Minho's back , back , back

Krystal pov : 

I open my eyes n look around . It not my room where am I ?? 
I quickly get up n sitting in bed .. 
Suddenly I remember ... 
It mine and minho's house . 
Aigoo I'm a married old woman now ahahahaha . Pabo me I still young kkk 
I take a clock n look at it . Wha 9:30am already ... I'm hungry now . 
I get up from my bed lazily n walk to bathroom . I start brushing my teeth take off my clothes n blablabla ... What u do in the bathroom ? I no need to explain about it right ? , imagine by urself lol xD 
After done doing that stuff I walk out from bathroom with a towel wrap around my body release my white thigh . 
I open the cabinet inside my room . All I see is nothing .. Nah where my clothes ??? 
I start searching everywhere inside my room but then I remember ... My parents told me they put the clothes in my room , they didn't know that I sleep separated from Minho .
But my room is Minho and mine . So that mean our clothes is in one room . I didn't see in my room Then it mean my clothes is in Minho room ... Omg .. 
I look at myself ... My luggage is in Minho room too . I puff my cheek as I walk to Minho room in front of my room . I grab my towel tight . 
I knock the door , their no answer ... 
Aish ... I knock more loud , still no . 
I try open the door but ... Oh my thank god , it unlocked ... 
I walk inside silently . 
I saw a body of a man sleeping peacefully , the blanket cover his body from his leg till his chest . 
I blink for a while , I walk to the cabinet near his bed , I take a peek at him ...
Okay Krystal be simple , he won't wake up ... look like he's in a deep sleep . 
I try my best to open the cabinet silently ... A smile form on my lip . 
A lot of clothes inside this cabinet , my parents really serious about me and Minho . 
I take out a white shirt n a black simple pants . But ... Still need two more important thing  ... 
Errrrr ... My underclothes . 
I sigh , I open the part of cabinet . I found a piece of something , I take it up and DAMN.. 
A boy underwear T.T 
Minho's underwear ... Ahhh my hand .. I quickly throw it back inside . 
I try searching at other side n well I found it . Alot of my underclothes for girl or can said that for me kkk . 
I take a white bra n .... Secret for girl I can't tell . 
I stand up while grabbing my towel tighter while the other hand is grabbing my underclothes . 
I walk away from the cabinet slowly ... 
Unexpected my leg bump the corner of the bed , whaaa I feel my body flying , i fall into Minho bed . 
God ... Help meeeeeeeeee !!!!! 
My face is on his chest n his body is under me . My hand is still grab my towel but the other hand ... The hand with my stuff is fully on his face . 
ARGHHHHHHHHH... My bra is on his nose n my .... Is on his face .. 
I gaps with an eyes widely . 
OMG Dont let me describe this situation . 
I feel my both cheek burning , the atmosphere here sooo hot . 
My cheek red than tomato . 
I take a deep breath while I look up at his face , he still sleeping innocently . 
I move my hand n grabbing my towel more tight . I move my other had with my stuff away from his face . 
I feel pity on him , I look at my stuff as I trying to get up from his body . Step by step I can get away from him , I look at his face . 
I feel shy ... 
Suddenly he move his body I squint. 
I quickly run away from his room before he saw me like this . 
ARGHHHHH... Embarrassed . 
Thank to Minho that he is a sleepy head or else I don't know how to face him if he wake up n saw me doing that in his room . 
I run to my room n wearing my bclothes quickly . I grab my chest cuz of tired . I trying to catch my breath . 
Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum... 
Nahhhhh crazy heart stop beating . 
After 15 minutes of calming myself I decide to walk outside n wake minho . 
I open his door again , I start blushing . I walk to his bed . 
" minhooooo~" I call out his name , 
" Nahhhh minhooooo" I shake his body .. He still sleep .. Aish why so hard like this ?? 
" CHOI MINHOOOOO" I yell loudly . He open his eyes slightly 
" umma 5 minutes more thank u .." 
Mwo ?? Ummaaaaa yaaahhhhh am I too old until he call me umma 
" CHOI MINHO , SULLI WAS IN ACCIDENT " I shout loudly . 
" MWO MWO MWO ?? JINRI ? WHY WHAT HAPPEN ??" he get up and shout automatically  . 
I laugh out loud , he really love his dongsaeng . 
" ahahahhahahahahahhaahhahaha " my voice 
" nah Krystal .. What happen with jinri ?" he ask curiously 
" ahahahah Minho I'm lie lie lie lie " I keep laughing 
" arghhhhhh ... Silly u ruin my sleep huhuhu " he pout as he get up from his bed . 
" yah palli palli take a bath n I'll cook . " I shrug n start walk away from his bed 
" arraseo ... Cook well my wife " 
Minho shout n run into the bathroom . 
I stop my body , my leg can't move . 
I wanna shout but nothing come from my mouth . 
2 minutes have passed , I can take back my body . I puff my cheek n walk outside . 
I find something in the refrigerator , well a lot of things here . I see a carrot , meat , chicken n blablabla . 
I start cooking porridge cuz it easy to cook . 
I cut the vegetable n put the pan on the stove . 
I doing that porridge professionally (whaaa sorry I don't know how to do porridge kkk) 
Finally kkk ... I pour the porridge in 2 bowl . A proud smile form on my lip , 
I start preparing for breakfast , I put the bowl on a dinner table . 
After that , Minho walk outside with a white shirt n short pants . I look at his shirt n mine , mwooooyaaaaa COUPLE SHIRT . 
I gaps but quickly being simple . 
He look at me wondering , I just smile innocently to him . 
" Krystal u cook this ???" he ask me disbelieve 
" nah yeah ~ I cook that . Am I so awesome ?" I ask back , he shake head 
" let's me taste it first " he take a sit beside me as he take a spoon n take the porridge n eat .
 He eat it twice n look at me . I look at him back , his innocent face remind me of something that just happen when I'm inside his room . 
" gooooood~~~" Minho mumble . I blink 
" w-what ??" I become stutter 
" err I mean it good ... Ur porridge is good " he smile . I smile back happily 
" whaaa that my first time cooking porridge " I grin 
" really ? U should cook it more often . I love eating porridge , specially chicken porridge " he speak as he back to eating my porridge . I look at him for a while n start eating my porridge too . 
It do taste kkkk ~ am I praise myself again ?? No no no it true xD 
We finish eating now , I'm washing the dish like a housewife . Kkk 
I'm finish washing the dish now . I walk to living room , I see Minho watching tv while laying on sofa . 
I take a sit beside him . He look at me for a while n back to tv . 
" yah ~~~" I exclaim . I'm bored 
" yah yah " I yell a bit louder 
" yahhhh yahhhh don't u hear me ? " I shout . Minho look at me again 
" sorry ~ I have my own name I'm not name 'yah'" he do a boring face 
" what should we do la ?"  I'm so boring . I cross my arm 
" I don't know ... Maybe we just sleep " he shrug 
" mwoooo ??? Sleep ? Nah I just wake up can't sleep " I puff cheek ... 
" then let's go to club n find a cute girl to dance with Wow good idea " Minho speak alone . I look at him ... Mwoyaaaaa ?? 
" nahhhh I'm ur wife here u still wanna find another girl huh choi froggy ??" I yell ... 
" but staying in home with my wife so boring " he shrug his shoulder . I feel bad 
" aish whatever ... Don't talk to me " I yell again as I stand up n wanna walk away from him . 
Suddenly he grab my hand , he look at me 
" what ??" I ask coldly 
" are u jealous ?" he ask just like whisper 
" Mwoo ?? Jealous ? Funny I'm not even jealous " I yell 
" but ... U act like u so jealous now " he speak again while still grabbing my hand . 
I try to take his hand off from mine but he so strong . 
I shake my hand hardly to make he release my hand but fail , unexpected I lost my balance n I fall into his body who still laying in the couch . 
My both hand is on his chest n my face is just a few inch away from his face . 
Minho staring at my face deeply , I also do it too . 
A handsome face of him ... I stare at his face without take my eyes off . His face is so adorable ... From his forehead to his high nose , and his lip . 
I stare at his lip for a few minutes until I feel a body under my body move a bit . 
He move his face more closer and closer to me . I blink my eyes while looking at him . His face move really really close and closer to me , I close my eyes since I knew what will happen next 
But ...
" BOOOOOOOOO~!!!! SURPRIS- errrrrr mianhae we thought we come in a bad time now " I and Minho quickly separated from each other to other side side of sofa . 
It a voice from my parents , minho's parent , my Sica unnie n sulli . 
They all go into my house n ewwww they saw minho under me n our face is just a inch away from each other ... 
Aish they might misunderstood ... 
" err umma appa it okay ... W-we didn't do anything errr" I fastly run to my umma n grab her hand while drag her inside . 
" appa umma , appa in law  come inside too... err noona and jinri " Minho do the same as me . He drag our appa umma , Sica unnie n sulli inside too . 
They all look at each other weirdly n then giggle at the same time while walk inside . 
We offer them to sit on the long sofa . Our parents sit in one long sofa , sulli n Sica unnie sit together in other sofa , me n Minho in the same sofa . We sit far from each other awkwardly . 
" so umma n appa why u all come here ?" Minho suddenly ask to stop the awkwardness . 
" oh yeah , we just come here to visit our new married couple kkk but we come in the wrong situation " my appa answer . It make me feel shy ... 
" nahhhh anniya appa ... " I pout 
" umma umma if we come a bit late we will saw something like a kiss scene in movie that we watch yesterday right ??" Sica unnie ask my umma ... Aish ... Andwaeeeee ?? 
What the..? My umma also nod accepted . 
" yahhhhhhhhh unnie we didn't kiss ahhhhhh " I shout and make them laugh except Minho . He just look down 
" just almost kiss but got interrupt by us " my umma in law speak . 
" ahahahahahaha " sulli n Sica unnie laugh loudly . But my parents just giggle .. 
" appa umma unnie , I think I'll get a nephew or niece soon ahhhhh " sulli speak 
" yeah Sul Sul u want a boy or girl ? Unnie want a girl and unnie will teach them how to make up whaaaa " Sica unnie said to sulli ...
" nah unnie i want a girl too " sulli speak as she high 5 with Sica unnie . Aish pabo aren't they my unnie n my bestfriend ?? Omg -.- 
" but appa and yonghwa want a son so that they will be handsome like us " minho's appa speak 
" nah yunkyum u right man ahahah " my appa join the conversation . 
" but we want a girl first " my umma n minho's umma raise their voice . 
" we want a boy first " our appa yell playfully 
" we want a girl first " our umma yell back 
" aish stop stop umma appa aigoo " I try to calm them to stop the fight . 
" better I will give u all a twin , one boy and girl , is it okay ??" Minho speak . 
His words make everybody look at him include me . 
We all just turn into a :O
We all become silent for a few second 
" whaaaaaaa son U THE BEST " our umma n appa shout while my appa walk to Minho and pat his shoulder .
Minho just smile widely to them . 
Aish did they trying to make me exploring eoh ?? 
OMG , Jung Soojung calm . 
I move closer to minho . 
I pinch his waist hard until he yell in a " OUCHHH " 
" what happen son ?" my appa ask him . 
" errrr.. Nothing appa ah , just Krystal said she wanna have 3 sons n daughter in 3 years kkkk " Minho explain .. Ehh but 
MWOOOOOOO ??? 3 sons n daughters in 3 years ??? 
" nahhhh pabo Minho ... I'm not a pig ... At least 1 son or daughter in a 3 year only laaaa " I yell to minho ... 
" awwwwww stal ... U really wanna son and daughter with my oppa ?? Whaaa I'm so happy unnie in law " sulli speak loudly . 
I squint n quickly cover my mouth . Aish stupid mouth why so naughty 
Huhuhu .., 
I look at Minho , he just smirk and burst into laugh . 
They all keep talking n teasing me and Minho . Sometime I join them tease Minho n sometime Minho join them teasing me too . 
It a lunch time now 
" son daughter , we need to go now nae ? See u later ... We will buying u a plane ticket to England for honeymoon so don't worry .. " sunny umma speak . England ? Whaaa my dream country ... 
" okay umma .. Take care urself " Minho stand up while our parents , Sica unnie n sulli stand up n walk to the door. 
I walk follow them along with minho 
" son take care ur wife too, n don't forget give us a grandchild kkk " yunkyum appa said when they all arrive the door.
" yeah appa n unnie , don't alway argue kkk " sulli wink to us. 
" give me a niece Minho ah , fighting " Sica unnie speak . 
" yeah noona , umma , sulli n appa I know ... I will " Minho bow back 
" take care urself everybody " I bow to them . They all gone n I close the door. 
Omg ... I stare at Minho who walk happily to the sofa as he laying in it . 
I walk to sit beside him . He didn't notice me since he close his eyes 
" Choi ... Min ... Ho ~~" I call him name slowly . 
He open his eyes as he look at me .
" yeah Krystal , wae eoh ? Anything happen ?" he ask me innocently ... 
" aish why u still being like u innocent huh ? The word u spoke with umma n appa aish .... Twin what son , daughter aish aish omg " I yell to him.
" ahahahah but a married couple will have a baby right ? Ahhh don't worry wife .. I'll give u a daughter first kkk " Minho wink to me . I puff my cheek .. Omo I'm surely exploring .... !!! 
I jump to his tummy as I pull his hair hardly . 
" ahhh ahhhh ouchh Krystal Krystal hurt hurt .. Nah my hair " he shout loudly as he trying to move away from me . 
I keep pull his hair n pinch his nose n cheek . He keep shouting ... I keep pinching his nose happily . 
But then he stop moving everything . I look at his face . His eyes all shut , I blink ... Ehhh 
" Minho .., " I shake his body 
" choi minho " I smack his head .. What what ?? What happen with him ?? Did he die?? 
Nahhhh anniya omg ... I don't wanna be a old woman without a husband .. 
I move my finger to his nose to see if he still breathing or not .. 
Nothing ... Nooo air , no everything come from his nose.. 
Suddenly a tear of scary coming out from my eyes 
" m-m-Minho hik.hik.hik " I cry while I shake his body 
" wake up ... Hik hik hik .. I don't mean to make u die .. " I cry more loudly n bend my head to his chest 
" laaa Krystal ... I'm kidding nah ~ I didn't die yet ahahhahaha " minho deep voice make me turn up to him . He didn't die yet . He just trick me ... Aish 
" pabo u waste my tear pabo pabo" I hit his chest a few time 
" nah nah someone scared that I'm die whawhawhawha " Minho tease me . I pout ... 
"Are u wanna die Choi Minho ???????" I yell to his face .
" kkkk mianhae mianhae ... Wife wife go cook I'm hungry la " he pat his tummy n I look at him .
" no ... U should cook ... I won't cook for u " I cross my arm . 
" u sit on me n how can I move to cook eoh ? U should take responsibility ... So cook " he grin 
" noooo shireoooooo " I pout 
" then I'll tell Sica noona n jinri that today u sit on me n trying to me Bleeh " he mehrong 
Paboooo CHOI MINHO -.- 
" fine fine fine fine ... I'll cook aish " I get out from his tummy . I didn't even realize that I sit on his tummy whaaa ... Kkkk jinjja I didn't even noticed .
I go to kitchen n start cooking . What should I cook ? I'm a housewife ... Okay ? Krystal trying to find a food to cook 
" kimbab , topokki and soup will be the best " Minho yell from the sofa . 
Mwo ?? Did he read my mind ?? 
" I just wanna eat kimbab n topokki that time also soup too " he yell again . 
Omg .. This boy really awesome . 
" I know wait there froggy " I shout back . 
" okay wifeeeeeee " he do a soft voice with the 'wife' word . 
Aish this boy so naughty ... 
After done cooking I put all the food in the table . I'm so hungry now . 
" doneeeee " I shout . Only 2 second minho already sit our dinner table . 
He really hungry eoh ? 
" let eat Krystal !!!!!!" Minho exclaim loudly as he take a chopstick n catch a kimbab n eat . So I do the same . I'm also hungry too . 
I start taste my toppokki . 
Well maybe before I'm not good at cooking but my mommy force me to learn to cook from her before I married with Minho a few day . 
So my cook skill is not that bad hahaha ... 
While keep explaining how I can cook I look up at Minho . 
He eating cutely ... But I see something on the corner of his lip . I wanna tell him but i feel eeww ... Shy .. What ?? Aish what to do ? He just keep eating innocently like a kid ... 
This kid jinjja clumsy . 
" nah Minho ... " I exclaim 
" oh yeah Krystal ??" he look at me . I point at his lip . He look at me while blink 
" ur lip " I mumble 
" oh wae wae ?? Is it too kissable ?" he ask me . WTF... 
" anni I mean something on ur lip " I finally speak it out . 
" oh jinjja??" he ask n I nod .
He move his hand to wipe it but fail ... He wipe the left side of his lip but the dirt is on his right side ... 
Omo paboooo Minho . 
I move closer to his n wipe his lip with my thumb ,
" so clumsy like a kid "
Minho pov : 
" so clumsy like a kid " Krystal mumble while she help me to wipe my lip . I stare at her face without she knew . 
Why I have to feel the butterfly inside my stomach like this first time I met her ? 
Did I fail to stop love her again ? Omo Krystal ... Please stop being so lovable like this ? 
U know I can't control myself .... I afraid that I can't keep my promise with myungsoo . 
After she done she move to her sit again . 
" thank you hehehe " I smile embarrassed . 
She just nod in reply while continue eating her food back . 
Unexpected my eyes catch her white shirt . Her top button , it was release make me see her white bra . Errrr... I start panic , I squint while keep looking at her . 
Oh my innocent eyes . 
" k-k-k-k-Krystal .... Shhhhhh I-I-I-I... " I stutter . She just look at me while chewing her food . 
" wae ? What happen ? " she ask 
I ruin out of word to speak so I just point at her shirt . 
She then turn her head down n look at it ... 
Krystal pov : 
I turn my head down to see what that Minho wanna show me . Why he become stutter n his both cheek is red like this ? 
But when I see ... 
It is my white shirt . It the top button . I saw my white bra , 
I quickly buttoned my top button . Then I look at Minho who squint . 
I blink , that white bra remind me of Minho face when I fall into his body n make my bra on his nose .. 
Errrr ... I still feel embarrassed la . 
I smile awkwardly to him . He just look down n continue eating his food . Aish ...... Feeling so embarrassed today . 
===>> MinStal <<===
Whaaaaaaa all is minstal moment kkk :D 
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I remember reading this since 2015. My first minstal' fic that made me into minstal back then
soojungie94 #2
Chapter 26: Love this story!!!!!!
kristyl #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 26: Nice one! Pls update your latest fanfic. Chapter 18 please.. I'm our fan now!
#forever minstal!
amiisiltya #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT !!
tarquin #5
Chapter 26: please make another minstal history!!!
Romellete #6
Chapter 26: finally, minho n krys happy ending, i love it :)
thx for make the great story for us dear~
keep writing,
waiting ur new fanfic anywy, minstal of course :)
Chapter 26: happy ending :) love it, U are really good author-nim :)
Yayacute #8
Chapter 26: it's so good story. u are the best author-nim !!
Keep writing
Chapter 26: wow minho told his love story to everyone. it's so cool :)
waiting for new fanfic.
MinSoojung #10
Chapter 26: u will make a new minstal fanfic. love it, can't wait,,