
The Crazy Life I had with FT Island


"Umma! Appa! Don't leave us! Don't leave me!" I shouted at the airport entrance. Why wouldn't I? I'm seventeen and this is the first time my parents left me.
My parents are leaving Korea and are going to the States. They'll be working there for who knows how long. I'm stuck with my brother, HongKi
who is now well known in Korea because he's a child actor and now in a rock band called FT Island. But that's not the problem. That's only a minor. 
Well, the HUGE problem is that I'm living on FT Island's dorm while are parents aren't home.
I know my brother's band mates. I'm only close to MinHwan Oppa-well, he's my bestfriend-, the drummer and the maknae of the band. 
We can understand each other and I'm also a drummer. JongHun and SeungHyun Oppa are too weird.
"Yah EunSeo. Can you please stop crying? I'm talking to Manager-Hyung." HongKi said, his phone is on his right ear.
"EunSeo, Please, don't cry, hush. Umma and Appa don't wanna see you cry." Jin said, while touching my back. He's with HongKi when they came to the airport.
"If they don't wanna see me cry, they shouldn't have left me." I said between sobs.
"They left hyung too you know. You shouldn't be crying and all dongsaeng. You're now seventeen for goodness' sake. Next year you'll be eighteen and you can 
have your driver's liscense."
"Hey, can you keep it down. I'm trying to call JongHun." HongKi said, looking at us, at the back seat of the van.
"Mianhae." We both said as replies.
Then came silence. It's all over the van. I could only here my brother's voice that came from the music. They're repeating Hello Hello over and over.
After 5 minutes, we've reach their dorm. My things are brought there before we went to the airport.
We entered the dorm and was shocked by the sight. SeungHyun and  MinHwan are having a pillow fight and the room looked like it was raided by a 
bunch of monkeys. JongHun is at the kitchen, looking at the maknaes laughing at them.
"Yah! Song Seung Hyun! Choi Min Hwan! What the hell happened?! Clean this place now!" HongKi boomed. The maknae quickly cleaned the place.
I chuckled a bit. No wonder why they're so quiet when HongKi oppa is around.
Then, HongKi spoke again, "Guys, as you know, my sister will be staying here with us because our parents are not here. You know her right? Be good. If you do
something nasty to her, I'll break you in half." He threatened them.
I laughed. Then, I went to MinHwan Oppa and hugged him.
"Minnie Oppa! I missed you!" I said while hugging him.
"I missed you more you brat." He replied, patting my head.
"Yah! Don't ruin my hair!" I slapped his arm.
I went to SeungHyun Oppa. I hugged him too.
"Welcome you brat." He tightened his hug and looks like he's gonna squish me.
"Yah! I can't breathe! Do you want your fans to see you in half?" I said to him. He immediately released me.
"Oh yeah."
I went over to JongHun Oppa. We did our handshake.
"I missed you also leader." I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"Me too brat." He said, ruining my hair.
"Yah! I said don't ruin my hair!" I reached for his head and ruined his hair too.
I put my tounge out and made faces.
I went to the guest room. I unpacked my things. I saw our family picture. I also saw a picture with me and my parents in it. I began to cry. I missed them even if 
they only left a few hours ago.
"Hey." I heared Minnie Oppa's voice. I wiped my tearsoff so that he couldn't see me crying.
"Are you crying?" He held my chin and turned my face to him. He wiped my tears off. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I started cying again.
"I'll miss them Oppa." I said in between sobs.
"Hush. We're here. We wouldn't leave you. Just don't cry." He said rubbing my back.
"Stop crying EunSeo-ssi. I'm here, were all here."
I finally stopped and looked at him."I know." I smiled at him.
"Yah! Song Seung Hyun! Choi Min Hwan! Wake up sleepy heads!" I heard Jin Oppa shout a the room beside me. I was up early but I don't want to go out yet.
I heard something like someone fell off the bed. I quickly heard roars of laughter.
Curiosity strucked me. I jumped outta bed and looked to see who it was.
Just what I thought. I knew it. It was Minnie Oppa.
I can't hide hide my laughter so I, too, roared with laughter.
He quickly got up and went straight to the kitchen.
"EunSeo-ssi, wake SeungHyun up for me. Please." He said, giving up.
"Okay." He left the room.
"SeungHyun Oppa. Wake up." I said, patting his shoulders.
"Yah! Song Seug Hyun!" I grab a pillow and hit him.
Still, he's still sleeping so soundly. I thought of a plan.
I shouted until he woke up. "Yah! Yah! Stop! I'm up!"He said. I patted SeugHyun's head. "Good boy." I laughed and went outside.
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Hullo dear readers~ Sorry for not updating.. Well, it's because I don't know what will I write next. xD I'll try to update as soon as I can. Thank you!


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I will always be waiting !! <3
Why is eunseo so perfect ?
I wish I was like her -sigh-
I am a huge fan of the Jo Twins. I am jelly ~

I recently made a new roleplay, if you have time, can you check it out ?
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omg eunseo is perfect o.o

update sooon! T.T
a date with the jo twins *O*
aigooo eunseo! Open your eyes! Minari loves yoooooohh
omg hongki's insanely protective xD
and minari's lil crush is cute :3
i bet its boyfriend calling her o:
more jealous minari coming up owo
awe the boyfriend meeting was so cute x'3
lololol minhwan's aegyo is cute but it gets annoying to his hyunhs ahahahaha his hyungs are like "oh god here we go again" xD
minnie and pink o.e
And yayyy boyfriend's gonna appear, more jealous minari coming up xD
protective hongki hahaha xDD
and lmfao 5 dresses just in case? Eunseo, strategically planned lol.
chapter3; awwww cutie minari ish jealous . And omg minhwan is supposed to be the most erted member in ft island xD even wonbin said so! Lololol though seunghyun carries in his bag, aish that kid >.>