It's Date Time!

Dear President!







Dongho was walking towards the school gate. The bell just rang and he wanted to go to theme park as soon as possible. He stood in front of the gate waiting for a bus. Suddenly, a car stopped right in front of him. Soohyun went out and grabbed Dongho by force.


"What the....?" Before Dongho finished his sentence, he was forced to enter Soohyun'car. Soohyun strapped him with seatbelt at the passenger side and closed the door quickly. He then went to the driver side. He entered and started driving without even putting his seatbelt on.


"Where are you taking me?" Dongho asked, eyeing the needle passing 60km/hour. His teacher is going crazy. He thought to himself.


"I'm taking you out on a date, of course!" Soohyun smiled. Dongho bit his lip. Date? What date? He never promised Soohyun a date. What about his ticket? It would be a waste. Kevin will get mad at him.


"Stop the car right now! I don't want to go out on a date with you!" He yelled. Dongho wanted to unstrap himself from the seatbelt but he was too scared with Soohyun's maniac driving.


"Stop the car? I don't think so. You are going to run away as soon as the car is stopped. I won't let that happen." Soohyun winked at Dongho. Dongho sighed. He had to find a way to free himself. He looked at Soohyun.


"Mr Soohyun, can you please stop the car?" He asked in a cute way. Dongho even did the puppy eyes. Soohyun pinched Dongho's cheek with one of his hand while the other hand was holding the stereng.


"That's cute but I'm not going to stop the car." Dongho groaned. He looked at Soohyun again.


"STOP THE CAR NOW!" He shouted. Soohyun shook his head. Dongho kept on cursing at him the whole journey and Soohyun just listened to them with a smile on his face.


The car finally slowed down when they reached the parking lot of theme park. Dongho was clueless. How did Soohyun know that he wanted to go to the theme park? Not to mention it was the same theme park that Kevin gave the ticket to him. His mind was in confused state. Soohyun parked his car and went out to open the door for Dongho. Dongho unstrapped himself and ready to dash out from the car and away from Soohyun. Soohyun opened the door and leaned inside.


"I know what is in your mind. Don't even dream about it. I would carry you to avoid you from getting away." Soohyun threatened. Dongho gulped. His only chance of getting away faded away.


"Fine, I won't run away." Dongho lied. He will run away soon. Very soon. Soohyun smiled. He went out and let Dongho got down from the car. They walked next to each other to the entrance of the theme park. There was a girl waiting to collect tickets from passengers. Dongho smiled.


"Happy Valentine! Welcome to Rainbow Theme Park!" The girl greeted both of them. Dongho was sure Soohyun did not have any ticket with him. He presented the girl with his ticket and stuck out his tongue at Soohyun.


"See ya!" He said, passing the girl easily. He walked, knowing that Soohyun is going to be stuck behind the long line of passengers at the counter.


"Where do you think you're going?" Soohyun asked, holding his arm. Dongho was surprised.


"How did you get in?" He asked.


"I have my ticket with me. Kevin gave it at school earlier this morning." Dongho heard Kevin's name. He bit his lower lip. No wonder Kevin was looking for him. He was in this together with Soohyun. He cursed at Kevin in his heart.


"What did you give to Kevin as his bribe for making me go out on an awfully date with you?" Dongho asked with disgusted tone.


"He was the one who bribed me. I'm completely innocent." Soohyun made an innocent face to cool Dongho. He did not fall for it.


"Innocent? Not to me." Dongho said going to the rollercoaster station. The queue was long. He lined up alone. Soohyun was gone before he arrived at the station.


"Here you go," Soohyun gave Dongho an ice-cream. He was next to Dongho already. Dongho looked at him with suspicious eyes.


"Don't worry, I did not put any poison in it. No even a sleeping pill. It's fresh from the shop." Dongho took it. He slowly, not saying anything to Soohyun.


"I knew it is going to be a long line. So, it's nice to have ice-cream." Soohyun kept on talking to quiet Dongho. Finally, it was their turn. Dongho was excited to ride the rollercoaster but not for Soohyun. The whole ride was full with Dongho'screams. When they got down from the ride, Soohyun's face was green.


"Are you okay?" Dongho asked, worrying Soohyun's condition. Soohyun just shook his head.


"Can you walk?" Dongho asked again and he received a little nod from Soohyun. They walked slowly to the nearest bench with Dongho holding Soohyun's hand. They sat on the bench next to each other.


"I think I need to lie down." Soohyun said in a weak voice. The bench was not long enough for Soohyun to lie. The only way that is possible was to let Soohyun's head on his lap. Dongho sighed.


"Go ahead and put your head on my lap." Soohyun gently placed his head on Dongho's lap. He wanted so much to smile but Dongho will figure out he was faking his sickness. So, he pretended to be sick and asleep. Dongho's phone rang. He quickly answered it before Soohyun awake.


"Yes, Eli hyung. What is it?" Dongho asked in lazy voice.


"Kevin is crying because someone stole his first kiss. We don't know what else to do."


"Yah! Don't bother him!" Dongho heard Kevin's voice.


"Bye Dongho." The call ended immediately. He looked at Soohyun who was pretending to sleep. Dongho played Soohyun's hair lightly, trying not to awake him.


"I know I treat you badly. I have too because I don't know how to react around you. I'm jealous with Kevin. Everyone likes him even you. Do you know how much I like you? But I can't confess to you because you like Kevin." Dongho's voice was sad. Soohyun who heard it almost want to open his eyes and tell Dongho how he felt.


"I guess I need to thank Kevin for giving me that ticket." Soohyun almost chuckled. Ten minutes passes. Soohyun slowly opened his eyes.


"How long has I been sleeping?" He asked, hiding the fact that he did not sleep at all.


"Half an hour. Are you really okay? We can end this date now, you know."


"I'm okay, let's go on another rollercoaster ride." Soohyun was excited.


"Maybe we should stay away from that." Dongho advised. Soohyun just smiled, agreeing with him. His head was still on Dongho's lap.


"Are you blushing?" Soohyun asked, seeing Dongho's cheek turned red.


"NO! Get your head off my lap!" Soohyun laughed. He lifted his head and sat in a proper way.


They went around the theme park trying all different kind of games and ride. Soohyun even bought cotton candy and shared with Dongho eventhough Dongho said he hate sweet stuffs. At the end, it was Dongho who finished the cotton candy. Soohyun also earned a big teddy bear as big as Dongho when he winned the dart game. He gave to Dongho. Dongho received it with a smile in his heart. He was cursing at Soohyun for giving him teddy bear. It was almost 6.30 pm. They went to their last ride. The Ferris Wheel.


"Dongho, do you know this legend?" Soohyun asked when they were in a carriage going almost to the top of the Ferris Wheel.


"What legend?" Dongho asked, trying to hide his wild beating heart.


"If someone kiss his partner exactly at 6.30 pm on top of the Ferris Wheel, they  will be soulmate forever." 


"Ooh." Dongho looked at his watch. 6.28pm.


"Just Ooh?" Soohyun teased Dongho.


"Aah." The carriage is at the top of Ferris Wheel now. 


"Just Aah?" 6.29 pm.


"I..." A kiss landed on Dongho lips. It was exactly 6.30pm. Soohyun grinned.


"Now, you are my soulmate forever. Yay!"


"What? I hate you! I don't want to date you!" Dongho shouted, trying to hide his red cheek.


"I don't care. You are my soulmate forever." Soohyun sang love song.


"Shut up! I hate you!"







I did promise you an update in less than 48 hours right?? ^^

I don't want to say too much...

You guys might run away from me if I say too much... T_T

So next chapter will be updated soon...

Till then, have some cotton candy from Soohyun... *please hide it if you see Dongho*

Stay tuned!







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IllyaEmyra #1
Chapter 7: @Robiahmarumir Thank you for your comments....I really appreciate it....
Robiahmarumir #2
Chapter 7: Kevin love hyung jun ? Aiiist ...
I wish kevin can love kibum
Robiahmarumir #3
Chapter 6: Hahahahaa ... Really fun.. Kibum get kiss again.. ..
Robiahmarumir #4
Chapter 2: Kibum why you so stupied ?? ..make kevin angry ! Aisst #hugkevin
Robiahmarumir #5
Chapter 1: Hy .. This fic so fun. Hahaha... Kevin so sad but cute^^
Chapter 6: Hello, this is a really cute story so please do continue!
Kibum sure is a snarky little boy! It's like I'm watching them in pre-school where Kibum can't help but tease poor little Kevin!
He's so cute and funny in this, can't wait for more :D!

Haha and all the lovebirds around Kevin, almost waiting for him to join the league XD
Glad Dongho and Soohyun's love story worked out! Was wondering why Dongho was so cold to Soohyun ;~~; XD
ale_liz #7
Chapter 6: Yay, Hoon is KiBum's Friend :3!! I really wonder how could be his relationship if they were in U-Kiss at the same time, you know, with their personalities, is interesting xD
and Yay!! thanks for the cute 2shin <3DongHo being harsh with SH only because he likes him and believed that SH liked Kevin, and SH at the end with his 6:30pm legend <33
and our Kemaru <33 I wasn't expecting that kiss o.o but well done Bummie, although you're driving Kevin insane, he eventually will fall for you, you two are meant to be <3
I know, long comment! sorry~
anyway, I will wait for the next chapter :3
ale_liz #8
Chapter 3: waa I really like it,
Kemaru <3
2shin <3
looking forward the next chapter ^^
IllyaEmyra #9
Chapter 1: I will update soon!!! Stay tuned ok~