Dimly lit streets

The JOKER and his JESTER



As I walked down the empty cold streets of Seoul, I was happily dancing and singing loudly along to my iPod. I had plugged my iPod into my inbuilt speakers in my backpack. My best friend Eun Young dancing a lot to SHINee Lucifer.

‘Her whisper is the Lucifer’ Eun Young dramatically sang as she whipped her hair back to face me. I laughed took my stance. Belting out Jonghyun’s lines. The song finished and another come on.

‘Soomi, let’s go back to Karaoke, I miss it’ Giving her a side glance, I smiled.

‘Yeah 3 hours aren’t enough’ I spoke while grabbing my iPod. I strolled down my playlist trying to decide on which song to pick. ‘Neh, Unnie what song do you want?’ Eun Young stopped and looked at me and smiled.

‘Bad Girl, please’ She smiled. I laughed and clicked on it. As the song began I started to sing along to Kikwang lines. While Eunyoung sang along to JunHyung’s rap. As she continued to rap she turned around and started to add her fail swagger. As she came closer she draped her arm around me while giving me a look. I clasped my hands over my mouth and squealed in sheer fangirl-ness.

‘JunHyung Oppa Saranghae yo’ I squealed while holding onto Eunyoung Unnie’s arm. She looked at me a laughed as we continued to walk/dance our way down the street. Looking to my left I see a small platform area in the middle of a park.  Tugging Eunyoung sleeve, I motioned toward the park as she looked at it she smiled and nodded her head. Setting my bag down, I switched the song to Fiction by Beast. Jumping on the platform, we started to dance to Fiction, we mimicked the swagger and charisma of each Beast member. As the song came to an end we felt slightly out of breath. As we looked to each other we smiled Clap clap clap clap clap  . Whipping our head around, Eunyoung stepped out before me in a protective stance.

‘Who are you? Come out’ Authority showing in her voice.

‘No, we’re not creeps. It’s just that you’re pretty good at dancing, Are you trainee’s ?’ A deep voice came from the shadows. That voice it was familiar, so familiar… Eunyoung still unfazed straightened her back a little more.

‘Yeah, you’re not creeps, says the guy standing in the shadow’ Hearing an almost un audiable sigh. We see the sight of 6 male figures. Omo BEAST!  I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to reveal my fangirl side. I looked at Eun young Unnie then back at Beast.

‘So like I asked before are you trainees?’ DooJoon asked

‘Anniyo, we just like dancing’ I replied seeing as Eunyoung was too star struck. I stepped out of Eunyoung shadow and started fiddle with my sleeves.

‘Ah I see’ Dongwoon spoke. ‘You guys aren’t from Korea are you’ Dongwoon stated. Eunyoung and I smiled and nodded. Letting our walls come down. We told Beast of our days on in Australia and America and how we met online. As the night became late we talked well into it. Finally noticing the time by the chill crisp of the air I declared.

‘Well its late, we should get going’ Kikwang nodded his head in approval. I stood up from the sitting position I was in and grabbed my Louis Vuitton bag and slingged it on my back.

‘Let us walk you home’ JunHyung spoke out towards me. I turned around and looked him in the eye.

‘Anniyo, we’re fine, plus you guys must have schedule tomorrow so you guys should sleep soon’            I protested. Not wanting to be selfish but I really wanted them to walk us home. Especially JunHyung.
He looked me in the eye and smirked.

‘It would be rude if we sent a group of female’s home alone’ He replied ‘plus it the least we could do for you’ I remained silent not talking. Trying to think of something to say.

‘Okay then it’s settled, were going to walk you two home’ Yoseob shouted.

As we walked down the lonely dark streets, I would occasionally join in the conversation but I was too worried about trying to act cool and not do anything dumb. And also trying to keep up with everyone, it was late and I was tired. Slowly falling behind, I walked with my head held down; I watched my feet move one in front of the other. I watched my feet for a period of time until I noticed another pair of shoes in front of me. Not being able to stop in time, I crashed into the figure, bowing my head, I mumbled a small apology. Looking up to a smirking JunHyung, he chuckled a throaty laugh.

‘Why are you lagging?’ He spoke with a teasing edge. I smiled at this un-known comfort.

‘Dunno, why are you lagging with me’ I spoke back. Giving him a side glance.

‘Because you’re here by yourself’ I blushed not really knowing why.

‘So you’re……. a jester’ JunHyung spoke while trying not to show his smile.
Widen in my eye in horror, how the hell did he know I was a jester. how the heck does he know that im his fan girl?

‘What makes you think that?’ I replied while pursing my lips together.

‘Your ring. I see a lot my fan girls wear them’ He motioned down to my ring.

‘What makes you think it’s based upon you?’ I tried to act casual.

‘I’m the joker, my individual fans are called Jesters and I created that ring for my fans, and you can only get this ring if you are a registered B2uty, so im pretty sure that you’re my fan’ He spoke sounding like a happy joker. He looked at my blushing face and nudged my shoulder.

I lightly slapped his shoulder and whined. He laughed and looked at me while flicking his fringe out of his face.

‘You hit like a girl’ Puffing my cheeks in mock frustration, I pushed him as walked faster. He laughed and grabbed my hand. Spinning me around I turned slipping on my own feet. Crashing onto JunHyung, his arms warped tightly around me supporting me, I opened my eye, to see my eye face to face with his chest. Gazing up I took note of how tall he was, on his profile it said he was 179cm. I guess it was telling the truth. Steadying myself, his arm let of my waist, though still gently hanging there just in case I was to fall again.

‘Are you okay, did I pull you too roughly?’ JunHyung asked.

‘Deh, im fine. No you didn’t pull to roughly it’s just I tripped over my own feet.’ I spoke trying not to look him in the eye.

‘Soomi ah, look at me’ Giving him a small glance I looked him and redirected my line of sight to the concrete. I felt his large warm hand cup my cheek and then slide to my chin tilting my head up, I focused my eyes on him for a short time until I was searching for a place to look at but him.

‘Look at me’ Hesitating I finally looked JunHyung in the eye. I felt so shy, so open I was embarrassed. Yet I totally loved this feeling.

‘Your eyes are beautiful’ JunHyung caressed my face sending Goosebumps all over my arms and legs.

‘Their just light brown’ I protested.

‘No, their gorgeous’ I held my breath ‘Just like you’

‘Thank You’ I breathed out.

‘You’re Welcome’ He leaned his face down and kissed my lips. Pressing them against mine. Responding to him, I merged my lips with his; he ran his tongue across my lips and gently probes the inside of my mouth. It feels like magic, it felt so right. I responded to him kissing me, by moulding my hands into his hair, grabbing slightly roughly. He encircled his arms around my waist slightly tighter.
Pulling back from the kiss when we heard gasps, we turned out head to see the rest of Beast and Eunyoung Unnie staring at us. We separated and blushed I looked up to JunHyung and he smiled. He bent down to pick up my fallen phone. He placed it in my pocket and nodded for me to keep walking. I looked around to see that my apartment was actually just a few steps before me.

Finally walking into my apartment entrance JunHyung turn me around and murmured against my ear.

‘See you around Soomi’ JunHyung winked and walked off. While the rest of Beast just smirked/smiled and bid their goodbyes.

Walking into my apartment I closed the door sighed while sliding down the door.

‘Oh so JunHyung, and you shared a kiss. Keke did he give you a number?’

Sudden realisation hit me, he didn’t even ask my for my number or even give me his, I suddenly felt so used. Furring my brows together I crossed my arms over me and huffed.

‘He didn’t ask, did he?’ Eunyoung wondered out loud.

I shook my head in annoyance. did he just use me for a like night stand but instead of , it was kissing. I sighed and looked up at Eunyoung.

‘Should of guessed, I mean he’s famous. He would go for pretty, amazing girls, not someone like me’ I spoke while taking off my jacket.

‘But you are pretty and AMAZING’ She reasoned with me. I looked at her and sighed. I might be, but maybe I wasn’t to him. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and the junk from the inside. Sorting out my hanky, phone and the scrap pieces of paper. I unravelled one. Hitching my breath I squealed and started to jump. Eunyoung jumped from the sudden scream and ran over to me.

‘Waegurae!’ She asked shaking me. Smiling I showed her the paper and jumped for joy.
She looked at the paper smiled aswell.

call me ; ) Joker.


comment & subscribe <3 comments make me write faster and thank you to those that have !!

enjoy :DD

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 5: Just found this story and I definitely agree with SuzyLee. Story is well-worth reading. Do please update, Authornim.
I think this story is really worth reading. Keep up the good work, and I hope you can update soon.
Jester_143 #4
Update soonn ~
I like it so far :D
omg please pos tmore soon ^_^
I can't believe I haven't commented here yet... I LOVE THIS STORY!!! And I'm so jelly of you going to a K-pop concert T____T Please update As soon as You can!! T__T
junhyung-lover #8
i am freaking jealous!!! how was it!!!!!
MelonCandy #9
MBLAQQQ... .___. have fun though :)
-kpop_bunny- #10
Waaaa take picsss!!!!! And post it up on the chapters!!!!! ^.^