
Little Spring


케이윌(K.will) - Love Blossom 러브블러썸


Can love be mistaken?


When do you know when you’re truly in love with someone?


Are there accurate signs that you truly are devoted to that person?


Or sometimes fondness is mistaken as being in love?


Those questions seem to confuse Jong In.


As months ago the woman he supposedly fell for is now happy with his close friend.


She was his ex, the girl different from others Kai had a relationship with in the others.


She taught him how to love.


But now that he had some time for himself, piecing back what he thought was left of him; he was on the process of moving on as he like to put it.  He seems to reflect that his feelings for her is just an affection, an attachment albeit she was different, in the sense that she was an eye opener for him, an  embodiment of revival to his detained  emotions which he kept so hard to bury yet she was the key to the door of his locked emotions.


Sadly she broke the lock to that door and left the key with her. 


Jong In was emotionally unstable but not to the point of depression. He still has a good grip on himself but sometimes he felt like the door to his emotions are wide open , he wished she would had just left it ajar.


Yet he’s not scared anymore of being vulnerable once in a while is alright sometimes you  need to be weak for you to get back up and be stronger. This is one of the lessons he learned in the recent heart break he suffered from


You live and you learn.


Currently though Jong In is still taking things slow; in a way that he doesn’t submerge himself wholly in the club, all of his friends suggest that they can handle the club while Jong In is out ‘finding’ himself.  Though at first he voiced out his complains but then knew that he needed the time and that has what brought him here in the outskirts of Seoul just wandering around to relax himself, to distance himself from the world he needed a break from.



Just having this leisure time is surely a refreshing scene for him as he used to holed up himself. Now getting a breather is what he truly needed. Walking around, taking in the air, the warm  radiant beam of sun light, the quiet atmosphere unlike the city with the hustle and bustle.  Such a serene and peaceful effect it brings.


Kai was still savoring the feel of the place yet a tinkling laughter  of a little girl pulling on her mother’s hand  that  caught he’s attention as he saw that he was near an amusement park. Seeing that he had a lot of time to spare why not check it out? Maybe something would interest him and entertain him for a while.


Hands in his pocket, dressed so casually yet not having to put effort he pulls it off effortlessly.  Jeans, V-neck white colored shirt and gray cardigan never looked so justifying.







Finally reaching the entrance of the amusement park, Kai bought a ticket and went it, the line didn’t took up too long considering that the premise is not well packed with people.  Strolling around and simply looking at things is what Kim Jong In was doing.


“Why did I ever thought this was a good idea? “ He murmured as toning down a sigh.


Yet he had no plans on leaving since he had nothing else better to do since if he tried to go back to the club they boys would drag and kick him out plus wasting money is not option even though he is loaded.


Still Kai was looking around  not even  bothering to look at rides albeit he had no enthusiastic bone inside of him to ride thrilling contraptions.


He was near the part where floor was made out of wood and all that was left to see where benches, some food stands and just some decorations.  Yet the vast white wall in the far end is decorated with beautiful newly bloomed flowers indicating that Spring has arrived. It was beautiful.


This is the kind of scenery Haeyon would have painted. Kai thought smiling peacefully yet it has a tinge of sadness.


Diverting his gaze so that he would not lone himself over his silent misery he turned the other way  and stopped at a sight of a girl with average height, dress in a peach  low cut shirt paired with a  white knitted cardigan and grey leggings complimented with a beige wedge and holding onto her colored hand bag gripping at the strap. Such simple beauty was the best description you could say.


Pale skin contradicting to her ever-dark straight locks.


Eyes wandering around looking so amused with everything around her. A small yet alluring smile gracing her lips, this certain innocent aura she possesses is unique, attracting Jong In to be intrigue.


She blend in so well with spring.


Simply everything around him seem to stop, even the beating of his heart but only for a second as feels like it takes off at a high speed chase.  It was like a do over of what he felt for Haeyon, yet this one seems so intensified, unexplainable……. Magical.




Kai felt like everything is so surreal.


How can one simple glance trigger such reactions?


It was beyond Jong In to process and wonder why, still frozen at his track , just staring at her with the wind softly kissing and passing by their form thus eliciting an effect of  radiating this serene and peaceful look from the girl that is being stared at.



She continued to walk still savoring the atmosphere around her. Feeling like being stared at she turned her attention and caught his eyes.


Eyes locked.


Hearts fluttering.


Time seem to stop.


Everything around them seem to froze.








Her lips twitched upward.


She smiled.


She smiled at him with her eyes forming into crescents.


Wide eyes yet a little smirk was the reply of Jong In.


Then it turned to a peaceful charming smile.


The distance between them was still wide, distance still the same.


Yet she continued to walk pass him.


Kai couldn’t help but have a little twist in his stomach yet it was bitter sweet since her scent wafted to him cherry blossoms where the scent. 


He wasn’t sure what to feel and react as her actions were a tad bit mysterious. Turning around on his heel he sees her still walking and enjoying the scene.


Watching her figure getting smaller, he smiled.


I’ll come again to this town again hoping to catch a glimpse of you my spring girl. He thought before stuffing his hands in his pockets and trudging to the exit as a smile continues to grace his lips, yet it the back of his mind he was questioning if he was in the right state to feel this kind of emotion again albeit he was still piecing himself but a small voice in his mind voiced out


Give love a second chance.




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Loveexo1 #1
Please update! And I really want a happy ending for Jongin :)
Wu_benben #2
Chapter 1: Ah i also love the sequel >.<
Make a happy ending for jongin! Hehe
Fighting author-nim~
joohyun007 #3
Make a happy ending for jongin.