
Little Spring

어반자카파 Urban Zakapa- Breeze



It has been a week since Kai last went out to the outskirts of Seoul, he badly wanted to come back yet every time he plans on to something would come up and hold him down thus halting him from his plan to go.


Spring Girl.


Funny how she kept on surfacing on his mind, like there was this sort of replay button on his mind that was stuck.


Cliché as it sounds but yes.


Kai was hang up on her.


He didn’t know why he also didn’t care why.


He just does.


It was like this funny feeling of giddiness of always wanting to see a glimpse of your crush, the hopeful feeling that somehow one way or another miraculously you’ll see your crush. That sense of alertness you have when you  pray to the God’s above that you’ll see your crush.


Silly, ridiculous, ditzy call it whatever you like, he just feels like that.


Even to him it feels weird yet he can’t help it.


The way her image was wrapped around his brain, drawing him closer, giving him the urge to find her.


Currently Kai is at his pad lounging around since minutes ago Chanyeol informed him that he was needed at his club, Kai was not hesitant to rush his way through there but at the last minute Chanyeol said that things were taken care of and his presence was not that badly needed as they can handle it.


So Kai was ready but then plans change and now he has nowhere to go.


Ruffling his recently dyed locks with the shade of blonde, he hastily grabbed his jacket as he doesn’t want to be stuck with thinking of what he can do maybe roam around the city to get him occupied of something.


Grabbing his keys on the way out before locking the door he trotted to the elevator of his pad down to the parking lot where his black 2013 Chevy Corvette Grand Sport Convertible was parked. , fumbling with the keys and hearing a beep he opened the door and hop in, putting it in reverse before backing out of the parking lot he sped out on the road where it would take him, he just wanted to be out in the open where the possibilities of thing he can do is endless.


Passing sceneries was amazing just being able to feel the slight breeze yet sun light kissing your skin, spring was truly magnificent.




In all his year of living he only had notice how he liked spring.


Only now.


Now that his mind was not preoccupied with trivial things that he can only appreciate the gift and beauty of this season.



He didn’t even noticed that he was nearing the part of the outskirts as he looked at this watch that he was aimlessly driving for fifteen minutes already.


Stopping at this bistro, oddly in the past Kai wouldn’t even go inside the likes of the said establishment as he thinks that he is not for those scenes, all serene, quiet and all but now things were changing and now he finds himself stepping out of his car and strutting to the door of the place.


A tinkling of chime bells rang through the premise of the establishment. The bistro was a structure of glass , accentuated with light colored wood with bricks complementing and neutralizing the ambiance of the establishment.


It was the perfect place for people who seek out a haven from the hustle and bustle of the city.


The way that the place screams serenity is something that puts Kai into a calm state.


The place has this certain effect on him.


Seeing that he could just hang around here for a minute or two he made his way to the counter to order himself an Americano.


Waiting for his order as he sat at a booth for two, he looked around the place.


It was little but it looks spacious with the light entering and the spacing of every booth.


Tapping his fingers on the table he can’t help but notice that K-Indie music was the only thing playing in the background, no electro R&B music,  no rock music, just plain and simple soft music playing.


Kai was stating to like this place as it really do calm his nerves.


The waitress brought him back to his reverie as she served him his coffee and asked him if he needed anything else, which he kindly replied with.


“I’m fine with this. Thank you.”


Before brushing her off and taking a sip of his coffee.


As he was doing so the chime rang through the premise again as a worker in the counter greeted the person whom opened the door with




Hearing a chair pull up near him, he looked up to see a girl wearing denim baby pink chiffon dress that ended at her knees, wearing  ballerina flats and has her long black hair down.


Kai was busy staring at her, observing her as something inside him stirs.


As the girl placed her things on the table before puffing out a sigh as she arranges her hair, she looked up and saw Kai staring at her with this curious gaze of his.


To his utter surprise he got a response from her.




She smiled.


She replied with a simple response.


Spring Girl.









Before they knew it both of them were strolling in the park, quite a few good distance between them as they bask on the comfort of nature.


Silence was a clear blanket enveloping the both of them but it was the good kind of silence.


But then Kai suddenly had this urge to break this silence, he wanted to hear her glorious voice.


Before he could speak he was cut off by the voice he badly wanted to hear.


“Koizumi Naru. Nice to meet you. ”


She gave him an eye smile and stuck out her hand for a hand shake.


Again he was caught off guard by her.


Am I an open book? He thought.


Smiling sheepishly and rubbing his nape he shook her hand and replied.


“ Kim Jongin. The pleasure is mine.”


“Well now Mr. Kim Jongin you wouldn’t mind if we continue our stroll?” She asked as she clasped her hand behind her back and inhaled the fresh air before turning to him with a smile on her face.


Kai let out a subtle smirk before he shook his head as gestured for them to continue in basking and relaxing in the gift of beauty of mother nature had to offer.


I finally found my Spring Girl.


Koizumi, little spring.


Kai smiled as he looked at her as she was leading the way and closing her eyes clearly enjoying what was laid out in front of her.



Words is not needed if love is felt





thank you to the subbies!!!!!! 

Hope I don't disappoint you with this chapter!

Especially to my friend whom I dedicate this fanfic to as a birthday gift as her birthday is nearing,9.


Comment on what ya think~! 

Next chapter would be the last and I'm not really sure when but look forward to it!

Thank you and God bless everyone!

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Loveexo1 #1
Please update! And I really want a happy ending for Jongin :)
Wu_benben #2
Chapter 1: Ah i also love the sequel >.<
Make a happy ending for jongin! Hehe
Fighting author-nim~
joohyun007 #3
Make a happy ending for jongin.