Chapter 3

Fakin' it with Yoseob

Sorry, I know I promised to at least double the update, but I can't because of homework T^T..I mean seriously who gives hw in the summer for a class I'm GOING TO HAVE!!?!?! Apparently my AP Euro teacher does...*sigh*..that's a thick packet, no not a packet a CHAPTER! He scanned it from the book for us T^T....I have a feelin I'm gonna hate that class.....


I let out a sigh and rested my head on the desk closing my eyes, as the bell rang signaling lunch time. Hyun Jae sat on my desk and lightly elbowed me. “Yo.” My eyes fluttered open and stared at her with my 'what' expression. “So what did you and Yoseob do after you guys left?”


Nothing. He just took me home.”


Really?” She asked squinting her eyes at me, as if trying to see through me. Well too bad for her, 'cause that's the truth. Nothing happened! And that's probably the only truth I told lately.


Before Hyun Jae can interrogate me anymore, Nam Kyu bursted through the doors with a flyer in her hand rushing towards us. “Did you hear!?!” She asked excitedly. Confused, we both shook our head 'no'. “Our school is hosting the Special Athletic Competition!!”


Ehh!?!” Our whole class yelled in unison...were they eavesdropping or what?


Special Athletic Competition, is exactly like it says competition using our athletic skills. But it's called special for a reason. This competition isn't only for our school... it's also for all the other schools out there. Cube, Soseol, Sasil, Jimseung, and Soom. Which means more competition, definitely. Once a school wins, they get a medal and more respect from the others. Results so far are:


Cube: 4


Jimseung: 2

Soom: 3

Soseol: 1.....!!!!


ahaha *shamefully scratches the back if my head* Yeah, you read it right. One point only!! And that one point came out lovingly from Hyun Jae, for all those relays and track racing two years ago. We wanted her to desperately to join again last year too, but she gave a very cold glare, making it very clearly that she didn't want to join anymore. Her reason?....I have no idea.


So why are we so surprised? Because S.A.C. (Special Athletic Competition) comes once a year and a school has to host it. But the thing is Cube High always steals that opportunity and has been hosting it for the past years! So...why all of a



So today's the day! After a week of preparation we are all ready! FIGHTING!


Welcome to this year's Special Athletic Competition.” A female voice came over the speakers. “This year, would be a special year. Whoever wins gets 3 points.”


EEHH!?!” The whole stadium roared.


Wah~ that means is Soseol wins, we'll catch up to Cube!” Nam Kyu exclaimed.


Yep, you heard that right. So are you ready?” The female voice asked us.


YES!” Everyone shouted.


That's what I like to hear. First up, men's 100 meter race! All participants get ready.”


All the people cheered as the guys entered.


Oh! It's Yoseob and Junhyung!” Nam Kyu pointed. I immediately got up my seat to take a look. Kya! There's Yoseob, he looks so... concentrated. And cute in that dark gray headband >W<. (BEAST official color! Yeah! XD!) “Omo, Junhyung's girlfriend!” Nam Kyu pointed.


And sure enough there he was standing near the wall before the bench seats, holding Hara's hand as she sat up there. She said something to him that made him smile, saying something back making her blush. “Isn't she from KARA high? What is she doing here, it's not their athletic yet.” Hyun Jae wondered.


It's call love and support.” Nam Kyu answered.


Now where's your love support for Yoseob?” Hyun Jae asked me.


I just gave a shy laugh and change the topic. “Oh look, they're starting!” And pointed to the track below as the guys got in their position. Thank god the speaker came on just as I said that or else I'll look like an idiot in still pointing motion.


We will now be starting the race.” Everyone cheered as the gun was shot out, signaling start!

All the guys ran pretty fast, I took a glance at Yoseob and noticed that he was in 2nd place.


Wah~ He's fast! But damn that guy in front of him! Yoseob deserves to win! Oh no, he's falling behind! He's about to be in 3rd place soon! Yoseob. Must. Not. Lose! I don't know what took over me but I suddenly ran up the edge of the fence screamed from the top of my lungs.


YOSEOB! YOU CAN DO IT!” I don't know if he heard me or not, but he suddenly sprinted forward with speed and past 1st place through the finish line. Roars of cheers are heard as it ended. Yoseob was panting really hard and so am I, even though I don't know why. I froze in my position. He did it....He did it!


Unexpectedly Yoseob turned to look at me and smile with a thanks, making my heart skip a beat. (I know right, everyone always uses this phrase XP... but its actually my first time XD!) “Now that's what I call support!” Hyun Jae smacks my back. I turn to look at them blushing and rushed back to my seat. (Junhyung made it in 3rd.)



After a series of athletic battles, we were down to the last two. Soseol was winning currently in 1st place, that just proves how desperately our school wanted to win XD! And Cube and Jimseung was close behind in 2nd place. Yes! If we can just win the last two games we can catch up!


Volleyball is up next and Nam Kyu joined it, trying her hardest to win, while sweating and panting. Me and Hyun Jae were sitting and praying for her. I crossed my fingers, while Hyun Jae waved a tiny Soseol flag without any team spirit at all, while reading a book =_=. “Aren’t you up for the girl's 100 meter race?” Hyun Jae asked me.


Yeah, why?”

Shouldn't you be getting ready now, it is the next segment.”


Oh ! I forgot!” I stood up quickly and ran down, just in time for the referee to blow his whistle ending the game. Nam Kyu had spiked the ball earning Soseol a point. Soseol students hoorayed in happiness. Now it's just up to me to win us that last round. I'm no Hyun Jae, but I'm confident I can do it!


I went in the changing room and changed into my red shorts and white t-shirt, tying a red headband around my head. I'm ready! As I got out I bumped into a girl wearing blue, Jimseung. “Oh, are you from Soseol?” I just nodded my head. “Well can you go and get the hurdles in the storage room, because we need them soon. And I don't know where the storage is.”


Uh...sure.” I said. “I'll be back.” I went around the stadium and opened the storage, I was going to grab the hurdles when I heard his voice.


What are you doing here?”


I turn to face Yoseob. “Um...getting the hurdles...” Geez! Why am I getting nervous for?


Hurdles? Why? You do know that the girls 100 meter race is the last thing, there is no hurdles.”


That's true! Then why did that girl--” My sentence got interrupted by a bang and the room went dark. The door was locked. Me and Yoseob ran to it and tried to push it open, but that obviously didn't work. Damn! Why did this door had to be locked from only the outside! “That b*tch lied to me!”


Yoseob chuckled and I quickly covered my mouth of what I just said. “It seemed like somebody didn't want you to win the race.”


Aw~ what are we going to do~” I whined and slumped to the ground next to the door. I was my school's last hope...T^T...


I felt him sit next to me. I took a peek at him and he smiled patting my head. I can feel the blood rush to my face reddening it. “It's going to be fine.”


No it's not,” I protested. “You're only saying that, because your school is probably going to win.”


I'm not saying it because of that, in fact I can care less if we win. I'm saying it because...”


Because what?” I asked.


Uh..nothing!” He ended quickly. I was kind of disappointed. What did you want him to say anyway Ae Mi? Gosh!


Moments passed by filled with silents. “Um, thanks by the way.” Yoseob said, breaking the awkwardness.


Hm?” I don't get it.


Before, when I was running. Thanks, for giving me that encouragement.”


Oh..uh..yeah.” My cheeks were burning up! Why did I have to be stuck in a room with Yoseob being so close to me!!! But thank god, the room is kind of dark I don't think he'll be able to see my tomato face.


What's wrong?” He asked as I turn away shyly.




Yoseob laughed. “No seriously, what's wrong?” Like he didn't already know >///<.


I said it was nothing!” I scooted away from him, but he copied my actions coming closer. “Y-yah! What are you doing!?!”


He smiled, but to me, I saw a smirk and with one hand he cupped my cheeks. My head was on FIRE!! “Are you, blushing?” He said gently. I didn't say anything. Yoseob chuckled, so lightly I can barely hear it. “Cute.”....Huh?...Did I hear that right?...Did Yang Yoseob just called me..c-cute!?!?!?! His smile fades and he slowly leans towards me. I'm still trying to process everything earlier that I didn't what was coming. Apparently he didn't either, because right before our lips can tough, the doors swung open making us fall.


Ow~” I rubbed my injured head, while Yoseob groaned next to me. We looked up and my eyes widen. Worst case scenario ever! Kim Hyun Joong was standing before us.


What are you guys doing in there?”


Yoseob stood up and dusted himself. But I couldn't even move. “Thanks for saving us, we were trapped in there for a while.” and helped me stand up. “Are you okay?” He whispered, I just gave a nod.


Yeah, long enough for the race to be over just in time.” That caught my attention.


Who won!?!” I asked frantically.


Hyun Joong smiled, the smile that I used to love. “We did.”


But that's impossible be--” Yoseob didn't even get to finish his sentence, that I already ran back to the stadium tracks.


I got there and everyone was yelling and celebrating. I looked at the track and saw Hyun Jae walking away from the finish line, pulling off her headband with sweat running down her forehead. “Hyun Jae!” I screamed and ran towads her, giving her a big hug.


Yah! Get off me, it's hot!”


I stopped and looked at her with happiness. “You ran.” I stated.


Yeah, I did.” She said lamely back.


By now the whole entire Soseol High came running towards her. Nam Kyu came running first and tackled her into another hug. “You did it!” She shouted. The whole school suddenly lifted her by surprise and threw her in the air, catching her and then repeating it a couple time.


Yah! Quit it!” Hyun Jae shouted, but like they listened to her.



Cheers!” Everyone shouted. We were at a restaurant at night, with the whole school celebrating.


Hyun Jae, you did it once again, topping us with Cube!” Nam Kyu said and took a big gulp out of her drink.


I didn't even want to do it, but Ae Mi was missing so for her of course I have too.” Hyun Jae stated and took a sip from her tea.


Thanks guys! I owe you guys a lot! Sorry I couldn't be there T^T.”


It's okay Ae Mi, once Hyun Jae ratted out that girl where you were she immediately sent someone to release you guys out.” Nam Kyu calmed me.


As in Hyun Joong!?!” I was ticked off.


Okay that, we did not know about!” she replied.


I sighed, I guess so.


Good job Hyun Jae, that was amazing!” Doojoon said.


Whoa, when did they Cube guys get here?” Nam Kyu questioned, but everyone ignored her.


Yeah I never saw anyone dash past the finish line, while the others were only starting.” Kikwang exaggerated.


That was a piece of cake.” Hyun Jae replied.


But weren't you the one I saw under an umbrella eating dukbokki?” Dongwoon asked Hyun Jae.


So?” she answered.

Wow, way to go team spirit.”


Yeah, I can care less. I only joined in the end for Ae Mi anyway, so think all you want.”


Yah! Did you just talked back to me!?!”


Hyun Jae didn't really do anything else but glared back him, he did the same back. Those stares were so intense that you can basically see lightening between them.


The silence broke when Hara came. “Oppa, here's you drink.” she handed Junhyung a cup.


Thanks.” and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and she blushed in front of us. Another silent cricket went by. “What?” He asked like he did something wrong.


Nothing~” We all said in unison.


I did a quick glance at Yoseob, but he caught me looking. UGH! Got caught. But he only smiled back. I thought that's all I'm getting, just a smile. But then he came next to me and touched my forehead. “How's the fever?” He teased, and it continues.


W-what!?!” I was embarrassed.


Ae Mi, you had a fever?” Nam Kyu asked.


N-no! He's just--”


Well, she did have one, but I realize that it only occurs when I'm this close.” Yoseob swiftly came face to face with me. Making everyone gawked with their mouths open.


....It's awkward again, with only Yoseob smiling (smirking) before me. “Look karaoke!” Hyunseung pointed and shouted! All the BEAST boys turn their gaze to it quickly and said “Where!?!”


And that's how the night went on and ended...

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kyubigirls #1
Chapter 7: argh i know i am late but i really love this fiction author-nim >< good job and thanks for share this story to us ^^
YYSdyno #2
I read the first chapter and fell in love (:
B2utyForeverLove #3
Chapter 7: I love this fanfiction!! it's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Mistlea #4
Chapter 7: i only just found this story, but.... awww ~~~ it's so adorable and funny ! :3
hope to see more stories like this from you :D
OMO! I love this fanfiction. I was so into it! Screaming and yelling at the computer screen and stuff. Soo cuuute :3
This is one of my favourite fanfics now. :D
Imma read this :D
^^^ this was daebak~! keke like fiction and fact (B2ST X)) subbed :3333
dianaluphjaelani #8
Yoseoooob :)
yeah, the story is complete, but I subbed anyway- because it was a fun story!
SarangYoseob #10