Chpt 1

Grade 8 Zeal


I lay on the couch of my house, watching New Girl. "Don't you think Schmidt is hot?" I asked my dad, who's at the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Yeah, whatever suit your taste." He says while coming out of the kitchen and settling three plates of eggs and bacon on the dining table. The third place is for our pug, Frodo. And yeah we serve him like a normal human being. "I got a job suitable for you, want it sweetheart?" Finally. I thought.

"A million yes dad."

"Tired of THC (The Harrison's Catalog) huh." THC is a thrift shop that my dad own. The thing is THC is just a cover for us cons. My dad have about 102 cons working for him, they do all kind of cons. Classic Bracelet charm, Pretend hit and ask for money to go to the doctors and many more. If there is no job for a con yet they will have to go to THC to work.

After dinner, my dad handed me a file. "Your victim, Blake Howell." My con have always been a love con. My dad will hand me some rich jerk and make me con money out of him by signing at least half of their's dad/mom inherit to me. Believe me, when their parents die i would be a millionaire.

I looked through the file. 17, Coral High. School basketball captain. Blah Blah Blah. Son of Nokia founder. "Isn't Nokia like dead." I asked my dad. "Hell yeah. But they still got millions of money left, so we got to squeeze every penny out of them."

"When are we starting?"

"Tomorrow. When School opens."

"What you going to make a exchange programme with my poor school with their rich school?"

"No, you're going to the rich school sweetheart."

"How about keeping it low?" I go to a poor school because we wanted to keep it low or people will suspect on how we gotten rich by running a thrift shop.

"After you get the money you drop out of the rich school."

"People will then think we were too poor to continue another year." I help my dad finish off his sentence.


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