Chapter 10

Love me more, love me most

Kris glanced at his watch, two more minutes he thought as he impatiently paced around his room. Two days had passed and Kyungsoo, Kris found out was a master at avoiding him. The younger was like a ninja disappearing for school at dawn and hiding when lunch came with the excuse of being busy with an assignment that he had to submit soon.

Now it wouldn’t have bothered Kris so much, but the fact that during lunch Yixing and sometimes the other boys would be missing as well irked him. He knew they were with Kyungsoo. Today however, Kris was going to put an end to Kyungsoo’s disappearing act. Another glance at his watch told him it was time, he took a deep breath trying to gain confidence before opening his door.

Kyungsoo paused for a second in his doorway shocked at being caught before he let out a hasty greeting, Kris caught the boy’s wrist before he could run back into his room.

“We’re going out today,” Kris announced watching as Kyungsoo’s expression turned into a conflicted one.

“Uh, I promised Luhan hyung I’d go shopping with him today,” Kris shook his head before walking down the hallway dragging Kyungsoo along with him, he smiled to himself when Kyungsoo didn’t protest.

“We’re spending the whole day together,” Kris said only releasing Kyungsoo when they reached the bottom of the staircase, “and Luhan-ge said he was hanging out with Minseok and Junmyeon today,”

The tips of Kyungsoo’s ears turned red when he realized he was caught lying, Kris opened their coat closet pulling out Kyungsoo’s jacket tossing it to him.

“The weather forecast said it’d be colder today,” he said shrugging on his own coat, “we’re taking the bus so make sure to bundle up,”



Kyungsoo watched Kris from the corner of his eye, the two had been out for almost four hours and were walking through a crowded shopping district. Kyungsoo stumbled as someone bumped into him from behind, Kris immediately reached out to steady him.

“Come here,” the taller said tugging Kyungsoo towards him making the gap between them vanish, he wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo’s smaller frame protectively and led them to a less crowded area.

Kyungsoo couldn’t help but grin as he heard Kris mutter to himself in mandarin. The day had started awkwardly with Kris almost boarding the wrong bus and not knowing what to do when to do when he actually got on the right one, but after that Kris had started acting gentlemanly and protective over him. Kyungsoo let out a sigh it felt as if this was all a dream.

“You okay?” Kyungsoo nodded not trusting his voice at the moment, Kris frowned unconvinced.

“Are you sure you look a bit flushed, are you cold?” Kyungsoo shook his head. Kris bit his lip,

“You must be bored, sorry for dragging you out.” He looked down stepping away from Kyungsoo arm dropping to his side.

“No, of course not. I like spending time with you!” Kyungsoo blurted out before his eyes widened in realization. Kris’ head snapped up eyes locking with Kyungsoo’s,

“I lik-“ Kris paused as a fat raindrop landed on his nose, he became cross-eyed as he tried to see what hit him.

The sudden downpour that followed was completely unexpected and cleared the previously bustling streets in a matter of seconds. The two boys ran to take shelter under the roof of a shop nearby, Kris cursed lowly.

“The weather forecast didn’t say anything about rain,” he grumbled making Kyungsoo let out something akin to a giggle, his bad mood immediately dissolved and he allowed himself to smile. The smile dropped when Kyungsoo let out a small sneeze, Kris’ eyes widened. He swore before scrambling for his wallet.

“Wait here! I’m going to buy an umbrella for you then we can go home,” Kyungsoo caught Kris’ sleeve,

“I don’t need an umbrella we can run to the bus stop together,” Kris shook his head,

“I don’t want you to get sick,” he said caressing Kyungsoo’s hand unconsciously. He didn’t notice Kyungsoo loosening his grip in shock. Kyungsoo watched as Kris ran into the rain, he lifted a hand to his chest hesitantly. Sure enough his heart was beating crazily.


Kris ran past two shops trying to spot one that sold an umbrella, something caught his eye and he skidded to a stop. He entered the shop looking around before walking to the counter,

“Do you engrave as well?” he asked the teen at the counter. He received a curt nod.

“Can I have a paper?” He was handed one, “Oh do you have an umbrella as well?”


Kyungsoo blinked then rubbed his eyes, Kris grinned at him sheepishly as he held onto the neon pink hello kitty umbrella.

“I-it was the only one I-i could find,” he said holding out a shaking hand, Kyungsoo accepted it concerned at how Kris’ teeth were chattering. He rubbed their hands together trying to warm Kris up as they walked to the bus stop. They sat down and Kris leaned against Kyungsoo suddenly feeling tired, his eyes felt heavy.

“Don’t fall asleep hyung,”

Kris’ eyes snapped open.

“You called me hyung…” Kyungsoo smiled,

“Would you prefer me to keep on calling you Kris-ssi? Or sunbae?” he asked daringly teasing the blonde. Kris shook his head happy that Kyungsoo had loosen up around him slightly, but he didn’t just want to be a hyung to Kyungsoo.

“Hyung is fine,” he whispered getting slightly drowned out by the rain.

“Thank you for taking me out today hyung,” Kyungsoo said squeezing Kris hand slightly before releasing it. Kris caught his hand threading their fingers together, he shut his eyes.

“Let me hold you for a little bit more,”

He felt Kyungsoo shift uncomfortable before saying something. Kris’ brows furrowed and he felt a cold hand touch his forehead.

“Hyung, hyung! Why didn’t you-“ Kyungsoo’s voice faded as Kris slipped out of consciousness.


Kris groaned something wet was pressed against his neck before it move upwards,

“I’m so sorry hyung,” Kris forced himself to open his eyes, Kyungsoo stared back at him apologetically.

Its fine

He wanted to say but nothing came out, he frowned touching his throat.

“You have a fever and the doctor said your tonsils are swollen,” Kris wrinkled his nose in disgust, Kyungsoo misread it as anger and hurried to apologize again.

“I’ll leave now,” he said sadly, Kris shot up wincing as a wave of dizziness passed through him. Kyungsoo tried to push him back down but was pulled down instead. Kris rolled over to make space for Kyungsoo before he turned the boy’s palm upwards. He traced characters onto Kyungsoo’s palm slowly simultaneously mouthing it out, Kyungsoo froze and Kris repeated the motion.

Stay, please


A//N: Heyheyyyyyy!!! Finally some progress with Krisoo :) Are you happy? are you? are you??? <3 <3 <3

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want some of romantic time for them.... More than this krisoo... But still love this
Chapter 16: Gosh...... i love you for this story ....
hadzluvsDO #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God this is so cute and fluffy!! Damn. Love the different ships going on with Kyungsoo and KriSoo is so adorable. Thank you author-nim. Great job!!
Sidhe21 #4
Chapter 16: Oh geez the ending was so darn cute! The whole story was.
Chapter 16: Oh hoooo, how late I am heuu /my tears sound like. This is very nice, and asdfghjkl cUTE AND AMAZING AND NICE AND I'M EATING RAINBOWS AND oOH I'M DONE~~
Chapter 16: So cute. Krisdo is becoming one of my favorites after reading this.I loved seeing kris so the way everyone was so funny .
trymyluck #7
Chapter 16: I'm done...><
trymyluck #8
Chapter 1: ohh...sounds good....kyungsoo should be happy..hehhe... i love it
Chapter 16: I cried at the end. It was so beautiful.