1/2 "I love you..."

My Boyfriend's Lover {HIATUS}
The next morning, Yongguk was sitting on the sofa, at his friend's house. Coming down the stairs, was his dongsaeng from back then, in middle school: Moon Jongup. The kid smiled at him, embarassed for making his hyung wait too long."We're going to be late," said Yongguk, glaring at Jongup who scratched his head as he apologized. It was their routine, every morning, to go to school together. In a way, it was a way for them to remember their old friend who still hasn't comeback from the U.S. The three of them always walked to school and back home, during middle school. Yongguk let out a heavy sigh as he and Jongup walked. "What's wrong?" asked Jongup, peeking over at Yongguk. His hyung let out a low chuckle, one that wasn't really happy but more like confused and sad. "I think God's playing with my mind," he said looking up to look at Jongup, who stared at him with worried eyes. Yongguk smiled. "I think I saw that loser, again. I think he's back." Yongguk said shaking his head. "Wait..." Jongup was confused of who Yongguk was talking about until he realized who it was, "WHAT? He's back in Korea?" Yongguk just shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know... I saw a glimpse of the guy wearing the same earring as me, through the reflection on the window of the variety store," he said staring straight ahead of them. "But by the time I turned around, the car drove away..." Yongguk sighed, again. "Do you think it was him?" Jongup asked staring down at the pavement. "No," said Yongguk, simply. "Do you still think about him?" Jongup asked kicking at a stone that was in his way. "Do you?" Yongguk asked as they both stopped walking. Jongup's face turned a light shade of pink as he felt Yongguk's eyes on him. "Sometimes," he said finally replying after a few seconds. Yongguk nodded and they both continued their way to school. For the rest of the morning, nothing went right for Yongguk. He was caught four times not listening by the teacher and the fifth time he was caught, he got a chalk eraser chucked at his head. He couldn't even answer the lesson questions that the teacher would ask him, right on the spot. So much for being one of the smartest students, in school, he thought to himself. "Hey, Mr. Bang. Since you're too busy in Daydream Land, here, give this Yu-sonsaengnim and tell her that these papers are the ones that she had asked for, this morning." Yongguk took the papers from his teacher's hand and bowed before he slipped out the door and into the hallway. He couldn't help it. His mind was filled with the reflection of the man, in the car. He shook his head as he stormed towards the teachers department. As he opened the door to the department, he was called over by the teacher that he was to hand the papers to. As he walked over, he saw that teacher was speaking to another student. Must be one of Jiho's friends, he said in his mind, staring at the messy hair on the back of the boy's head. "Ma'am, here are the papers that you asked for from my homeroom teacher," he said reaching his hand towards the teacher from behind the student. "Oh, good!" she said happily. "Anyways, here. Take this new transfer student to your class. He was late since he woke up late and didn't know how to get to school." She said pointing at the student. As Yongguk turned his head to face the student, his eyes grew wide open and a gummy smile slowly grew on his face. "BBANG!" It was lunch time, when Jieun came over to Yongguk's class but only to find him not there. "Hey, do you guys know where Yongguk went?" she asked at a couple of boys that were still in the classroom. They all shook there heads and resumed to what they were doing. Jieun sighed and bit her lower lip, thinking. "Maybe he's in the cafeteria," she said to herself. She made her way down the stairs to the East wing of the school and headed straight towards a large bright white room, that had the sun's light shining through the rows of large windows. She furrowed her brows as she spotted her boyfriend sitting face to face with another student, laughing. Weird. Yongguk hated eating in the cafe and he would never laugh or speak just to anyone. Jieun went over and sat down with a thud, right beside Yongguk. Yongguk stared at her in surprise. "Yongguk-ssi, you were here, all along? Why didn't you wait for me?" she asked slapping him in the arm. Yongguk's mouth opened in pain as a groan slipped out of his mouth. Jieun snapped her head at the student who sat across of them, when she heard giggles. "AND WHO IS THIS GIRL??!!" Jieun asked snapping back at Yongguk's direction while, pointing her finger right at the student's face. "He's not a girl," said Yongguk, who started snickering at her mistake. "He's name is Himchan and he was the one that we were talking about, yesterday. The one that gave me this earring," he said pointing at the earring on his right earlobe. "Oh? Bbang, you were talking about me to your friend?" Himchan asked playfully at Yongguk, who in return gave him a gummy smile. "Excuse me? Friend? I am MORE than just a friend, okay? And- and..." Jieun's words trailed off as she noticed Himchan's appearance. His small feminine face, his light pink soft looking lips and the way his eyes grew smaller as he smiled. "And I'm sorry for mistakening you for a girl," she said finally, slowly slumping on the chair beside Yongguk, feeling embarassed. He's beautiful, she thought. He could totally steal her name as the most prettiest girl, in the entire school... Even if he is a boy. Himchan was laughing. "I forgive you," he said resting his chin on his hand and elbow on the table. "People always mistaken me for one, back in America," he said smiling. "Did any guy hit on you?" Yongguk asked smiling at Himchan. "In fact, they did but I would scare them away once they heard my voice." The two guys started laughing, leaving Jieun to watch them as they leave her out of the conversation. "Yongguk, lets go outside and eat. Everyone's waiting for you there," she said whining. Himchan stared at the two in silence. Yongguk looked at Himchan and back to Jieun's pouting face, warily. He didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend but he didn't want to leave his friend - that he hasn't seen for four years - alone, either. Himchan let out a sigh and then stood up, gathering his stuff. "I have to go to the library, anyways. Yongguk, go have lunch with your girlfriend," he said staring at Yongguk and then, turning to face Jieun with a smile. Jieun smiled back. Thank, Lord that this guy understands her, she thought in relief. She thought that the guy would put up a fight mostly since he hadn't seen Yongguk for a long time. "But you're new to this school," said Yongguk in protest, "you don't know where the Library is, yet." Yongguk was getting out of his seat when Jieun grabbed his wrist. "Sorry, babe. Look it's only one lunch time without me and with everyone outside waiting... I'm pretty sure you can survive, right?" Jieun nodded slowly as she stared at Yongguk. Himchan, who was watching everything, decided to sneak away while Yongguk wasn't looking. Eventually, Yongguk noticed and he turned to face Jieun to give her a quick peck on the forehead. "Sorry, again," he said to Jieun, taking her hand off his wrist and then, runs out of the cafeteria. Jieun watched Yongguk, in the distance, as he attacks Himchan from behind. She continues to watch the two. Himchan tries to smack Yongguk with the books in his hands while, Yongguk dodges them and runs away. A smile starts to form on Jieun's face. She's never seen Yongguk this happy before. There was always something about Yongguk that always seemed missing and Jieun concluded that that 'something' was Himchan. "Yeah. I can survive one lunch time without Yongguk by my side," she said smiling to herself as she got up and headed out of the cafeteria. As long as Yongguk's happy, she thought, walking towards the large group of people who were eating on the bleachers.
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did ever mention how much i hate long chapters and having to split/post them into two?


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Chapter 1: I like the idea of the fic. I'm going to read it as fast as I can. But can you put it into paragraphs? It's kinda hard to read like this.
Chapter 8: UPPIE NO~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!! ;_____;
Chapter 8: OMG he's scarring me Uppie!!!!! Lol
Hope Yongguk will ditch Jieun and Himchan will not suffer too much lol ----it's wonderful to,dream LMAO !!!!
Chapter 8: Wow!!!!

Scary Jongupie.

Banghim Fighting!!!!
Chapter 5: WAHHH!!!
Awesome!!!! Yongguk and that kiss awww!!
I have been trying to watch that drama in eng sub do you perhaps know where I can?
Chapter 5: Damn!!!

My Mom loves the show so much.

I love it that you didn't get the whole thing in here instead just inspired the story.

Don't pattern it by episode of the show, rather create your own and you have one great inspiration in Banghim <3
Chapter 5: I love it ^^
yjoh13 #8
Lol! I never thought that that drama's fever will reach asianfanfic! :D
Huda_1819 #9
Chapter 3: omo.. this is so sad... :'(
why yongguk... why you didnt wait for himchan???
you better make yongguk love himchan back!!! hehe...
ahhh... i dont like jieun...
btw, nice chapt authornim... :D
BabyBangHimDae #10
Chapter 1: Can you please make it BANGHIM and ending up with Yongguk and Himchan because I really hate BangSong couple..But this story is so interesting...please update soon:)