Chapter 3

Love me more, love me most


Kyungsoo was jolted out of his daydream, he looked up at the frowning teacher. He bowed his head and apologised earning a sigh from the teacher,

"I know you're a music major but biology is important as well," he said softly making Kyungsoo feel guilty, he could only nod embarrassed.

"I know Sir, I'm sorry I'll pay more attention."

The teacher walked back to the front of the class and continued the lesson, Kyungsoo lowered his head avoiding Baekhyun's inquiring gaze.

The Academy Kyungsoo attended was one of the best in the whole of Asia, it catered to all possible student needs on all levels and was divided into three sections- the Academic Section, the Arts Section and the Sports Section. The students who were fortunate enough to get into the Academy majored in one section but had to take a minor in the other two sections. Kyungsoo was admitted into the Arts section under music and had taken Archery and three science subjects as a minor. It was in this very Academy where Kyungsoo met Jongdae and Baekhyun both who had almost all the same classes as he did, it came as no surprise when Jongdae declared they were both his best friends by the end of their first week.

"Yah!" Kyungsoo jumped hand flying to his chest alarmed, Baekhyun frowned and pulled him up.

"Class was let out two minutes ago," he said concern lacing his tone,

"What's wrong with you? You’ve been spacing out a lot recently,"

"I'm fine hyung," Kyungsoo avoided meeting Baekhyun's eyes in pretense of packing his things. The two walked to the cafeteria silently, Baekhyun shivered as they arrived.

"I can't help but feel as if something bad is going to happen," he said making Kyungsoo stop in front of the double doors.

"B-bad?" Kyungsoo couldn't help but stutter, because Baekhyun was the closest thing to a psychic and during the two years the two had known each other most of what his hyung had predicted had come eerily true. Baekhyun shrugged and pushed the doors open,

"Let's eat," Kyungsoo slapped a hand onto his forehead and groaned.

"Ah, I forgot my packed lunch," he said remembering a bit too late, he glanced at the lunch line nervously. Never in his school life had Do Kyungsoo ever eaten food from the cafeteria, it made him sound like a snob but it was true.

"Come on Soo, I'll help you." Baekhyun smiled for the first time that day, eager to expose his best friend to the world of bad cafeteria food. He looped his arm around Kyungsoo's and they joined the line.

Kyungsoo picked his food carefully and chose to stay away from anything that resembled contaminated water more than food. He was just reaching the end of the line when the person in front of him took a step backward knocking into him hard. He stumbled backwards trying to righten himself up but ended up tripping over Baekhyun's foot. He heard his plate shatter as it hit the floor and it wasn't until he felt something warm trickle across his palm that he realised he had cut himself. His right hand started to tingle and his eyes watered at the foreign feeling.

"Oh my god! Kyungsoo, are you ok? Wait don't move..." Baekhyun's voice broke him out of his trance.

"You idiot!" Baekhyun shrieked at the person who had knocked into him, Kyungsoo remained on his bleeding hand held up in front of him uselessly.


But it wasn't Baekhyun that crouched down beside him instead it was one of the Chinese students, the one with dark eyes. He shot Kyungsoo an apologetic look before pouring the bottle of water he had over Kyungsoo's palms. Kyungsoo bit his lower lip to prevent himself crying out in pain,

"Kyungsoo right?" Kyungsoo nodded.

"I'm Tao," he pulled out bandages from his bag and spared Kyungsoo a small smile,

"You're lucky I carry these around whenever I have afternoon practices," Tao said gently bounding Kyungsoo's wrist, he frowned,

"I'm afraid you won't be able to play the piano for a few days, the cuts aren't that deep though so don't worry."

"Thank you, Tao-shi!" Kyungsoo said finally regaining his speech as Tao helped him up. Kyungsoo stopped Baekhyun from chewing the other student out and accepted the poor student's tearful apology. Kyungsoo thanked Tao again before Baekhyun dragged him away grumbling.

Tao made his way to the courtyard to where the others were,

"What took you so long?" Yixing asked chewing absentmindedly on a piece of lettuce, Tao grinned taking them by surprise.

"I was just lending a hand to-" Tao paused eyes widening in fear before he sat down quickly,

"Everyone keep you heads down and pretend you're busy, the Student Council's Vice President is heading this way!" he whispered, as soon as he finished his sentence Chanyeol almost toppled over by the force that hit him.

The Student Council's Vice President A.K.A Kim Minseok got off Chanyeol,

"Sooo," he began with a crazed grin,

"Any of you bring any dumplings?" He peeked at all their lunches. It was a known fact the boy was in love with dumplings and for that fact alone everyone avoided bringing any to school.

"No Sunbae we don't have any dumplings," Chanyeol answered making him pout, he stood up with an exaggerated sigh.

"How can you not have any dumplings? You're Chinese!"

"Hey, that's stereotyping!" Yixing said offended, Minseok ignored him and brushed the dirt off his pants.

"Whatever see you fail Chinese later!"

"I'm not even Chinese!" Chanyeol called out after the boy, Kris shook his head speechless.

"How did he get elected as the Vice President?" he asked as said boy tackled another group of boys sitting on the lawn.

A few seconds later a panting Junmyeon made his appearance at the school entrance, eyes darting around the lawn angrily

"KIM MINSEOK!" he yelled making said boy duck behind some students, the President sighed and grabbed his collar dragging him back into the school building.

"He should be kept on a leash," Tao complained, the others all nodded.


"Want to hang out tonight?" Baekhyun asked as the two walked to the school gates after all classes had ended that day. Kyungsoo shook his head,

"I can't," he said regretfully, he still needed to finish up his packing. Baekhyun stopped walking,

"Why not?" he demanded leaning against the steel fence around the basketball court.

"You've been blowing me off the whole week," he continued arms crossed in front of his chest angrily,

"I'm moving houses," Kyungsoo confessed, "and I haven't finished packing."


Kyungsoo nodded, Baekhyun smiled and looped their arms together again mood improved,

"Why didn't you say so earlier? I'll help you," he pulled Kyungsoo towards the gates.

"Hyung, you don't have to!"

"No, I insist plus your hands must sting," Baekhyun replied reminding Kyungsoo of the previous incident. He stopped abruptly startling Baekhyun.

"Hyung, do you think that bad feeling you had earlier was because I was going to hurt myself?" he asked hopefully, Baekhyun gave him a weird look wondering why he was suddenly bringing it up.

"Most probably," he answered, Kyungsoo's shoulders sagged in relief now knowing that the bad feeling Baekhyun felt wasn't due to his upcoming engagement.

He looked at his hyung and suddenly was hit with an overwhelming need to tell him everything, he opened his mouth about to spill his secret. 

"Cuties!!" the two froze before Baekhyun started to drag Kyungsoo away quickly, the younger followed without protest this time and the two made it into Kyungsoo's car just as Minseok reached the school gates. Baekhyun looked over his shoulder and let out a relieved sigh,

"Seriously.. how did that guy end up as Vice President?" he asked, Kyungsoo kept silent only he knew that Minseok was able to reach such position due to the only other crazy person in the school, the one and only Kim Jongdae.


Baekhyun and Kyungsoo walked to school the next day,

"Thanks for all the help Baekhyun hyung," Kyungsoo said, "And also for walking to school with me today."

Baekhyun smiled,

"Why did you want to walk today anyway?" he asked as he tried to walk and simultaneously apply on his new love, eyeliner. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"Because it's the last time I'll ever get to walk to school from my old house," Kyungsoo said, Baekhyun frowned,

"About that," he began,

"Why is it that you only packed your stuff?" Kyungsoo remained silent.

"Kyungsoo ah," the eyeliner was forgotten and Kyungsoo felt Baekhyun's stare on him.

"I'm the only one who's moving hyung, I'm going to stay with my aunt."

Baekhyun stared at Kyungsoo trying to see if he was lying, Kyungsoo fought hard to keep his face neutral.

"What aunt?" Baekhyun questioned suspicious, Kyungsoo smiled

"My mother's best friend,"

"I've never heard you mention her before.."

"She was my mother's best friend, but when I was four she moved away with her family. They've only just returned recently," Kyungsoo explained, Baekhyun nodded taking it in.

"But why would she ask you to move in with her?" Kyungsoo shrugged,

"She said something about wanting to make up for lost time and how she didn't want me to live by myself since Seungsoo hyung is always overseas."

The lie came out so easily it surprised Kyungsoo.

"That's nice of her," Baekhyun finally said after a moment of contemplation, Kyungsoo nodded.

"She was really excited.."

"For you to move in?"

For the engagement, Kyungsoo thought but he nodded anyway.

"You have to invite me over when you get settled in," Baekhyun said with a grin.

"Of course hyung! You'll be the first to see my room,"

"I'd better be after helping you fold all those clothes yesterday!" he complained, Kyungsoo wrapped an arm around Baekhyun,

"You are absolutely the best hyung!" he said trying to butter Baekhyun up and judging by the grin it was working,

"I've even packed an extra big lunch for you today, if the weather is nice we can eat out on the lawn later."

"Ahhhh, I feel like we've been on a honeymoon since Jongdae's been away," Kyungsoo laughed at Baekhyun's words.

"Well you better enjoy these last few days because he's returning next week." 

Fortunately for Kyungsoo the weather was indeed fine for the rest of the day, after countless of complains from Baekhyun about how he didn't want his skin to get dark Kyungsoo found them a perfect spot under the shade of a tree.

Kyungsoo began to unpack his lunch shocking Baekhyun at the wide variety from Japanese delicacies to Chinese and Korean ones. Baekhyun closed his gaping mouth,

"You weren't kidding when you said you packed a big lunch.." Kyungsoo's smile wavered,

"It's because I feel thankful," he told Baekhyun, and guilty a little voice added silently. His hand paused in mid air and Baekhyun shot him a weird look.

"H-hyung, I'm getting en-"

"Cuties!" Baekhyun was bowled over by an over enthusiastic Minseok, Junmyeon appeared seconds later sweaty and apologetic.

Baekhyun glared at the two seniors as Kyungsoo helped him back into a sitting position, Minseok eyed the food.

"ARGH!!! dumplings!!" Baekhyun shot Kyungsoo a warning glare but was too late as the boy invited the two seniors to have lunch with them. Junmyeon was a bit reluctant to intrude but Minseok had already grabbed a pair of chopsticks and was stuffing his face with his precious dumplings. He moaned happily and Junmyeon sighed giving up, he sat down beside Kyungsoo."

What's the occasion?" he asked with a smile.

"Baek Hyung and I are celebrating our last few days of freedom,"


Junmyeon and Baekhyun grimanced, Kyungsoo gave Minseok a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Jongdae's coming back next week," Baekhyun explained unable to tear his eyes away from Minseok's horrific goat chewing. Junmyeon paled at the news,

"So soon?" Kyungsoo laughed,

"Don't worry Sunbae, I'll keep hyung under control," he promised, he picked up his own chopsticks but hissed when they dug into his still raw palms.

"Oh my god, What happened to you?"

"It's nothing I was clumsy-"

"You weren't clumsy, that oaf in front of you was! I swear-"

Kyungsoo sighed tuning Baekhyun and his rant out. Junmyeon looked at the food displayed in front of them,

"What do you want?" he asked, Kyungsoo blinked.

"Huh?" he didn't understand until Junmyeon took the chopsticks from his hands and picked up a rice cake, he held it up to Kyungsoo's mouth. Kyungsoo felt his cheeks get warm and judging by the way Junmyeon's cheeks turned red he knew he wasn't the only one feeling embarrassed. He opened his mouth slightly and accepted the cake.

"Thanks," he said chewing slowly, "Please help yourself as well."

Yixing and Kris paused as they reached their spot on the lawn,

"Is that Minseok Sunbae?" Tao asked in disbelief as he came up the pathway, Yixing gave a jerky nod.

"He looks calm, I don't think he'll ambush us today," he told the other two as they sat down hesitantly.

Sure enough Minseok didn't even notice them too busy eating and enjoying himself by the look of it. Chanyeol joined them looking amazed, Yixing could only grin in response.

"I don't think I should be surprised it is Do Kyungsoo's doing after all, he manages to keep Jongdae under control most of the time so Minseok Sunbae shouldn't be a problem,"

Kris' ears perked up at the name,

"Which one is he?"

"The one sitting next to Junmyeon Sunbae,"


"No, the one he's feeding."

"Oh!" Kris' brows furrowed as he studied the petite-looking boy, there was something familiar about him but he couldn't place it. He racked his brain for an answer but was startled when his phone started to ring, he answered it.

"YIFAN!!!" he pulled the phone away just in time to avoid going deaf, he cringed as he took a look at the caller ID confirming the caller.

"Luhan Ge," he answered unenthusiastically.

"Yah, you don't sound happy to hear me!" the boy on the other side of the line complained,

"Wait a minute I think I'm still deaf-"

"Haha, very funny Yifan. Still as sarcastic as ever I see.."

"Is there a reason why you're calling me at school?" Kris asked not wanting the conversation to lengthen.

"Of course there is, I called to tell you that your precious big brother will be back this weekend!!!"

"Okay, bye then!" Kris hung up with a smirk sure Luhan was cursing him from all the way in Beijing. Yixing shook his head at Kris’ childishness,

"Why's he suddenly coming back?" he asked hearing the whole conversation due to Luhan's loud voice. Kris shrugged,

"As long as he doesn't stay long I'll be fine,"

"Who are you talking about?" Chanyeol asked lost,

"Luhan Gege," Tao answered, "Kris' older brother,"

A//N: Hey everyone!! As promised I've posted up the third chapter earlier than I wanted to ;P Luhan and Jongdae will be making their appearances soon!!!

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want some of romantic time for them.... More than this krisoo... But still love this
Chapter 16: Gosh...... i love you for this story ....
hadzluvsDO #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God this is so cute and fluffy!! Damn. Love the different ships going on with Kyungsoo and KriSoo is so adorable. Thank you author-nim. Great job!!
Sidhe21 #4
Chapter 16: Oh geez the ending was so darn cute! The whole story was.
Chapter 16: Oh hoooo, how late I am heuu /my tears sound like. This is very nice, and asdfghjkl cUTE AND AMAZING AND NICE AND I'M EATING RAINBOWS AND oOH I'M DONE~~
Chapter 16: So cute. Krisdo is becoming one of my favorites after reading this.I loved seeing kris so the way everyone was so funny .
trymyluck #7
Chapter 16: I'm done...><
trymyluck #8
Chapter 1: ohh...sounds good....kyungsoo should be happy..hehhe... i love it
Chapter 16: I cried at the end. It was so beautiful.