EXO-K; Walk Down The Aisle

EXO One Shots

Okay okay, another random brain fart. This time, Baekhyun's taking the lead. Side featuring Suho.



Your arms and legs were tangled with Baekhyun's as the both of you were lying on his bed. You were leaning against his chest playing with his fingers.

You stared at the identical ring that was around his ring finger of his right hand and then stared at yours. Yes, you were engaged to this beautiful man. He is your fiancé and he proposed to you just two weeks ago.

The both of you had just came home from a tiring day of wearing wedding dresses and suits. The both of you had already sent out the wedding invitations, wedding's going to be held in about a month's time. Even your ring-bearer and your bridesmaids have been set. Everyone who have received your wedding invitation were curious about the guy whom you're spending your life with.

Who wouldn't? You were know as the girl who had little relationship experiences and the next thing they knew was you were getting married. Well, you sure dated here and there and nothing lasted. So your friends and relatives were curious about the guy that you're going to spend your life with. Who is the guy that had your eyes targeted on? Your friends (or bridesmaids) were all asking about the same question and its something along the lines of "Who's that lucky guy?"

Anyway, everything has been set. From menus, the venues and rings and dresses. Everything was in order and the only thing left were the door-gifts and well, the person who's going to walk you down the aisle.

"Baekkie," You asked, while still playing with his ring on his ring finger. "Yes, my sweet?" He replied, giving you his full attention. "Who's going to walk me down the aisle?" And Baekhyun couldn't find an answer to that.

Because he knows your mother is too old to walk you down the aisle. He was there when you asked your mother. She said that she's too weak to walk you down the aisle. But she's grateful that you've asked her and yes, she's going to attend her daughter's wedding. Because he knows your two brothers don't want to walk you down the aisle.

"Am I going to walk down the aisle alone?" But this time Baekhyun had the answer to this. Because he knew you hated being alone, no matter how many times you said that you're going to be fine alone, he knew you weren't okay. You hated that feeling. "No, jagiya. You're not walking down the aisle alone, okay? And I can promise you that." Baekhyun assured you.

"Then who's going to walk me down the aisle?" Your fingers stopped playing with his. Baekhyun looked like he was thinking. And then he thought of a few people that could walk with you, but it was only if you wanted to. There were a few people he thought of that treated you like part of the family, not a friend, but a family. "Hmm…" And you turned your head and looked at Baekhyun. "What about… Joonmyun hyung? He had always treated you like a little sister, a part of the family. I think he would be glad to walk you down the aisle."

"Really?" Your eyes were as wide as Kyungsoo's. And Baekhyun nodded his head. "I'll go ask him now, okay?" And you got off Baekhyun and rushed to find Suho.

A knock on the door, a soft 'Come in' was heard from the inside. And you pushed the door. You popped your head in. Suho looked at you, "You can come in, you know?" And you bowed before coming in, making sure the door was properly closed. Suho was clad in his pyjamas, a book in his hand. He placed the bookmark between the two pages, closed the book and placed it on the table. "Take a seat, why look so tense?"

Suho pulled out another chair for you and placed it next to him. You took a seat. "Don't worry, Sehun's not here. He's out with Luhan hyung." You nodded. "Joonmyun oppa." You started. And he gave you his full attention. "You've always treated me like your sister, a part of your family. And I've always looked up to you, as a role-model, a fatherly figure, a brotherly figure, someone I can always looked up to. And there's no one else I can ask but can you walk me down the aisle on my wedding day?" Suho teared up but his face broke into the warmest smile. "Of course, my dongsaeng. I'll be glad to walk you down the aisle."

You stood up and hugged Suho. "Thank you, Joonmyun oppa. This means so much to me." "You're most welcome. I'll be most honoured, actually. To walk my dongsaeng's bride down the aisle." You let go of Suho and bowed, bidding Suho a goodnight before leaving his room.

You walked back to Baekhyun's room, climbing back onto his bed and into his arms. "So…" Baekhyun trailed. "Joonmyun oppa is walking me down the aisle."

"This is going to be a crazy wedding, and I can feel it." Baekhyun says, out of a sudden.

"What makes you think so?" You asked. You were finding a comfortable position in his arms.

"Heechul hyung and Jungsoo hyung are our emcees. Joonmyun hyung is going to walk you down the aisle. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Sehun are going to be my groomsmen, with Chanyeol as my best man. Tell me again why is the derp squad my groomsmen?" Baekhyun asked.

"How would I know? You planned your groomsmen." You laughed. "No offence, your friends aren't really that 'normal' either." "None taken." "Kibum hyung is in charge of your wedding dresses. He's also our partial wedding planner. The other hyungs are in the wedding programs. Now tell me, jagi, how can this be not a crazy wedding?" He asked.

"It may be a crazy one, but it will also be one that I could never forget even if I get amnesia." And Baekhyun laughed.

"Now go to sleep, Baekkie. We have a long day ahead tomorrow, meeting Key oppa first and you don't want to be late."

OH DAMN. Because no one, no one, wants to be late when they have an appointment with Kim Kibum or Key unless they want a taste of hell.


Sorry for this story... LOL. I'm a little crazy right now... Cause it's 1:37AM here and I'm not asleep and it's a Monday and I have school and I have to wake up at 6:00AM.

Yeah. Oops. But I'm not tired. And my brain just can't stop farting.

Okay, now tell me, who doesn't want this person to plan your wedding?

Or these guys to emcee your wedding?


or what about these guys?

And what about having him to walk you down the aisle?

Them as the groomsmen?

Or him waiting at the end of the aisle?

What about it?

Hahaha... Okay, we shall stop now...

I have to sleep.


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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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