`pros and cons

Project Pay Back, Get Back

your POV






he streets were empty, the sidewalk full of trash and my head?

It was exploding. It ached terribly. Most of all, Kris flashed through my mind constantly, making me feel worse than I already felt.

I hugged my torso and opened the door to Suki's, where warm air floated into my face immediately.

Satisfied with the warmth I smiled and walked up the counter to order.

One month has passed ever since I screamed at Kris in his dorm. I regretted it. I have called him twice and send him also at least ten messages, which he hasn't answered yet, same with the calls.

I gave up on trying to contact him like this and just waited for things to happen. It pained greatly, but I thought this was the best way.

"Just some minutes then, please take a seat near the counter." the older woman smiled at me and I nodded, sitting down.

I knew Kris hurt me and I wasn't enough for him. Enough as a girl, or so.

But I wanted him back badly. Only problem, I hadn't got one idea how to start.

In deep thought I scratched something off my blank nail, not noticing the cashier woman already talking to me.

"I'll give it to her."

Suddenly two hands were in front of my face, clapping.

I jerked on my spot and looked up, seeing Jiho and, apparently, Kyung in front of me.

They both grinned and Jiho placed my bubble tea in front of me.

"Imagine a murderer killing you while you're thinking so deeply." Jiho gasped and I gave him a dry, slightly distorted smile and laugh.

He pursed his lips and held up his arms. "I am sorry..."

"You better be." I grumbled and straightened my body in the chair. Jiho gazed at me elongate and I noticed it, staring back.

"You look very tired and...your eye bags are enormous." Jiho in both of his lips and I tried to laugh to cover up the minimal make-up, but the immense pain in my face. "Oh? Ah, well, thank you then, haha."

He let out a short breath. "Is it still bothering you?"

I looked down shortly and nodded. Jiho groaned. "I get guiltier the more I look at you..."

Kyung looked back and forth between the two of us. "Is there something I have to know?"

"Ah, shut it." Jiho hit him and sat down, "Do you actually sleep at night? It looks like you don't do that."

Shrugging I took a long sip from my bubble tea. "I don't want to bother you with that. You must've better things to do."

Slowly I looked at Kyung who then went over to order something. Jiho just waved his hand after him. "I just asked him to come here with me. I'm a scaredy cat and I actually am free while Kyung has to do something. What means, he has a date."

"Oh god, everybody is in a relationship and I'm just dying over here." I almost slammed my head against the corner of the table and Jiho inhaled. "So, let's talk a bit then."

"Don't you have to~ I don't know...be at home? Work? Do what an idol does?"

"Nope, I'm all free and Hyuna is working her sweet off." Jiho grinned with teeth and I chuckled. I rested both of my elbows on the table, nodding slowly. "Well, I still have to work under SM...what means, for EXO. I'll be dying. Next week I'll see Kris again."

"Hey," he pursed his lips minimally, "is it really killing you so much? You should talk with somebody about that."

A short breath left my lips. "Ha, really? With who? I only have a little, eleven years old sister who is obsessed with K-Pop and the only real friend I have is Bora, or rather, whole Sistar."

"I can be here for you." his smile reached his eyes and I laughed. "I don't know, you're-"

"A boy? , I should hide before the police comes!" Jiho whispered and looked around cautiously, he then continued while Kyung came back, "Seriously. My life is so boring at the moment. Nobody has time for me."

Kyung slammed his americano on the table. "Baby, am I not enough for you?!"

"Well, excuse you, I don't get from you anymore!" Jiho grimaced and Kyung gasped girly. "I'm breaking up with you!" he stamped off yet shouted back. "You owe me a ing americano, man!"

I stifled my laughter and Jiho turned to me again. "Don't dare asking...This is normal."

"Good...I mean...good, I'm just as crackpot. Maybe worse sometimes."

"We can be good friends then, Jinah sshi." Jiho gave me a nod and drank his americano.

I clicked my tongue and stretched out my hand to him. "Let's drop the formalities. Just Jinah."

"Then...just Jiho for you." instead of shaking my hand, he high-fived me and I laughed, gasping slightly.

Jiho leaned back. "Alright, how do you feel today? Let me be your love doc for now."

"Miserable? To be honest, I screamed at him the last time we met a-and I threw such bad words at him...Now I regret everything. I-I still love him so much. And it hurts...You need to help me!"

Jiho chuckled. "Like I said, for now, I'm your love doc...I'll help you."

There was a small silence between us before I blew up the hair that started to fall over my face halfway. "Go on, love doc."

"Don't rush the, doctor, girl!" he hissed jokingly and leaned back in the leather, "Hm, let's start off with positive and negative things about Kris. What do you like or love about Kris?"


The door bell rang and I walked up to my door. Kris held his hands behind his back and suddenly started to grin at me while stretching out a single pink rose my way.

I cupped my mouth and squealed in delight, making grabby hands for the rose. He quickly obeyed my wish and gave the rose to me. "Happy first anniversary, baby, I love you..."

My left hand pulled his neck down to me and Kris kissed me shortly yet lovingly like he had always done it.

"Are you ready for the boat trip?!" Kris asked excitedly and I nodded with a smile, turning around. "Just a second! Let me get my phone, bag and jacket!"

I tiptoed to my coat rack, getting my jacket. I then went back to the living room to fetch my phone and bag, which I already brought downstairs since I knew Kris would come.

"Done?" Kris asked with a permanent, gleamy smile and I forced a huge smile. Who liked boat trips almost as much as this person liked his lover? Right, not me. But Kris.

He was almost pressing me to go on a boat trip with him. Well, I hated boat trips, not because I was seasick or something. I just found boats really...the most boring on this earth.

But I loved all those sparkles in Kris' eyes when he talked about how much he loved it and what he'd do on such a boat trip. Just three people, Kris, me and "the captain" who'd be steering the small boat.

I wouldn't be able to bear with the pain to say no to these eyes of his. So I agreed, acting, as if I loved his idea.

We walked outside and right into his car. Kris looked at me and smiled once more, excitement written all over his face. "Remember why I asked you to give me your iPod?"

He handed the electric gadget over to me and started the engine. "Plug yourself in. High volume, my dear. And close your eyes. I want your eyes to pop out at the sight of the beautiful boat, alright?! It's going to be amazing! Please promise me, and don't cheat!"

A slow chuckle and I put my Beats earphones over my head. I shook my head at Kris and did as told. Well, I want to see him happily...I'll just do him that one favor. I'll do it just for him today.

Closing my eyes a song of Still PM started and I whipped my head to the beat. I mouthed along the lyrics and peace fell over me, I almost fell asleep on the small car ride.

After about an hour Kris put off my earphones. "Don't open your eyes! Wah~ I can see the boat...it's really the bigger Mrs. Hum- Uhm~ well, wait here...I'll lead you outside the car."

I heard one car door opening and closing again. After some seconds my door opened and one hand slipped into mine.

"Follow me." Kris whispered quietly and I smiled to myself, slowly quitting Kris' car.

He covered my eyes from behind and I chuckled. "Kris, I haven't cheated the whole ride...why do you think I will do so now?"

"Because I know you're just as excited as I am!" Kris inhaled and I exhaled, laughing nervously.

"Okay, baby...open your eyes..." Kris sweetly mumbled and took his hands off my eyes. I slowly lifted up my eye lids and faced a big building.

It took some seconds for me to realize we were nothing near a river nor a boats shop nor whatever. The big neon lights in front of us said "Bowling Alley".

I turned around in surprise to face my boyfriend. "K-Kris, why are we here?!"

"Girl, you hate boats. They annoy you...So, did you like my plan?" Kris beamed and I jumped around his neck. "Oh my god, I love you, I love you, I love you! Thank you Kris!"


"He...knows me so well...and he makes me happy with small surprises." I fiddled with my fingers, smiling at the memory.

"Hey, keep smiling...Memories have to be enjoyed." Jiho remarked and smiled with me. I just inhaled and tilted my head, looking up for a second. "This is one of my favorite things Kris ever did for me..."

Jiho nodded. "And...are there bad things, too?"


"You can't wait to meet my friends! You'll love them just as much as I love them!" Kris nudged my side and I patted his arm. "Duh, your friends, my friends, boy."

He chuckled and we entered the SM building.

I had been wearing a small beige dress with a petite ,black jacket covering my shoulders. Kris immediately slipped his arm around my waist and waved at his EXO members. We shortly went over, seeing some elder men joining a conversation just like Kris did while I looked around the hall. I saw Luhan and Sehun first glancing around before throwing popcorn into each other's mouth, trying to "goal".

I chuckled and looked at Kris, waiting for a second until he stopped talking, then patted his arm softly. "Hey, I'll go over to Hunhan over there, joining their fun."

I laughed shortly and Kris looked over tardily. "Yeah sure-"

As I was about to go Kris held me back. "Nope, nope, nope, you're staying here, they're just being five years old."

Pouting I stayed where I was, totally not enjoying anything.

After some minutes Kris laughed and pulled me closer. "Well, Jinah and I go around a bit...Nice to meet you again, sunbaenim!...Guys? See you later then."

I nodded my head at everybody and we left the small circle. Kris heard my small groan and looked at me. "Baby, what's the matter?"

"I want popcorn." I exhaled loudly and Kris smiled. "Sure, no thing."

"I want it the same way as Sehun and Luhan ate it." I insisted and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him and Kris let out some small laughs. "Ha, seriously? Jinie ah, big company bosses are here...And we don't want to make us look like fools, do we?"

I nasally laughed, looking to the right side. "I'm not an idol and I'm not allowed to have fun? Sehun and Luhan are known all over the world and they have...popcorn stuck up their suits now." I took a glance at the two of them and noticed small popcorn pieces at the top of Sehun's collar.

Both of us shook our heads at the same time, most probably meaning a different thing at the moment.

"Well, whatever...But you're here with me, and they know that. Everybody here knows that...For this night you are an idol." Kris noted and I breathed heavily. "Whatsoever, bro."

Kris kept silence for some other seconds until he cleared his throat. "Hey, I want to introduce you to some good friends of mine. They are standing right there!" he tugged on my arm and pulled me even closer, smiling brightly.

It was a couple just like us and Kris spoke up. "Minki hyung! Sori ah! Long time no see! How have you two been?"

The guy, Minki, smiled and "half-hugged" Kris. "I haven't seen you in so long, except for TV and so on! We've been doing very well! We're engaged now!"

Sori held up her petite hand and a diamond glistened our way. "About a month ago he asked me...We're not sure about the date...but we both know that we're made for each other!"

I smiled and Kris nodded. "I am so happy for you two. Minki has big luck to have such a beautiful fiancée."

Kris wrapped his arm around my torso and Minki nodded my way. "I can only say the same about your girlfriend. So, this is this Jinah you talk 24/7 about?"

"Shh, will you..." Kris laughed awkwardly and I blushed, bowing slightly. "Neh, I'm Lim Jinah. I'm from Canada, just like Kris."

Sori nodded quickly. "Wah~ you guys are so cute! We all have to go on a double date some time!"

"Pffft ahahahahaha-" I started to laugh but shut it when I noticed she was serious, "Bad? Bad...sorry."

I have never liked all this cutesy stuff couples do with other couples. Sorry, that's bull at times.

Kris laughed again and Sori waved her hand over to me. "Just come to me once!"

I walked over and she hugged me tightly. "I'm Lee Sori, I'm your unnie, so feel free to call me unnie! I'm one of Yifan's closest friends since I also came from Canada over here to Seoul!"

I grinned as she let go and Minki held out his hand. "And yeah, I'm Jo Minki. I'll be your oppa, okay? Kris will be my best man...and I want to be as casual as possible with you, too."

I shook his hand casually, not so ladylike like I always used to, and went back to Kris' side while they looked at me weirdly. Blinking I stuttered. "I-is there something on my face?"

Kris shook his head with a cute laugh. "It's alright, dear...it's alright."

I awkwardly rubbed my arm and whipped my head to a song coming up my mind shortly, but stopped after I heard my name being called by Sori.

"So, you're working as a stylist. I know that. And what do you do in your freetime? Maybe we can hang out at times or something!"

My eyes sparkled and I tilted my head with a dreamy smile. "I don't usually do a lot of things. I mostly just chill with friends or listen to music. And then we just derp around our neighborhood or so. We always have a really good time until somebody just s up...Then we have an even better time. I love my retarded friends, dude."

Their jaws were slightly ajar and Kris laughed exaggeratedly. "Oh baby, you're so funny! Isn't she cute?!"

His friends started to laugh minimally, almost grimacing. While Kris still forced his laugh he leaned over. "Please...freaking please watch your language around people like that."

"What?" I asked loudly and Kris stared at me for some seconds before I bowed quickly at Minki and Sori. "Pardon me, I need to go to the restroom."


"He...he doesn't like me being me around his friends. He doesn't like my way of talking and just...how I roll...Isn't that the most important thing in a relationship?! That one accepts how the other one is?! I don't understand Kris in situations like that! He knows how I talk and act, he shouldn't have brought me along at all." I crossed my arms and leaned back just like Jiho.

"This sounds really bad, to be frank. But I don't really bring along Hyuna to stuff like that because people like that wouldn't be there. What means, mostly 'non-celebrity' people are there, too. That'd start rumor things. Not that I am ashamed of my girlfriend! Not at all! But...you know?"

I nodded, totally understanding Jiho's situation. Suddenly his phone started ringing and he looked at the caller ID. "Oh, it's Hyuna...I should get this..."

Both of us smiled and he picked up. "Yep, babe?"

Silence and he cleared his throat. "O-oh...I have...and th- Y-yeah...I haven't...Oh ing shi- NO!"

Jiho shortly laughed my way and shook his head, pointing at his phone while answering again. "Hyuna babe, listen...I'll do it when- I'm out right now!...I'm trying to be a good person!"

I laughed loudly at his statement and covered my mouth in joy. Jiho laughed also and told me to shut up, so I did.

They talked for another minute until Jiho nodded for himself. "Alright then, Hyuna...I'll be home soon, okay?...Yes, that takes time, duh~ Yes!...See you, love~" he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "ing relationships, you know."

"Pardon me, bro, what? I didn't catch those words of yours." I held my hand around my ear shell and leaned over, but Jiho just stood up. "Hey...I'm sorry for leaving you once more, but I actually have to get over to a friend from time to time since he's horribly sick and he had left the hospital yesterday, so now he's home. And Hyuna had asked me to come home...So, maybe I'll give you my number and we just, I don't know, meet up some time?"

I stood up just like him and rummaged in my bag before handing him my phone. "I'll just send you a message or something and then, yeah."

He nodded while typing his number down, giving it quickly back to me. "Saved as 'the best ing rapper ebur'. Just so you'll find me quicker, yeah?"

Patting his shoulder I locked my phone. "Yeah, man, sure thing."

"Coolio, see you some time. Take some hours, just sit around somewhere. Listen to your favorite songs and just think about Kris. Was or is this relationship worth to save it or not. That's important. The best ing rapper ever hast to go now." Jiho softly the left side of his chest and I shook my head laughing. "See you, Jiho. Go now."

He saluted and left with a grin. I looked at my unfinished bubble tea before I grabbed it and headed home.

author's note // I really needed a filler chapter ;D and my private life atm is asdfghjkl you know....I'm trying my hardest to make this perfect but it takes such a long time to write just one chp, I'm so sorry >.<


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Hi loves, I have blog post up as to why I have left without a trace, it'd mean the world if you checked it out ♥


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Chapter 6: love-doc haha oh oh jiho!♥ update soon, I want to know what she'll do about kris!
Chapter 6: I can understand Jinah situation, it's not easy to forget about the person you broke up with...but Jiho's doing a really good job as Love-Doc :D
update soon saengie~♡
hamskkuma #3
Chapter 6: Awwww :((((
Chapter 4: Kris how dare you??
She seems so broken, it makes me depri :'D
hamskkuma #5
Chapter 4: Kris... >:O
hamskkuma #6
Chapter 1: I'm already loving this <3
Chapter 1: Damn, this is great.
Chapter 1: yay *__* a new fic
aw, hyuna looks so cute (why....okay this is useless)
oh lordddd jinah wird mir jetzt schon leid tun >__<

I'll love this fic down like I never loved somebody before
even though I still have to catch up with all your other fics I just had to sub to this :DDD
excited honey! ♥
OMDEE. I will enjoy this.