
When Kai Breaks The Ice Princess


Chanyee is now pacing home with tears rushing down her face. She didn't exactly know where she was going but with fuzzy vision, she would've gotten lost anyways.
After her small moment with Jongin, she realized how difficult life is going to be leaving Korea. 
She found a bus stop and sat on the bench, waiting for the next bus to hurry and come. 
In her pocket, she felt her phone buzz for the nth time since she ran out of the dance studio. Looking around, she found no one so she decided to pick it up. She put the phone next to her ear and let out a long breath.
"Hello? Chanyee?" Jongin spoke from the other side of the call.
Chanyee pressed her lips together and sniffled. She regretted picking up the call. His voice just made her want to break down even more. It made her want to stay.
"Chanyee! Where are you? Why did you leave?" He hurriedly asked.
"I'm sorry..." Chanyee whispered before disconnecting the call.
I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket. It kept buzzing and it was really bothering me.
Why can't Jongin just stop being so.... Him?
Looking around, I see no cars nor people around. Strange, but it's a nice feeling to be alone.
I take my phone back out and silence it. Going to my messages, I quickly text Chanyeol that I'm on the way home.
He must be wondering where I am. It's already 8pm. I don't know how time could pass so easily, but it did and I didn't want that, I wanted time to slow down. Just for today.
I hear the sound of an engine heading my way and looking up, I see two bright lights, which is hopefully the bus.
I stuff my phone back into my pocket and stand up. As the mysterious lights came closer, I could see that it wasn't a bus, but a car.
Not any car, a smooth red Ferrari that zoomed down the street and stopped in front of me. From the drivers side, out came an angry and disappointed looking Kai. I looked to the ground, trying to look away.
He walked up to me but kept his distance. We were only a foot away but I still wanted to try and make a run for it.
We stood there, silent for a minute or two before I decided to look into his eyes. It surprised me to see that he was looking straight at me, almost like he watched me the whole time.
He carefully lifted his hand and placed it on my shoulder, making sure I wasn't going to go anywhere. At the feel of his touch, I flinched and turned my attention to the ground again.
"Chanyee, look at me." Kai commanded. I did what I was told and looked into his eyes.
He pulled up my chin like he did not just too long ago. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his.
"What's wrong?" Kai silently whispered.
I shook my head and shut my mouth, indicating that I wasn't going to talk about it. This made him sigh and release his grip from me.
"Let's go. Ill take you home." Kai offered. 
He took my hand and led me into the passenger seat. He took the drivers seat of course and we were headed on our way.
I checked my phone and sighed. It was a short text from Chanyee telling me that she'd be home soon.
My grip on the piece of paper in my hand tightened. I looked at the ticket once more with tears in my eyes.
'Flight from Seoul to New York'
The date for this ticket to be used is tomorrow and I didn't know about this. I sighed and placed the thin sheet back into her pillow case, where she keeps all her secret belongings.
I walked downstairs and waited for her to return home for the last day until she decides to come back. I'm fine with her leaving if she really wants to, but I'm truthfully going to miss her.
She's my little sister, my mini version of me but a girl and... Quiet. She wasn't always quiet. Matter of fact, she was once just like me. The happy virus that was all smiles and now... I don't even her a peep from her if she isn't forced to speak.
I felt a tear fall from my eyes and i slowly wiped it away. The memories of my little munchkin are all gone and now my grown sister is leaving.
I just hope she'll come back one day. Not just her, but her old self. The one everybody loved.
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Mar007 #1
Chapter 26: Hey author-nim... ur story are great.. hope you'll update soon..
Exo_Fighting #2
Chapter 24: Omg Jongin why ya be stalking?
K_Junghwa #3
hey author-nim are u chinese? ^^
Chapter 22: Awwww update please !!! ♥
oohlina #5
Chapter 22: this chapter ♥ yaas <3 kai ahh .
amazing . i really like this fanfic (:
cant wait for the next updates .
ryokoh #6
Exo_Fighting #7
Chapter 21: hmmm I am sooo curious about gina
Chapter 21: dufuq? ok... The hell is happening??
Bassplayer #9
Chapter 21: What the heck is happening?
sootaehyo #10
Chapter 20: what is gina plotting oh my gosh she's scary and to think she's chanyee's good friend. why is chanyeol and the boys becoming like that? poor chanyee T A T