
Coincidental Fate

The radio show carried on, touching topics like dorm life, fields in the entertainment industry they wish to venture into and their long time friendship. The atmosphere was good, maybe a little too good.

'What is with this flirtous atmosphere?' Chen thought, not sure whether to laugh or appear neutral. It seemed like the love in the air is only apparent to him. The other members did not seem to notice that extra spark in Xiumin's eyes, the excitement in his every reply, nor the sheer fact that their quietest member is speaking a lot more than usual.

But Chen did not let it bother him, or at least try not to let it bother him. Being an idol somehow equates to losing the freedom to love. Xiumin was able to live in that moment of bliss, to talk to her as much as he liked, genuinely smiling for the first time in months. He could have that little bit of luxury to let himself sink into the sea of love, absorbing the atmosphere, while still fighting off suspicion from their managers, reporters and fans. Chen could not complain, so he kept mum and went along.

Xiumin was the older brother that he relied on since debut. He loved the other members, no doubt, but it was obvious that he stuck to Xiumin more than the rest. Apart from the fact that Xiumin is the true big brother of EXO, he was the only person that took care of Chen unconditionally since Day One. Sure, Kris being the leader and dorm mate definitely helped him a lot, but Chen always found himself confiding in Xiumin more instead. The attachment he shared with Xiumin was one more than fans can imagine. Sure, they may not have that many interactions on stage, but the little interactions they made backstage, it was definitely uncountable.

Just like what Chen wanted, Xiumin was all smiles, directing his energy towards Haerin. The thoughtful younger member nudged him several times, reminding him that their manager was watching them. Xiumin understood, he always did, and tried to control himself. He wanted more, but he forced himself to be contented with the extra freedom he had, with that short opportunity given to him by fate.

The theme of the next segment as voted by fans was 'EXO's Romance' to match their latest comeback. Haerin read out a few messages by the fans about breakups and funny things they could not handle about their partners.

"I had a similar incident when I was younger, when I was also saved by a boy when I was bullied." Haerin said after reading out a story sent in by a listener. She glanced over at Xiumin. He merely smiled like the other members.

Ignoring the tightness in her heart, Haerin continued. "He was a kind boy, and I was very grateful to him. He helped me when I was injured, and I started developing feelings for him with the kind attention he gave me." Haerin paused, glancing at Xiumin once more. Xiumin tried to hide his million-watt smile to avoid unneccessary attention. Damn, it was difficult. Besides the cramping cheek muscles, he also swore that he felt all air escape his lungs. So the feeling's mutual huh? He had heard countless confessions before, but this was special. Not just because it did not consist of the classic 'I love you', but because it was the first confession that sent sparks flying in his head. He swallowed the urge to reply, suppressing the frustration that's building up from his very being.

"So listener 'xiao_ting' asked, does any of the EXO-M members have an unforgettable love?" Haerin asked, reading the question on the computer screen, continuing the show. She briefly glanced at Xiumin before scanning the members. Her heart burned with curiousity, but she knew she had a job to do. Reality was harsh, giving her another chance to face Xiumin but unable to talk to him individually. She could not complain either. At least they met, at least they are able to look at one another again. It was enough, she cannot ask for more. There was nothing more I can possibly get anyways.

"We'll start from..." Haerin hesitated, she was scared, nervous and jumpy. Then her eyes laid on the member and a sly smile appeared on her face. "Chen!"

Chen was caught off-guard, but managed to keep his expression. Xiumin giggled beside him, only for a brief second. He too had a sly smile on his face. Chen stared into Xiumin's eyes, as if saying 'you'll get it from me later'. Chen wondered why was he even involved in their relationship. Should he have ran faster, perhaps it'll be just a story between Xiumin and Haerin. Chen regretted every action he had done a year ago, but it was too late. Not like he can do anything to change the past. With a deep breath, he spoke into the microphone.

"Uh... I had one when I was in elementary school. I think many of our fans have heard it before." He replied. He went on about his love story, and it gave Xiumin and Haerin a chance to sneak a glance at each other, to block out the world for a while more. To steal more time, even if it was just a second.

"That's really cute! Then why not hear it from Tao? I don't think he has ever shared any love experiences on air." Haerin bit her lower lips. Truth was, she was trying to build up the courage to ask Xiumin that question, to hear what he has to say. 'It may not be about me,' she thought while responding to Tao's love story. 'but at least I know more about him, at least I am talking to him.'

"Oh... that's just so sad!" Haerin pouted, shaking her head at Tao's love experience. Xiumin allowed a slight smile to surface as he saw how adorable she was. "I hope you can find a girl you can fully love, one that can accept you regardless of who you are and how you look! Let's clap to encourage him!" All the words were sincere; she did not wish anyone to suffer the pain of love. It hurts a lot, she had no idea feelings can grow so much for someone who she met only twice before this. It was so amazing it scared her. But it was not enough to drive the feelings away.

"Now... let's ask one more person." Haerin's heart skip a beat when she saw Xiumin's name appear on the computer screen. It was like the heavens were helping her, and the radio staffs as well. "Let's ask Xiumin! Since he's the oldest member, I'm sure he has a fair bit of love experiences to share!" The words that came out of her own mouth hurt her, knowing that it could be true Xiumin loved someone before her. It was impossible that he had not fallen in love before, or had an unforgettable relationship. The numbness in her chest grew with each passing second.

"I..." Xiumin paused for a while, chuckling to hide his embarrassment. He breathed, knowing that he had to give a reply. He must, since it's a live radio broadcast. Now’s the time to confess.

"I do." It was 2 words, but it took great difficulty to let them out. "She's pretty, caring and charming. I like her voice when she speaks, it is very soothing." Xiumin tried not to look directly at Haerin. He swore he could feel his cheeks burning and hear his heart thumping. He held in the rest of his words, waiting for the translator to translate. He regretted not learning more confession lines from the Chinese members. They would be of great use now.

Then again, she understands Korean. Why the trouble?

"She helped me a lot, and I am grateful to her." He continued. "Our interactions were short, but my feelings for her just grew. It's a beautiful relationship." He smiled at Haerin, one mixed with relief, happiness, hopefulness and sadness. She understood, and nodded.

"W-wow, she must be like an angel huh?" Haerin felt like slapping herself. Xiumin chuckled, eyes twinkling as he stared into her round ones. That was enough to make her heart melt. She hated that she had to control herself; she hated the fact that she can't break all the rules and run into Xiumin's arms. She hated reality restraining her actions, her emotions. She wished that they were normal people on the streets, and Xiumin was just confessing to her like other guy on the street would.

Yet she could not do anything, except keep that warmth in her heart, staying silent. It was the silence that spoke more words than any confession. It was the silent understanding between the two of them that had a deeper meaning than a promise between lovers, a hug and a kiss.

The members teased Xiumin for delivering such cheesy lines over broadcast, and he shyly chuckled. Cheesy, yes, but as long as she knew his heart before it was too late, it didn't matter. Chen stayed silent.

"Now let's listen to another song by EXO before we continue with the last segment!" Haerin introduced the next song and got up. It was time to snap a photo with the members. As the staff got ready, Xiumin scribbled something on a piece of paper and folded it quickly.

When he walked past Haerin, he stuffed the folded paper in her hand and she slipped it in her jean pocket. EXO-M and Haerin snapped a photo outside the room and returned to their seats. They continued the next segment of calling fans to personally answer their questions. Their radio program ended soon after and they bid goodbye to the radio staffs.

“Thank you for coming!” The staffs greeted at the 6 gorgeous men who bowed to the radio staffs. Kris spoke on behalf of EXO-M to thank Haerin and she smiled politely.

“You guys have worked hard!” The members greeted again before proceeding to the exit.

Xiumin looked back over his shoulder, sneaking a glance at Haerin. It was only for a brief second, but he managed to see that smile on her face. One representing mischief, fearlessness and anticipation.



Let's be childish for one night.



Sure, why not? We were never really that mature to begin with.



I'm sorry for my LONG absence! I was busy preparing for my prelims which is ending soon, thank goodness! Next chapter would be the end, and I'll start updating my one-shot/drabble collection! Maybe you guys can let me know which other kpop idol do you want me to write about and I'll see if I have the time to!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll try to post on Monday after my final paper (hip-hip-hooray!). Please anticipate it!

To my two friends especially Charmaine who keeps bothering me: THERE YOU GO. DAYUM. I HAVE EXAMS TO CONCENTRATE ON GIRL.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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Chapter 7: i believe that they'll meet again in the future...
201099 #2
Chapter 7: nice fanfic author-nim :D
earthtoandie #3
Chapter 3: ahhhh you're reading marchenclub too??
it's so good!!!

cries xiumin is so selfless aw
earthtoandie #4
Chapter 2: damnnnnnn she knew dhfsj