HBD My loves

Pieces Of Me

Jessica's POV

I was left dumbfounded. im just staring at her blankly and trying to process everything i was seeing right now. She was so happy all day, im so sure, she even enjoyed teasing me. Whats wrong with her? I wonder whats inside that cheerful mask....I knew theres really something behind those bright smiles she puts up everyday. Aishhhh! What do i do?? At the first place I dont even know why she's crying...

Somehow, i felt sad for her, i can feel she's really hurt by the way she cried. What have you experience? is it that bad that your this weak kneeling down the floor crying all your tears? Watching her this miserable hurts me, i dont know why but it does. I unconsciously sat infront of her and the next i knew is that i already hugged her. At first she was startled as i felt her twitch but not so long she hugs me back and rested her head on my shoulders still crying . I just kept my mouth shut as i hug her, i can feel like she mostly needs silence. And in my case, talking doesn't even make sense special when im this clueless.

After crying like river, i can feel her steady breath indicating she had stop from crying and fell asleep.

"Thank God, after like a HUNDRED years krys" i mumbled sarcastically as turn a little and take a look at her face.

"I wonder what made you cry this much...." I murmured as let out a long sigh and fix some strands of her hair. For moment i just stared at her peaceful face. Now look at you, your eyes are puffed. Tsk! But then, how could you still look so pretty and handsome? I serously didn't know someone can be really both pretty and handsome. So this creature do actually exist huh? WHAT!!? what are saying jessi!!?- i mentally scolded myself as i shook my head. Im getting crazy, i must be really tired. yeah, im just tired. thats it. believe me! i should be having my beauty sleep at this hour. I was interrupted when someone knocks the door.

"Omo! What happen to young master!?" The maid ask worriedly as she saw our position. dont blame her, krys was kneeling in front me with terrible puffed eyes. Who wouldnt get worried? She then immediately walk to our spot

"She suddenly cried but i dont know why" i said silently as i dont wanna wake her up

"Again?" She ask and i just nodded then i frowned realizing what she said

"Is she always like this?" I ask confusedly.

"Well... yes, years ago. Though I never really saw it, i just heard her for some time whenever im cleaning the next room, shes very secretive. But when she came back here from states i never ones saw her sad nor heard her cry again" she said as she sat and help me to carry krys to her room.

"Why is she crying in the first place?" I ask worriedly as we carefully carried krys to her room.

" Just ask her i guess. Im not in the position to tell you young lady" she said softly as i just nodded

"I really thought she had move on, this kid is really silly. always pretending to be bright and happy when in fact shes not..." The maid murmured worriedly and silently but i still heard it. I just kept my mouth shut pretending not to hear anything, as much as my brain wants to know everything, i would rather wait and hear it all from krys instead. The maid open the room as we continue dragging krys to her bed. I let out a long sign as we successfully laid her to bed without waking her up.

"Thank you ajjuma" i said as smiled a little

"Its nothing. This is my job, i owe a lot to their family." Ajuma said as she smiled back at me "Please call whenever you need something else young lady" she said as she bowed and walk off. A few steps then she stopped from her tracks and look back at me

"Im surprise she manage to cry in front you. Theres only 2 person in this world whom can see her cry. Its just hyuna and her mother. She never let someone see her in this kind of situation. She never felt comfortable. just for you to know, that kid has trust issues" the maid said as she chuckled a little

"Your something jessica-shi... Please help her" the maid said sincerely. I didnt actually understand what she meant but i just nodded. She smiled and then bowed again leaving me and krys in the room. I sat on the edge of the bed examining the figure of this poor girl lying helplessly. I let out a long sign and move next to her

"It must be so painful for you to act like this...." I mumbled while gently cuffing her face removing some evidence of her tears.

Your POV


The bright light coming from the window woke me up
“Argg..” the damn eyes feels so heavy. The I realized I cried the whole night yesterday with this person whom I just met weeks ago and here she is sleeping like a princess beside me. I unconsciously smile looking at her.

“how could you be pretty with your hair so messy huh?” I said as I fix some strands of her hair resting it at the back of her petite ear. I let out a long sigh remembering what just happened last night. What came into my mind? I just met you weeks ago and here am I crying like river last night. This is not the usual me. But I cant deny it anymore, I feel so comfortable with her. Plus her silence and warm hug just comforts me so well. If I could rate it, it would be a 150% comforting. That’s how it is. I look at her again, she was hugging me like a cute koala. Her hug was too tight but it felt great anyways. If shes someone mean or cold like those mask she wears everyday. She could have left  me the moment I fell asleep from crying. She would even think im a psycho or something for crying just like that specially when does not even know the reason why. But see?? She’s still here right? Still trying to comfort me in the best way she can/ But how will I explain reason why I cried? Can I possibly tell her? 

I ruffled my hair irritatingly cause i dont know what to do. Maybe i should tell her but just not now. Im not ready to talk about it still. Even if i came back here, its just doest mean im fully healed. It takes time. Its not something that when you snap, everything will fall back to its place. How i wish it was just that easy. But apparently its not. Look at me? Its been years but she still affects me. Its like everything reminds me of her hurts me. I dont know the right word to explain how it felt, but one thing i knew is im traumatized. Cause last night, when sica rested her head on my chest, it automatically sents me shockwaves, a shockwave named sunny that electrifies my whole body making me so weak. How weird. Everything went black after that and the next thing i knew is was already kneeling on the floor. I even forgot i was with sica. I only remembered her existence when she hugged me, i want to push her away or tell her to just go and leave me alone, but the damn body wont follow my mind. Instead, i hugged her back. Untill i fell asleep. Aishhhh! I ruffled my hair again irritatingly. And Its not such good idea cause i think i woke the girl who's currently hugging me.

"Dont move. im still sleeping" she said coldly. I got nervous, cause it felt like any moment that i move again, a tiger would come out to eat me. I glance at the clock and its already past breakfast. Meaning, we didnt attend our morning class. Great krys! She will definitely kill me when she wokes up. This is useless! wether she woke up now or later. Im still dead! I just let out a sigh. Not so long, she finally released her hug from me and shifted on the other side of bed. I took sometime to admire her face. I chuckled as fix some hair thats on her face.

"God must be so desperate to prove me that angels do exist huh? He even sent you down here" i said as i chuckled at my words. I guess this thing happens specially when you opened your eyes first thing in morning just to be greeted by someone this beautiful.

I stood up i could wake her up and decided freshen up. I check jessica after and shes still asleep

"Such a heavy sleeper" i murmured as i chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. I pick up my car keys and went down to get some dress that sica bought yesterday. It was still inside my car. I randomly pick a shop-bag at the backseat, i didnt even worry on how it would look on her. I just thought everything she bought yesterday looks perfectly good on her. I went up to room again, and surprisingly the sleeping princess is finally awake.

Jessica's pov

"Finally your up" krys said as she chuckled. I just nodded as i was busy adjusting my eyes from the light coming from the window.

"Cute.." I heard krys mumured as she walks to the window and pulled the curtains down.

"Thanks" i said " so.. Good morning?" She said as she smiled at me warmly. Oh boy, that smile. It just made me smiled back

"good morning" i said as i scanned my eyes around the room

"Here. Some dress you bought yesterday. Go freshen up. Ill wait for you in the garden" she said and then putted the paperbag on table. I just watch her leave the room. While she was about to close the door, she stopped and glance at me

"I nearly forgot.. The undergarments was on that closet. Dont worry, those were new ones" she said as she pointed at the closet and closed the door. I stood up lazily to get an undergarment. I was surprise to see a bunch of it

"How come you had this much yet you dont even use it" i murmured. Some of it still has a price-tags

"Kyaa! Kyeopta!" I squealed as i saw pink paired loepard undies and tops.

After showering. I look the big mirror attache on the wall seeing very sophisticated floral dress im wearing. I kept turning looking at every side of the dress.

" fits perfectly on me" i complimented myself. Well, Im not jessica jung for nothing. I took some time to look around her room. I never got the chance to do that last night, i was so tired to be bothered about it. And about yesterday? Should i ask her or not?

"Aishhh" i let out a long sigh as i sat on the edge of the bed.

"I guess i should leave that to her. Wether she tells me or not, its all up to her." I murmured. Why am i even talking to myself.

"I think this room is too big for her." i said as stood up again and roam my eyes around. Her room seems like a princess type of room. Everything looks very expensive and most are unique, you cannot buy it just anywhere. She also had so manny closet, well i also had that. Her room is very neat unlike mine. Her shirts were arrange on its color. Dress, jeans,tanks, shoes, coats and sweaters arranged depending on its type. Im quiet amazed, i dont expect her to be this clean and organize. Wait? She has two bathroom? I think not.

"That door must be a fire exit" i said as walk to check on it.

"It wasnt a fire exit. Its a studio" someone suddenly butted, i turn around to see who it was. Its krys.

"Sorry, i thought it was fire exit" i said shyly. Why did i even think thats i fire exit? This is embarrassing.

"Its fine. Sorry to bother. I just got worried. I wonder what took you so long. You must be hungry. Lets go down. But feel free to get inside first" krys said as she smiled and opened the studio for me.

" thanks" i said as i went inside

"Wow.." I manage to murmur. Her room was too big yet she still has a studio just beside it. Its combination of music and dancing studio. No wonder, people here call her young master. She's living like a princess. The only daughter of the Choi Empire, i guess she just deserves all this.

"Im an only child, my parents was only focused on me." She said as if she was reading my mind. she then continued "They give what i like without even asking. Some might say im very lucky, but its quiet lonely though. Id rather have a little brother to share all this with or sometimes knock his head for being such a careless kid or an oppa that will kill those guys who would try to hit up on me. That will be fun.. " she chuckled silently. She just looks like she has everything, but theres still something missing. Well, no one is perfect. Glad i have krystal with me, or ill be as lonely as hers.

"But, This things tend to be my siblings instead" she said as she walk on the piano and touch it as if it means a lot on her.

"And those as well" she said as she pointed to the guitars and violin neatly arrange. It looks like its being sold. Doesnt look like used. I heard krys chuckled as i look at her curiously

"I use it, i wouldnt buy it if i wont" she said as she laugh

"Im not even saying that" i said confidenly

"Yeah but your face tells it" krys said as she laugh again, i just look at her coldly.

"Fine fine, im not gonna laugh" she said as she smiled. Ughh... I hate that smile

"Go play some songs" i said as i sat on the coach crossing my legs aswell as my arms

"I would love too but... You know.. im hungry already..." Krys said as she pouted like a kid.

"Tsk. Kiddo! Araso.." I stood up and carried one of the guitars

"And why are you bringing that?" She asked while i just look at her

"Just to see if you really use it" i said as i stock my tongue out. She just manage to shook her head while chuckling

"Play for me after we eat" i said as she went near me

"Araso. Everything for the coldest princess" she said teasingly then took the guitar on my hands and carried it for me instead.

"Yah!" I shouted. Is that even a compliment?

As we walk side by side on hallway. All the maids gathered in line and bowed to us. Cant really believe korea has this certain family. We dont have queen and king, prince and princess. We have president instead but this kid is living like a royal one.

" ajjuma where is dad" krys ask

" he left early" the maid said

" araso, we'll be having early lunch at the garden. Have you guys eaten already?" Krys ask worriedly. Why is she like that? Isnt it her business anymore? Or maybe im not just closed with our maids? Uhh! Whatever.

"Dont worry young master, we already did" the ajjuma that help me last night spoked. I smiled as recognized her.

"Araso" krys said then she bowed as we left


"Wow..." i manage to say. How much do i have to say that today. The garden is not actually a normal garden. Its like a fantasy like garden, something you only see on fairy-tails. Theres a table in the middle of it were foods are already prepared

" like it?" Krys ask as she look at me. I just manage to nod

"I knew you would like it. See how your dress fits perfectly here" She said as i look at my dress. Its floral and the garden is full of flowers. It just made me smile

"Come, lets eat. Im already starving" she said while pretending to cry and hold her stomach. cutie... She then pulled the chair for me. How gentlewomen. She also sat down just in front of me

"This ez it! Lets dig in!" She said excitingly as she focused on the dishes. Putting some on her plate and some on mine

"Its fine, ill do it myself." I said while looking at her

"Sorry, im just used to eat here with my bestfriend. She's a naughty one. She wont eat untill i put something on her plate" she said as she chuckled. I bet thats hyuna. Lucky her. We continued eating silently. Untill were finally finish

"Sica... About yesterday. Hmmm... Im sorry for troubling you, you even skip morning class because of me" she said as she looks down

"Thats fine, im also not in mood. Dont worry" i said as i smiled a little assuring her it was really fine

"And what song do you wanna hear?" She ask as she holds the guitar and look at me. I was expecting she would tell me why she was crying last night but i guess she doesnt want to talk about it

"Anything" i said. She just nod and started strumming the guitar.

(incase you wanna hear the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzL6ZfiQAWU)

Every time I think I'm closer to the heart

What it means to know just who I am
I think I finally found a better place to start
No one ever seems to understand
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head 
The reason that im singing
I need to find you
Gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need 
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah

You're the remedy im searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you
Gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you

Been feeling lost
Can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Next to you, your next to me
I need to find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you (need to find you)
Gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you (I gotta find you)

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you (need to find you)
Gotta find you (gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you
Gotta find you

For a moment, it was silent. She was just looking at me with her serious soft look. I dont know, but im happy. It felt like.. she was serenading me. How she looks at me while she was singing sends me shivers. This place wasn't helping at all. It made the scenario so romantic. The roses, sunflowers, tulips and the leaves of the trees seems to be dancing along with song as the wind blows. The comforting fresh air that made me feel so relax whenever i took deep breath. And the lullaby voice i was hearing. It made everything so perfect. And then she smiles at me with her eyes forming an admiring crescent moon. This is beyond perfect. Im not falling for her did i?

TBC!!! <3

Miss me??!! hahahah seems like forever did it? gahhhh! im really really sorry for not updating :( i was so busy for some reason. I was supposed to post this earlier than today but the story got stock on my iphone's note for a very long time now. soo Miannnnn (^o^) Thank you for reading!

To the most dorkiest, funniest, naughtiest, craziest, but the loveliest, cutest, iest, fairest, prettiest, handsomest, and the most beautiful creature in the whole wide world! For me... (^o^) keke. I just wanna say Happy Birthday Lee Soonkyu unnie <3 i love you for 4years and moreeee! Enjoy your day unnie! I wish you all the best! saranghae for 1billion times and moree! Mwa! :* :* :*







ughhh!!! handsomest <3 HAHAHA! Goshhh before this page turns into a galery, yeah yeah ill stop! GOSH! I so love her huhuhu <3

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Snsdsunny12 #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon...
smvalencia #2
Chapter 7: kyaaa, Jessica is surely falling for krys... keke
Chapter 7: update soon please
myohmy21 #4
Chapter 6: update soon...
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: Good story!!! Can't wait for more ^^ Update soon!!!
Monkeygurl12 #7
Update soon can't wait :)
Chapter 6: new reader's here i love your story
waiting for you to update^^
Chapter 6: awesome....