You taste like coke

The JOKER and his JESTER


Soomi's Pov

Pondering the thought to text Junhyung or not, it had been 2 days. Grabbing my phone, I flipped the screen, punching in a few directions to get me to my message folder. Quickly typing up a simple message, I sighed. Eun Young Unnie turned her head toward me and tilted her head.

‘Thinking about Junhyung ssi?’ She spoke giving me a side smile. Sitting up straight from my lying down position. I faced her and scrunched my face up. Not because she guess right but because I had no idea how to portrait the emotion I was feeling now.

‘I’m not sure if I should text him or what, I mean if I did would I seem to you know… clingy?’ I breathed out in one go.

‘What did you have in mind on saying in the message, because if it’s something like’ what happened next I couldn’t contain my myself from giggling. ‘ Junhyungie oppa, it me Soomi. I think we should meet again ;) Keke Oppa I miss you. Call me soon arraso bye yeum oppa. Because seriously if it sounds anything like that I will karate chop your ’ Eunyoung spoke giving me a look. I smiled as I spoke.

‘Anni, it says this’ I fished my phone from the end of the couch and opened the message that was saved in my drafts folder.

‘Junhyung ssi, its Soomi the one you walked home. It was nice meeting you. How you doing with Schedules?’ Eunyoung Unnie walked over and walked over and grabbed my phone looking at it. Giving me a side glance she pushed me onto the floor and bolted to the safety of the bathroom. Quickly getting back up, I sprinted after her. Banging on the door.

‘Yah Unnie, I swear if you send anything I will snap you into 4 million pieces’ Muffled giggles were the only thing I heard as my reply.

‘Yah…Yah ……YAAAAAAAH’ I screamed while pounding my fist onto the door. Not stopping until I hear the sound of the door unlocking. I rushingly opened the door and glared at her. She beamed at me and tossed my phone into the air. Reaching out to grab it. I grabbed it and opened my sent messages.

Junhyung ssi.
It’s Soomi

How you doing with your schedules?
If your free maybe we can hang out again. ^,^


I griped the screen, and took a deep breath in before yelling out ‘If you’re free we can hang out. I sound needy. ‘Oh my god he’s not gonna reply. You made me sound desperate. Unnie’ I moaned while burring myself into out couch. I continued my little titty tantrum until I heard the chorus of my phone chanting that I had a message. Looking up I stared at the inanimate object in my hand.

‘WHY ARE YOU RINGING?’ I yelled. Eunyoung gave me a blank look.

‘Open it’ Pressing the button, I opened my inbox.

Annyoung Soomi ah
Schedule.. it’s a bit heck atm since were promoting.
Hang out sure. Meet me at the park, we met at 11pm
See you later jester

‘Oh em gee. Reply reply reply’ Eunyoung Unnie scream in my ear. ‘No wait you’ll seem desperate, so take your time but don’t take too long, because then it’s just annoying when you wait for someone to reply to a text message when you reply instantly’ I looked at Unnie with a what-the--did-you-just-say-expression.

‘In dumb Korean please’ I spoke after 20 seconds of silence. Eunyoung sighed and spoke.

‘Type you text up, but reply in 10 minutes’ Smiling I thanked her.

Trying to think of what to type up, I typed a whole message and deleted it. Not one single message seemed right. It either made me sound to desperate or un interested or just plain weird. I whined, and puffed my cheeks out. Whining out Eunyoung’s name, I stated out loud to her my problem on write a simple answer to Junhyung. She stopped what she was doing and walked over and grabbed my phone.
Look at it typed up a simple yet me-sounding reply.

Arasso ^,^
I’ll meet you at 11pm
You know I know another rapper called Joker :3

I smiled as I saw the text. Now I had to wait 10 minutes to send it.

‘What are you waiting for send it, palli’ I looked at her confused. ‘You spent ten minutes trying to writing a message sent it child’ I opened my mouth in the shape of an O and hit the send button. My phone blept saying the message had been sent. I looked toward the clock and mentally worked out the time I had to get ready. It was 6:48pm so I had roughly 4 hours to get ready. Walking to my wardrobe I opened the door and muttered very loudly

‘Urggghhhhhhhh ~ !! GAY !’

‘Who’s gay?’ Eunyoung screamed out.

‘My life, for the first time in my life I have NOTHING to wear’ And by nothing I meant everything. I had just bought new clothes to wear, yesterday but to me I had to wear something that was completely new. Tying my hair up I plugged my iPod into my dock and pushed shuffle. As I grabbed an item Bubble Pop by Hyuna started to play. Half dancing and dramaticly searching through my wardrobe I grabbed random items attempted to match them up. Deciding to build my outfit around my kaki green cargo skinny jeans. I ransacked my draws for a suitable shirt, grabbing a white wife beater i smiled, now something to go on top. Looking on the floor at my newly created mess I found my maroon sweater. Placing them aside I quickly shoved and crammed my clothes back into where ever. Grabbing my stuff, I quickly put them on. Looking into the mirror I grinned.
Stylish yet I looked comfy. Glancing at the clock I widened my eyes. 8pm. How the heck did 2 hours go by that fast. Now focusing on the hair I untied it and gave it one of those shampoo ad commercial flick. Not wanting to do much to it. I straighten my side bangs. Deciding to finish up with some light make up. I applied eye liner around the corner of my eyes and applied some mineral foundations.

Okay now what was I to do?! I finished getting ready and now I was bored and nervous with nothing to do. Walking out into the living room, I fiddled with my jester ring. Look at the design. I smiled, for no apparent reason. Soon spazzing around I giggled and laughed at the scenario’s that entered my head. Finally calming down, I looked at the clock and decided to watch Mblaq sesame player. Laughing at their stupidity and dumb idea’s. I soon started to spazz over Seungho. Feeling the seat next to me shift in pressure, I saw Eunyoung Unnie. Giving me the you’re-spazzing-over-him-when-you-seeing-another-guy-tonight face.

‘what?’ I questioned smiling

‘You’re going on a date with Junhyung ssi tonight stop spazzing over Seungho!’

‘Excuse me Unnie, I am a fan girl’ Eunyoung just gave me a blank stare. ‘Unnie, fan girls have more than 1 bias. We have to have backups.’ Noticing that nothing I said fazed her I sighed and started to explain.

‘My Ultimate Love is Sho Sakurai from Arashi, My boyfriend Junhyung from Beast, My Affair Alexander from Ukiss and my husband is Seungho, Unnie you can’t tell a fan girl just to spazz over ONE guy’ I said giving her a look. ‘It’s like telling you, not to like Minho from shinee’ Eunyoung smiled and pushed me, and told to continue to watch the screen.

‘I’m vibrating’ I declared. Opening my text message. I read it out loud.

Another JOKER ? -,-
Is he a rapper… ?
Are you his jester ?


Laughing I quickly replied.

yeh ! *,*
YES !! one of the best rappers in Japan… :D
I guess you could say that I am ^,^

I smiled at the thought of Junhyung feeling threatened about this other rapper. Tanaka Koki was a Japanese Rapper of the popular group KAT TUN.

Looking at the clock I made my way toward my room to get my Scarf might as well stop on the way to the park to get bubble tea. Grabbing my phone and my iPod, I walked out the door but not before screaming to Eunyoung that I was leaving early.


My lungs were burning and the muscles on my legs aching. I had stop of before to buy bubble tea to drink. But I had stayed there too long while drinking. Quickly turning the corner, the park came into view. Halting my run I bent down and panted. Attempting to catch my breath. I stood up straight feeling the cold night chill against my nose and cheeks and my small hands.
Walking the rest of the way to the park I sat down on the platform that I was dancing on before. Scanning the view, I couldn’t see anyone in sight.

‘I’m not late’ I huffed out.

‘I wouldn’t say’ Jumping out of my spot, I gripped the phone in my hand. Only to see a smirking Junhyung.
Giving him a blank stare, I sighed. Shibus this boy has light footsteps.


‘I scared you didn’t I’ I didn’t even have to look at him to see the smirk on his face.

‘No, I was surprised’

‘I’m sure’ Standing next to me, Junhyung shoved his hands into his pockets. Releasing his breath I could see it in the cold air.

‘So were we off too?’ I asked.

‘Dunno, you’re the one that wanted to hang out’ Junhyung answered with a teasing edge.

‘I don’t like making the decisions’ I defended myself.

‘Hmm…Arasso. How about we barbeque shop and chill there’ He stopped walking and waited for my answer. Smiling like a little kid, I nodded my head in agreement. Chuckling he lead the way. As we walked in silence. Okay Soomi say something, Aigoo what can I say?.  Looking over my shoulder to see Junhyung staring ahead. Keeping my eyes on him I looked at his features.
Well-padded cheeks. – how many times have I wanted to poke them…
Plumped lips – How many times have I died watching his tongue his lips…  Looking away, I had to bite my lips in order to contain my upcoming spazz. I breathed out. Turning back to look at him only he caught my gaze and smirked.

Giving him a small smile, I turned my face to the front and  mentally scream at myself for getting caught looking at him. Hearing a chuckle he grabbed my hand. Looking at Junhyung he gave me a small side smirk before speaking.

‘You missed the shop it’s in here’ nodding his head in the direction of the entrance. I smiled and acted as if I knew that.

Walking over to an empty 2 seater table, Junhyung raised his hand for a waiter to bring us meat. When the meat came I instantly started to grill it to perfection.

‘So who is this….other joker?’ Junhyung asked while flipping the meat. Smiling I started to speak.

‘Well… he is this really great rapper. He is like so good, I swear he writes his own raps all the time. He’s like the top three rappers in the whole of Japan. And he is so cute too, in his own way.’ I spoke rambling on a bit too much. Looking to see Junhyung’s face he seems a teensy weensy bit jealous. Maybe because I was praising him too much.

‘Yeah, but I’m better right.’ I smiled and ate a piece of cooked meat.

‘Yah…..I am aren’t i?..YAH…. Mareba’ I laughed liking his desperate state. Looking at him I chewed and just gave him an eye smile. Once I swallowed , I told him that I didn’t know and had to compare his rapping to be sure.

‘Okay, what’s his real name then ?’ Junhyung asked placing more food onto my plate. Picking at the meat first and eating. I chewed and covered my mouth while answering him.

‘Janaka gogi’ I spoke while trying to swollow. Junhyung gave me a look. ‘ Chew then speak.’ Chewing some more I then swallowed after a while. Grabbing some water I drank it and sighed.

‘Ok now tell me’ He smirked.

‘Tanaka Koki’ I spoke while grilling more meat. And placing the already cooked pieces on Junhyung’s plate.

‘ Is he a solo artist or is he in a band’ Grabbing the meat, he placed it in his mouth and ate. Noticing that he got a bit of grease on his cheeks. Pointing to my cheek where he had the grease he looked around for a napkin. Once he found it, he tried to clean his cheek only to fail. Shaking my head, I grabbed the napkin, accidently grazing his long fingers.

‘And you guys say that us girls purposely get food on out faces.. come here’ Reaching over to wipe his face clean. I rubbed his cheek with enough force. His eyes never once look away from me.

‘There done’ Looking down and trying to act casual.

‘Thanks’ Hearing him chuckle. I lifted my eyes up. ‘Do you always look down when you’re embarrassed’

‘I’m not embarrassed.’

‘I think so’

‘I’m not’ I said with a louder voice, slightly laughing.

‘Whatever you say Soomi ah’ Looking up to him his happy eyes.  He said my name…

‘Bwoh?’ Junhyung asked while laughing. ‘What’s with that face?’

‘Oh… its nothing’ I replied with a smile.

‘Tell me… please’ He asked while showing some aegyo. Not being able to resisted laughing I did.

‘Bwoh?... Mareba!!....why are you laughing at me? Yah ! ….’ Laughing even more. I love this state of Junhyung. As I continued to laugh at Junhyung, he stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders.

‘Yah.. stop laughing at me’ Still laughing he then starts to lightly shake me.

‘Hehehe…you’re not intimidating you know’ I spoke while giggling. Junhyung only smirked and his lips.

‘As much as I love your laugh, shut up’ He said, while squishing my cheeks. Only causing me continue my laughing streak. Sighing Junhyung gave me his signature joker smirk before shutting me up.

Leaning down he captured my lips in a soft sweet kiss it only lasted a second but it was worth it. Pulling back he leaned his nose against mine. Looking right into my eyes. Blinking in utter surprise. I my bottom lip and tasted a hint of coke. Just like the one Mr. Joker was drinking.

‘That shut you up now, didn’t it’ Junhyung replied while sitting back down.

‘No…i-I chose to be quiet now.’ Biting my lips as i looked around I saw families with children and groups of friends and workers eating there. They all had their eyes on us, smiling and giggling.

‘Everyone’s looking at us.’ Junhyung looked around lazily I could tell that it didn’t bother him that we were the center of attention. Well of course he’s not bother by everyone staring at him he’s Junhyung. He’s used to the attention…  Shrugging it off he asked.

‘Have you finished eating yet Soomi ah?’

‘Uh..Yeah I am’ I spoke while grabbing the water bottle I ordered. Junhyung put on his glasses hiding himself from the public.

Walking up to the desk, Junhyung tried to act all macho by paying the bill, until he realized he didn’t have enough.

‘Um do you think you could give me a discount?’ Junhyung asked.

‘Depends on what you could do for me’ the casher guy answered.

‘How about if I give you my signature..’ Now the casher guy seemed confused. Junhyung took of his beanie as well as his glasses. Gasping the Casher guy nodded and handed him a piece of paper.

‘What’s your name?’

‘Inseong……….kamsamnida’ Junhyung smiled and bowed ‘ I hope you have fun with your date’

‘Oh-we aren’t-‘

‘Thank you I will, and have a good night’ Junhyung spoke.

Am I on a date with Junhyung?... Omo. How didn’t I notice this. Aigoo Soomi you pabo, you asked him out on a date !!!!

‘Gwenchena?.. You seem giddy’ Junhyung asked nudging my shoulder.

‘Anniyo, Gwenchena’ I replied.

‘Anniyo… So formal. I thought we were past that stage’ Junhyung smirked. Stop smirking I’m doing to die.


‘Mianhae… I was..just…. thinking’ I spoke while look at the floor. He hummed his response. Walking down a narrow street. Occasionally bumping shoulders. Looking at my hands I started to pick at my flaking nail polish. As I continued to pick at it, a large hand took my small one. Looking up at the hands owner. Junhyung examined my hand and nails. Looking at him I waited to see what he was doing.

‘Your hands a small’ He spoke softly.

‘Yeah… I’ve been told that a lot’ Grabbing my hand he opened it a he placed his palm against my palm and compare our hands. His hands were bigger than mine. Everyone’s were. I was about to pull my hand away he linked his hand with mine. Looking up to him. I smiled. Well played Junhyung. That was smooth.

‘That was smooth Junhyung ssi’

‘Thank you, and like I said before I thought we were past being formal. Call me Oppa’

‘Arasso’ As we walked I could feel his thumb caress my hand.

The night turned into early morning, and he had schedule. We walked to my apartment and he rode up the elevator with me.

‘What level?’ He asked, fingers hovering about the buttons

‘Huh.. Oh.. Level 5’ The elevator started and soon the awkward elevator music came on. The doors ding’ed open and we walked out halting in front of my door. We stood there.

‘Soomi ah’ Junhyung called out quietly.


‘Do you think….um…. we could do this again…… a soon that is..’ Smiling I nodded.

‘That’s great!’ Junhyung replied a little to eagerly. Stifling a giggle. ‘ I mean, cool.’
Yeah Junhyung swagger…

Standing there awkwardly, Junhyung seemed like he was in his own world. Knowing he had to be off soon, i stood on my tippy toes and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. Blushing he looked down at me, while cupping his cheek.

‘You’re almost as cute as Yoseob’ I laughed. Furrowing his brows he tsk’d.

‘Well, Hyunseung’s almost as pretty as you’ I laughed.

‘You better go inside.’ Junhyung said after awhile. Opening the door I entered. Turning around I whispered a good bye to him.

‘I’ll text you soon okay.’

Closing the door, I sighed in content and danced my way into my room to see Eunyoung snoozing her head off. Looking at the clock, it was 4:47am.

Fast Forward Tomorrow 3pm

‘SOOOOMIIIIIIIIIIIII AHHHHH !!!!’ Eunyoung screamed at me.

‘WHAT?!!!’ I yelled sitting up in my bed ‘WHAT?!’ I was pissed. Why would you wake me up this early, I went out late last night.

‘YOU’RE ON THE NEWS !!!! JUNHYUNG, YOU, BEAST AHH PALLI AH ~ !!’ Eunyoung spoke freaking out. WAIT me, and Junhyung throwing the covers off, I ran into the Living area and stared at the TV.

‘Last night Beast’s Rapper Yong Junhyung ssi was seen late last night with a women, the two seemed really close as they held hands as they walked the empty streets of Seoul. Passer byers even told us of the two even kissing and flirting and feed each other. The young lady seemed to be quite close with Junhyung. We are not sure at this point of if the lady is a hallyu star or not.
We will keep you updated on the status of this issue.


Checking my phone, for any text messages. I had two from Junhyung

From : JOKER
To : Soomi

Do you want to hang out next week :3..
 I have a free day. :]

This was from last night…

From : JOKER
To : Soomi

Stay calm. Don’t worry about the news.
And try not to read netizens comments about this issue.
And I still want to hang out next week.


He sent this one 4 hours ago..                         Smiling I replied to Junhyung


From : Soomi

Oppa. I’ll try not too ^A^
I’m free after 4pm every day except Weekends… Tell me when you can
Junhyung do your best, don’t let the comments from the press get to you.

I walking to the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of juice. I scrunched my face in the concentrated taste. Walking to the tap I added walked. Drinking again. I sighed. It was not long until I heard my phone buzz.

Opening it I smiled. I truly believed that everything was going to be okay.

From : JOKER
To : Soomi

You called me Oppa. *.*
I’ll do my best.
I’ll find out when I have a free day, I’m glad you still want to go out with me.

Going out with Junhyung….


So we all heard about junhyung and hara...
Well he is not !! :D truth is *my input on this coz i REALLY dont ship junhara/junra or whatever the name is*

He got caught dating me, soo he has to date Hara in order to protect me ;)

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 5: Just found this story and I definitely agree with SuzyLee. Story is well-worth reading. Do please update, Authornim.
I think this story is really worth reading. Keep up the good work, and I hope you can update soon.
Jester_143 #4
Update soonn ~
I like it so far :D
omg please pos tmore soon ^_^
I can't believe I haven't commented here yet... I LOVE THIS STORY!!! And I'm so jelly of you going to a K-pop concert T____T Please update As soon as You can!! T__T
junhyung-lover #8
i am freaking jealous!!! how was it!!!!!
MelonCandy #9
MBLAQQQ... .___. have fun though :)
-kpop_bunny- #10
Waaaa take picsss!!!!! And post it up on the chapters!!!!! ^.^