Chapter 1

The Kiss
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In a dark room, a man who was wearing a grey tank top with his messy hair, was cuddling with a girl who was wearing her off-shoulder t-shirt and short. The girl was on that boy’s lap, and her fingers were running through his black hair. Her eyes were closed tightly, and drown herself in pleasure. She couldn’t stop herself from shivering. Her hands held his tank top tightly and felt his heart beating stably against his chest   

-         Was it hurt, Krys? – the most charming boy in the world asked her with his husky voice ever

-         Nope – the girl with long straight hair shook her head

-         That’s enough for today. You can go back to your room. Thank you – that man said and released her from his arms

-         Okay, sleep well. See you tomorrow

The girl showed disappointment in her voice. She expected something more than this happened. Maybe more than a hug. She walked towards the door and peeked over her shoulder to see him again. His face showed no expression, he just stared outside the window blankly. He was always calm and quiet scarily. He’d been like that for hundred years – a beautiful loner.

His name is Kai – not an ordinary human, but a powerful vampire. Along with other princes, they are the ruler of underground world. The strongest vampire out of princes, and the loneliest one. His late dad was the heir of the Crown King, even stronger than him, until his dad made a mistake – a foolish mistake ever. That was falling in love with a human – his mom. As the purpose of reproduction for vampire, his dad had used his mom to give birth to him. It’s miracle that the woman – was known as his mom – successfully gave birth to a vampire kid, because it’s very rare for vampire having a kid. Moreover, his dad slowly fell in love with his mom and decided to tie his life with her by a kiss. Although the clan had warned him not to do this, he finally shared a kiss with her. He wanted to prove that he truly loved her, so he wouldn’t have any blood from others, and wished to be dead together with her. His dad found that he couldn’t stand living alone without his love in many hundred years. Unfortunately, Kai’s mom didn’t stay loyal. She had an affair with another man, and ran away with him, abandoned her little son and loyal husband. That man’s body could no longer absorb any blood from others, slowly he died in sorrow in a next few years.

Kai grew up in his dad’s sorrow. His dad always said “Don’t ever trust human, especially women”. Seeing his dad spent his last years in sorrow was a big scar to Kai. He hated his mom to death, hated every women. The prince vampire had sworn to himself that he wouldn’t never ever fall in love. He wouldn’t end up his life like his dad, and wasted his tear on it

About the girl who cuddled him just now, she’s special to him. He saved her many years ago when she was just a child. Her parents were death in a car crash and left her alone on the street. The little girl kept on crying in midnight. He was on the way back to his mansion, and saw the car crash. He saw her crying alone, and no one was around there. The moment of seeing that lonely girl reminded him of himself. He was lonely, and cried a lot when his dad passed away. He was considered as unwanted vampire kid, otherwise other kids got a lot of love and attention of vampire clan. His dad became the most shameful issue in vampire clan’s history. No one wanted to take care of him, except the previous king crown. The king saw a lot of power potential in the kid, and decided to raise him as his old son, because he didn’t have any child. Empathy was the first thing he felt when he lo

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Chapter 8: Hello authornim please come back I missed your story.....???
Nasnas14 #2
Chapter 8: Update please:(
Chapter 8: Please update this story authornim ....please come back authornim
Chapter 8: Update plssssss pretty!miss ths..
choihwamin #5
Chapter 8: pleeeaseee update this story...
i really really like it..
pleeaseeee :'(
sekaiyeolli #6
Can u please update this story... I beg you..
PinkPanda_14 #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon! I can't wait!
rnbear_ #8
Update pls!!!
Sarolina #9
This is really amazing
why you're not updating????
choisullilove #10
Chapter 8: You're not updated??? Please please update it..... It is over a year that you have ignored that story.... Please update it.. I love your story..