
When Kai Breaks The Ice Princess


That night, Chanyee fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning with the feeling of emptiness inside her.
Was it because she didn't have one bite of food yesterday? 
Was it from her heart when she realized how cold Chanyeol was to her?
Not even close.
Was it because her life back home, wasn't even home anymore?
When Chanyee finally woke up and sat upright in her bed, she realized she was not back in New York with her parents anymore.
That meant no more breakfast in bed and a sweet 'Good morning sweetie!' from her parents.She almost felt as if all the warmth she brought in her heart became ice cold and frozen.
She slowly stood up and carefully made her way around the mess on the floor and into the bathroom.
When she took her first step in, she could feel the bone chilling tiles beneath her feet. She the lights and found herself in an almost recognizable bathroom. Everything was the same except the mirror.
When she looked at the mirror, there were writings on it with sharpie. When she read the words on it, she raised her hands to to cover up her sobs.
Words like "" and "fake" were written all over the mirror. This is what Chanyee wanted to get away from, but it seemed like she just stepped back into her nightmare.
I guess things never stay the same when someone drops out of the picture. As I walked downstairs, memories flooded back to last year when I would walk down these stairs and was met with the smell of fresh food made by D.O.
Speaking of which.. I wonder how those boys are doing if my, once very cheerful, brother is acting like this new person I've never met before. Would that mean the guys are all mean and stuck up jerks? If that's the case, I might as well move away again.
When I reach the bottom step, I can faintly hear people talking. I follow the voices and I find myself up against the wall, peeking over into the dining room. 
I glance in and from my view, I see the back of someone's head and Chanyeol. They're talking and it seems pretty serious.
At first, I can't tell who the person is because Chanyeol is speaking quietly and the other person keeps their mouth shut. Once Chanyeol stops his speaking, the other person talks and it's as if my heart decides to stop right then and there.
"What do you mean Chanyee came back?" He asked quickly and stared at Chanyeol.
"Shhh! She's upstairs, don't let her hear you." Chanyeol says and puts a finger to his lips. "I just needed to tell you because I know you've been waiting for her."
"Well what do I do now? She's here and from what you're saying, she back to her cheerful self." He sighs and leans back on his chair. "I just got through her cold side and know she's this new person with smiles like how it was years ago."
I walk away before my knees can collapse. My legs bring me upstairs and into my room. I slowly and quietly close the door, making sure it seems like I never took a step out of this mess, that is my room.
Jongin.. Was he really just there, only a few feet away from me? No, stop dreaming about him Chanyee. You're a new woman now. You can't think about him anymore.
After much complications, I got myself ready to go out tonight. 
In my heels and light pink dress, I check my image in the mirror one last time. The bags under my eyes are visible and my eyes are still a bit puffy from crying. My hair is put into a bun and a flower clip keeps it up. I decided to keep it simple because that's who I am now, simple and cute Chanyee.
I walk out of my room and I slowly and quietly close my door. Walking down the steps, I try not to make any noise that would disturb Chanyeol. 
When I make it to the front door, I see that Chanyeol's keys aren't on the table and his shoes are gone... So that means he left me home alone without my knowledge? Gee, what a thoughtful brother.
I sigh and take my own keys out from my bag and leave the place. Fortunately, the house key is the same as before I left, so I can leave the house.
I take the bus and sit by the window in the middle of the bus. The memories of riding down this street all come to me in a flash. I look around the bus and I can see the past. 
There's me when I sat in the back corner, looking outside crying the day that Chanyeol was in the hospital.
There I am again, sitting in the front seat with my headphones on, ignoring the twelve boys that were talking loudly in the back.
Lastly, in the seats across the aisle from me, I can see myself sitting there alone, and him.. Sitting next to me.
The bus jerks to a stop and I look around to see that I've made it to my destination. As I step out, I thank the bus driver and make my way out of the bus. 
Blasting music welcomes my ears and I cringe at the smell of alcohol that is making it's way all the way out into the street. I take my phone and call the one and only, Gina.
"Hello?" She yells into the phone.
"Uh.. Gina?" I mumble.
"This is her. Who is this?" She yells over the phone, once again.
"Just come outside." I yell back and cut the call.
Gina doesn't know I'm outside of the club, or that I'm even back in Korea. I cut off all ties to people I knew back here and just focus on finishing school in America.
I walk up to the doors of the flashy club and two buff men stand in front of the door, making sure no one tries to enter without a pass.
When I hear Gina's familiar voice, my ears perk up and I look into the doors. A clumsy Gina stumbles out and makes eye contact with me. 
She freezes and pinches herself before walking closer to me and feels my face.
"Is this real? Are you really Chanyee or am I dreaming again?" Gina asks with a slur in her voice.
"It's really me!" I smile and wave to her. "Hi Gina, miss me?"
A tear falls from her eyes and she runs over to me and indulges me into a warm hug.
"Lets go inside and talk. I need to show you something." She smiles and wipes her eyes.
"Alright..." I smile back and follow her, not knowing what was going to happen in the next few moments.
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Mar007 #1
Chapter 26: Hey author-nim... ur story are great.. hope you'll update soon..
Exo_Fighting #2
Chapter 24: Omg Jongin why ya be stalking?
K_Junghwa #3
hey author-nim are u chinese? ^^
Chapter 22: Awwww update please !!! ♥
oohlina #5
Chapter 22: this chapter ♥ yaas <3 kai ahh .
amazing . i really like this fanfic (:
cant wait for the next updates .
ryokoh #6
Exo_Fighting #7
Chapter 21: hmmm I am sooo curious about gina
Chapter 21: dufuq? ok... The hell is happening??
Bassplayer #9
Chapter 21: What the heck is happening?
sootaehyo #10
Chapter 20: what is gina plotting oh my gosh she's scary and to think she's chanyee's good friend. why is chanyeol and the boys becoming like that? poor chanyee T A T