Twelve friends

EXO One Shots

Chapter 60!!! I never thought I'll make it this far...

It's all thanks to you guys...

So here, enjoy Chapter 60...

And I'll be honest here... I have no idea what I'm writing, honestly.


Yes, we all have friends. Friends, good friends, best friends and BFFLs.

These are the ten different kinds of friends you have.


The Intellectual - Definitely Do Kyungsoo. He was the one that made you wonder all of those things. He makes you think about every single thing out there. And no, he isn't boring to tell you about all those things about Current Affairs and stuffs. Even when you're sleeping, you're even thinking about his questions.



The Fun One - It had to be the Baekyeol couple. They always come up with silly antics to make you laugh. And when you're feeling sad and need a good laugh, they are your best medication. If you ever need a playmate, you could always count them in to bring out the little kid in you. They love to go out on town and they had always ask you to come along.

"Hakuna Matata!" Baekhyun sings. "Means no worries, for the rest of you days." Chanyeol continues. "It's our problem-free philosophy~" You sang. "HAKUNA MATATA!"


The 'Mum' - No doubt that it would be Suho. He was the guardian of EXO as well. He is your role-model. He knew how you felt even without you uttering a single word. He makes sure you had think through all of your decisions because he always wanted the best for you well, he knows you best. But well, let's be honest. You don't always listen to him. Sometimes making stupid and rash decisions and then coming to regret them later. But he'll always be there for you no matter what.

You came through the door and Suho immediately knew something was wrong. "Joonmyun oppa…" You cried. "Come here~" He coos. And you immediately ran into his open arms, bawling your eyes out. He knew. You needed a hug and he gave it to you. You were having a bad day, he knew. He knew without you saying a single word. "I'll be here no matter what okay?" He tells you when you've calmed down from your sobbing mess. All you needed was just his assurance and you knew you'll be okay.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked. You nodded your head firmly. "I just don't want you to regret this." You shook your head. "I'll be fine." "Then, you'll have my fullest support." He says.


The 'Dad' - If the mum was Suho, the dad would definitely be Kris. He is protective of you like a father would. He is stubborn but supportive. He makes sure you learn things correctly yet still have fun at the same time. He may not always understand you or well, sometimes not always on your side, but he defends you more than anyone else. He is your biggest advocate and biggest critic but you knew he meant well and he only wanted what's best for you. He only wanted to see you succeed.


The 'Oppa' - Yes, everyone is an oppa. Well, with the exception of Sehun and Jongin. But yeah, when it comes to fitting the role of the older brother, it was no doubt Xiumin. He knows you like the back of his hand. He is over-protective of you, and when I mean over-protective, it really means over-protective. But you knew the reason why. He was the oldest amongst the twelve people, he feels the responsibility to look after everyone and be protective of them. You knew you could always count on him to have your back when you're in trouble.

Minseok doesn't really tell you what to do when you ask him for advice, instead he lets you find the answer within yourself. He makes sure you are happy and treated right. He treats you lunch when you need a break, tells you when you're being dumb and remind you of who you are. 

Minseok stops by your dance practice studio. He heads the blasting music from outside. He knocks on the door before opening it. He sees you dancing with all your might. You've been at it for a while and it's nearing lunch. He walks towards the stereo switching it off once he sees your ending pose. "Stop, " He says. You turned your head and looked at him. "Minseok oppa!" You said. You didn't know he was in the room. "I'm taking you to lunch. It's about time." He says. You could only nod, taking your necessities before following him out the door.



The 'Dongsaeng' - They were the ones you felt protective of as if they were actually related to you. You were very protective of Zitao and Jongin even though you knew Zitao could just fight off someone within a blink of an eye. Zitao and Jongin sometimes ask you for advice, but at the end of the day, you tend to think that you had learn more about yourself from them than they do from you.


The Talker - It would be Jongdae, hands down. Life would be empty if it's without Jongdae. He brings life and drama to your life. He never fails to keep things interesting.

You joined their lunch table as usual but they seemed quiet. Too quiet for your liking, actually. You counted the heads. Eleven. One of them was missing. You scanned the boys. Jongdae. Jongdae is missing. "Where's Jongdae?" You asked. "Sick. He's having a fever." You only nodded then continued eating your lunch. And everything was back to normal when he recovered.


The Listener - Yixing. Zhang Yixing. He knows everything. He knows your motivation, your goals and your life. He was the only person you could call at an ungodly hour, sometimes just texting instead of going to sleep. He would always be there to help you find the answer that you're looking for. He's a good listener and one of the best person to run to if you ever need a listening ear. He wasn't a man of many words.

"You've already known the answer." Yixing says, over the phone. The clock was showing 4:57AM, the both of you have been talking for almost an hour. "I do? No, I don't." You say. "Yes, you do. You just wanted to confirm your answer with me. Ask your heart. Not your mind. Your heart knows better."


The Inspiration - You never knew Sehun would be your inspiration. But he is. He never plays by the rules, he breaks them. But he will always be the one that makes a difference. He motivates you to be yourself, work hard and be selfless.

"There are two things you have to know." Sehun tells you. "What are they?"

"Never be afraid to break the rules." You nodded your head. "Just break them."

"And..." And? "Be yourself."

The Storyteller - Luhan. Yes. Luhan. Luhan owns the breakfast table. The lunch table. The dinner table. He can turn the most mundane experience into a theatrical production and never fail to make you smile. He love to make people laugh and make your abs hurt. He reminds you of your past and makes you excited for your future.

"Luhan ge," He call. "Yes?" He asks, stopping in mid-laugh. "Have you ever considered joining the theatre instead?" He thinks for a while before answering… "Maybe."



Credits: 10 Different Kinds Of Friends We Have

So yeah...

The next chapter will be up soon... (I hope)

So stay tune, alright guise?

I'll be back...

Read. Comment. Subscribe.


- junwoonie

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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camjunmyeon16 #2
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