so slickly reading from it. The only reason anyone in this class was caught doing other things was because Mr. Kim, the teacher, was an old man who spend most of his efforts teaching rather than dishing out punishments. He couldn’t say the same about some of his other teachers though.

Baekhyun’s eyes continued to roam following the sound of a soft snore. They finally landed on the culprit, and Baekhyun’s lips curved into a soft smile when he saw who was sleeping. He’d agree that Mr. Kim’s class was tiring enough to put someone to sleep, but he didn’t think Chanyeol would be gutsy enough to do it. Still, the boy couldn’t help but find it cute and let his eyes linger on his sleeping figure. With his arms crossed on the desk and his head resting on top of them, Chanyeol’s back rose and fell with each breath in his slight slumber. Occasional he’d murmur a word or two that Baekhyun couldn’t make out from so far away. Resting his cheek against his hand as he watched, he felt the heat from his blush on his palms, but he couldn’t stop smiling or looking. Sometimes Baekhyun felt like a creep watching Chanyeol like this, but he didn’t think he was causing any harm. He never went out of his way to look for Chanyeol, and there was no way he’d consider himself a stalker or anything, but his eyes just always caught whatever it was that Chanyeol was doing.

Besides Chanyeol never noticed anyways, so Baekhyun didn’t have to worry about making him feel uncomfortable. “Alright class that concludes today’s lesson we’ll pick up again tomorrow.” Mr. Kim’s croaky voice announced the end of class, and the boy’s eyes momentarily peeled away from the sleeping figure. It seemed like the whole class sighed in unison when everyone stood to bow, and from the corner of Baekhyun’s eyes he could see another boy roughly kick the sleeping boy’s desk to wake him up.  He chuckled to himself when he saw the way Chanyeol stumbled and shot up from his seat dazed, confused by his surroundings. Baekhyun bit his lip to keep from laughing again, and thought that the boy must have been having a sweet dream considering the disappointment on his face.

“Ah… sorry.” The boy apologized in a sleepy tone, scratching the back of his head guiltily. Mr. Kim sighed in disappointment and let Chanyeol off with simply a look, and the boy’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. The incident caused a minor setback to the whole class, but finally every bowed and the teacher took his leave. Needless to say the whole thing put Baekhyun in a good mood, but there was also something else he liked about Mr. Kim’s class: lunched followed it. He stretched his limbs and looked over at Kyungsoo again seeing that he was still absorbed in his book. For a moment he seriously worried for his best friend, wondering if he’d even notice if someone stole something from him while he was reading. Smiling mischievously he thought that’d be a fun thing to try some time, and made his way over to him. “Yo Kyungsoo! It’s lunch time.”

“I know.” The other said curtly, turning another page of his book, and Baekhyun huffed. He wanted to say more, but he saw how he was nearly finished with the book, so he let it go. The end of the book usually meant it was the best part, and that Kyungsoo would be more irritable than usually if he interrupted now. “I’m going to get lunch.” He said softly, leaving his friend alone and making his way out of the classroom. Unlike his friend, Baekhyun usually bought lunch since he couldn’t cook like Kyungsoo could, and his parents were almost always away on business trips. Plugging his headphones in, he filled his ears with music from his iPod as he walked to the canteen for some food. As he speculated what would be available for purchase today, he unconsciously started humming along to SNSD’s Twinkle. Before long he was mumbling the words as he descended down the halls, and softly singing along to the song once the chorus hit.  

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Chapter 2: This story seems quite interesting so far, update when you can!