Minho's back , back , back

Author pov : 

Krystal wake up fast and she went to the room that yuri slept . 
She open the door n see that's there no yuri here , she go to the bathroom n still no yuri . 
She checking everywhere in the room then she found a note that someone left in the top of the bed , Krystal take it and see it from yuri 
Krystal pov : 
Hello krystal and Minho , thank you for last night , I really happy to know u both . 
Sorry if I left early without saying thank u because I have to meet my family ~ 
Thank u again and hope we can meet sometime 
Yuri :) 
I feel wonder what make her go back so fast ? Suddenly I feel a arm of someone tap my shoulder 
" YAHHHHHH !!!!" a loud voice of me shout loudly cuz of shock 
" yah it me ur husband " Minho speak softly to take back me on earth . 
I sigh relief , 
" she gone eoh ??" Minho ask me as soon as he saw a note in my hand , I nod in reply . 
" oh so fast ~~!!!" Minho mumble . 
" yah are u missing her ? " I exclaim with annoyed sound to him . 
He shake his head fast 
"m-m-Mwoya ??? I didn't said anything " he blink . 
I feel annoyed with his face . 
" yah just admit u miss her Tsk Tsk " I pout , turn around as I about to walk away from him , then he grab my hand 
" what ??" coldly ask 
" are u jealous Krystal ?" Minho look at me with his big brown eyes . 
I look at him while squinting 
" n-n-no w-who said I jealous ??" I become stutter . FTW 
" u seem jealous Krystal kkkk " a smile form on Minho lip as he release my hand 
" Tsk Tsk crazy ~~!!!" I curse as I walk back to my room . 
" hey krystal wait -!!" 
Too late I already inside my room stomp the door loudly didn't listen what he said . 
I change my clothes and go take a bath , after finish it I walk outside and see that Minho is preparing his stuff with his uniform on his body . 
He have school ?? 
" Minho ... Where u go ??" I exclaim as I look at him . 
He carry his bag and look at me . 
" yah I already told u right we have school today ? I tell u when u already inside ur room " he shrug his shoulder 
" yahhhhhh crazy crazy crazy ~~!!!" I shout as I run quickly to my room changing to my uniform . 
Omg I miss my school so much !!! 
After done I walk outside n see that Minho is looking at me . 
" let go " I speak shortly as I walk fast outside 
Minho walk to the car as he open the door for me . 
" come on pabo we late " he exclaim. 
" I know I know ... " I go inside the car n pout . 
He go to his seat n start driving . 
Not too long we already arrive at our school , my school still beautiful like before . 
Eh I said like I haven't visit this school for a years 
ahahah pabo Krystal !!! 
As soon as Minho stop his car I quickly open the door n run fast , unexpected Minho grab my hand . 
" what ? Why frog ??" I ask annoying , aigoo I can't wait to meet sulli 
" we are husband and wife we can't walk separate Pabo " he flick my forehead make me pout . 
" aish aigoo okay okay let's go ...!!" I speak fast . 
I really wanna meet my friend 
we walk hand in hand and surely a lot of people look at us non stop or look away . 
I feel awkward but then Minho hold my hand tight , I take a look at him but he just look straight without looking at me . 
He walk to our class bravely with me 
He stop in front of the class and take a deep breath.  
He open the door n we both walk inside . 
A lot of eyes stare at us 
I saw sulli wave to us along with hara , I smile back to them ... Suddenly my eyes catch myungsoo oppa who look at me . 
I smile to him softly , he do a fake smile back . 
" sorry Ms.vic I'm late " Minho bow along with me . 
" ah it okay minho and krystal ~ have fun with ur honeymoon ??" she ask me  . 
I do a fake smile to her and nod 
" yeah Ms.vic we have a lot of fun here hehe " I reply shyly 
" hahaha what u do there eoh ??" Ms.vic ask . 
Aish I feel so shy ~~~!!! >//< 
I look at Minho to ask me help , Minho smirk to me 
" Omo Ms.vic , I'll tell u all later cuz my wife is shy now !!" Minho suddenly speak making all the class clapping their hand loudly even Ms.victiria giggling non stop 
" Hahahaha omg sorry Minho sorry u both can go to ur seat now " Ms.vic told us to go to our place . 
Minho release my hand n go to his seat with hara , I peek at myungsoo oppa , he keep looking at me with a bitten face . 
I sit beside sulli and she start poking my shoulder 
" hahaha my unnie in law is shy hohoho " she exclaim , I pout n look at Minho who busy take his book out 
" have a lot of fun their stal ?" hara ask me with a little chuckle 
" aigoo hara don't tease me , and u pabo frog how dare u said I'm shy ??" I blame Minho and he look at me innocent 
" what ? I just help u ~ see ? Ms.vic lets us back to our place " Minho give me a wink . 
I smack his head hard 
" ouchhhhh !!! Babe it hurt " Minho pretend to exclaim loudly cause everyone to look at us . 
His babe word make a lot of girls look at me jealousy . 
Tsk Tsk I still feel scared what if his fangirls will slap my face like in the story , I pout embarrassing 
Ms.vic start teaching us the lesson but someone behind me keep on talking n make me feel annoying again -.- 
" so don't u miss me mino nonono ?" hara exclaim silently . 
I hear Minho laugh 
" anniya ofc I miss u hara ah , too bad u didn't here with me !!" he speak along with a slightly giggle . 
" hahahah pabo if I go with u , I'll be ur disturbed " hara said 
" haha aigoo pabo hara don't u think it will be fun eoh ??" Minho keep on speaking n he didn't know how much it annoyed me . 
" yahhh can't u just shout up pabo frog I'm study " I suddenly yell silently (?) to them lol 
" omg stal are u jealous that I'm talking to ur husband eoh ? Hahahaha" hara suddenly laugh out loud n make me feel slightly blush . 
Unexpected my both eyes catch a couple of eye looking at me , it myungsoo oppa . I smile slightly to him , omfg ... 
He look down n doing something ... Then my phone vibrate 
From : myungsoo oppa 
Babe ~ let's meet at the rooftop after class !!! 
It myungsoo oppa's message me , I reply a ok n back to hara . 
She already paying attention to teacher but minho is looking at me now 
" what's happen Krystal ??" he speak softly . 
I shake head like it is nothing big 
" I have to meet myungsoo oppa after class " I reply silently didn't wanted sulli and hara to know . 
Minho nod in reply . 
After class I told Minho to go home first cuz I have to meet myungsoo oppa 
At first Minho didn't accept cuz he wanna go home with me but I reject so he just back home . 
" go go go I need to meet myungsoo now " I speak to Minho cuz hara and sulli already gone , it just have me and Minho in the classroom . 
" aish I know I know ... Call me if something happen or u need something " he look at me , aish I go meet myungsoo oppa my boyfriend not a tiger 
" I know sir , u can go ..." I do a annoyed face , minho gaze at me then sigh . 
Minho walk out the classroom . 
I look at him until he disappear I start walking to the rooftop . 
I look everywhere to find where us myungsoo oppa . Aish did he late ?? 
He know right that I hate a late people . 
As soon as I think about that stuff I feel a pair of arm hugging me from behind make me shock 
" babe it me ~~~~~!!"  A similar voice make me sigh in relief . 
No need to guess it myungsoo oppa ... 
" oppa I miss u so much !!!!" I exclaim while rubbing his hand . I hear a slightly sigh from him , I turn my body to him .
" oppa what's happen ??" I ask curiously . He shake head 
" nothing babe ... I just scared .." myungsoo oppa look down , I frown 
" what scared oppa ? Ahh what make u scare eoh ??" I ask again 
" I scared , babe ... Nothing make me scared than losing u . I scared if u will leave me someday ..." he mumble silently , but it loud enough for me to hear . 
I feel pity on him , I caress his cheek n hug him tight .., he hugging me back tightly . 
" no no oppa no no .. It will never happen... I love u and love u so much . No one can replace u ... Trust me oppa !! If u scared I'll fall in love with Minho ... It never happen !! I never ever love or like him oppa .. Trust me-" I didn't finish my word but myungsoo oppa cut me with his lip . 
He kiss me , the kiss on lip . 
I blink didn't know what to do , but still hugging his neck and reply the kiss while closing my both eyes . 
 this kiss is soft and sweet , I would enjoy it b-but ... 
My head is full of someone face , the sad face of that someone make me feel guilty . 
I feel like I'm cheating ... I feel like I'm a bad girl . 
Why I have to feel this way ? 
Why that's someone in my head is Minho ? Why why ? 
I quickly push myungsoo oppa away . He look at me ... I hesitate didn't know what to speak 
" hahaha my baby so cute !!" myungsoo oppa giggle n kiss my cheek 
" yahh oppa why ??? " I pout . He caress my cheek . 
" it is ur first kiss right baby ? I know u shy kkk " myungsoo oppa hugging me , I caress his back n sigh . 
Sorry oppa cuz it not my first kiss ,,, my first kiss is taken already .... 
End of pov 
Krystal and myungsoo didn't realize that , there is someone who looking at them painfully . 
A body of a tall man keep looking at them . 
Every moment they did was seen by him ,,, even the kiss 
He is nobody else but Minho ... 
Minho looking at them when they kiss , he can't do anything but just standing still and look at his wife kissing with other boy . 
He bite his bottom lip hardly until it bleeding , it look so painful but it didn't hurt him as much as he seeing his wife kissing with other boy  . 
He didn't know what to do or what to react ... 
A small tear ruin through his cheek . He doesn't want to interrupt them , he decide to walk away back to his house and waiting for her . 
Minho pov : 
Krystal force me to go home first but I wanna wait her since she a girl I can't let's her go home alone . 
I know she might be missing her myungsoo oppa so much but she my wife now ,,, I need to protect her . 
I run to the rooftop to see what she and myungsoo doing ... 
But it too bad they are hugging now , I feel bad for it . 
They look like missing each other so much .
I saw myungsoo looking down m saying something but then Krystal frown n speak out loud . 
After they .... After that ... Myungsoo grab Krystal's body n kiss her lip . 
I feel like ~ 
That place start to hurting me again . That crazy heart start to make me suffer again n again . 
It hurt than someone smack my head , it more hurt than someone scratch my heart ... But it deeply hurt , I feel hurt inside  .
A girl who I truly love kissing someone that not me , it really hurt . 
I don't know why my tear keep flowing . 
I decide to walk back to home cuz I know , she have someone who can protect her better than me . 
I keep walking around the couch and waiting for her . It been almost 11:30 now , where is Krystal ?? 
I sigh again while looking at the clock 
Brrrrr brrrrr brrrrr 
A car voice ?? I heard a car voice so I run to open the door n see krystal walk outside the car , I decide to hide behind one tree . 
She smile widely and that smile seem to never leave her face . 
I wave to a man inside the car , he is myungsoo . He wave back n drive away ....  
She walk to the door n open it . She walking inside the house already but I still didn't want to go inside yet . 
I can't face her , I feel scared that I'll cry again . 
I bite my lip n walk away from the house, I need to take some fresh air first . 
I keep walking and walking ... Didn't know where to go but my both leg keep on walking. 
At least it better than stay home with Krystal after seeing that she kissing myungsoo ... 
After a long walk I feel tired I stop near one bench n decide to rest here a moment . 
A soft cool wind blow my skin and make me feel cold . 
I looking at the view in front of me trying to release the stress inside my body . 
" u look so lonely man ~~~" a voice of someone make me look up and see a similar girl . 
" oh yuri ... Come on sit here " I tap the space beside me for her . She take a sit beside me n smile .
" what u didn't sleep yet eoh ??" she ask me 
" it me who should ask u that , u are a girl and it night already why still go out ??" I ask we back 
" I accidentally saw u walking alone so I follow kkk , u dont mind right minho ?" she smile . I nod 
" it my pleasure yuri, I didn't mind since I feel so lonely now " I reply honestly . 
" need friend to talk eoh ? I can help " she speak .
" ahaha later okay ? It midnight already let's just go back home..." I giggle . 
She nod accepted while hugging her body  she cold right now 
I take off my jacket n hand her 
" wear this yuri ... It cold now " she look at me shocked but still smile n take it . 
After than we both walk back to our home . 
Her home is not far from me , I send her home n walk back to my home . 
Krystal will be sleeping and I know it cuz it already 1 at night . 
I open the door slightly n walk inside .
" why u just back home ??" a girl voice make me look at the couch . It Krystal 
" I-I-I feel bored so I go out ..." I lie , I can't let her know I can't face her cuz I just saw her kissing with myungsoo . She smirk bitten n walk to me . 
" where have u been ??" she ask again 
" club !!!" I reply shortly 
" how dare u ??? I told u to back home not  go to club " she suddenly yell, I look at her back , she now with her cold stare 
" why I just go to club cuz I want is it wrong huh ??" I raise my voice back . She glare at me 
" but I told u to back home Choi !!!" she yell my first name . 
I feel annoyed because of the thing that just happen at the rooftop it really make me more annoyed . 
" who are u ??? U just a ing fake wife , don't even trying to control me ... !!! I don't like when someone control me cuz I'm not ur slave or ur toy got it Jung ....!!!" I yell back to her . 
As soon as she heard my words I feel my cheek got slap... It from her Jung Soojung 
She slapping my right cheek hardly . 
I look at her while rubbing my cheek .
She now with a tear form on her eyes ready to fall . 
I feel guilty with my words . I blink a few second ... We stay silent
" I-I-I'm sorry Krystal ...." I try to hold her hand but she shake away 
" stay away from me choi .... I hate u ...!!!" she shout as loud as she can n run to her room . 
I try to chase her but she too fast . 
She locked herself inside her room . 
I trying to knock the door ... 
" Krystal open the door I'm sorry ...." I knock it a few times but there no answer . 
I keep on knocking and saying sorry but still nothing get from her . 
Is she already sleep ??? 
I lay myself on the floor in front of her room .
 I need to say sorry ... I need to apologies with my rude attitude . 
In the morning author pov : 
Krystal open her door with the uniform , her eyes is swollen n puffy . 
She look at Minho body who sleeping peacefully in front of her room while hugging himself . 
She sigh .. She still can't forget what happn yesterday . 
She ignored  Minho and walk outside , she call sulli to take her to school . 
" what happen stal ? Why not go home with Minho oppa ??" sulli as krystal as soon as she inside her car 
" just something happen n I don't wanna talk about it Ssul" Krystal speak with a sad tone , sulli knew that will have something happen with her brother n her bestfriend but she ignore it cuz after seeing krystal's face . 
She knew it not the right time to ask .
Minho pov : 
I wake  up n see that Krystal room is open , I walk inside n see that she didn't here ... I take my phone n see a message from sulli 
From  : Pretty jinri
Yahhh oppa what happen between stal n u ? Today she go school with me Dont worry oppa 
I sigh slightly as I walk to bathroom . AfterI done everything I drive my car to school . 
It  late here but okay ... I stop in front of the classroom feeling guilty for saying the hash words to Krystal that night . 
I sigh again as I open the door ... Ms.vic still not here yet . 
Everybody looking at me but I just ignore n walk inside . 
I walk to my seat n see that krystal is laying her head to the table while close her eyes , Jinri talking with hara while waving to me 
I smile a little back n sit beside hara . 
" hey what happen mino ??" hara poke my arm a little n look at her n shake my head . 
" nothing hara ah ~ I'll fix the things " I reply her . 
Jinri look at me understand she knew when I feel down I don't wanna talk with anybody . 
We waiting for Ms.vic for maybe 30 minutes . 
Then the head master come inside n told us that Ms.vic is sick today can't come to teach and he let us back to home . 
Now everybody is preparing their stuff right now . 
" oppa I'll go first with hara . We go shopping ... u better clear the thing between Krystal okay?" jinri pat my shoulder n I nod . 
Right now everybody is leaving ... No one here just me and Krystal . 
I wanna call Krystal since she still sleep ... 
" Krystal ..." I call out her name softly n tap her shoulder slightly . 
She move a little bit n lift her head to me innocently , after seeing me her eyes turn to be a deep stare 
" what ?!" she reply coldly . I feel hurt inside 
" let's go home ... Ms.vic is not coming ..." 
" I dont wanna go with u ... I will go with my myungsoo oppa !!!" this cold word make me shiver . 
I feel the flame inside my heart , why she have to go with myungsoo 
" Come with me ... I'm ur husband Krystal " I trying to beg her 
" I said NO , u just a fake .. Fake fake fake husband okay ? Remember it !!!" she yell loudly  
It really hard to calm this girl ... I sigh 
" sorry Krystal ...!!" after saying this I left her body up n run to my car fastly . 
" YAHH PUT ME DOWN CHOI !!!" I know she really angry now until she call me Choi that 
I ignore her n keep walking faster n faster , she hitting n scratching my chest hardly . But I ignore this pain 
She stop doing anything since she know I won't put her down easily . 
I arrive at my car now , I open the door n put her inside . 
I run to my seat n start driving , the weather today look so bad , I think it will have a heavy rain later . 
I keep on drinking until I arrive my house with Krystal . 
I stops car .. Krystal quickly open the door n walk outside . 
I run to her fast n grab her hand 
" Stop Krystal ...!!" I said 
" what ?? LEAVE ME ALONE CHOI " she yell 
" stop being like this Krystal ... I'm sorry " I trying to calm her 
" I DON'T ACCEPT ANYTHING CHOI , I HATE U I HATE U .." she keep on yelling angrily 
" I'm sorry ... I really sorry for what I said last night krystal ... I - I - I ..." 
I feel my left cheek hurt , Krystal slap my cheek ... I feel hurt ... But not my cheek that hurt but something inside me hurting me until I feel like I'm die . 
She give me a death glare before she run inside the house . 
" I HATE U , I HATE U .!!!! Remember " the last word that she give me before she go inside n slam the door loudly . 
My leg can't move anywhere , I feel freeze everywhere inside my body . 
Her words hurting me so much , I fall on my kneel . 
As soon as I lets out my tear fall a rain slowly come along my tear . 
I laying on the floor emotionless letting the rain wash all my sadness ... It hurt ... It really hurt ... 
Krystal u know ?? I'm deeply hurt ... 
I'm sorry ... 
The rain keep raining hardly like me , who really hurt and blue . 
I crying ... Yeah I'm crying ...
The tear come along with the rain that never stop ... 
I feel my body weak n after that all I see is BLANK ~  
Krystal pov : 
I slam the door hard as I lay on the floor . 
I cove my face n cry hard ... 
I don't know why ?? I feel hurt .. 
This place is hurt when I said I hate Minho . 
After 10 minutes of crying I stand up n go wash myself, 
It cold here ... The rain outside so hard ... 
It make me worry about someone that I just said I hate him at the moment . 
I can't stop my worryness . 
Even I angry him but my eyes keep on looking at the door . 
Did he already go to another place ? Yes he might drive his car to another place that better than here . 
I didn't said I not let him come inside right ? He can go inside every time he want ... 
I open tv n watch while eating a popcorn ... But I think my mind is not with me , my mind already flying outside . 
Aish ... 
I walk to the windows n look outside to see someone ... 
My leg start running to the door n open it quickly . As fast as I can I run outside . 
I saw a body of someone laying on the floor . Why he don't come inside ?? 
I didn't stop him right ? 
this man ... 
I run to Minho body n shake his body . He all wet cuz of the heavy rain . 
I'm angry at him , yes really truly madly angry him . 
But my another half is worry about him ... I put his left arm on my shoulder n wrap my arm around his waist . 
I carry him inside n put him on the couch . 
He such a heavy human being . I look at his pale face while he closing his both eyes . 
I run fast to the kitchen n take the warm towel with some hot water . 
I wipe his face n his neck . 
I'm a little wet too cuz the rain 
Suddenly I look at his wet body , if I didn't change his clothes he might be having a hight fever ... 
I bite my bottom lip n walk to his room , I take a simple clothes for him ... 
Looking at his pale face make me lost all my angriness . 
I take a deep breath n decide to change his clothes 
1 , 2 , 3 KRYSTAL U CAN DO IT 
=====>> MinStal <<=====
Sorry , I'm truly sorry ... For late 
Dont hate me cuz I love u <3 
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I remember reading this since 2015. My first minstal' fic that made me into minstal back then
soojungie94 #2
Chapter 26: Love this story!!!!!!
kristyl #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 26: Nice one! Pls update your latest fanfic. Chapter 18 please.. I'm our fan now!
#forever minstal!
amiisiltya #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT !!
tarquin #5
Chapter 26: please make another minstal history!!!
Romellete #6
Chapter 26: finally, minho n krys happy ending, i love it :)
thx for make the great story for us dear~
keep writing,
waiting ur new fanfic anywy, minstal of course :)
Chapter 26: happy ending :) love it, U are really good author-nim :)
Yayacute #8
Chapter 26: it's so good story. u are the best author-nim !!
Keep writing
Chapter 26: wow minho told his love story to everyone. it's so cool :)
waiting for new fanfic.
MinSoojung #10
Chapter 26: u will make a new minstal fanfic. love it, can't wait,,